Hawaii Renovation 22 May 2011

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MAY 22, 2011

Looking Good Let All Island Bath be the one to improve the appearance and functionality of your bathrooms. See page 3


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Either Love itor Lose it T

ake a good look around your home. Do you see things you love and cherish, or things that are just there because? I often see items on display in homes that I’m curious about, and when I ask the occupant to tell me about them, a common response is, “Oh, my mother-in-law (who the occupant says she can’t stand) gave us that, and I really don’t like it.” Or, “I don’t know. The landlord had it there when I moved in, so I kept it.”

Remove What Doesn’t Support You

To “up” the energy in your environment, make a commitment to take away anything you do not absolutely love so that what you have left will support you energetically. Note that if there are things that you acquired during a time of sadness, that energy of sadness is still being “beamed” into

your environment. issue and the argument Everything holds the ener- that ensued. That CD gy of the time and space it player is now no longer a was brought into your life. neutral item. It is not supKeep this in mind when porting you in your enviyou are deciding whether ronment, and can energetor not to keep something. ically drain you instead.

How an item holds energy

What if my spouse and I disagree about an Some items in your envi- item?

ronment can be considered neutral — such as a CD player. You may like its style, but basically, it is there to play music. Imagine that one day you and your spouse get into a heated argument about an issue you just can’t agree upon. You become emotional and, in turning your body, you bump a lamp that falls onto the CD player, leaving a gash on it. It still functions, but now holds the emotional energy of that negative interaction. Each time you put a CD in that player from this day forward, you are reminded (consciously or subconsciously) of that

When there are two or more people in a household, a difference of opinion often arises as to whether something is energetically supportive, especially an item in a common area. Let’s imagine the item in dispute is a funky wall hanging that you absolutely love, but your spouse thinks is unsightly. How can you come to an agreement? One way is to reassign the meaning of the wall hanging to represent the love and respect you have for each other. First, I would suggest that you rate the wall hanging on a scale of 1-10

10% OFF on any size

as to how much you love it, 10 being the highest score. Then have your spouse rate the same wall hanging, but with 10 being the highest amount of dislike for it. If you rate it a 9

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SEE PAGE 14 After

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ver the past few years, scientists and entrepreneurs have created money-saving solutions for many of the costly renovation projects today. These cost-conscious solutions will save you down time, are less invasive to your home, and will be a great help to the environment, saving huge amounts of waste we produce in Hawaii. Here are some examples of these solutions:

Bathtub and wall-surround resurfacing

Resurface your worn or stained bathtub to look like new.

Illusionite Simulated Stone

Transforms your counter tops from laminate or tile to look like granite or marble.

Walk-through conversion

Convert your tub into a walkthrough shower, making life easier for the elderly or disabled.

Bathtub and wall-surround liners

Fits a new tub over your old stained or rusted tub or wall surround in one day.

In the cost-conscious economy that we are in today, more and more people are using these types of remodeling choices, which could save you thou-

ALL ISLAND BATH sands. In the 20 years that All Island Bath has been in business, the company has had many satisfied customers who have remodeled their bathrooms multiple times to keep up with changing styles and needs — and done so at a fraction of the cost. This has been a great asset to property managers and hotel managers, who are always looking to update the look of their bathrooms. To learn more about the latest in bathroom designs or to receive a free estimate, call All Island Bath at 358-7780 or visit the website, www.allislandbath.com. MAY 22, 2011 | HAWAII RENOVATION | 3


