An OABM worldwide magazine
July - Nov- 2012
Premier Lady
Rev. Sandra Owusu-Ansah
Praise Valley Temple West Burgemeester Fockstraat 85 [ Slotermeerschool ]
Pastor Bobby
Pastor Clara
CHURCH SERVICE FRIDAY 19:00 - 21:00 SUNDAY 11:00 - 13:00
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rotocol Officers are the people that welcomes the members and visitors before church service. Further more , they make sure that there’s order during the service. Depending on who the visitors are and where they are from, the role of the protocol officers differs.
Syvernus Williams Creative director/Designer
Augustina Osei
Assistant creative director/editor
Prince Ice Co-ordinator
Anthony Yao Acquah Chief editor
Blessing Ejiofor Assistant secretary
Dr. Sharda Ramdin Health director
H Wilfred Akrasi Production assistant
oly convocation. This is a gathering of the OABM family of churches and ministries for refreshing, strengthing and direction. It is an annual congregation. It used to be organised in the second week of September each year but was changed to conform with scripture which instructed Isreal to gather for Holy Convocation in the first week of the seventh month leviticus chapter 23 verse 23 and the Lord speak unto Moses, saying, speak unto the children of Isreal, saying, in the seventh month, in the first day of the month shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, and Holy Convocation. It is a celebration of life vission and purpose. This year marks the fiftheenth year of our celebration of Holy Convocation.
The 10 Spirits of OABM Integrity
But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, selfcontrolled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be selfcontrolled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.
My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding
Prayer and Power
And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
But Ruth said, Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.
Fear of the Lord
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. ...
Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Jabez was more honorable than his brothers; and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bore him in pain. Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain! And God granted what he asked.
EXCELLENCE Address: Verrijn Stuartweg 24b 1112 AX Diemen T: 020 4101252 F: 020 4101254 Info:www.oabmworldwide.org K.v.K: 41213865 Bishop O. A Bernard President Rev. Sandra Owusu -Ansah Executive director Anthony Yao Acquah Production manager/ Chief editor Syvernus Williams Creative director/Designer Prince Ice Co-ordinator Dr. Sharda Ramdin Health director Augustina Osei Assistant creative director/editor Abena Pokua Secretary Blessing Ejiofor Assistant secretary Wilfred Akrasi Production assistant Excellence magazine is a production of OABM worldwide
Peace In The Mist Of The Storm
By Bishop O.A. Bernard
ark clouds cascade over our cities and families like the water cover the sea. It is almost terriffying to turn on the news, because indeed, no news is good news. Death and decay we find in all we see; failing financial institutions, rising prices, disobedient and rebellious children, depression and stress related sicknesses have become a part and parcel of our every day life. Sorry, if I seem to be painting a picture of doom and gloom, but this is hard reality. The other day I heared of a 12 year old boy who commited suicide. This was unheard of. I don’t think I want to bore you with stories of every day happenings. I am reminded of the scripture in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2, which paints a picture of chaos and anarchy. There are words as dark, void and deformity and yet, it ends with the fact that the spirit of God hovered upon the face of the deep. That thing that had to be taken for utter distruction to be completed, was protected and guided by the Spirit of God. That is my hope inspite of all the troubles and difficulties of life in our cities, our homes, our schools and work places. There is a force that is holding all things in place and preventing utter distruction and that is the Spirit of God. I cast my mind on Jesus in the boat with His disciples; the storm was raging, the winds were boisterous and it seemed the sea would devour them, but Jesus addressed these conditions and called them; peace. He said, ‘Peace be still’. To look at these conditions and refer to them as peace is an oxymorone. Jesus knew that trouble was not real, but was just shaking misplace and misappropriated peace. Trouble is an awkward form of peace. It is shaking peace and once is stills we experience perfect peace in this dark world of sin. The presence of God, the Spirit of God and the blood of Jesus whispers peace within. Think about this song “Abide with me fast fall the evening tide The darkness deepings lord with me abide When other helpers fail and comfort flee help of the helpless abide with me Hold thou thy cross before my closing eye Help through the gloom and point me to the skies death and decay in all around i see Oh thou that changeth not abide with me.
Excellence Magazine would appreciate the input of it faithful readers. For comments, suggestions and contributions, please visit us on our website, www.oabmworldwide.org
Sickle Cell Disease By Dr. Thom van der Klok
met Mary in the hospital for the first time, when she was very ill and suffered a lot of pain. She is 18 years old and has to be hospitalized once in a while when she has a “crisis”. She has what is called “sickle cell disease”, also known as “sickle cell anemia”. Her parents come from Ghana, and according to her, that has everything to do with her disease. Maybe some people who read this article already have heard from sickle cell disease (I will call it SCD from now on), especially the people who originate from Western African countries, like Ghana or Nigeria. SCD is most common in these areas, but it’s also present in the areas where many people of Western African descent live, like the United States, the Caribbean, South America - and off course the Netherlands. This makes clear that the disease has a genetic cause and is inheritable. I will discuss the genetic background later, first I’ll try to explain the disease itself.
Sickle cell disease – what is it? Sickle cell disease is called this way because of the abnormal form of red blood cells in patients who suffer from it. The red blood cells transport oxygen (“fresh air”) from the lungs where it enters the body, to the tissues and organs
that need it to function; the muscles, brain, heart and every single cell in the body. Normal red blood cells are round, sickle cells have the shape of a sickle – a tool used to harvest grain – or a crescent. Not all the red blood cells of SCD patients are sickle shaped, and they originate from normal round red blood cells that have “sickled” into sickle cells. This happens when there is very low oxygen in the environment of the cell which makes molecules of hemoglobin polymerize (very small parts of the cells stick together), after which the cell changes shape. This can happen when there is not enough oxygen available, like on high altitudes (on mountains) where the air contains less oxygen. On the other hand, if the body demands more oxygen, as with intensive sporting, there can also be sickling of the cells. Other circumstances that can cause sickling are infectious disease and dehydration (loss of fluid) Once the red blood cells have sickled, they cannot perform their normal duty, which is bringing oxygen to the organs and tissues. Because of their abnormal shape they can easily be damaged and clot together in the small blood vessels. Here they can form clots (thrombi) and infarcts. This can cause intense pain and cause damage to the organs wherever this happens. The pain episodes, which can occur regularly, are called “sickle cell crises”. The first SCD symptoms are seen in young children in most of the cases. It can start with painful hands and feet, as a sign that there is clotting of blood inside the small blood vessels.
As people get older, more and more damage is done, as can be seen in different organs, like infarction of the heart, kidneys or brain. The spleen that filters out abnormal red blood cells, can be overloaded with these abnormal cells, plus get infarctions due to clotting of blood. The spleen usually gets enlarged or fibrotic and dysfunctional. Because of sickling of normal cells that get filtered out, there is loss of normal circulating red blood cells, resulting in anemia. People can suffer from extreme fatigue or dizziness because of this. Another name for SCD, as I mentioned before, is sickle cell anemia. Now it’s clear why. Because of the anemia, the blood production is upgraded in the bone marrow, which can lead to pain in the bones because of this. Something about the background of SCD As all diseases have arisen since our fall in Adam, SCD can be a striking evidence that we all bear the curse that came upon the human race that day. Only through rebirth and conversion to God in His Son Jesus Christ, man can escape his fate and be saved for eternity. But we all carry the signs of the fall, as we can suffer from diseases and temporary death we all have to undergo. SCD has been passed from generation to generation, for hundreds, maybe some thousands of years. It is an inherited disease, caused by a mutation in one of the genes coding for a part of hemoglobin (the protein that makes oxygenated blood cells red). A mutation is a change in our genetic material, and happened sometime in one of our ancestors, who passed it on to their children, grandchildren and so on. A person needs to have two defect copies
of this gene in order to get SCD; one from each parent. Most of the times, the parents have just one defect copy and the other one is normal. In that case someone is called a healthy carrier; he/ she carries the defect gene but doesn’t get sick. In this case the person has “sickle cell trait”. The normal gene takes over the task of the defect gene, so that there is almost the same blood as in people with two normal genes. Actually it’s just slightly different and when you would look at their blood, there will be some sickle cells too! But it is much less than in people with SCD. In fact there is a major benefit for the carriers (while having two defect copies is dangerous): they’re less vulnerable for malaria since the malaria parasite has difficulties surviving in sickle cells. Only in places where malaria is a big problem, the healthy carriers have more chance of surviving because of this than the people with two normal copies, who are not protected for malaria. In some countries in Western Africa, about 30% of the population is a healthy carrier for the SCD gene, because a lot of people died of malaria in the past and only the SCD carriers survived. A healthy SCD carrier has 1/2 chance to pass on the defect gene to his children. When he/she marries another carrier, both have 1/2 chance of passing it on, together 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 of their children will be affected with SCD, that is 25%. That’s why it’s very important to know whether someone is SCD carrier or not. I will come back to that later on. What can we do about SCD? As you can see, SCD is a very serious, life-threatening disease. In the centuries before us, people with this disease would
die at a young age, frequently at infancy. Nowadays treatment in developed countries is improved, although people with SCD still die younger than people not affected. Patients might need analgesics for a longer period because of the painful episodes they suffer. They may need prophylactic antibiotics to prevent infections which could provoke sickle cell crises. If the sickle cell crisis is very serious, one may need hospitalization, like Mary mentioned above. The pain is treated more aggressively and sometimes there is need of blood transfusion. There are also medicines that are supposed to prevent sickle cell crises, like Hydroxyurea, which is said to benefit a lot of people with SCD. There have even been bone marrow transplants, although not frequently used. Unfortunately there is no definite curation of the disease by medical means. As I mentioned before, there are tests available to know whether one has SCD or is a healthy carrier. It’s easily seen in just one drop of blood. Off course there can be more complex variants of the disease, when there is another blood disease as well, but I won’t discuss this here. In the Netherlands, every child that is born is tested for SCD or sickle cell trait a few days after birth. The midwife will take care of that if you are at home, or the doctor in case the child is in the hospital. With that knowledge it’s possible to prevent the birth of children with SCD. The secular doctors will tell you to get genetic counseling; most of the times they will offer prenatal testing of the baby when pregnant, and with positive testing to propose an abortion. If both
parents are carrier, there is 25% chance of getting a baby with SCD. Abortion is impossible for true Christians, so we should think of other ways of prevention. Pre-marriage blood test may be an option. People who want to marry – the only legal circumstance where Christian children should be born – and are both carriers, should think again about getting married to each other, which is a very big sorrow if they want to have children. I myself think the risk to take – 25%- is way too great. They can choose to marry someone else or not to have children of their own (if they are convinced God gives them that option, while He wants families to be fertile and have children). I’ll leave this very, very difficult decision to the people involved. I hope I have made sickle cell disease some more clear to you. There’s much more to be mentioned about it. Off course, everyone is welcome to discuss this item with me, especially the very complex ethical issues involved.
