Good News From The Oakham Group 60p
United Benefice of Oakham with Hambleton and Egleton, Braunston with Brooke and Langham with Ashwell. Ministry is carried out by teams of clergy and laity working within, and on behalf of, the Christian communities in each of the Parishes. Team Rector: Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani 722108 Asst. Priest: Rev. Hildred Crowther 767779 Team Vicars: Rev. Audrey Atkinson 723154 01664 474096 Rev. Janet Tebby Curate: Rev. Dominic Coad 770024 Readers: Mr Vyvyan Wainwright. 759157 Mrs Debbie Marsh 821062 Mr Nick Holford 723532 Mr David Pattinson 723844 Mr Alan Rudge 755570 Parish Evangelists: Jenni Duffy 720064 Mrs Gail Rudge 755570 Lay Pastoral Minister Madeleine Morris 868418 Parish Nurse Mrs Debbie Marsh 07919385314 724007 Team Administrator: Mrs Janine Weaver Rev. Alexander Aldous Oakham School:
We are delighted to share sacramental ministry with retired Priests who serve our Parishes, the Deanery and the Diocese in many ways. Benefice Magazine Editor: David Dyer, Culm House, 22,Nene Cres Oakham. TeI. 771564 email Reps. Braunston: Mrs ME Dyer Hambleton: Louise Everett Langham: Mrs S. Holford Brooke: Mrs Anne Grimmer Egleton: MrN Ashton. Oakham: MrsAAusten Material to the Editor please by the 15th of each month except July. There is a pigeonhole for contributions in the Benefice office or you can email to the Editor. Contributors who word process are asked to use Times New Roman and font 16. This will save us preparation time. Thanks for your Co-operation.
Lay Members of the Team in each Parish: Oakham All Saints Churchwardens: Mr S Bruce Mrs M Pattinson PCC Secretary: DUfton PCC Treasurer: MrPHill Vergers Brenda Weatherhogg (Team leader) Langham St Peter and St Paul Churchwardens: Mrs Hilary Knight MrsD Sowter PCC Secretary: Mrs Susan Holford PCC Treasurer: Mrs JMorris Ashwell St Mary Churchwardens: Mrs S. Farr Mrs JHarvey Mrs P Menzies-Gow PCC Secretary: Mrs Susan Smith PCC Treasurer: Braunston All Saints Churchwardens D H Dyer G A Rudge PCC Secretary: Mrs ME Dyer PCC Treasurer: Mrs P Anderson Brooke St Peter Churchwardens: Mr H Killingback Mrs J Killingback P .CC. Secretary: Miss M Brooks PCC Treasurer: Mr T Greer Egleton St Edmund. Churchwardens: Mrs S Boulton PCC Secretary: Mrs J Starling PCC Treasurer: Mrs M Parkin Hambleton St Andrew Churchwardens: Mrs M Hall Mrs G Griffin PCC Secretary: MrsMHall PCC Treasurer: Mr JPrice Market Overton Churchwardens: PCC Secretary
Mrs J. Fisher-Robins Mrs S. Morris
756656 723884 720237 724529 722482 757435 723533 723532 724032 723743 759204 722837 757093 771564 755570 771564 774388 756069 756069 723047 770574 723505 756850 723576 723576
723266 767212
PCC Treasurer
Teigh Churchwardens: PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer
Whissendine Churchwardens: PCC Secretary: PCC Treasurer
Mrs F. Lamb
Mrs A. Mrs V. Mrs A. Mr A.
Morley Owen Morley Peel
787497 787681 787497 01664 474424
Mr P. Mr J. MrsL. MrA
Raymond Townsend Amold Peel.
01664 01664 01664 01664
474605 474392 474645 474424
Please would PCC secretaries let the Editor (771564) know as soon as changes in any part of the above information are necessary.