A cool ‘Shoppe’ that serves thousands of homes, condos on Oahu


ot weather is here and hotter weather is on the way. It’s time to think air conditioning. “It doesn’t make sense to swelter through humid, windless summer weather when an efficient air conditioning system can keep you cool and comfortable for pennies a day ... and the higher the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficient Ratio), the more you save on electric,” said company owner Neil Wiedemann. The operative word is “efficient.” Old or malfunctioning air conditioning systems are energy hogs that don’t do the job effectively and run up your electricity bills. Air conditioning systems available from the Aire Conditioner Shoppe are the newest models that incorporate the latest technological advances. They are unobtrusive and virtually silent. Wiedemann, who has been in the air conditioning business since 1979, sells and installs split ductless systems on Oahu, as well as portable air conditioners. He also sells the less expensive window units that are often the choice for apartments, condos and houses. He guarantees the lowest prices for any product he sells with installation of the same equipment. For 10 years running Fujitsu has named him “Dealer of the Year.” “About five years ago the inverter compressor was developed, a component of the condenser, which is installed outside the home and connects to the air handler unit inside the home,” Wiedemann said. “Then last year another advance


was made in the technology, making it possible to cool up to eight separate rooms in the house with the same condenser connected to eight separate air handlers, all of which can be operated and set for the desired temperature indeAutomatic pendently. swing louvers and multiple fan speeds in the handler — the unit mounted in the home — allow you to control the amount and direction of the airflow to maximize comfort.” Wiedemann pointed out that split ductless systems can be just as efficient as central air conditioning, or more efficient in terms of energy savings, depending on the lifestyle of the homeowner. Even the window air conditioning units, which are generally what you see in older apartment buildings or townhomes, have been extensively improved both in efficiency and appearance. However, the tenant and/or owner needs to obtain permission from the management company and/or apartment owners association to install any type of air conditioning. Wiedemann noted that both split ductless systems and window air conditioners are on display at his showroom in Waipio. The various styles of systems he sells and services also are shown and described on his website, www.aireconditionershoppe.com. “The reason people may choose to live and work in environments without air


conditioning is because they have an image of an oldfashioned window unit that makes noise and utilizes undue amounts of energy. The fact is that the latest models are welldesigned and quiet. The energy they use is far less than in the past. But consider what happens to your own energy when you have to endure the heat of a Kona day ... chances are you’re much less productive than when the room is at optimum temperature. Air conditioning is money well spent.” The Aire Conditioner Shoppe offers free on-site estimates and design consultation. The company

installs and repairs what they sell. Wiedemann credits his company’s success to a strong commitment to customer satisfaction. The Aire Conditioner Shoppe’s slogan is, “We do it right the first time.” To make an appointment to meet with an estimator at make a decision on the sysyour home or office, call tem you want to install, you Wiedemann at 676-1455. will have a quote the next “When our estimator day by phone or fax. If the reviews your needs and you customer is satisfied, we

draw up the contract. Once I set a price, it’s firm and it will be guaranteed the lowest available price with the same equipment,” he said.

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The ‘New’ standard in home building BY KAREN NAKAMURA


he New Hawaiian Home is designed to actively support an environmentally responsible, modernfamily lifestyle. Construction of this new home commenced Feb. 1, and with the cooperation and voluntary support of more than 80 contractors and vendors, the home is scheduled to be completed before the end of this month. In the coming weeks, I will be sharing insights into the building of this revolutionary prototype home — starting with the first of the six green building elements: lot design. The homeowners hired Reuse Hawaii to hand-

demolish the exisiting property, but to salvage as much of the 50-year-old single-walled Redwood T&G home as possible. All Island Fence Rental LLC then provided the dust fence for the perimeter of the property for dust control, while Alan Shintani Inc. and Ron’s Construction Corp. graded, filled and compacted

the materials to provide a solid foundation for the slab. Site resource efficiency was implemented by retaining and reusing the excavation material for backfill, and Pineridge Farms Inc. provided the recycled base course mate-

rial to prepare a solid base for the footings and slab. A soils test for compaction strength was conducted to ensure it met the standards for stability under the slab. The photos accompanying this article illustrate key steps of lot preparation,

and in next week’s article, readers will learn more about the key steps involved in lot design. Lot design refers to the orientation of the home on the lot, where workers maximize natural ventilation, day lighting and lot preparation by re-using excavated material and creating the least amount of dust and water runoff. Kudos go out to several industry leaders who helped make this project a success. Michael Brant, the vice president of Gentry Homes, has chaired the project and kept the project team volunteers on track and focused. Rhonda Goyke, vice president of Green Sand Inc., LEED AP and CGP Certified Green Professional, has educated