Ghana-Nigeria brainstorm to strengthen ECOWAS Trade Relations
he Ministry of Trade and Industry in collaboration with the World Bank on Monday disclosed that plans to deal with challenges in Ghana and Nigeria trade relations and also outdoor measures to strengthen ECOWAS. Official document from Ministry of Trade available to the Ghana News Agency in Accra indicates that a new World bank report, showed that African countries were losing out on billions of dollars in potential trade earnings every year because of high trade barriers with neighboring countries, and that it was easier for Africa to trade with the rest of the world than with itself. A workshop slated for Accra, this week would identify areas for reform where
By: Femi Akomolafe Nigerian journalist base in Ghana Ghana could engage to lead the regional integration processes in West Africa; take stock of concerns and ideas that could subsequently be presented the note there; and transmit a message from the private sector to the Ghana government, arguing that addressing barriers to intra-regional trade and the lack of implementation of existing agreements in bilateral and regional talks should be a priority. “These high trade barriers lead to regional trade fragmentation, which deprives the continent of new sources of economic growth, new jobs, and sharply falling poverty, factors which accompanied significant trade integration in East Asia and other regions. The cross-border production networks that played an important role to increase economic growth, particularly in East Asia,
have yet to materialize in Africa,� the report stated. It said the conclusions of the report are of particular pertinence for Ghana and the presentation of the report would be complement by recent analysis of the barriers to trade that result from the lack of implementation of ECOWAS commitments in the region. In particular, the presentation will focus on how these barriers impact on ordinary traders in Ghana when trading with Nigeria. The event will also invite the participants to discuss policy responses to address these barriers, simplify and improve transparency of trade procedures in the region, and improve intra-regional collaboration among government agencies that intervene in trade procedures.
Praise Valley Temple Amstelveen
PVT Amstelveen Orion 13 1388 AM Amstelveen (School main entrance) Metro 51 / Bus 199 Bus station: De Brink
Pastor Robert & Beatrice Dogbatse
raise Valley Temple [PVT] Amstelveen Mission is the latest offspring of Bishop O.A. Bernard’s Ministries (OABM Worldwide). The fastest growing multifaceted diaspora churches in The Netherlands and the world at large. PVT Amstelveen Mission began as an allnight service and was transformed into a church in August 2010. From its humble beginnings and its challenging times, the church has become a place of fellowship for people from all walks of life. Our vision is to bring God’s people into His presence, through prayer, praise, worship and preaching the word of God that will bring salvation, hope and deliverance to the body, soul and spirit. We believe in lending a helping hand to all people socially, educationally, medically and spiritually and these spells out our core vision: “THE TOTAL GOSPEL TO THE TOTAL MAN”. We are overwhelmed by the anointing and power of God which releases the miracles, signs, wonders and testimonies around in this place as our motto says: “Our God is an awesome God”. PVT Amstelveen has made it this far due to the organs and leaders in the church. We have the pastor and his wife as head of the church, then we have the deacons/
Tel: 0624139127
deaconesses and ministers who assist the church. The Praise and Worship team has a powerful way of praising God through Western gospel, Afro-music and even a live Suriname gospel band. You can’t resist but dance when you hear those angelic voices sing to their Maker. The Protocol is a very important department in the church which sees to the law and order is the church. The Children’s Department is made up of spirit filled children who have the desire to praise God in their own little way. They contribute through singing, poetry recitals and dancing to make the service a lively one. The youth department is called The Generation of Impact’. This is designed for the youth to have their own special service once a month and talk about all the problems the youth of this generation are facing. They occasionally perform in the church and some of them help in the Children’s Department and also with the Protocol. Active youth right?! That’s what we stand for. The Shekinah Dancers is a group which uses it’s talent to glorify the Lord through worship dance, street dance, etc. Come and worship with us at PVT Amstelveen.
Four-Star General in the Hiplife Army
e was a General in the Hiplife Army. One of the top dogs in contemporary (secular) Ghanaian music; the hottest stage performer and, for a ‘l-o-o-o-n-g’ time, Ghana’s rap heavyweight champion. Who? Lord Kenya, of course! And he has the evidence to prove all the above claims. As a crowd-puller and master performer, Lord Kenya’s name was ‘automatically’ top on the list of artistes, who played at almost all big shows in the Ghanaian/African communities around the world, especially in Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria, England, Germany, Holland, Italy, Canada and the US. Abraham Philip Kojo Akpor Kainya aka Lord Kenya was the first hiplife artiste to win the coveted Artiste of the Year prize at the Ghana Music Awards (GMAs) in the year 2000. He has also won Hiplife Album of the Year twice, Song of the Year (with the hit track, Medo on the Yeesom Sika album, released in 2001); and the Best Rap Artiste, plus several nominations at the GMAs over the last decade. His fine works earned him the Best Ghanaian Rap Music Award at the Anansekrom Festival in Canada in the year 2000. He was also rewarded with a special plaque at “Our Music Awards” fiesta. Kenya’s song, Medo, the title track of his 2001 album, Yeesom Sika, still holds the enviable record of staying 34 straight weeks at the top of the Ghana music chart. These blue-ribbon professional achievements literally threw Lord Kenya
He was a General in the Hiplife Army. One of the top dogs in contemporary (secular) Ghananian music onto the stages of many shows around the world, as he continually held his fans spell-bound with energetic, sweat-soaked performances at top class events such as the M-Net Face of Africa at Sun City, South Africa; Miss Ghana, Miss MalaikaGhana, Anansekrom in Canada, and many other concerts around the globe.
Journey to the ‘Music land It will not be an exaggeration to suggest that Lord Kenya was born with a microphone in his hand. According his father, Mr. Nelson Kainya, young Lord Kenya responded to music by nodding his head or shaking his body anytime he heard a tune. However, the hip-life sensation began rapping and singing seriously just before he celebrated his 17th birthday. This was after he had completed high school at the Kumasi Anglican Secondary School, where he was nicknamed “Babylonia”. In high school, Lord Kenya was more into athletics than music and on the tracks he was a true champion, who swept medals in the school’s 110m hurdles and 400m track events. His late mother, Madam Yaa Boahemaa, a businesswoman from Fumesua, Ashanti and father, Mr. Nelson Kainya also known as Nana Akpor Kainya, a native of SenireNzema; Chief of the Nzema Community in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, and a respected timber merchant wanted Lord Kenya to read law and become a barrister in future. They, therefore, did all they could to discourage him from pursuing a career in music. However during the celebration of his father’s birthday in the mid- 90s, Kenya convinced his parents about his music calling when he took the microphone and literally spewed solid rhythms and rhymes that did not only shock the guests but also kept their feet stomping and their bodies moving to Lord Kenya’s vibes. At that point, Kenya’s father realized that his son’s longing to be a musician was a genuine one.