Rt Revd John Holbrook, Bishop of Brixworth, writes Challenges for a New Year A few years ago, the Archbishops ' Council set the Church of England a number of challenges under three headings; Going for Growth, Contributing towards the Common Good and Reimagining Ministry. As I travel around visiting churches and schools across our diocese I see many examples of real progress towards achieving these aspirations. There are exciting signs of growth. Sunday by Sunday I experience good worship in all sorts of styles. One of the joys of being a bishop is hearing from Confirmation candidates about how their faith has come alive. Many of our churches have children and young people exploring the Christian life and I meet countless inspirational older church members who have faithfully followed Christ all their lives. Alongside more traditional worship we have new patterns of community such as Messy Church and Breakfast Churches and many people join us for special services at Christmas and Easter. Church members have always been enthusiastic volunteers in charitable service and I am amazed by the bewildering variety of projects in which the people of our diocese are serving. A recent gathering had 40 stalls advertising Christian initiatives to make a positive difference in our communities. From food banks to advice centres, prison visiting to support for the homeless, church members are demonstrating "Christian love with their sleeves rolled up". Our schools serve many children not from church families, drawn by their quality and values. To meet the needs of a changing church and the challenges of a fastchanging world we need more varied styles of ministry. It has been super to see the growth of our Xpect one-year intern scheme and in younger vocations to ordination. I'm excited by the quality of new Readers, Licensed Evangelists or Pastoral Ministers, as well as those improving their skills as children's workers or worship leaders. We are developing healthy patterns of shared ministry between clergy and lay leaders and I long for the equal partnership of men and women as bishops. We are looking outwards. In addition to work in schools, hospitals and prisons, we are growing the ministry of chaplains in the university, sports clubs, police and fire services. I thank God for the privilege of serving in the diocese at a time when so many good things are happening and look forward to what new encouragements he will give us during the course of this New Year. With my prayers and very best wishes,
Editorial A Happy and Positive New Year to you all. The end of a year, brings accounts to be completed and I should be grateful if any outstanding subs for 2012 could be sent to me, either via the pigeon hole in the office or to me at 22, Nene Cres. Subs for 2013 are due from January 1st and Cashflow for the year is greatly assisted if these can come in sooner rather than later. They remain at 60p for a single copy and ÂŁ6 for the full year. My thanks to all the distributors who assist me by collecting these subs. May I also remind the advertisers that fees and contributions for the year 'are now due. We are all grateful to everyone who advertises and hope it brings good responses. The effect for us is that we are able to stabilise the price of the magazine which has not changed in price for more than five years now.
"0 God our Father, fold both Heaven and Earth in a single peace, let the design of Your love lighten upon the anger and waste of our lives, enabling us to work for peace in our church, peace in and among nations, peace in our homes, peace in our hearts, peace in our relationships with others and peaceful purposes in all our actions. Through Jesus Christ Your Son and our Lord,"
By SlVViANTI-IA. 077 0104 0 797 A.Rl!LlABLY & I'RlliNDD' S=VICli IN
THr: CO.Nll'ORT 01; YOUR O'WN Ho_rH!:
December Meeting At the December Holy Communion, conducted by Revd. Brian Nicholls in his usual thoughtful manner, we were delighted to welcome two new members, Margaret Tyler and Sheila Williamson, who were formally admitted to the Mothers Union by Meg Dyer and presented with MU badges by Pamela Woods. After the service Gordon Woods presented Revd. Brian with a gift as a thank you for the support he has given us during the past year. Following this members enjoyed a Beetle Drive ( the "beetle" being a Christmas tree to be assembled) won by Catriona Drye. Then followed an excellent tea, making a most roun~ed and enjoyable December meeting to complete another successful year. January Meeting As usual, we are starting the New Year with our AGM, preceded by a lunch, to take place on Thursday 10th January 2013 in the Church Hall at 1.00 pm. The cost of the lunch, a twocourse meal consisting of cottage pie and choice of sweet will be ÂŁ5. It has been suggested to me that where MU is concerned AGM stands for A Generous Meal, and guests will be most welcome. For planning the meal Pamela will need to know numbers as soon as possible and certainly by Epiphany. And finally ...... Revd. Brian had highlighted the recently published 2011 census figures showing that married couples were now in a minority in this country and commented that the MU is now more pertinent than ever. There can be no better way to affirm support of it than to join the MU, with its aim of the advancement of the Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family life, upholding Christ's teaching on the nature of marriage and promoting the protection of children. A Happy New Year to you all.
Barbara J ames
Around the diocese Bishop's shares the excitement of rural ministry Rt Revd Mark Rylands, Bishop of Shrewsbury, was in Mears Ashby last month to share insights and practical advice on rural mission and ministry. Great things about small communities and early Celtic missionaries were amongst his themes.
