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PERFECT.LIVE CLUB: insight and technologies for improving our lives
Perfect.live is more than just a concierge service, but a customized, fast and efficient assistance in almost any field. Want to become an art expert but don’t know where to start..? Dreaming of vibrant parties, but at a loss as to choosing the best venues..? Perfect.live is there to find the best solutions. Just be in the right place at the right time, and your life will sparkle with new colours.
Perfect.live club offers its members a new type of concierge service. Everything here is exactly the way you think and want it, since all the services are tailor-made for the client. This unique customization is possible thanks to the rich and successful experience of the company’s founder, Dmitri, with his extensive background in the fintech industry.
Perfect.live is changing and growing with you. Your personal profile is constantly updated according to your requests and preferences. The more time you spend with Perfect.live, the better Perfect.live gets to know you and anticipate your every wish more accurately. All you have to do, just think of something.
The founder of Perfect.live, Dmitri, told Hello Monaco what technologies make life easier for his clients, why planning a move to another country is much more convenient with his service and how to become a member of this new exclusive Club.

HelloMonaco: Dmitri, this line of business is new to you. How did you come up with the idea of expanding in this direction?
Dmitri: I have been working in the fintech area for a long time. One day I just felt like trying something new. That’s when I thought of building a business around improving the quality of people’s lives. The name of our company Perfect.live, an “ideal life”, speaks for itself. We are committed to helping our clients choose the best venues and enjoy a better time. We are actually there to do everything we can to make your life happier. I noticed that many wealthy people are in fact lonely. One would think that they have both the means and the opportunity. However, rather than travelling and socializing, they just sit at home ... You may say that in a way they are robbing them - selves. They could have enjoyed life more, but instead, they devote themselves entirely to work ... And I just thought that even if there is no perfect life, there is always a craving for such. It is these aspirations that the Perfect.live service embodies with the help of advanced technologies. I really love innovation and wish to put my technology expertise at the service of this new business idea.
We have all for a long time now been used to ordering food and taxis, making purchases using the phone. So why not order everything else in the same way? Why not literally fulfill your every wish with the help of one button? Just record a voice request and get everything you need. Most people live between work and home, and somehow experience a constant stress. Everything seems to be there except ... happiness. We want to help them spend more time with family and friends, make new acquaintances. After all, new people bring new emotions, energy, a new driving force for you to live and enjoy life!
: How do you plan to use your rich experience in the financial and technical sphere in the concierge service?

Dmitri: Our intention is to gradually move away from a concierge concept and become more of a Club for like-minded people. As to technologies, firstly, they let us process a large amount of information and quickly pass it on to the client. Secondly, we are planning to focus on “automated customization”. This is something unique that no other concierge service provides. While researching the market, I realized that people often complain about being asked the same questions all over again and forced to repeatedly give the same answers. This may be explained by regular staff turnover.
We believe that creating a personal profile will solve this problem. We are planning to be constantly collecting and updating data on the client, thereby creating a unique customized account. Such a tailor-made approach would let us perfectly understand the client and anticipate his desires.
Another aspect of our work is motivating our clients to strive for excellence, for perfection. Some may be dreaming of going on a perfect holiday, others find it difficult to make friends, don’t know where to go, but want to become perfect party people. We carefully study the area which our client is struggling with. Our mission is for him to feel ultimately confident and comfortable.
Last but not least, we are creating a luxury marketplace. Luxury is highly specialized. A luxury car expert may know nothing about luxury apartments. We are striving to combine all segments into one system and provide access to all or part of it.
: Basically, your ambition is offering a program that may replace a personal assistant...?
Dmitri: On the one hand, it’s true, on the other, it is not so much about replacing, but getting to choose a personal assistant ideally suited to that particular person. Our mission is all about understand- ing our clients from the outset. The idea is no matter what our staff turnover is, the system keeps a detailed client profile. It is therefore not too difficult to quickly headhunt and train a new personal assistant. Moreover, this profile will “evolve” together with the client, since all his preferences are registered throughout the entire period of his using our service. www.perfect.live

: Does this mean that Perfect.live will not only advise on how to have a good time, but also encourage a complete improvement in life in a global sense?

Dmitri: Indeed. Our system will not only collect data on the best venues and entertainment options, but study different luxury segments. Such information will be hugely useful when moving to a new place. Perfect.live users will quickly find the comfort they are used to. Our ambition is making sure that any inconvenience, even the smallest, does not get in the way of them having a good time. They should not be racking their brains over solving an unexpected problem, knowing that they can fully rely on Perfect.live.
Moreover, thanks to our own marketplace, we are also inviting promoters selling diverse luxury goods and services to join our platform.
: How to become a member of the Club and how much does it cost?
Dmitri: Right now you can join the Club upon invitation by a current member. In the future, we are planning to give this opportunity to anyone willing to register, pay a membership fee and become a member. Our program currently costs 5,000 € per year. We are also considering different levels of membership. The subscription of likeminded people will thus be a pre-requisite for joining our Club.