INTERVIEW He therefore decided to help Lord Kenya to release his first single, Car N’aba, which was recorded at the Kampsite Studios in 1998. He later joined Slip Music in the same year and released his debut album Sika Card, which was also supported by his father. The album instantly became one of the nation’s top hits due to its musical appeal as well as the depth of the lyrics. His fame actually spread like wildfire when he featured on Daasebre Gyamera’s title track, Kokooko, which also became an instant hit because of its fantastic blend of rap and hiplife flavours. From 1998 to date, Lord Kenya has released eight albums; Sika Card, Sika Baa, Yeesom Sikaa, Sika Mpo Nfa Neho, Akasi Ani, Born Again, God Dey and his latest work, Christlife (John 14:6). He usually sang about money because he believed that it ruled the world. His magical and energetic stagecraft endeared him to many event organisers, who made him a part of their shows all year round, bringing him a massive fan base, both home and abroad. He also shared the stage with many great performers like Rex Omar, Reggie Rockstone, Obrafour and indeed, all notable secular musicians in Ghana. Lord Kenya says he loved it when he played for the Ghanaian communities in Maryland and Massachusetts (USA); Tottenham Tempo in London, National Theatre and the International Conference Centre, Accra, as well as when he mounted the stage during street jams and beach parties where the crowd was always thick and electrifying.
Boahemaa Kenya, however died before her third birthday. At home, Lord Kenya loves to settle down to a plate of rice and stew and in his spare time, he enjoys listening to music and observing nature.
Crazy Kenya
he was dead asleep and nothing could get him back on his feet to perform at the concert. He had to later return to Holland to make it up for disappointing his numerous fans. Naturally, Lord Kenya is a very hot and energetic person, so whenever he drunk liquor, smoked wee or sniffed cocaine before mounting the stage he was overly hyperactive and one night during a performance at the Boomerang nightclub in Accra, he literally ‘lost it’ when he grabbed two bottles of soft drink, poured the contents on the stage, knocked the bottles together and broke them in the process. Those close to the stage quickly had to move back to save themselves from imminent harm. Lord Kenya told this writer that he was so crazy that he tore sheets from the Holy Bible to wrap wee anytime he smoked the stuff and that made him feel really high. As a popular musician on drugs, sex was part of his ‘game’ and that led to a number of flings with many women, who literally threw themselves on his bed wherever he went.
Lord Kenya, a self-confessed narcotic drug user, is a loving father and husband but sometimes got wild and did things that disturbed his wife and children when he was high on drugs. On three occasions, Lord Kenya said, he tried to kill himself in order to become as popular, globally, as the late American hip-pop icon, Tupac Amaru Shakur, who happened to be his idol on the international music scene. “I have also attempted to kill myself and my children by running my car into an obstacle in order to crash the family. This was while I was high on dope,” he revealed and added that he once run through a glass door in his house cutting parts of his face. And a piece of glass nearly plucked out his right eye. The driving force behind that crazy action was once again, narcotics! At a show in Holland, Lord Kenya got so high on dope that when the host invited Continue on page 16 him to the stage to rock the house,
Lord Kenya’s encounter with the Holy Spirit
Family Life Born on September 19, 1978 in Kumasi, Lord Kenya attended the Central International School for his basic education and then to the Kumasi Anglican Secondary School for his General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level before entering the Mpraeso Secondary School for the Advanced Level programme. He is the last child of seven siblings born to Mr and Mrs. Nelson Kainya. The singer is married to Gertrude Dufie Ansu Kenya, with whom he has two children; Lord Akossey Kenya and Pius Akpor Kenya. The third one, who was also the only girl child born to Lord Kenya, Maame Akua
INTERVIEW In October, 2010 news broke out in the Ghanaian media that the popular hiplife rap artiste, Lord Kenya had claimed that he had been’ arrested’ by the Holy Spirit and was thus a true born-again Christian. In a chat with the very credible entertainment newspaper, Graphic Showbiz Lord Kenya said he had put the world behind him and was enjoying an amazing relationship with God. According to him, everything started when he went to his regular wee base to get his supply of the stuff after seeing off a friend. “It was there that I was hit by lightning and I fell flat. I tried getting up but I couldn’t so I went on my knees in a prayerful pose and started crying like a baby”. “I refused to take my usual supply of wee that night and headed home but I was ‘arrested’ by the Holy Spirit and ended up in a church in my neighbourhood called the Christian Boanerges Gospel Ministry where I was warmly received and anointed”. “All the while, I was crying. I have not been the same since that night. I have quit smoking and drinking and now spend my time in the house of the Lord. I have become very prayerful as well, “Kenya said. Lord Kenya said it baffles him that he sleeps very well these days without the aid of alcohol or wee because he knows those are very difficult habits to kick out of one’s life but he has been able to do that by the abundant grace of God. “Now I cannot stand the scent of alcohol or wee and I am trying hard to convince those I used to smoke with to quit the habit”. According to Kenya, he feels extremely relieved and humbled by the whole process, adding that he is the happiest person on earth. “I realised I was lost but have been found. There is a perception among young people that smoking makes one tough but all that is not true. The money people spend on drugs can be used on more useful things. I will take it upon myself to talk to all those I used to smoke with to quit smoking. Asked whether he will quit hiplife to do gospel music, Kenya said he will be directed by the Holy Spirit. Perhaps this whole transformation should not have
come as a surprise to those who have been closely following his career. Because even when he was abusing drugs and was far away from Christ, Lord Kenya released albums titled Born Again and God Dey. He said, he was full of praises to his Maker and attributed everything he had achieved to the good Lord. “If it is not God, somebody should tell me who has kept me safe and alive all these years despite the tribulations and the unexpected things that happened to me. I lost my little daughter and I grieved so much but there have still been some moments of happiness for me, he said.
“I’m testifying that against all the odds. He makes me see the light and I know He can do the same with everyone else,” Many may perhaps find it curious that a personality like Lord Kenya is preaching such ideals with almost Biblical fervor. He, however, states that he has always been a God-fearing person and his faith keeps deepening all the time. “All along I thought I had the strength to carry on. I thought it was mainly me but as I moved on, I realized more and more that it was God who had the authority to control everything. “Now I understand that He has His own ways of shaping up His people to do what He wants them to do till the end of time so we have to just flow along with Him and thank Him for His mercies”. Commenting on the choice of titles for his last two albums, Kenya said; although I was not born again, I was just trying to put God up as the Supreme Being in my life. We all make music and name them anyhow.
“People say what you call your albums does not matter and all that. Well, what matters most to me now is eternity,” he added. “What matters is what happens to me when I am no more on this earth. Why do I then have to put my hope in things that are not important for my salvation? He queried.
The future Lord Kenya has just released his first gospel album, Christlife (John 14:6) to reflect his new calling. He is also planning to launch what he calls, the addiction-free movement on the platform of The Lord Kenya Foundation to preach the word of God to the youth, especially those addicted to drugs. This movement, he said, will take him around the world. “I am going to help to bring all those I took away from Christ back to Him” and everything that I will do from now on will be in that direction”. As a singer, Lord Kenya says he will continue to release more albums to the glory of God and also preach the Word of God wherever he goes. He called on his family, friends and fans to pray for him to always stay on the Lord’s side. He thanked Apostle Sampson Offin of the Christian Boanerges Church for giving him spiritual direction. “When it comes to gospel music, I look up to Kirk Franklin for inspiration and when I need lessons in evangelism, Bishop Bernard Owusu Ansah of Praise Valley Temple International (Holland) is my man,” Lord Kenya declared. The next time you meet Lord Kenya, you may call him Evangelist Lord Kenya and you are sure to receive a bright smile from the born-again ex-rap heavyweight champion of Ghana.
Irritable Bowl Syndrome and Lactose Intolerance
Nutrition is of great importance for a healthy lifestyle
By Dietitian Trutchka
n most cultures food is of great importance. Not only does it taste good, but it also has functional purposes such as keeping our body healthy. To achieve these purposes one has to ad hire to some guidelines. These include eating in a varied manner, not too much, not to fatty, and rich in fibre’s.
of IBS the movements of the intestinal are disturbed. The intestinal react fiercely by making excessive contracting movements, also called spasms. These movements cause burdening complaints The characteristic complaints are constipation, diarrhoea, sometimesalternating diarrhoea or constipation, also stomach ache or gaseous nous or a gummy abdomen after a meal.
By eating a varied nutrition we obtain almost all vitamins and minerals that our body needs to work properly. The vitamins and minerals are mostly absorbed in the blood through the small intestine and are then transported to the organs in which they can do their job. Before all of this can take place the food has to be digested first.. To help start of the process of digesting in a favourable way nutrition rich of fibbers is very important. The fibre’s stimulate the working of the intestines and enable a good defecation. According to a research commissioned by Health Council the amount of fibre’s eaten in the Netherlands is too low. This leads to a number of digesting complaint When we eat the digesting process already starts in the mouth. Enzymes are released that cause the digestion to take place. Also in the remaining parts of the gastrointestinal there are enzymes present that play a role in the process. In the case of a healthy gastrointestinal this goes well. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
People that suffer from IBS are advised to eat nutrition full of fibres and to eat a variety of meals. Next to that it is important to drink sufficiently. Avoiding products that may cause the problem are temporarily discouraged. Intestinal complaints can be worsened by excessively consuming coffee, thee and alcoholic drinks. Do you suffer from intestinal complaints or would you like to have more information with regard to IBS it is advised to consult a general practitioner or dietician.