"Small populations can offer exciting opportunities for cooperation and creativity," he said. "God specialises in taking a little and making a lot of it." He pointed out examples from scripture showing how God treasures the small : the calling of the boy Samuel; David defeating Goliath; Gideon's success with a tiny army; the feeding of the 5000. "One Christian in the right place at the right time can make a huge difference in the community," he said. He also pointed out that, as a percentage of the parish population, rural churches achieved attendance levels that urban and suburban churches could only dream of. Bishop Mark recognised that in rural areas the church building was often of great significance as a focal point for the village. "A well kept church and graveyard is a powerful witness to God 's care for the people of the whole community," he said. The different style of leadership needed in a rural, multi-church setting was also discussed. "Bishop Mark spoke of multi-parish ministry taking an episcopal shape," said Marcus Pumell (Cottesmore etc). "We simply cannot keep every plate spinning and must encourage and involve others." Tending to the wounds of the sheep is only part of the shepherd 's task, the bishop suggested, the chief responsibility being to lead the flock to good pasture, keep it moving in the right direction and help it to avoid danger. "It was a huge relief to be reminded that the primary symbol of the pastoral task is not a bandage but a shepherd 's staff! " said Sarah Brown (Ashby St Ledgers, Braunston). Celtic Christians were in a similar context to ours, and their example of prayerfulness, wholehearted dedication, a simple lifestyle, compassion for the poor and a servant attitude were an inspiring model to follow. Another feature of Celtic monastic life, hospitality, was much in evidence at the study day, which was hosted by Bishop John Holbrook. The 40 plus clergy and lay people who attended enjoyed a buffet lunch at the
village pub, and had the opportunity to talk infonually over tea and cake at Bishop John's house in the afternoon . Bishop Mark's notes may be down-loaded from the website at: www.peterborough-diocese.OILuklruralday Dealing the Jesus deck The Revd Madeleine Albert, Pioneer Curate of Longthorpe and Bretton, describes how she uses "the Jesus deck" to open up spiritual conversations. The Jesus deck is similar to an ordinary deck of cards but instead of the usual sort of playing card it is made up of four suits, each representing one of the gospels. Every card illustrates an episode in the life of Jesus. Matthew focuses on Jesus' teachings, Mark on the passion of Jesus, Luke on Jesus' birth and childhood and John on the resurrection. The cards were designed in the 1970s and originally used for ordinary card games. More recently they have been used as a way to talk about Jesus, especially at events such as mind, body and spirit fairs. They can also be used with children, other Christians or by those involved in spiritual direction. The cards are engaging and often people who are exploring spirituality have encountered other fonus of card reading and are open to talking over cards. I start by saying: "These cards tell the story of Jesus. There are events in his life that might help us understand our lives now. The cards don't tell the future but what I hope they will do is encourage you and help you to think a bit about your own life now." I then deal out all the cards and ask the person I'm with to choose four cards that appeal to them, perhaps because of the words, pictures or colours. And then we just talk about each card one by one. I might ask "what made you choose this card?" For example, Luke 7 is entitled "angels" and shows the words "Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, goodwill towards men". The picture is of angels appearing to shepherds. As we talk about the card I might focus on light, glory, receiving a message or shepherds on the edge of society. This opens up a conversation and an opportunity to talk about Jesus in a relaxed way. I recently used the cards at a local festival and they proved very popular. I was really encouraged by how open people were in talking about their own lives and the life of Jesus. As with any resource, knowing the cards and the scenes that they depict, the Bible verses and the overall theme of the cards is really important. So is prayer, both in preparing for the event and whilst it is happening. I often carry my Jesus Deck with me and either use it myself to think about my own encounter with Jesus or be ready to offer other people a
"reading" if appropriate. The Jesus Deck is available from the Chelmsford Diocese resource centre and they also provide a small booklet that introduces the Jesus Deck and how you might use it. See: www.chelmsford.anglican.oru./about/bookshop High point for chaplain and bishop Most chaplains are licensed in the relative comfort of a church or bishop's chapel, but not Rod Lee. He was licensed by Bishop John 100 feet in the air in the cage of Northampton Fire and Rescue Service's aerial rescue pump. Rod, the former vicar of St Columba Corby, is one of two chaplains (the other is Karen Jongrnan) who minister to Northamptonshire's 580 firefighters in 22 stations. "They are invaluable," said Chief Fire Officer Martyn Emberson. "Firefighters can talk to them about things they couldn 't discuss with others, they give spiritual support and help firefighters to cope with the situations they face in their work." Bishop John expressed his own gratitude to the Service (they had attended a chimney fire at his home) and said that the diocese was delighted to be involved with it. Karen has been a chaplain for nine years, and Rod has been working unofficially with the service for five years. "Faith at work" theme for Bishop's Bible day Faith at Work is the theme for the very popular Bishop's Bible Day, to be held on Saturday 9 March at Northampton High School, from 9.30am to 4pm. Bishop Donald will give two keynote addresses and there will be work-shops on a wide range of topics, all looking at how the Gospel and the Bible can guide and help us in our "workplace". For some this might be the office, school, factory or shop. For others it might be at home, on the road, nurturing children and young people, caring for the elderly, volunteering in the community or engaging in leisure activities. All are welcome and the day is free of charge, but booking is essential. You can book with Sally Crossley via or on 01604 887049. ÂŁ5 donations are invited towards the costs of the day and everyone needs to bring a packed lunch.
