Galapagos Photo Expedition

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Index Intro.......................................1 Biography................................2 Blue-footed Boobie...................4 Land Iguana..........................6 The Galapagos Cormorant...........8 The Galapagos Sea Lion...........10 Sea Turtle...............................12 The Giant Galapagos Tortoise.....14 Pink Famingo.........................16


Having the opportunity to go aboard the Eclipse in a Galapagos Photo Expedition with Jonathan R. Green is, without a doubt, the best way to live the Galapagos experience. With a water-resistant camera in hand, and an adventurous spirit, you will find out why it is that this beautiful place is called the “Enchanted Archipelago.” It’s a world lost in time, full of nature that will open your senses to the maximum. Would you leave without portraying it? Together with Jonathan R. Green you will take, not only one, but many memories of the Galapagos life. No matter what kind of camera you use, he, without a doubt, will teach you how to make the most out of it; always taking the best angle from landscapes, animals, birds, and also the light which is a valuable resource brought exclusively by the islands. Find out what an adventurous spirit and a camera can achieve in the Galapagos Islands.

DATES May 3rd 2014


August 23rd 2014



Jonathan R. Green is an English naturalist well known for publishing some of his

work in Time magazine, BBC Wild Life Magazine, and the Royal Geographical Magazine. Jonathan graduated with a Bachelor of Science from North London University.

His trips around the world had taken him, in 1988, to the Galapagos Islands where he trained as a naturalist of the “Charles Darwin Station” and the “Galapagos National Park.” His passion for photography has been with him for over 25 years and has made him one of the most renowned photographers of the islands. Jonathan has traveled, along with his camera, through the most beautiful sites in the world such as: Africa, the Antarctic, Patagonia, and the Amazon. Now, he is the one in charge of directing our Photo Safari on board the M.V Eclipse in order to help and advise our passengers who love photography the best images of the Galapagos Islands.

An unforgettable adventure!


Jonathan R. Green


Blue-Footed Boobie The Blue-footed Booby is on average 81 cm (32 in) long and weighs 1.5 kg (3.3 lb), with the females slightly larger than the males. It has long pointed wings and a wedge shaped tail. They have strong, thick necks. The booby's eyes are placed on either side of their bill and oriented towards the front. They have excellent binocular vision. The Blue-footed Booby's eyes are yellow. The male has more yellow on its iris than the female. The Blue-footed Booby has permanently closed nostrils made for diving. They breathe through the corners of their mouths. Their feet range from a pale turquoise to a deep aquamarine. Males and younger birds have lighter feet than females do.


Jonathan R. Green


Land Iguana The Land Iguanas are another of the endemic species from the Galapagos Islands that can be found in: Fernandina, Isabela, Santa Cruz and North Seymour. It`s colours call attention because they can vary from a golden yellow to orange and dark red. In the last census of this species, it came to a conclusion that in the whole Archipelago there are around 5,000 to 10,000 land iguanas. For this reason, they are a species in danger of extinction.


Jonathan R. Green


The Galapagos Cormorant Also known as the non-flying cormorant, it’s an endemic species from the Galapagos and is a very good example of the fauna that’s highly unusual there. It is the only cormorant in the world that has lost its capacity to fly. With just 1500 estimated individuals, this is one of the rarest birds around the world and is the objective of an active conservation program. This unique cormorant can be found between these two islands only: Fernandina, where it’s found mainly on the west coast, as well as in the north and west of Isabela Island.


Jonathan R. Green


The Galapagos Sea Lion The sea lions live on the rocky coasts of the islands in the west of the archipelago. These sea lions don’t migrate and they remain near the islands all their lives, which is about 20 years. The Galapagos sea lion feed mainly on fishes and mollusks near the coast and the water surface, but they have been spotted in depths of up to 169 meters. They reproduce in the oriental Pacific of the Galapagos Islands, in the west of continental Ecuador, and they are endemic to the islands.


Jonathan R. Green


Sea Turtle The sea turtle, whose scientific name is Chelonia mydas, are frequently found in big quantities in the Galapagos Islands. This kind of sea turtle belongs to a group of endemic species from the island. The Galapagos Archipelago provides the sea turtle with the best places to reproduce. This is why the colonies of sea turtles in the Galapagos are one of the largest in the Pacific Ocean.


Jonathan R. Green

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The Giant Galapagos Tortoise The giant tortoise is the biggest living tortoise, native to 7 islands of the Galapagos Archipelago. When fully adult, it can weigh over 300 kilograms (661pounds) and measure 1.2 meters (4 feet) long. It has a long life with a life expectancy in the wild of approximately 100 to 150 years. The population has decreased drastically due to hunting and the introduction of predators and herbivores by humans since the 17th century. Nowadays, there are only 10 subspecies from the original twelve that still exist in nature.


Jonathan R. Green


Pink Famingo The pink flamingos are a common species in the Galapagos. They are characterized by their long legs and peculiar walk. The estimated population of these birds is around 600, and you will be able to find them at Espumilla beach (Santiago Island), Villamil (Isabela Island), Punta Cormorรกn (Floreana Island) and Rabida.


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