However sometimes a disturbed working of the intestinal occurs. In such a case there is spoken of the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In the Netherlands about 10-15% of the population suffer from IBS. The cause of this has yet to be determined. There is no relationship indicated with food hypersensitivity (RIVM). In the case
Nutrition advice in case of IBS
• Fibre and varied diet. Wholemeal bread, fruit and vegetables. In case of a difficult defecation extra brans can also be used. Processed in dairy products such as yoghurt, buttermilk. • Drink sufficiently. About 1 ½ -2 litre fluid per day.
Lactoseintolerance Lactose-intolerance is a disturbed working of the intestinal whereby daily products cannot or barely endured. Complaints occur that can be a real burden such as: cramps of the intestinal, stomach ache, diarrhoea, flatulent feeling (???) This is caused by the enzyme lactase that is produced in the small intestine. Lactase enables the digestion of lactose out of nutrition. When lactose reaches the colon undigested, bacteria’s present in the colon cause fermentation that causes complaints to occur. In such a case there is spoken of Lactose-intolerance. Nutrition advice in case of lactose intolerance. Avoid products in which milk of cows is processed. As an alternative you could use soy products. These are vegetal and do not cause complaints. Read on the packaging the information with regard to allergies In food shops, supermarkets and health food stores low lactose products are available. For more information or guidance about intestinal problems you can visit a dietician. Dieticians are specialized and can put together a specialized diet for you.
• Avoid for a period of time gaseous products such as cabbages, onions, leeks, garlic, sweeteners ending with tol (mannitol, sorbitol). Legumes like kidney beans, white beans, peas and lentils. Certain fruit juices.
Premier Lady
REV. SANDRA OWUSU-ANSAH She is known for her innovative fashionable looks. She is a trained fashion designer. In spite of her busy life, she makes time to design for her family. By Sarah Fosu Apenteng
ev. Sandra OwusuAnsah is the better half of Bishop O.A. Bernard, the general overseer of O.A.B.M. Worldwide. She and Bishop O.A. Bernard have been married for 19 years and still counting, and they have two children; Jeremiah (18) and Theodosia (14). Rev. Sandra Owusu- Ansah is also the Premiere Lady of the Leading Ladies. Furthermore, she’s also the executive producer of Excellence Magazine. Rev. Sandra Owusu- Ansah is known for her innovative fashionable looks. She is a trained fashion designer. In spite of her busy life, she makes time to design for her family, friends and ultimately for herself. “Fashion has and will always be part of me”, she says passionately. She has plans in setting up her own line in the future. Apart from her passion for fashion, Rev. Sandra has been working as a Reverend Minister for 3 years now and she combines that with the multiple task of being a devoted wife and a caring mother. To the question what has sustained
West Africa Correspondent
her marriage for all these years, Rev. Sandra first of all, gave all glory to God. Secondly, she mentioned that effective communication has been the key. “We confront each other whenever there is a misunderstanding and we make sure it is addressed”.
“My husband is a very busy man, I sometimes like to think that the word ‘rest’ is not in his vocabulary’’
Furthermore, she acknowledges her husbands busy life and said, “My husband is a very busy man, I sometimes like to think that the word ‘rest’ is not in his vocabulary. Despite his busy life, Ben, as the Bishop is affectionally called by his wife, is a kind, a loving father and a husband who makes time for everyone and everything. He seems to know how to take care of himself and his family. Ben is a great planner and a strategist. When he needs to stop, he will stop, don’t worry he is a wise man, but also an inspirational and knowledgeable individual”, says the proud wife of Bishop O.A. Bernard. Rev. Sandra also enjoys being a mother. “Being a mother has been fulfilling, though stressful sometimes but with God all things are possible.” As mentioned earlier, Rev. Sandra is a Reverend Minister, and as every leading Minister has their personal convictions and passions, her conviction is ‘Charismatic’. That means that she speaks in tongues, cares for the needy, heals the sick through the power of God, and prayer power. Speaking in tongues is a source of spiritual energy and a means of Continue on page 20
communicating with God. It is the Holy Spirit taking over your speech organs and producing sounds that could be an earthly language not previously learnt or an angelic language that no one understands. It is prayer power. I believe also that when we pray to God, His Spirit influences the healing processes of our physical bodies. This can be quite confusing for some believers and most especially unbelievers. In essence, speaking in tongues could be a language not known to the person speaking it at that particular moment, but a language spoken in someone else’s country. Rev. Sandra believes in preaching The Total Gospel to the Total man. Her passion as a Reverend Minister is more towards women. Perhaps, because she’s a woman and knows more about women, most especially how to assist them in their difficult times and tribulations. “I feel called into this area. I’m privilege to help women in my capacity as the Premiere Lady of the Leading Ladies”. The Leading Ladies is the women’s ministry of subsidiary churches of O.A.B.M. Worldwide. The purpose of The Leading Ladies is to guide growth in women development , to share fellowship and fraternity, and to educate. The Leading Ladies is sometimes attributed to women or girl power, but that’s not case. Having said that, Rev. Sandra is hoping to see a liberated woman who is prepared to achieve her full potential. This would see women performing excellently in their role as mothers, wives, and breadwinners. The meetings of the Leading Ladies comprise of preachings, education, etc. For example medical personnel are invited to educate them on health issues and specialist in other fields also contribute from the perspective of their expertise. It
sound boring to be among these “middle age” women, as many would wrongly perceive. The word ‘boring’ is not part of the Leading Ladies, because they have a lot of fun at their meetings; they eat, play, dance, etc. Their membership are between the ages of 30 and 49 years and they know how to have fun. They have their own choir, and they go on trips and outings, sharing beauty and fashion tips. All the various churches of the O.A.B.M. have their own Leading Ladies at their local churches and also hold the local conventions. The Leading Ladies come together yearly for a convention in the month of November. The convention takes place at the headquarters of O.A.B.M. Worldwide churches and it is open to everyone. The ministry of Rev. Sandra is going on very well, her children are doing well, her health is excellent and she prays she can be a role model to her children and to the readers of this edition of Excellence Magazine, but above all she’s grateful to the Almighty God for His blessings upon her life, her family and the many ‘children’ He has entrusted her with in His Kingdom. Just about this time a car comes and pick Rev. Sandra to her next meeting where Bishop Bernard is speaking. I find her to be rather shy, kind and nice to be around. She has no airs about her, simple but with a deep understanding of the ministry. She looks committed to her family and indeed is VERY fashionable woman. I’m touched and also strive for great womanhood.
Nigerians In Diaspora and Family Relations
By Apostolos Andrikopoulos
he role and importance of family relations for the life of Nigerians in the Netherlands was the topic of my master thesis ‘Sons and Daughters Abroad: Understanding Nigerian migration to Amsterdam’ which was submitted at the University of Amsterdam in 2009. I was motivated to do research and write about this topic due to my long friendship with Nigerians and other Africans, first in my country of origin, Greece, and later in the Netherlands. I always found it fascinating how supportive Nigerians are to their families and for all their ‘brothers and sisters’ and this triggered my interest to study more systematically this aspect of their lives. As sister Blessing wrote in the previous issue of this magazine, the primary reason for relocating from Africa to Europe is the search for ‘greener pastures’. I would add to this that this motivation is not individualistic. Most of the times, people aspire to migrate so they can fulfill their own and their families’ dreams. In that regard, family plays a vital role for the everyday lives and choices of Nigerians in diaspora. On the one hand, family is a safe haven for Nigerian migrants. It is a source of support and provides assistance (financial, emotional, spiritual, etc.) for family members who stay abroad and experience difficulties. Life in Europe is harder than many would anticipate. Everyday problems that range from small things to bigger issues are solved with the assistance of family members or brothers and sisters. But on the other hand, their responsibility to the families often generate frustration and stress. No matter how difficult their lives in Europe are, Nigerian migrants, like many other migrants, are very often expected to give money for the schooling of their siblings, hospitalization of their parents, building a house or buying a property. Sometimes they are charged with the responsibility to assist someone else to migrate. This responsibility is even stronger for those who could not migrate without the
assistance of relatives and friends both in Nigeria and Europe. The principle that everyone who has succeeded should help others is common for all Nigerians but it becomes almost an obligation for those who have been helped to succeed. However, family patterns do not remain unaffected in Europe. In many regards family relations are subjected to influences from the new social environment. For example, the extended family gradually loses its importance over the increasing significance of the nuclear family relations. Another change is the more careful family planning. It is very rare to find in Europe large families with many children. Due to this conditions, Nigerian families in Amsterdam have on average 1 to 3 children and hardly more.
Nigerians in Amsterdam socialize not only with other Nigerians and Dutch people but also with other African migrants (especially Ghanaians), Surinamese, Antilleans, East Europeans, and so on.