BIA-Hawaii Remodelers

the team and monitored the job site for compliance, processes and application to implement green certification. Douglas Pearson, vice president of Castle and Cooke Homes, has led the construction team as project manager, while James Keller, president of Armstrong Builders, has coordinated with contractors so they keep green standards at every level. We invite you to our open house to learn, see and feel the difference of this new standard of home building on three Sundays — June 12, July 10 and July 17 — from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Karen Nakamura is executive vice president / CEO of Building Industry Association of Hawaii.

EN NOW OPAYS D SATUR-2 PM 94-480 Akoki Street #4 Waipahu, HI 96797


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Painting contractor provides high quality at low prices



sland Budget Painting is known as one of Hawaii’s premier painting contractors with the capability to handle projects ranging from small residential jobs to luxury homes and office buildings. How can owner Ted Wexler offer clients the best prices in the business for comparable jobs? In a word, experience. Wexler and his crew of highly qualified professionals have a combined experience of more than 37 years in the business and this translates into efficiency. “Working with a large, experienced contractor does not have to cost more, because we know exactly how to proceed and have all the latest equipment,” Wexler says. “Hiring an amateur painter is like hiring a novice computer technician ... they may give you a lower per hour price but it will take them lots more time to achieve the desired results. And the results may not be exactly what you had hoped for. When we quote a price, we explain exactly what it will take to do a per-

BUDGET PAINTING Stations and some of Hawaii’s leading architects and contractors. Property managers, management companies specializing in Ted townhomes and apartment buildWexler, ings, and homeowners associathird tions are also regular clients, from requiring not only new paint jobs left, and but ongoing maintenance. his crew. Realtors upgrading a home to enhance its saleability also call on Wexler, often with tight deadlines to meet. fect job ... meaning one that will be right the “People often assume that because your first time. If we know that existing surfaces company handles big projects, you won’t have to be properly prepared in order to be available for the smaller jobs,” Wexler prevent cracking or peeling down the road, said. “That just isn’t the case with Island we will so advise the client. When paint or Budget Painting. We enjoy the challenge stains are properly applied, they will out- of transforming a house or apartment for last a poorly executed job every time and an owner with a great paint job.” save the client money in the long run.” Wexler is a specialist in color selection Among Wexler’s very long roster of sat- and can assist clients in making choices and isfied, repeat clients are Tesoro Service matching existing colors or furnishings, as

Ronald Cordeiro paints a Manoa home.

well as advise on the best products for the job, taking into account such factors as weather conditions in the area. His crew is experienced working with difficult jobsites that may require scaffolding and operating within the parameters set by condominiums affecting access, parking, and times that work can be performed. Island Budget Painting also provides concrete repair, which is often called for in commercial contracts involving older buildings that are being restored or converted for new uses. For more information or to set an appointment for a free onsite estimate, call Ted Wexler at 255-8612.

Best Prices Guaranteed With Installation of the Same Equipment Over 30 Years Track Record • Free Estimates on Split Systems • We Sell, Service, Install & Repair A+ Rating We also sell Portable A/C’s, Split Systems, Window & Thru the Wall A/C’s, Flush Mount A/C’s Before you buy a split system, make sure you’re buying the highest energy savings available. The higher the EER the more you save. GOD BLESS AMERICA

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The Magic of Milzen Cabinetry C

ome and experience the family style of service that Ohana Building Supply provides. Among the color and style selection of cabinets, granite, flooring and stainless steel sinks, you will also find the Milzen Cabinetry line exclusive in Hawaii only at Ohana Building Supply. These face-framed, flat-slab, panelstyle cabinets are made of ½-inch plywood boxes, ¾-inch solid wood faceframe with ¾-inch wood-trimmed engineered wood doors and drawer faces. Milzen cabinets are constructed with



solid wood dove-tailed drawers and built standard with undermount soft closing drawer slides and soft closing door features. Elegantly colored in Espresso Oak and White Oak, these stylish modern cabinets will add flair to any

