2014 stewardship brochure

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Stewardship - the continuing challenge of discipleship We can sometimes see a stewardship campaign as just another regular programme, where we try to raise the church’s income. It’s rather more than that. It’s a time for us to reflect on our response as God’s “good stewards”. To be OPEN to the “Word” and “Love” of God, brought to life in Jesus Christ.

hands. God gives. Do we close our hands around His gifts or do we open our hands and share?

OPEN HEARTED We believe in a God who is superabundantly and super gracefully GENEROUS. A God who dies for me. How do I respond to that Love; Grace; Mercy; Sacrifice?


How much should I “give back” to resource the mission and work of God’s church; the sharing with others of the love and goodness of God?

We’ve done this many times. What’s new? But could God be wanting to teach us a new thing?

We cannot tell you how much to give as we invite you to prayerfully review your regular gift, but will it be:

Recent thinking on Stewardship has been encouraging a debate that stewardship is not about our giving, but about how we use what God has given us. It’s not just about what should we give each month to the church, but about how we use ALL our money; ALL our possessions: ALL our gifts; ALL our time; ALL our worldly space. A thoroughly holistic outlook!



It’s not just about stewardship of income, but about stewardship of capital as well.

OPEN HANDED As King David gave thanks to God for all the peoples gifts for the building of The temple he says “But me—who am I, and who are these my people, that we should presume to be giving something to you? Everything comes from you; all we’re doing is giving back what we’ve been given from your generous hand.” (The Message - 1 Chronicles 29:14.) We come into the world with empty



Father of All, You loved the world so much that you gave your only Son, so that all who believe in Him should have eternal and abundant life. Grant us grace to accept all your gifts and to use them for the good of others; for the care of your world; and to proclaim the values of Your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Anglican Stewardship Association)


PARISH SHARE Our contribution towards the cost of providing ministry and pastoral care in this parish - £107,000

We have income from: FUND RAISING For both General and Fabric Funds




The cost of our Church services, music, charitable giving and youth work - £24,000

Including collections, donations, grants (General and Fabric) and fees from weddings and funerals

RUNNING EXPENSES The cost of heating, lighting, insurance, administration and minor maintenance - £37,000

ESSENTIAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Funds that are needed to do essential works in any one year



THE GIVING SCALE Amount Given per annum £1 - 99 £100 - 299 £300 - 599 £600 - 999 £1000 +

Current number of Givers 8 44 43 32 20

Target number of Givers 0 30 50 50 30

Total out of 330



(Total allows for effect of only one Giver in a family)

PLANNED GIVING This means that in future we need

£130,000 from regular committed giving, on which we can recover Income Tax of £32,000*. Currently we receive £88,000 in regular and oneoff donations on which we recover £22,000 in Gift Aid making a total of £110,000,

Please complete the enclosed Pledge Form and return it in a sealed envelope by 19 October to:

Gordon Woods 3 Peterborough Avenue Oakham, Rutland LE15 6EB

Making an increase of approximately 47% over the 3 year cycle.

or leave it in the special post box provided in Church.

* Please note that the Personal Income Tax Allowance has now increased to £10,000 per annum, therefore please let us know if you no longer pay sufficient Income Tax to cover your donation.

All Givers can be assured of the absolute confidentiality of their Pledges. They will not be disclosed to anyone else.

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