Nigerians in Amsterdam socialize not only with other Nigerians and Dutch people but also with other African migrants (especially Ghanaians), Surinamese, Antilleans, East Europeans, and so on. These interactions which takes place at work, in the church, in the neighbourhood or on the internet sometimes result in the formation of relationships and marriage. Children from these marriages grow up with the values and principles of both parents. Last but not the least, church has a key role in the life of Nigerian migrants in Amsterdam. As one Nigerian explained to me ‘For many migrants.. where there is no father, there is no mother, there is no brother, there is no sister.. the church is the family. (...) It is a place that provides support and solidarity. The church provides the missing link of family and kinship’. These were some of the conclusions of the study I did for my master’s degree. Anyone who is interested can ask me for a (free) copy of my dissertation. Currently I continue this study for a PhD in Sociology. Now my focus is not solely on family relations among Nigerians but I have expanded the topic to Ghanaians, Surinamese and Antilleans as well. I would be very interested to hear your own views and experiences on this matter.
Jessica OS, the average girl next door! By Augustina Osei
essica Opare-Saforo(31) is the presenter of the mid-morning show ‘Brunch in the Citi’ on a local radio station in Ghana, called CitiFM . She’s been in the radio business for 12 years and she is the programs, events and promotions manager at CitiFM. Her mid-morning show ‘Brunch in the Citi’ won the best morning show award in 2011. Jessica is also an ambassador of MTN Ghana. She loves movies, loves a good company of friends and is crazy about her parents. She’s single and she loves God. Jessica describes herself as an average girl next door. Excellence had a vibrant and inspirational interview with this multi-talented young lady about her career, personal life and challenges. 1.Can you tell us about how you got started in the radio business? My big sister was working at VIBE FM and she told me that they were looking for a presenter for their youth program called ‘Teen Vibe’. I auditioned and got the job. Radio was definitely not on my radar. As a little girl, I always wanted to be an aeronautic engineer because it sounded cool to me. My mum on the other hand wanted me to be an accountant, because I was good in mathematics. 2. What or who inspires you as a radio presenter? I get my inspiration from the relationship I have with God, constantly seeking His face and looking for directions for my life. I don’t think that any person inspires me to do what I do, but I do look up to some people in the industry 3. Can you take us through your life as a child? I didn’t spend my very early years in Ghana, but in quite a number of African countries, due to the work that my father was doing, he got posted around the continent a lot. Where ever he went, he
went with the family. Years back, we finally came back to settle in Ghana and since then Ghana has been my home. 4.What were the challenges you faced growing up as a young lady? I wouldn’t call them challenges, but they were hurdles that I needed to jump, regular hurdles just like every other girl next door goes through. I needed to get used to people, making new friends, making wrong choices and learning from my mistakes. Thanks to my family I didn’t have a difficult childhood. I was close to my big brother. Most of the things that I do today have traces of my closeness with my big brother, back in the days. My childhood was relatively better than most people, I guess.
‘‘I get my inspiration from the relationship I have with God, constantly seeking His face and looking for directions for my life’’ 5.How did you cope with pressure with regards to dating, smoking, drugs and alcohol whilst growing up? If there was any pressure, I was probably the one who was influencing others. I was more of a leader. Growing up I never had problems with alcohol or drugs, probably due to my Christian background and the type of family I grew up in. To be honest, the first time I tasted alcohol was when I was in University, third year. I was never the type who would sneak out to go to night clubs. I don’t think I gave my parents any kind of headaches. And regards to dating, I actually got my heart broken the first time because I wouldn’t sleep with the guy I was dating at that time and he
told me straight up that he was going to leave me if I didn’t sleep with him, and I said okay. He called back three days later to apologize, but I told him that if he can leave me once because of this, he can leave me again the next time. It was painful, because I liked him a lot. Apart from that, guys were my best friends, whilst growing up. We played football together and hang in the neighborhood. Me and guys were really cool, I rolled with them very well. 6.It appears to be a new trend to have pictures or video’s of many African, and specifically Ghanaian celebrities taken, in which they see themselves in an indecent situation, circulating on the internet. What do you have to say about this? I don’t think that celebrities are misbehaving necessarily. I do like to think that there are hungry people who are looking in places that perhaps they shouldn’t for all kinds of information or dirt on celebrities. I guess that’s human nature. People want to know more and more about you. But what I do in my private room shouldn’t matter to anyone, as long as I’m not breaking any laws or doing something which is overboard. In the kind of industry that we are in, your personal business may get into the public domain but that does not necessarily mean you are a bad personl. I do acknowledge that every now and then there are celebrities who will deliberately leak information like that just to create sensation or as a publicity stunt. Personally, I’m sure they work with the ideology that good or bad publicity is still a publicity. Or they will pull a stunt like that just to get people talking and to get their name in the news. But I don’t think that the Ghanaian industry has reached the level that celebrities would pull out stunts like that, for the sake of it. 7.What kind of influence do you think these behaviours have on our young ladies today, given the fact that a lot of young ladies see many celebrities as their role model? Don’t they have
CELEBRITY a responsibility as role models in the society? Definitely, it will have a negative influence on young women who look up to these celebrities. Because they may not know the real reason why the information got out, especially if it’s the celebrity who leaked out the information. Nevertheless, I also believe that,there are equally decent celebrities who are doing their best to be an example for the youth out there. We should be worried if celebrities are constantly seen in a bad light. Celebrities are leaders or role models and it would be good if they take advantage of their celebrity status and recognise that a lot is demanded of them .. Essentially, I believe that no celebrity will go out of their way to do something bad for the whole world to see, unless they have a psychological problem. 8.You are a multitalented woman. Apart from being a radio presenter, you also MC at various events. How do you combine these and also have time to be an ambassador of MTN? Is not easy, but that’s the type of industry I’m in. But it’s better than some of the jobs out there. There have been several times that I had to turn down certain events, because it clashed with the time that I had to be on air. You see, I’m not just a radio r presenter, but I’m also the programs manager at CitiFM. That means I’m in charge of events and promotions, so I work full time. So for me, the key has to be time management! 9.How doyou manage to be on top as a female in a relatively male dominated industry? Being on top is quite relative. I think I still have a lot of potential in terms of radio and where I want to go with it and what I can do. Having said that, Yes it is a male dominated industry and there is a lot of competition, but it’s about always trying to stay relevant, unpredictable and entertaining. If you are able to nail these three then you will stay on top for a while. 10.What interests you the most about your career? To be able to go on air every day, and talk to people I have never met, people who have bonded with me just because they like the kind of program I run or my personality. Moreover, receiving feedbacks from listeners, especially through the social media, also excites and motivates me.. For me that is a reward. The highlight is that people out there, who no matter
what, still love your show and follow what you do. Every now and then I meet some of them in town and they quote something I said on air. That is incredibly refreshing. 11.Being a celebrity, how do you deal with criticism with regards to your personal life? The very first time I started to do radio and people started to get to know me, I started hearing negative things about my personality, and honestly I broke down and cried. That was because I didn’t know what else to do. Twelve years down the line, I have learned to deal with people like that and built on my personality. After listening to my critics, I personally analyse the criticism and absorb the good bits and trash the rest.. My critics put me on my toes, they keep me alert. I listen when I feel like I have to. If your criticism is constructive, I will take it. 12.What are the challenges that you face as a celebrity and in your career? In Accra alone, we have about 39 radio stations, so the competition is high. Again, it’s about trying to stay relevant, unpredictable, entertaining and always trying to be the best. 13.What is the very thing you are most proud of in your career as a radio presenter at CitiFM? There are a lot of things that I’m proud of, but I won’t take all the credit for them. I didn’t go to any radio school. Most of the things that I know today, I learnt them on the job. I’m also thankful that there was someone who believed in me and was willing to give me the opportunity. Another thing that I’m proud of is being able to put together major events. Furthermore, considering my age and achievements, I believe that I’m on track to achieving the goals that I have set before me. 14.What is your philosophy in life? I wouldn’t call it a philosophy, but I always say this for myself: ‘ You can´t stop birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from making a nest on your head’. You can’t influence how people feel about you or what people say about you, but what you can influence is how you react to what they say. About ninety percent of the things in the world is beyond ones control, . For me, the ability to control the remaining ten percent to effectively influence the ninety should be the focus. . You have the power to create your own happiness and not someone else.
15.Where do you see yourself in five years? God willing, I will definitely still be in the media industry and doing something bigger in terms of events, promotions and advertising. And aside these, I also do copywriting for companies. I hope to have my own company that will enable me do all these. And last but not the least, I hope to have been married with at least one child. 16.Tell us about your love life. Do you have anyone in your life right now? At the moment I’m not dating anyone. I wouldn’t say that I’m searching, but I do know that at the right time the man for me will come along. 17.What makes Jessica Opare-Saforo tick? I love men who smell good. It’s like an obsession, so I usually fall for men who smell good. And I also love men who have facial hair. It makes me feel like: “yes, this is a man.” 18.What kind of advice do you have for the youth, concerning the pressures of today? You need to get on your own two feet and you don’t have to depend on anyone, except God. You should try to achieve things for yourself. There are a lot of young women out there who feel like they need a man to complete them. Frankly, I don’t think that’s the right way to go. You don’t need a man to complete you. Yes, you need a companion, but the man won’t complete you given the fact that he’s human. He can’t fulfil all your needs otherwise there will be no place for God in your life. Live your life as if you’re going to take this journey alone and if along the line God gives you a mate, then thank God for that, but if not, know that you’re still on course doing the things that you want to do and achieving your goals. Believe in yourself and in your dreams. Don’t be intimidated by anyone or anything. But stay focused and be persistent.