B u i lt to l a st a n d l a st .

kitchen. Stop in to check out this fine cabinetry as well as the other selection of flat panel, raised panel and Shakerstyle cabinets. Currently, the Milzen cabinet line is being offered at 35 percent off of retail pricing. Ohana Building Supply’s newest

promotion is the dark cherry flat panel and raised panel cabinets, which are being offered at 60 percent off retail. These frameless-style cabinets are constructed of ¾inch solid wood doors, drawer faces and ¾-inch plywood boxes. These cabinets come standard with Blum hardware for the under-mount soft closing drawer slides and soft closing door features. Ohana Building Supply is located at 2815 Kaihikapu St. in Mapunapuna. Showroom hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Call 833-8338 for more information.

A gourmet kitchen at a blue plate price.

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The Model Remodeling Company


hen David Chang and Jonathon Son, owners of The Cabinet & Stone Factory, were looking to remodel their respective homes years ago, they both discovered how stressful it was to go through the process of working with multiple contractors, vendors and designers — and trying to coordinate and organize among all of them. They realized then that many other shoppers may be experiencing the same problems, and that many homeown& STONE FACTORY ers would want to be able to work with a one-stop renovation company that takes them through the entire design-build process from creating the initial design concept all the way to the final touches with one point of contact and one point of accountability. “We design it, we install it and we follow-up,” says Chang. “When you work with


us, we meet you at your home to understand your vision, assess the feasibility of your project and determine a realistic budget. Our showroom has all the products you need to pick from to choose what suits your tastes. We create and design plans for

Call for a Free Consultation

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Website: cccabinetsgranite.com 8 | HAWAII RENOVATION | MAY 22, 2011



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ou have to see and feel the luxury vinyl floors at Wayne’s Flooring to appreciate them. Alterna vinyl tile is soft and warm underfoot, and offers the most natural and realistic ceramic or stone looks you’ll find anywhere. Luxe Plank luxury vinyl floors also offer highly realistic looks — but do so in hardwood colors and textures. Luxe Plank even comes in authentic plank lengths and widths, with beveled edges and ends. Alterna luxury vinyl can be installed with or without grout, for a true stone or ceramic look. Consider hiring an Armstrong-certified, professional installer for Alterna since gluing and grouting are usually skills beyond the average DIYer. Alterna comes in the large format (16 inchesby-16 inches) tiles. If you want a luxury vinyl floor that’s DIYfriendly, take a closer look at Luxe Plank. You can install Luxe anywhere in your home, and since you


Simple,yet superior vinyl floors

install the planks to each other, and not to the subfloor, they can go over most existing flooring easily. All you have to do is peel the linear sheet and stick the plank in place. If you make a mistake, just remove the plank and reapply. You can continue moving the planks into different positions until the adhesive starts to set. Armstrong’s luxury vinyl floors are made to last, and its vinyl tiles are easy to maintain and can be installed in any room, including bathrooms. Both Luxe Plank and Alterna are made up of three primary layers. The top layer is a protective wear layer that provides resistance to stains, scratches and scuffs. This wear layer is combined with a clear film layer that adds more durability and helps protect the luxury vinyl floor against rips, tears and gouges. The second layer is the printed design layer that offer realistic ceramic, stone or wood visuals. The bottom layer is the tile backing,

which adds structural strength and durability. Find Armstrong Luxe and Alterna at one of four Wayne’s Flooring locations (Sand Island, Kaimuki, Kaneohe or Salt Lake). For more information, visit www.arm strong.com.


