Partticip P pan nt In nforrma atio on She S et 31st Mayy , 2011 Project Title Going U Up? Career progress of fe emale genera al staff acros ss New Zeala and universitties An Invittation My name is Kate Winn and I am currently un dertaking a Master M of Bu usiness at AU UT University y. As part o of my thesis I am writing to invite you u to participatte in a volunttary researchh project. The aim m of this stud dy is to exam mine potentia al helpful an nd hindering factors that female general staff may exp perience as part p of their career c journe ey within the higher education environnment. The stud dy will investtigate: • •
Identifica ation of career motiva ators held by b general staff womeen in New Zealand universitties Whetherr New Zealand general sstaff women experience e ‘s subjective disscrimination’
se of this res search? What is the purpos The role e of the gene eral staff is an a important element in the t successfful running off universities s and not enough research ha as been con nducted with hin this area a particularly y regarding career path hs. This project p provides the opportunity to contribute e to our bettter understan nding of the thoughts an nd role of female g general staff and their ca areers and prrovide the Higher Education sector w with an overa all picture of the cu urrent situatiion. The fina al report will be submitted for assess sment for thee Master of Business from AU UT university and a copy of o the thesis will be accessible online e through thee AUT library y. as I identified and why am a I being in articipate in this researcch? nvited to pa How wa The Gen neral Staff Sector S Group p of TEU (Te ertiary Educa ation Union) has endorseed the sendin ng of this invitation n on behalf of the resea archers to a ll female ge eneral staff TEU T membeers on their database d working in a general staff role at a New Zeala and universitty. n this research? What w ill happen in Your pa articipation in n the study will w involve tthe fulfilmentt of an online questionnaaire that sho ould take you approximately 20 minutes to o complete. What arre the discomforts and risks? There are no known n risks for th he participatio on in this study and eac ch participannt may withdraw their participa ation from the e study at an ny time beforre completing g the survey.. What arre the beneffits? In addition to contrributing towa ard a qualifi cation for th he researcher, participaating in the research project w will benefit participants p by b adding to o the sparse e literature on the caree r progress of o female general staff. It is ho oped that the e questionna aire will identtify areas forr future reseaarch and sta aff career progresssion/advice departments d within tertiarry institutions s.
How will my privacy be protected? All information given will be anonymous. The researchers’ online questionnaire has been configured not to save IP or email addresses in any form. Questionnaire data will be stored securely in the project supervisor’s office at the AUT city campus and will be deleted at the end of six years. No individual will be able to be identified in any resulting publications or conference presentations. What are the costs of participating in this research? The main cost to participants will be the time taken in order to complete the questionnaire (approximately 20 minutes). What opportunity do I have to consider this invitation? While participation in the project is voluntary, it would be appreciated if you could complete the questionnaire using the link given in the introduction email by the 31st of July, 2011. How do I agree to participate in this research? By clicking on the questionnaire link in the invitation email and completing the questionnaire using the “submit” button at the end you have agreed to participate in the project. Will I receive feedback on the results of this research? A summary of the findings will be available on request from TEU or the researchers. What do I do if I have concerns about this research? Any concerns regarding the nature of this project should be notified in the first instance to the Project Supervisor, Professor Judith Pringle,, 921 9999. Concerns regarding the conduct of the research should be notified to the Executive Secretary, AUTEC, Madeline Banda, , 921 9999 ext 8044. Whom do I contact for further information about this research? Researcher Contact Details: Kate Winn,, 027 361 4015. Project Supervisor Contact Details: Professor Judith Pringle,, 921 9999 Approved by the Auckland University of Technology Ethics Committee 30th May, 2011 final ethics approval was granted, AUTEC Reference number 11/74