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Mirjam Guesgen, VetScript Editor

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MAY 2020 • VOL 33 • NO 4 ISSN 1170-280X


COVER IMAGE Leaders in (and off) the field. ( IMAGE: KEVIN BILLS )

VetScript is published monthly (except January) by the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) as a service to its members.

EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Bette Flagler M: 021 956 122 E: bette.flagler@vets.org.nz

EDITOR Mirjam Guesgen M: 022 099 7734 E: vetscript@vets.org.nz

ADVERTISING MANAGER Tony Leggett T: 06 280 3162 M: 027 4746 093 E: tony.leggett@nzfarmlife.co.nz

CLASSIFIEDS ADMINISTRATOR E: classifieds@vets.org.nz

ART DIRECTOR Amanda Trayes

NZVA OFFICE Level 2, 44 Victoria Street Wellington Central PO Box 11212, Manners Street Wellington 6142, New Zealand T: 04 471 0484 F: 04 471 0494 E: nzva@vets.org.nz www.nzva.org.nz

NZVA BOARD Independent chair: Flora Gilkison President: Grant McCullough Members: Peter Blaikie, Mark Bryan, Kate Hill, Cath Watson

DISCLAIMER VetScript is published by the New Zealand Veterinary Association Incorporated (NZVA). The views expressed in the articles and letters do not necessarily represent those of the NZVA or the editor and neither the NZVA nor the editor endorses any products or services advertised. The NZVA is not the source of the information reproduced in this publication and has not independently verified the truth of the information. It does not accept legal responsibility for the truth or accuracy of the information contained herein. Neither the NZVA nor the editor accepts any liability whatsoever for the contents of this publication or for any consequences that may result from the use of any information contained herein or advice given herein. This provision is intended to exclude the NZVA, the editor and its staff from all liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence in the publication or reproduction of the material set out herein. The entire content of VetScript is copyrighted by the NZVA. VetScript is produced for NZVA members and approved subscribers only. No material from this publication may be reproduced in any form, or quoted from either directly or indirectly in other media, without the permission of the editor.

Leadership – a great enabler

VetScript Editor Mirjam Guesgen finds both reassurance and pride in New Zealand’s leadership.

NEW ZEALAND TRULY is a world leader. I say that earnestly and not in a public relations kind of way.

Kiwis exemplify what I think makes a great leader. There’s the Number 8 Wire quality that drives us to innovate and create. We also recognise, for the most part, that things change. And we want to be the ones who push forward into new ways of working (see the future farming feature in our last issue) and living (I can only imagine what was going through AJ Hackett’s mind when he tested his first commercial bungy cord by jumping off the Eiffel Tower!).

But it’s not just about pushing ahead, leaving others in the dust. Kiwi leaders act with the best interests of others at heart. They band together, bringing others into their fold.

We’ve faced some challenging times in the past year – in fact ‘challenging’ is probably an understatement. The 15 March mosque attack, the disaster at Whakaari/White Island and now COVID-19 have truly put our mettle to the test. I was overseas when the events of 15 March and 9 December transpired, but I immediately felt the pull to support my fellow Kiwis and New Zealand visitors. Now, as I write this in the midst of COVID-19 Alert Level 4, the main emotion I feel is comradery.

When I go for my daily walk around the block, I don’t see empty streets or desolation. I see teddy bears in the windows for kids walking by, I see slips of paper in people’s letterboxes offering assistance, and I see people waving from their houses or from across the road. I get a sense of determination to beat this thing and do what I need to do to make that happen. Without getting too political, I think the decisive leadership of our Prime Minister should be commended.

In this month’s issue of VetScript, we meet three leaders in the veterinary profession: Rachael Fouhy, part-time mixed animal veterinarian; Shalsee Vigeant, part owner, manager and veterinarian at Auckland’s Animal Emergency Centre; and Wendi Roe, Deputy Head of School at Massey University’s School of Veterinary Science. They tell us what helped them to get to where they are today; I particularly like Rachael’s comment about maintaining a sense of optimism and being prepared to give things a go.

We also visit some of the latest clinics to become BESTPRACTICE accredited. They’re part of two veterinary groups that are leading the way in getting all their member clinics accredited. The accreditation system is a way for practices to ensure they meet the highest standards of veterinary care in everything from medical and nursing practice to diagnostics, safety procedures, facilities, staff support and CPD.

Finally, I want to thank the NZVA and everyone who helped make this issue. Publishing this magazine has always been, and continues to be, a team effort but this month that was even more apparent. To those of you who supplied photographs and responded to our emails when the world seemed to be turned upside down, I am grateful. Well done too to the NZVA national office team, who have kept the membership and me informed throughout this turbulent time.

Month on month we see leaders on the pages of VetScript, and day by day I see them in our community.

He waka eke noa. We’re all in this together.

Mirjam Guesgen, Editor, VetScript


By exploring more possibilities, looking at things from different perspectives and asking more questions, we at Vetoquinol have been able to create world-leading medicines and treatments for generations.

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