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LET’S TALK FLOORING with Shirley Pai Hilton, Pres. & CEO, PII Q: What is the issue with engineered flooring and new duties? A: A small group of US manufacturers who lost their competitive edge with overseas products went crying to their congressmen. Result? A suspiciously quick determination that anti-dumping laws were violated and already, imposition of higher duties on engineered wood. We have not raised our prices a single penny, YET, so visit us soon for a great deal on wood flooring. ALOHA!

Hawaii’s Best Flooring! 926 KOHOU STREET ✦ HONOLULU ✦ 847-7711

Honolulu Kapolei Mililani

28 Aiea Manoa Mililani

29 Hawaii Kai Visit RevoluSun.com to find a solar open house near you or call 748.8888 for a complete schedule and addresses.

LIC. # ABC 30244



Free Seminars just for you U

pdating your home or building a new one is about to get a whole lot easier. Oahu homeowners can get answers to all of their renovation questions at either of two “Building to Your Lifestyle” seminars being presented by HK Construction. “These informative seminars are free, fun and open to the public,” says company vice president Alan Twu. “If you’re thinking of building or remodeling for the first time, this seminar will help you understand the process a homeowner will go through from start to finish.” The “Building to your lifestyle” seminars will take place at Pearl Country Club on Thursday, May 26 from 6 to 8 p.m. and at Ward Warehouse on Friday, May 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. A representative from Bank of Hawaii will be on hand to explain the different loan processes, rates, options and will also have an open Q&A.

HK CONSTRUCTION “Most of all, we get people one step closer to having the home they’ve dreamed of for their family,” says Twu. At the end of the seminar, participants will be invited to meet one-on-one with HK Construction design consultants for facts or opinions on their project and any questions regarding the construction process. “HK Construction is a kamaaina company that has built hundreds of quality homes and home improvements

throughout Oahu,” says Twu. “We have more than 35 years of experience in the construction industry. Our staff offers a full range of services with the knowledge and designing capabilities to build to your unique lifestyle.” As an ABC license holder, HK Construction can offer you: 1. General engineering (grading, excavation, sewers and paving) 2. General building (the company’s principal business is

building and renovating residential structures) 3. Specialty contract work (requires special skills such as drywall, roofing, plumbing and electrical) HK prides itself in taking a project from start to finish with a civil division that can provide demolition, site and foundation work, in-house design, drafting

services and framing crews. HK Construction also has an extensive network of subcontractors and suppliers who can be called upon to complete any job. For more information about HK Construction Corp. or to reserve your spot for the next seminar, visit the website, www.hkchawaii.com or call 841-1800, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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ith its sunny weather, the highest electricity costs in the United States, and supportive tax incentives, Hawaii is a great place for homeowners to “go solar.” In fact, the robust market is drawing in scores of new participants. “With so many solar companies piling into the market, it can be hard to distinguish firms with the technical knowledge and experience in the Hawaii market from fly-by-nighters looking to make a quick buck, or mainland companies who think they understand the Hawaii people,” says Eric Carlson, principal of locally owned RevoluSun. “Systems should last 25 years, and the quality of the installation is critical to its long-term durability and to the integrity of the home. I definitely recommend that homeowners do their devices when they are not homework before choosing in use. RevoluSun, who a solar contractor.” installed more solar systems in Hawaii in 2010 than any Those interested in a solar other company, offers a free system should: energy evaluation to any • Lower energy usage Hawaii homeowner before first. The fastest way to they even begin discussing reduce your power bill is solar solutions for prospecto use less electricity. Cut tive clients. back that usage through power-saving appliances, • Get comfortable with changing light bulbs, and the technology and the turning off energy hungry installer by visiting a solar


How to choose a

Solar Contractor open houses and solar education seminars at www.RevoluSun.com or by calling 748-8888.

the solar company does to help you apply for your federal and state refunds or tax credits. These generous incentives pay for up to 65 percent of the system. But if the system is not installed properly, or the correct paperwork is not sent to the utility, homeowners could get stuck footing the entire bill.