Braunston News December for All Saints Braunston was a challenging month and an achieving one. It began with our Advent Fayre for which much careful and creative preparation had been done by many. The weather was what turned out to be typical for the month but it did not deter the people and a wide variety of stalls and challenges provided fun for everyone whilst food and drink of an appropriate festive nature was available for all. It was a great social occasion and financially it met our target of ÂŁ1500. The preparation had been so good that further sales took place in the Victoria Hall on the late shopping night and throughout the period to Christmas boosting the revenue and ensuring that nothing was wasted, Great thanks are due to all who worked so hard and all who repaid that work by joining in the fun. Our Journey to Jesus normally goes out into the village but the weather made that unwise and a well structured and rehearsed journey was undertaken in a rewardingly packed church being so full as to need extra seating. The enthusiasm and sincerity of the players and the reality of the story were well displayed and made a real impact on those present. It was a message that will stay in the mind and the heart and gave us an uplifting start to the Christmas celebrations. During Advent and at our Christmas services we have been collecting for the "Send a Cow Appeal". The little red bucket pleaded for a target of ÂŁ200 which was reached and exceeded and we now have the joyful task of deciding when and for what special purpose the money should be presented. The joy of the Journey spilled over into our well attended Christmas Communion which splendidly completed the Christmas story. The real thanks to the many who contributed to such a splendid December came in the many who attended and were both provoked into thought and entertained by events. However Gail and Alan deserved special thanks for their leadership of a very effective team. During the run up to Christmas we ran a Christmas Card delivery service for the first time. In was very hastily put together and did not
realise its full potential nevertheless that potential is there and a more extensive planning for next year may well achieve substantially more than the £65 we earned this time . I am much indebted to the hard work of John and Connie Beadman who undertook the deliveries in Braunston and Brooke and I thank them for it. It is a way of benefitting both the people of the parish and the church which is worth developing for next year. A Very Happy New Year to Everyone.
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Brooke December news On Thursday 6th of December 2012 the Grimmer household of Tay Close, Oakham hosted the annual Brooke Church Christmas Coffee Morning. It was a bright, cold winter's morning encouraging a large gathering of guests, who all enjoyed the coffee and homemade mince pies, the recipe for which was in much demand. The meeting and happy chatter of many friends and acquaintances, some of whom had not met for several years, made an appropriate start to the Christmas season. The donations of raffle prizes, cakes, preserves, crafts and gifts to the 'bring and buy' was extremely generous and raised an astonishing ยฃ509 during the morning. Thank-you to all who donated or helped in any way, it was much appreciated.
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Carols by Candlelight at St Peter, Brooke. Sunday 16th December was a cold, bright, starry night and the ringing of the bells welcomed a congregation of over 70 people to the beautiful candlelit church of St Peter for a traditional service of favourite Christmas carols and readings led by the Rev Francis LeeDehqani. There were three generations of the Beadman family ringing the bells, father John, son Richard and grandchildren Georgina and Tom, also ringing was Carol Brown, Brenda Brooke and Ian McKelvey. Not forgetting another member of the Beadman family, John's wife Connie, who played the organ for this special service. The readings were performed by local parishioners Bill Lamb, Michael Allen, Mary Brooks, Sue Tyler, Maggie Eyres, Margaret Chenery and Cath McKelvey. The collection is to be donated to the good works of the Children's Society. Afterwards the congregation all enjoyed delicious seasonal refreshments of mulled wine and mince pies yet again provided by the 'Brooke hospitality team. ' At this time ofyear it was especially good to see so many families, friends and acquaintances filling the church with their chatter and socialising. Thanks are due to all whom in any way helped or contributed towards this delightful service.