YOUTH Many teenagers have difficulties making a decision regarding their future, having sexual interaction, a relationship or the kind of friends they have. In the upcoming editions of the Excellence magazine, I will write about the subjects I mentioned. We often stand on the crossroad of making a decision left, right, straight or shall we turn around? Decision making can be regarded as a mental process. A process that is resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternative scenarios. Alternative scenarios means that you having multiple options. My question is: How often is your choice based on a mental action? How often is your choice part of a process? How many teenagers answer an important question with:´I wasn´t thinking, it was an act out of the moment´.
n this edition, I would like to talk about the decisions you make in your relationship with your parents. Within this text, you will come across some questions, feel free to answer them and fill it in. We are living in the year 2012 and I can say that the relationship between teenagers and their parents is not like some years ago. My opinion is that teenagers and parents are growing apart as the years go by. Question: Why should this be an issue? It is an issue if you are not aware of it. Awareness creates room for change, if you decide to. If you like it or not your parents are the first example you have. Your example in how to talk, how to clean the house, how to solve issues, your example in how to go about with your emotions, etc. Due to the distance between teenagers and their parents, teenagers are likely to lack some essential tools in their journey to adulthood. As a result of that teenagers are likely to make unnecessary mistakes. I don’t agree with people who say, it´s because of the teenagers, the parents or the Dutch mentality. I agree with the person who says: ´it´s a result of different factors.
The contribution of the youth: You make certain decisions with regards to your relationship with your parents. Withholding information about your friends (who they are or what is going on in their lives), staying away from the living room, not living by the house rules, impolite talk backs, lying or even ignoring them as they talk to you or having an attitude (rolling of the eyes, kissing of teeth, walking away, etc.) Are you conscious of these choices you make Will these choices be accepted in other relationships? If you should make these choices in a boy/girl friend relationship, will it keep and promote a healthy relationship? Whatever that you are bringing into the relationship will have effect on both parties.A relationship consists of two parties working in conjunction with each other for a common goal. Do you have a purposeful relationship with your parents? (working, together with them for your total maturity and independence). I am a 24 year old independent young lady. I credit my mother with the values I have today. I worked together with my mother towards my development in good and hard times.
Times I liked and times I didn´t, but they all worked together for my good.
The thoughts you´re having about your parents will influence the way you feel when you´re around them and that will be the basis of your action towards them. There is an unchangeable connection between our thinking, our feelings and our actions.
A Teenagers
YOUTH Furthermore, the two parties should always consider each other’s feelings, opinions and ideas. Name three instances/examples in which you deliberated with your parents in regards to the above: 1. 2. 3. It´s all the more easier to be considerate towards those you love. Do you love your parents? Here are some reasons I can think off, as to why you should consider your parents. o You appreciate the fact that they are the first to be there for you; o The sacrifices they make for you daily; o You want to make them proud, etc. Your choices may have been affected by the following: 1. Irritations; 2. Sorrow; 3. Anger; 4. Disappointment. The thoughts you´re having about your parents will influence the way you feel when you´re around them and that will be the basis of your action towards them. There is an unchangeable connection between our thinking, our feelings and our actions. Is it possible to talk about what is bothering you? Why should I? This might be your question. God gave you parents to raise and direct you in this life. With this, it is your duty to respect them, so that they can function properly in their God given responsibility (Colossian 3:20 and Ephesians 6:1). The relationship with your parents is unique and should not be broken. This means that you cannot compare your relationship to another. It´s different and tailor made to shape you for your special purpose in life. Your father is always your father, your mother is always your mother, despite the fact that you´re not having regular or the best of contact with
your parents. Your parents are a gift and that´s how you came into existence. They are able to provide for you with good things in life, like Black Berry, nice clothes, etc. In which way do you appreciate this gift, your parents? 1. 2. 3. This article would be incomplete if I didn´t give you some suggestions on how to bring a change in your relationship with your parents. 1. be open in your daily activities; 2.
talk about your school days;
3. try and watch television programs together; 4. talk about the Sunday service when you`re at home 5. be responsible for some of the household chores; 6.
eat together as a family;
7. introduce your friends to your parents; 8. talk about what is bothering you 9. take some initiative in doing family activities; 10. obey the house rules. After reading this article, you may conclude that you`re satisfied with the type of relationship that you´re having with your parents. I don’t hope you`re satisfied with the distance between you and your parents. If this is the case, I will say: ´that’s a sad situation´. I hope I´ve inspired you to reflect on the relationship you have with your mom and dad. As you`re reflecting on the situation, you become aware of what is taking place. For those that are saying, I want a change in my relationship with my parents. I encourage you to go for it!
Choice By Eurdice Snip
To Fear or Not To Fear… It’s Your Choice!
ear has been successfully woven into the fabric of our society that it almost feels normal to entertain it. In order to get a certain reaction or movement from society, you find the media projecting images to instill fear in the public. For example, for people to become more environmentally friendly, the media projects images of global warming. For political parties to get votes, they focus heavily on the ‘terrible crimes’ of the last government or the large-scale public debt and how only their party can help us. They finally get into power and, those certain promises are never kept. These forms of threats have so much so impacted society that you can also find such fear in the church with preacher’s preaching messages that propagate fear. We are continually harbored with images of disaster, danger and some sort of pain. Fear can be used to deter an individual from danger, but it is the image formed in the mind of the individual that is wrong. Fear is transmitted audibly and or visually; its aim is to gain its response via the human emotions. Fear imprints an image in the mind and its ability to reside in the mind then causes the body to react to that fear. Emotions are a response based upon the information you receive. If the emotions are fed incorrectly (wrong information), that person is then in danger of making bad or rushed decisions to try and stabilize their emotions. Instead of our brains thinking for us, we allow our emotions to do the thinking. E.g. the 7/7 bombings in London, the attack on the train, sparked up such a commotion amongst the people, that more people died from the rush of people trying to get to safety, than those who
By Rev. Eric McWilliams
We are continually harbored with images of disaster, danger and some sort of pain. Fear can be used to deter an individual from danger, but it is the image formed in the mind of the individual that is wrong. died from the actual bomb itself. Once fear has been deposited, and the power and control has been shifted from the receiver of fear to the depositor of fear, the receiver’s ability to reason will then be impaired. The psychological battle has now begun. In theory, a rabbit is more agile than a lion, with the ability to escape the grasps of a lion. However, the roar of the lion has the ability to immobilize and impair the rabbit’s ability to outwit the lion. Therein, within that fear the rabbit remains still. Thus, allowing the lion to devour the rabbit. The rabbit had the skill to escape but because of fear the rabbit did not. Dear reader, I don’t know what kind of fear you are entertaining in your heart. Your power, your control has been taken away from you and every decision you make is based on fear. Who told you, you would fail? Is it the experience of your past failures? Who told you, you are not good enough? Who told you, you couldn’t make it without them? Who has locked your destiny and is boasting? Are these not all forms of fear being used against you?
In times like this, you need to find time to analyze and assess yourself, without outside influences. Be truthful to yourselves. Understand what you can and cannot do, and take note of what can be improved. Choose to take back your power and control from the perpetrator of fear. You may need to confront the individual. E.g. a victim of rape may need to go back to the place of attack and say: ‘I refuse to let whatsoever that took place here to control me for the rest of my life. I take back my power, I take back my control and I leave the fear it gave me here.’ Take control of your emotions in the event of fear. Do not allow your decisions to be based upon fear. This can be done by thinking through the situation at hand and not merely reacting upon your emotions. Understand that fear is a weapon. It is used to make you bend to the will of the instiller. Although this may be the case, you have the power of choice. Do you allow the images formed to become your reality? To fear or not to fear… it’s really your choice.
Praise Valley Temple Diemen
Rev. André & Pastor Geraldine Johnson In January 2006 Praise Valley Temple [PVT] Diemen was established under Owusu Ansah Bernard Ministries [OABM]. The congregation is comprised of people from different backgronds, such as age, culture and ethnicity. We are a warm growing church that defines itself as a family. PVT Diemen beleieves in helping people on social, psychological, mental and medical areas. The congregation will help you to build and to keep your personal realtionship with our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We believe that the programmes and activities we provide is a good asset. The Mission of PVT Diemen is that the gospel that we preach will bring hope, salvation and freedom to the body, soul and spirit. We believe in the call of God; we believe in telling people the good news about Jesus Christ.
We believe in discipling and equipping people for the work of the minstry. Our policy statement is simple; It is put in the acronym “RIDE”. • R = Responsibility: we want to help raise responsible people to be beneficiall to the Kingdom and society. • I = Integrity: we want to see people raised with integrity. • D = Dedication: we want to help raise dedicated people for the kingdom • E = Effectiveness: we want to help raise people who can be effective. You are welcome to take part in one of our services. For more information about us and our services, please visit our website www. pvt-diemen.nl
De Ark (School) Schelpenhoek 170 1112 DM Diemen Shekinah14@hotmail.com geanjohnson@hotmail.com Tel: 06-51574106 06-17447045 Services Friday 8 to 10 pm Sunday morning 10 to 12pm EXCELLENCE 27
hat is human trafficking? Human trafficking means when someone is being compelled to do something against his or her will. In many nations today, women are the highest victim of this crime. Many are brought and are forced Into sex trade and they are indebted to their masters and mistresses. In the B9 procedure and Art 273 FSR [Dutch law on women trafficking and the European Convention on human Right], this is a serious Crime and the culprits shall never go scot-free if being apprehended by the authorities.
