ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH OAKHAM STEWARDSHIP PLEDGE SLIP 2014 I wish to begin / continue * regular giving to the Parochial Church Council of All Saints’ Church, Oakham by giving the sum of £______________________ every week / month / quarter / year * until further notice. Please provide the necessary forms for me to make / amend * donations by standing order / cash *. I pay / do not pay * sufficient tax for my giving to qualify for Gift Aid (increasing the amount received by the All Saints’ Church by 25%). (Note: The Personal Tax Allowance is now £10,000 per annum, so please make sure that you pay sufficient Income Tax to cover your donation)
* Please delete as necessary Full Name: ___________________________ Address: _____________________________ ________________ Post code ___________ Telephone number: __________________ E-mail address _______________________ Please complete and return in a sealed envelope by 19 October to: Gordon Woods, 3 Peterborough Avenue, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6EB or leave it in the special post box provided in Church All Givers can be assured of the absolute confidentiality of their Pledges