COOKIES Sandwich shop that also provides freshly made buffets for any occasion. Fresh food, cooked on the premises. Mill street, Oakham
Tel. 01572 771360
EGLETON NEWS St. Edmund's Church was crowded by a host of kith and kin ready to raise a chorus of grateful affection in remembrance of Mrs. Phyllis Annie Grant. Many years of her long, cherished lifetime were spent in Egleton; it was the proper place to return so as to render thanks and praise for the huge measure oflove and service which she had devoted to family and friends in the course of her Ninety Six years. Fitting, too, that St. Edmund's churchyard remains home ground - for all etemity! The Church was full to capacity again on December 6th for a Service of joyful Thanksgiving for the life and love of Mrs. Brenda Marie Light of Lantern Cottage in Church Road. Her Husband Peter and son Dominic were pallbearers, 9arrying Brenda along the approach paths into St. Edmund's welcoming sanctuary, aglow with an exquisite array of white lilies. Together with the whole pattern of the Service, the flowers fulfilled Brenda's dearest wishes, made known in recent months when she struggled valiantly against irrepressible illness. She was buried in St. Edmund's graveyard, close by her own cherished home where she and Peter had found "heart's desire" in the thirteen, splendid years since they chose Egleton. In their course, Brenda and Peter alike have won the friendship of many neighbours and rendered admirable service to their advantage, as well as to charities near and far. Ample, loving tributes to Brenda were directed to Motivation - in the interest of disabled people abroad and to Medecins sans Frontieres in its continuing, international, medical enterprises. Christmas Services are ahead, as this report is compiled, but keen preparations are afoot for the traditional Parish Carol Service on Wednesday the 17th when Lessons will charm the ear and Carols thrill the voice. There is a further, endearing prospect of Mince Pie and Mulled Wine to whet all appetites for more ofthe spirit of Christmas! In St. Edmund's harmonious church, again on Christmas Morning, parishioners and friends will be alert "to rise and adore the mystery of love, which hosts of angels chanted from above", as the charming fashion of the poets of Christmas would say!
The Service of the Eucharist could never fail to offer a bright climax, a proper fulfilment to all foregoing preparations for the holy and beloved season celebrating Christ's Nativity, nor could it be surpassed as a last celebration in our Parish Church in any Year of our Lord. In salute to Christmas and with desire to preserve its Spirit through this ensuing Year of our Lord, we shall do well to let Christina Rossetti light our path through a Happy New Year:
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HAMBLETON NEWS On Sunday, 14th October, Rev Audrey Atkinson conducted St Andrew's Annual Harvest Festival Service. The collection from the Service raised £235 which was donated to Water Aid. A Harvest Supper and Auction was held afterwards at the Village Hall and raised £925 for the St Andrew's Church Roof Fund. On Saturday, 20th October, Caroline Cheesman and Ben Steil were married at St Andrew's Church, Hambleton. Araminta Mathias and her team rang the bells, and the Service was conducted by Rev Lee Francis-Dehqani. On Sunday, 28 th October, Kasper James son of Lorraine and JonPaul Dolby was baptised at St Andrew's Church, Hambleton by Rev
Audrey Atkillsoll. On Saturday, 17th November there was a Supper and Greyhound Race Night held in the Village Hall in aid of the St Andrew's Church Roof Repair Fund. All food was donated by members of the village. The event was organised by Geoffrey and Susan Graves and raised almost £700.
rim Hart of Hambleton Hall Hotel arranged a third concert of Baroque Music in St Andrew' s Church on Tuesday, 11 th December in aid of the Church Roof Repair Fund. Guests were treated to mulled wine and mince pies on arrival and a large number then dined at Hambleton Hall. The church was beautifully decorated by Hambleton Hall florists with winter greenery, berries and red amaryllis. The hotel also most generously donated and decorated the Christmas Tree.