Who is a human trafficker? Anyone who exploits one to work under duress is a human trafficker. A man or a woman can be a trafficker. Most women became victims due to poverty in most developing nations. The traffickers see this as highly lucrative because their captors must bring in some certain income at any given time. There are legal and illegal women who are victims. What do I mean by this? Some women have gotten their nationality in foreign countries, but because of the situation in which they find themselves, makes them vulnerable for exploitation. The category of illegal women are those who where promised a better life in developed nations . Unfortunately, they saw a completely different situation when they came, and their entire lives depended on their captors who brought them. Research shows that human trafficking and human smuggling have some similarities and differences, but their main goal is to boss over their victims. Their lives are always in danger. They are always filled with uncertainty, helpless situations and living in bondage. Most of the traffickers capture the most vulnerable in society, mislead them through deception and when their victims find out
the truth, they are already trapped. Most of their documents are seized and they do not have freedom of movement and cannot even visit a doctor when they are sick. Majority does not have their salaries, though they work for it. In some cases their families are threatened, and the victims have no freedom of their own.
What is woman trafficking? The Dutch law states in art 273 f lid 1 sub 1-6, 8 and 9 sr that; Any act which causes or leads women to prostitution is women trafficking. Art 4 of European Convention on human rights [ECHR] states that; Prohibition of slavery and forced labour: 1. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; 2. No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour. For the purpose of this Article the term “forced or compulsory labour” shall not include: (a) any work required to be done in the ordinary course of detention imposed according to the provisions of Article 5 of this Convention or during conditional release from such detention; (b) any service of a military character or, in case of conscientious objectors in countries where they are recognized, service exacted instead of compulsory military service; (c) any service exacted in case of an emergency or calamity threatening the life or well-being of the community; (d) any work or service which forms part of normal civic obligations. Based on this article any form of forced labor, is prohibited. On the 1-10-2000 prostitution was legalized in the Netherlands. Prostitution now became a legal job. The government thought that this act would minimize
human trafficking, but it didn’t. Now women are being forced to work as prostitutes, which is a breach on both Dutch art 273 f lid 1 sub 1-6, 8 and 9 Sr and international law, art 4 sub 1 and 2 of ECHR .
Which women are being trafficked and where do they come from? A lot of these women come from third world countries. Another thing that works against them is that they mostly come from certain cultures that teaches them to be humble, so often times these women are speechless because of cultural barriers, fear and illiteracy. Ignorance about what goes on in the world leads them into this path of destruction with the traffickers. Poverty plays a big role when it comes to women trafficking. Most of the women being trafficked are those who are looking for a better future for themselves and their loved ones. Women are mostly trafficked from third world countries to the western world or the’’ richer countries”. But it also happens within certain continents. Some women are being trafficked within Europe, to work as prostitutes. There are diverse ways in which these women, who are being trafficked, come in contact with their traffickers: Some women try to contact criminals or criminal organizations to help them travel to richer countries. These women are willing to leave all they have behind and move to a foreign country where they don’t know either the language or the laws. They do this so they will be able to create a better living condition for themselves ,their children, family members or loved ones. Some women are told by their relatives, friends, family or acquaintances about a better life abroad. These women are trafficked by their own relatives, friends ,family or acquaintances. Sometimes a woman tells her friend about the money she earns and lures her into this
LEGAL MATTERS business. Sometimes a reasonable job abroad is offered, but on arrival in the foreign country the job isn’t what they were promised or the condition in which they have to work is horrible. Women are kidnapped, sold and exploited. With this form of women trafficking, lots of violence is used and the women (or their families) are also threatened. Women are being traded and exploited against their will, violence and threatening are tools which the traffickers use to keep these women under control. In the next 3 issues I will elaborate more on methods used to traffic people, the victims, Dutch and international law on human trafficking. When I write about the Dutch law and the B9 procedure I will explain how the Dutch State helps the victims and the consequences of helping the Dutch State convict a human trafficker. And last but not least I will write about the benefits and negative side of helping to convict traffickers according to the B9 procedure.
Note If you are a victim of human trafficking you can go to the Police. The Police in the Netherlands respects human rights. When you press charges against your trafficker (your boss) you can be given a B9 permit. This might mean you’ll have to testify against your trafficker. If you do not know your rights, do not speak Dutch and know very few people, you are at a greater risk for exploitation than the Dutch people. Perhaps you’ve been deceived with false information regarding employment in the Netherlands. Maybe someone asked you to come over to the Netherlands and offered you a decent and well paid job. However, upon arrival in the Netherlands you found out those were false promises and the working conditions are very poor. It’s possible you get paid next to nothing or you have to work to pay off a debt. These are examples of unlawful behavior. You have the same employment rights as the Dutch people have!
od made a woman to be a helper. In Genesis 1:27 God created man in His own image, but in Genesis 2: 18 God said that it is not good for a man to be alone, He will give him a helper. In verse 21 God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and He took one of his ribs and with that He made a woman. When God made a woman the hidden power was there. Let me mention just a few hidden powers in a woman; • Power of Endurance • Power of Caring • Power of Expression • Power of Wisdom When a woman is defined, she is known to be patient. There is a secret character in a woman which causes her to be patient. Despite all that comes across her way, she chooses to endure. A woman would never run out of patience. She takes her time before any serious decision is being taken. She is always caring. Let me only mention the way a woman takes care of her own child, no matter what confronts her, she is ready to take care of the child. At home, everything is been taken care of. The hidden power in this aspect is that the pain or the joy she is having at every point in her life does not determine the level of attention she would give to an issue. She will always give the issue her fullest attention. A woman always expresses her feelings in lots of words. I mean a multitude of words. An issue is always made clear to the point that every man will understand. The power of expression is also the power of communication. Without communication a relationship is lagging behind in some aspect. The power of wisdom is seen in a woman. She is wise. With only an eye contact, a woman knows what she can do to help a situation. She uses her wisdom to know when to talk, act, or react. With wisdom her home is kept in order, peace prevails, forgiveness becomes easier and she creates happiness for herself. The hidden power in a woman can also be seen mainly in her home. She keeps on a smiling face irrespective of the stress that she might be facing. A woman is adorable because she is a delicate creature, very fragile. She needs to be helped, loved, pampered and cherished. She brought forth other human beings. She carried them for nine months, because she has a container in her body called the WOMB. Indeed, this is an amazing gift from God. With these words about the hidden power in a woman, I encourage all the women to be persistent in prayer and work hard with a relaxed mind. The special grace we had from God will definitely not cease. Cease not to smile.
DARK SKIN CARE By Simone Williams Bruinhard
here are many types of methods about ethnic skin. The most popular one is that black skin is always oily. There is not a lot that can be safely assumed about dark skin, except that it can be over sensitive. There is a pigment called Melanin, this may clash with harsh products. When this happens, discoloration can stick around for months or years without disappearing. Here are some skin-safe tips that you should take to heart. The nation’s top dermatologists have given few advices and rules to preserve your dark skin and to keep it smooth with rich tone: • Stick with a Simple and Safe Skin Care Routine. • Clean your face once or twice daily. It may be up to three times if your goal is to remove excess oil. • Gentle treatment is the key to any skin type. • Avoid abrasive cleansers or irritating cleansing puffs or loofahs. • Always use moisturizer to hydrate your skin.
Identifying Your Skin Type Getting help identifying your skin type is recommended in order to pick the best products for your skin. It is best to use products that matches your skin type. If your skin is dry, you should use products for sensitive skin.
You should stay away from products with harsh ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These products can wreak havoc on certain skin types. It is good to try new products, but use them sparingly at first. Protect Yourself From Skin Cancer. Darker skin does provide some protection from the sun’s UV rays, but don’t count on it alone. Skin cancer is less common but, can be more deadly in those with darker skin. You should begin each day by applying a sunscreen or moisturizer with an SPF 15 to 30 rating and re-apply often while you’re in direct sunlight.
Mind Your Skin When You’re Taking Certain Medications. Many drugs increase sun sensitivity, making it especially important to apply sunscreen or avoid the sun completely. Among these medications are birth control pills, antibiotics, acne medicines and cancer drugs but, there are many others too. Ask your doctor if your medicine makes the list.
Get Help in a Hurry When Your Skin is in Distress. Whether your problem is acne or another condition, it is much easier to prevent problems from lingering if you address them promptly. A trip to the dermatologist might save your skin and even save you money by preventing you from purchasing panoply of products to wage the battle against the condition.
Avoid the Common Makeup Mistakes. Match your make-up with your skin tone for a natural look. Make-up made especially for women of color has come a long way. Do you have a dry skin? Oil-based make-up is the best. For acne-prone, oily skin, water-based is the way to go.