• Do your homework. Research the company to ensure it has the proper licensing. You can do this by visiting the Hawaii Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs at www.hawaii.gov/dcca or visit the Regulated Industries Complaints Office at http://hawaii.gov/dcca/rico to see if the firm you are planning to work with has received any complaints and the outcomes of those complaints.

open house, where other Hawaii homeowners invite the public to see their solar system in action, and talk story about design, instal• Interview the solar comlation and how it affected pany to find out the qualifithem. Hawaii homeowners cations of its installers, and also can check out one of the firm’s protocol for schedthe free, solar education uling installations. Be upfront series RevoluSun holds in and determine what kind of locations around Oahu every recourse you will have should month as well as on Maui the work not be completed and the Big Island. You can on time, on budget, and with find a listing of these free no mistakes.

• Pay attention to service and quality. This includes making sure that you are comfortable that the team installing panels on your roof and working with your home’s electrical system observe proper safety protocols, and finding out what

Hawaii’s solar energy experts, RevoluSun, work exclusively with American Piping & Boiler (APB) to install all its residential solar systems. APB is a highly respected union shop with a long history of successful projects in Hawaii’s energy industry. Founded in 1965, APB is a locally owned general and


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RevoluSun helps

Leaky Roof?

Light the Way 591-1900 FROM PAGE 11

electrical contractor. “The truth is that most solar companies, including us, are really young. But what RevoluSun does through its partnership with APB is groundbreaking, and it addresses many areas of concern in this fledgling industry,” says Carlson. “By

partnering with a kamaaina company that has been in business for more than 45 years, we gain a level of maturity and proven work experience that no other solar company has. Add to that APB’s large, qualified work force, and we are able to service clients on time, and make sure each customer

receives the attention and professionalism they deserve.” Though this partnership, RevoluSun provides the design, permitting and exceptional customer service needed to ensure the job runs smoothly while APB handles the construction. As Hawaii’s leading solar provider, RevoluSun designed and installed more residential photovoltaic projects in 2010 than any other company, and it’s able to help you, too. RevoluSun offers free, understandable energy evaluations to homeowners, which allow for customized systems based on each home’s unique energy needs. To schedule your free energy evaluation, call 7488888 or visit www.Revolu Sun.com.


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When it’s time for a new deck, details count B

ackyard decks beckon this time of year. They are the perfect place for spending lazy summer days or for entertaining on blissful summer nights. Today’s decks offer homeowners a comfortable place to spend time. As a home improvement that offers a return on investment, a new or upgraded deck ranks near the top of the list, behind only kitchen and bath remodels. What’s the biggest trend in decks this summer? “Homeowners are asking for more addons, including different styles of outdoor lighting,” said Mick Feduniec of Deckscapes, LLC, in Charlotte, N.C. says Feduniec requests for deck lighting have skyrocketed in the last few years and that his clients appreciate the wide variety of lighting that is available today. Unique styles, like tiny, recessed LEDs for the edges of decks, LED strips for running underneath a

rail, or lights with remote control dimming, tend to get customers excited about the finished product. “Not every customer is building the elaborate dream deck, but every customer is concerned about value. That translates to quality in the materials and the special touches that make a deck special day and night,” Feduniec said. Deckscapes has found

that lighting really sets their decks apart. The company recently received the National Illumination Award from the

North American Deck and Railing Association for a deck the company built that featured lantern-style post cap lights by Aurora Deck Lighting and a glowing gas fire pit. Aurora is one of the nation's leaders in the design and manufacture of deck lighting, and the company says their business has remained steady even during the latest economic downturn, thanks to offerings featuring

state-of-the-art LED bulbs. “Customers want to get the most for their expenditure, and energy efficient lighting is functional and adds value,” said Jay Savignac of Aurora. New styles of LED deck lights are virtually foolproof. Installation is simple and the bulbs last for years, saving both energy and money while remaining maintenance free. Easy installation means homeowners can add Aurora's deck lights themselves on existing

structures. To encourage that trend, the company packages some of its most versatile lighting styles, like the Odyssey LED strip lights and Phoenix Recessed LED lights, in kits designed specifically with the do-it-yourself homeowner in mind. Savignac says customizing a deck is easy with lighting, because there are so many colors and styles to choose from. He says homeowners like convenience, so this spring they introduced a dimmer system that works with a remote control to allow you to dim the LED lights when just a little accent light is needed. Aurora Deck Lighting’s website, www.auroradecklighting.com, features dozens of different styles of lights, including low voltage LEDs, solar LEDs, and traditional line voltage systems. For inspirational ideas for your new deck, visit www.deckscapes .com.

