1 minute read
Sacha Zala
from Thomas Bernauer, Katja Gentinetta, Joëlle Kuntz (Hg.): A Swiss Foreign Policy for the 21st Century
by NZZ Libro
Switzerland is facing critical foreign policy challenges. Its relationship with the EU is still unsettled, the geopolitical landscape is changing rapidly, and technological innovation brings additional dynamics into play. This book provides a forward-looking guide for all those concerned with Swiss foreign policy issues, and an overview of Swiss foreign policy along its key areas. It deals with foreign trade, international financial markets, migration, environmental policy, humanitarian cooperation, peace promotion and security policy, and more. The contributions are written by academics and practicioners. They shed light on the respective global or regional context in which Switzerland’s foreign policy operates, and analyze achievements, challenges, opportunities, and risks as well as potential ways forward. Commissioned by the Swiss Association for Foreign Policy.
With forewords by Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis and National Councillor Christa Markwalder, President of the Swiss Association for Foreign Policy, and contributions by: Thomas Bernauer, Fritz Brugger, Aymo Brunetti, Gilles Carbonnier, Cédric Dupont, Katja Gentinetta, Isabel Günther, Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Joëlle Kuntz, Sandra Lavenex, Philipp Lutz, Matthias Oesch, Pascal Sciarini, Charlotte Sieber-Gasser, Cédric Tille, Fabio Wasserfallen, Andreas Wenger, Achim Wennmann, Sacha Zala.
ISBN 978-3-907291-84-9
9 783907 291849 www.nzz-libro.ch www.nzz-libro.de
SGA | ASPE Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Aussenpolitik Associazione svizzera di politica estera Association suisse de politique étrangère