Seek Out a Specialist for Prescription Therapies or Cosmetic Surgery. When you want more advanced skin care, there are low and high tech professional treatments that might help. Whether you are thinking about a prescribed treatment like acne drug, facial peel, micro-dermabrasion, laser treatment or other approach, ask around for an expert in treating dark skin. Have this at the table of your heart, too much complex skin therapies can end up ruining your look rather than reviving it. In essence, if you have been wandering around not being satisfied with your face, feeling restless, tired, over worked, sore feet, have problem sleeping, or just wanting to relax? Then please contact an expact for professional advice.
Nail Care Colored Nails. Natural nails are made up of protein keratin. The nail plate requires a certain amount of flexibility and moisture to encourage healthy growth. Using ‘hardening’ treatments and harsh chemicals on natural nails will make the nail plate brittle and more prone to breakages. The use of nail moisturizers and clear polish proteins are essential for perfect growth. A professional Nail Technician or Manicurist will use a written, verbal and observational consultation to determine the condition of a client’s natural nails. A manicure treatment should take about thirty minutes to one hour.
A manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands performed at home or in a nail salon. A manicure treatment is not only a treatment for the natural nails, but also for the hands. A manicure consists of filing, shaping of the free edge, treatments, massage of the hand and the application of a polish. There are also manicure services that are specialties for the hands and feet. For the hands, the soaking of a softening substance and the application of a lotion is a common specialty. When applied to the toenails and feet, this treatment is referred to as a pedicure. The word manicure derivesd from Latin: manus for hand, cura for care. Other nail treatments may include the application of artificial nail tips, acrylics or artificial nail gels. Some manicures can include the painting of pictures or designs on the nails or applying small decals or imitation jewels. In many areas, manicurists are licensed and follows regulation. Since skin is manipulated and is sometimes trimmed, there is a certain risk of spreading infection when tools are used across many people and, therefore, sanitation is a serious issue.
Hot Oil Manicure A hot oil manicure is a specific type of manicure that cleans the cuticles and softens them with oil. It works well for dry skin and nails that are brittle as it improves both by leaving them soft and pliable. Types of oils that can be used are mineral oil, olive oil or commercial preparation in an electric heater.
Randstad 2223 1316BP Almere +31-30-5344583 Rev. Kweku Amonoo-Neizer
Praise Valley Temple Flevoland Praise, Worship, Exaltation, miracle are not far from Praise Valley Temple Flevoland The fasters growing church in the center of the city of Almere Worship under the Divine leadership of Revkan as he presents the Gospel and indepth expository on the word of God. Praise Valley Temple Flevoland, Situated in the city of Almere, 3minutes from the Central Station. Join us at our services on: Tuesday for solution Hour, 7pm to 8pm Fridays teaching in-depth service, 8pm -10pm Sundays, celebration service 12pm-2:30pm Last Friday of every month, all belivers all-night. Come! Let’s worship together with Revkan Experience time in His presence.
Never Give Up
By Dr.Sharda Ramdin
mptiness, pain, distress. Who can help me to pass life’s tests? Sorrow, hurt, brokenness. Who can help me out of this mess? Is there anyone who can offer guidance to me? I’m lost in my sin, can somebody set me free? Confusion, discouragement, rejection. Is there someone who can offer me protection? Misused, mistreated, misbehave. Is there someone who can save? Where can I go to hide from the shame that covers my face? Is there any solution, can someone show me grace? “Yes, I can, and I will”, I heard Someone say. Take My Hand and I’ll show you the way. I’m The Way, The Truth and The Life, don’t you ever forget. The evil one tried to destroy you, but doesn’t stand a chance since Jehovah Nissi you now have met. For I have overcome the pain, rejection, yes even death. All of this because My precious child you’re the one who takes away My breath. So don’t fear, but take up your cross and follow Me. I guarantee you, you won’t regret. I am all you’ve ever dreamed off and more. I’ll supply in all your needs, the table is already set. I am the way to a better life, just trust Me and you will see. By accepting My sacrifice on the cross you’ll be saved, washed and transformed, and become the best you can be. I am the second born, but certainly not the second best. I am more than you could ask for. With Me by your side you’ll pass all life’s tests. I am more than enough for you. Oh yes My dear child, I am Heaven sent. I’ll rock your world, for I’m The Only One Who will bring you total satisfaction and fulfillment.
By Stella Felix.
ow often we wish for another chance to make a fresh beginning A chance to blot out our mistakes And change failure into winning. It does not take a new day To make a brand new start It only takes a deep desire To try with all our heart. To live a little better And always be forgivingAnd to add a little sunshine To the world in which we are living. So never give up in despair And think that you are through, For theres always a tomorrow And the hope of starting new
By Ben Amoako
very pleasant couple who just married a day before decided to go for a divorce, just because the man who came home from a tedious work asked the wife for a pure can of cola to drink and since the wife didn’t have, she presented him a can of cola light. This didn’t go well with the man because he wanted to drink pure cola and not cola light. The wife who was determined to offer him nothing else but her cola light, started nagging. This disagreement did not stop there, but rather mounted into a quarrel neither of them wanted to see each other. They both then planned secretly to teach the other a lesso As it was planned before their wedding, they decided to visit Jerusalem, the Holy land for their honeymoon. In the cause of their stay, the man who returned after a couple of hours from swimming started complaining of dizziness, fell and died instantly. An undertaker was hired in to arranged for the funeral and it’s cost. As his profession, he the undertaker, gave the widow on the spot the cost involved. Taking your husband back to your country will cost you $500 and to burry him here in the Holy land will be $45,000 he said. To the surprise of the undertaker, the widow gave an instant and terrible answer by saying: ‘take the corpse home’. The undertaker still didn’t believe what he heard and asked the widow to repeat herself . the widow knowing what he the undertaker was about to say, interrupted him and said I won’t take any chances here mr. gentleman. Let me list this for you in-case you have forgotten. Was there not a man named Lazerus in this Holy Land who died and woke again. Don’t you know your own great teacher Jesus Christ the Savior who was buried and awoke the third day in this Holy Land. Come closer, she said to the man. Go and check Mr. Ezekiel 37 and his dry bones stuff on this Holy Land. The widow said to him again, I will take no chances lest we bury him here and he will also wake up.
aramaribo (nickname: Par bo) is the capital and largest city of Suriname, located on banks of the Suriname River in the Paramaribo District. Paramaribo has a population of roughly 250,000 people, more than half of Suriname’s population. The historic inner city of Paramaribo has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2002. 1830s lithograph of the market The area, a trading post started by the Dutch, was taken by the English in 1630, and in 1650 the city became the capital of the new English colony. The area changed hands often between the English and Dutch but it was in Dutch hands again in 1667 and under Dutch rule from 1815 until the independence of Suriname in 1975. On January 1821, a fire in the city centre destroyed over 400 houses and other buildings.A second fire in September 1832 destroyed another 46 houses on the western part of the Waterkant.
In 1935, a military plane crashed on its way to North Africa near the city, killing two FBI Agents and other 33 people that were on board. The cause of the aircraft accident was never determined and nearly no remains of the 35 people aboard were found.[1] On 7 June 1989, the Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport (about 30 km south of Paramaribo) became the crash site of Surinam Airways Flight 764, a Douglas DC-8. This aeroplane crashed on approach to the runway, killing 176 of the 178 passengers and 9 crew members. The citizens are chiefly of African, Asian Indian, indigenous, Javanese, Chinese and Dutch descent. Paramaribo features a tropical rainforest climate, under the Köppen climate classification. The city has no true dry season, all 12 months of the year average more than 60 mm of precipitation, but the city does experience noticeably wetter and drier periods during the year. September through November is the
driest period of the year in Paramaribo. Common to many cities with this climate , temperatures are relatively consistent throughout the course of the year, with average high temperatures of 31 degrees Celsius and average low temperatures of 22 degrees Celsius. Paramaribo on average sees roughly 2200 mm of rain each year. Paramaribo has a population of roughly 250,000 people, more than half of the population of Suriname. Paramaribo is famed for its diverse ethnic makeup, including Creoles, Hindustani, East Indians, Maroons, Javanese, Portuguese, Native Americans, Levantine, Chinese, and other Europeans (primarily of Dutch and English descent). The city’s major exports are gold, bauxite, sugar cane, rice, cacao, coffee, rum, and tropical woods. Cement and paint are are manufactured in the city
DISCOVER Bishop O.A Bernard
Paramaribo is served by the Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport and Zorg en Hoop Airport for local flights. The Jules Wijdenbosch Bridge, which is part of the East-West Link, connects Paramaribo with Meerzorg on the other side of the Suriname River. On Sundays and holidays there is a popular bird song competition. Suriname has only one cinema, which is located in the capital.
The city’s major exports are gold, bauxite, sugar cane, rice, cacao, coffee, rum, and tropical woods.
Watch Bishop O.A Bernard Preaching on JOY TV Salto 2 Every Friday 2-00 - 3-00 PM Sunday 9-00 - 10-00 PM EXCELLENCE 35