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Handling gifts with care FROM PAGE 2

An ‘on-time, on-budget’ group

and your spouse rates it a 7, then based on this rating, you love it more than your spouse dislikes it. Next, I would ask your spouse if he or she loved you enough to allow the wall hanging to represent your love. If so, your spouse has the opportunity to transform it from an “eyesore” into a gift of love because you like the wall hanging more than he dislikes it. The wall hanging takes on a new symbolic meaning, as a reminder of love instead of an instigator of disharmony. Each time you see it, you are grateful and see it as a gift, while each time your spouse sees it, it’s a reminder of how much he or she loves you.

Gifts you do not like FROM PAGE 8

you with our cutting edge CAD (computeraided design) software; and once the plans are approved, we begin and manage your entire construction process to provide you a quality project that is on-time and on-budget.” The Cabinet & Stone

Factory’s mission is to surpass its clients’ expectations by providing the best in service by offering a streamlined, accountable, stress-free process while delivering superior workmanship at a value that is on-time and on-budget. “Every point of the process is handled with

attention to detail and care for our clients’ individual needs to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible,” Chang notes. “The last thing anyone wants when making their dreams of renovating their homes come true is a nightmare in the process.”

Finally, if you receive something you don’t like, don’t display it! We are always afraid that the gift giver is going to come back and say, “Hey! Where’s that wooly mammoth statue I gave you?” However, you disempower yourself by putting it in your environment if you know it doesn’t support you. I always say to honor the intent of such a gift, feel the love behind the gift, be thankful, and then give it away or donate it. It is OK to do this. By not doing this,

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you neglect to honor yourself, the most important person in your life.

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o matter the size or style of your home, the decor you choose determines its atmosphere and reflects your own personality. Updating or changing your decor can give you a sense of pride and satisfaction when completed. But redesigning your living space can also be slightly overwhelming. You may think you don’t have the time or funds to redecorate, but there are several ways to rejuvenate your interior without spending a great deal of time or money.

Paint power Creating or changing the feel of a room begins with the canvas of your home — the walls. For a dramatic change with minimal cost, give your walls a bright splash of color that complements the furniture and fabric in the room. Dutch Boy can help you find the perfect hue with its Color Simplicity tool, which allows you to apply different color combinations to various room images including

How to renew a room on a budget kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms and bedrooms. Change the trim and accessory colors to get an even better idea of what your room will look like with a fresh coat of paint. Browse the expansive color library by family or collection, or choose from the 2011 Color Trends palette to experiment and find your perfect shade of paint. You can save your favorite projects and order paint samples in seconds, or continue to try out new combinations. Frame of mind If you’re like many, you have boxes upon boxes of photographs. But why keep them hidden? Look for fun

or fancy frames to showcase those cherished memories and people, and place them on end tables or hang on your newly painted walls. If you have a large area of bare space, consider having an especially meaningful picture enlarged, matted and framed as a focal point of the room. With endless styles and sizes available, spread a variety of pictures throughout the room to create a personal and inviting atmosphere.

