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Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service


Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) monitors and forecasts the composition of the atmosphere, air quality, ozone layer concentrations, solar radiation and emissions. Data about the atmosphere has practical applications for energy, health and transport sectors to name just a few.


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The service can answer questions such as ‘What kind of air will the inhabitants of Europe breathe tomorrow? Will the smoke from forecast fires in Canada affect the air quality in Europe? What is the optimal location for my solar panel farm?’ For more information please visit:

Copernicus Forecasting air quality using a constellation of satellites and a host of sensors on land, in our oceans and in the air.

Copernicus Climate Change Service


Copernicus Climate Change Service The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) uses Copernicus’ cutting edge satellite data as well as a century of instrumental records to monitor and analyse the earth’s climate to make seasonal forecasts and climate predictions. C3S holds records of temperatures, rainfall, and drought; accounts of rising temperatures, rising seas, and dwindling ice sheets.


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C3S monitors climate change as it occurs and predicts future effects. The service can help many, including policy makers, local planners and water managers to prepare for, respond and adapt to the effects of climate change in areas such as environmental management, agriculture and the infrastructure of our towns and cities. For more information please visit:

ECMWF For use by policy makers and public authorities, businesses and scientists alike. Anyone may access it at no cost.

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