Throw in some style Once you’ve decided on a color scheme for your room, spice things up with throw pillows in contrasting or complementary shades. Throw pillows are an easy and inexpensive way to add some personality to your space, so look for fabrics and styles that most appeal to your inner designer. You can mix and match solid and patterned fabrics in a variety of materials, and you might even buy different pillows for each season. A few bold pillows can go a long way in renewing a room for minimal cost. Seat recovery That old armchair with the worn-out seat. The sofa


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with the huge dark stain. Dad’s hideous but oh-so cozy recliner. Comfort may have nothing to do with style, but you don't need to live with an eyesore for the sake of your seat. Reupholstering a chair or sofa is a much more costeffective solution than purchasing new furniture, but it can take time and may not be feasible depending on the seat design. If you aren't confident in your upholstering skills, a slipcover is an instant solution that

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Even if you’re tight on time and cash, a few updates can make a dramatic difference in your home's overall appearance. Don't be afraid to tap into your inner design and make an individual statement that reflects your own unique taste and personality.

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Here’s your window of opportunity T

his year, Custom Contractors Inc. (CCI) celebrates its 25th year in the Hawaii window market. CCI has sold an impressive 200,000 windows to more than 15,000 customers during that time period. “You have to adapt to the times,” noted owner Luis Larcina. “As our customers’ needs change, we want to be there for them. A lot of our customers want to transition away from jalousie windows. They are extremely hard to clean, let in dust, dirt and noise, and do not let your AC run efficiently. Most importantly, the jalousie window accounts for over 85 percent of entry points during burglaries.” The aluminum awning window has been CCI’s biggest seller. The manufacturer, Victor Sun Control, has been making this style of window for more than 53 years and converted several of its components to deal with Hawaii’s harsh salt atmosphere. “It’s been a great product for Hawaii right from the beginning,” said Larcina. “It addressed all of the jalousie short comings, they’re easy to clean, seal tight, meet building codes and feature Torque Bar activated cam lock security. As Victor Sun Control’s largest customer nationwide, we have a lot of say as to how the product is made and the quality shows.” CCI offers endless glass options for its windows ranging from simple tint (reduce glare), obscure (privacy), laminated or tempered (for safety and security), to Low e (for ultraviolet reduction). A close second in CCI’s inventory of replacement and new construction windows is its vinyl line, PLYGEM (formerly CertainTeed), one of the country’s oldest and largest manufacturers of this kind of window. Among the various architectural shapes offered are single and double sliders, single and double hungs, casements and sliding doors.



While all of the options may seem overwhelming and confusing to the average homeowner, this is where CCI’s experience and expertise comes to the forefront. Twenty-year veteran and head estimator at CCI, Robert Abbett, better known as Rabbett, perhaps says it best: “When I go into a home, I find some of our customers know what they want, most are open to practical ideas and applications. We sit down and examine the homes unique variables including trade wind direction, path of the sun, privacy and security issues, and aesthetics,” he explained. “We then choose a window and glass type to meet that need. I’ll supply them with a computer generated drawing and individual pricing for their windows.” Another thing that makes CCI atypical in the home improvement world is its low-key sales approach. “We have great products, prices and experience,” said Abbett. “We won’t use gimmicks like ‘sign tonight and we’ll give you 20 percent off’ or ‘we’re going to make your home the neighborhood model if you sign tonight.’ Companies that use these practices know that if they

walk out the door without a contract, they’ve lost your business. We actually encourage our customers to get other quotes; in the end, they feel better about us.” In addition to Abbett’s 20 years at CCI, lead installer Larry Fischer has also been with the company for 20 years. Office manager Cheryl Wilson has been with CCI for 15 years and shop manager John O’Donnell for 10 years. This type of departmental leadership allows CCI to smoothly transition a large quantity of jobs — typically 80 to 100 at any given time. That volume allows CCI to ship full containers of windows at a time, saving customers from $30 to $40 per window on average, and eliminate the damage that occurs when shipping in common containers or air freight. While CCI’s core value is home replacement windows, it also has extensive commercial and high-rise experience in Hawaii. The company specializes in Lanai enclosures (Kahala Towers and Kapiolani Bel Aire to site two condominiums) and builds its own bay windows. With an estimated 20 million jalousies still out there waiting to be retired, CCI will be around for a long time. For more information, call 483-0100.


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