Hambleton ' s traditional Carol and Christingle Service took place on Sunday, 16 th December at 4pm and was followed at 5.30pm by a Festive Supper in the Village Hall. Approximately 70 villagers of all ages attended. Donations of food were gratefully received from members of the village which included roast pork from Andy and Jill Nelson of Hambleton Fine Foods. On Friday, 21 sI December Cindy Vials and Russell Cade from Sibbertoft were married at St Andrew's Church, Hambleton. Rev Audrey Atkinson conducted the Service and the bells were rung by Araminta Mathias and her team. On Monday, 24th December the Christmas Eve Service at St Andrew 's Church, Hambleton was held at 9pm. On Thursday, 27 th December Sarah Galtrey and James Daffurn from Whissendine were married at St Andrew ' s Church, Hambleton. Rev Audrey Atkinson conducted the Service and the bells were rung by Araminta Mathias and her team. On Wednesday, 16th January 2013 "Beat the January Blues Bridge Drive" will be held in the Village Hall in aid ofSt Andrew's Church Roof Repair Fund. Daytime start lO.30am with coffee and hot lunch or Evening Start 6.30pm with dinner and a bottle of wine per table. Bookings can be made by calling Celia Foulkes on 01572 722192/ 723576 or by emailingSergeFrieder:serge.frieder{a) or Miranda Hall: miranda{a),
Louise Everett
Christmas VVe are grateful Co-op Services for the Tree and year.
Funeral kindly donating Christmas stand this
TABLE TOP SALE Langham Village Hall
12th January 2013
~.d."~ ".~.-
1.00 p.m.
Proceeds in aid of Langham Church Bell Fund
SPONSORS We are grateful to all who assist the publication ofthis Magazine by sponsoring us. At the same time, they provide valuable information on possible sources of goods and services within the area. We always welcome new sponsors. If you would like to sponsor, or can suggest someone who might, please ring the Editor on 01572 771564. Berridge Taxis Culm Printers Fords of Oakham J.A. Gwyther, BDS Palmers of Oakham Ltd. Pam Plant, C.Ed. The Old Wisteria Westmoreland
Oakham and Uppingham Copying Service: 22 Nene Cres. Oakham House Furnishers, Funeral Directors Dental Surgeon: 74 High Street Building Contractors: Burley View, Hambleton Road, Egleton. LE 15 8AE Day Nursery. Good OFSTED report. Small Groups: Keeper's Cottage, N. Luffenham Hotel & Restaurant: 4 Catmose Street Windows & Conservatories: 99 Station Road
PLeC!se cC!LL oLLvey -Oi5T27-5b05i MobLLe-07-50b~432b
01572 756088 771564 722654 755260 722096 01780721880 722844 722880
OAKHAM NEWS From Oakham Parish Church Registers Holy Baptism 2nd December
George Daniel Morris Isobelle Lydia Thomas
"We welcome them into the fellowship of the church"
Burial Office in Church 14th th
6 December
Marjorie Matthews Doris Decker "May they rest in peace"
MUSIC AT ALL SAINTS' OAKHAM Our Wednesday Lunchtime Recitals continue as usual. During the Oakham School Holidays, Catmose College Students entertained us with a very enjoyable Recital- a shame more were not present to appreciate it - our thanks to them and to Terry Greer, Oboe, and Helen Covington, Piano, for their usual excellent performance, just before Christmas. No Recitals on 26 th December or 2nd January. January th
George Smith
Cian Llewellyn
Morgan Overton James Warbrick
Clarinet Violin
Ben Curtis Alice McLaren
Tenor Alto
Lunchtime Recitals are at 1.30 p.m. on Wednesdays. All welcome. Retiring collection for Church Funds. We look forward to seeing you . . BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY ORGAN RECITALS
Peter Siepmann of St. Peter's All Saints' Nottingham will be the Organist on Easter Monday. Details of other Recitalists from: Kevin Slingsby
Christlne Carfin
Tel: 07973215 444
Tel: 722698
Women's World Day of Prayer invite you to a Discovery Day at Oakham Methodist Church on Friday, 25th January 2013 10.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. T,his year's service has been prepared by Christian women of
ÂŁ5 including lunch & drinks To reserve lunch or for more information please telephone Christine Carlin on 01572722698 RSVP by Monday, 21st January 2013
OPEN HOUSE 2013 Thursday,
25 Willow Crescent Between 10 a.m. and 12 noon
Sunday School Nativity Congratulations to all the children and their helpers for their moving presentation ofthe Nativity at the Service on Sunday, 1i h December. The narrators and cast were superb and the performance was greatly enhanced by having two Mary's and two babiesl The ASK group gave us time for meditation, the singing was joyful and gave a very appreciative congregation a lovely start to the Christmas Season.
Kneelers During the Communion Service on Tuesday morning, 18th December, The Rev. Roderick accepted and dedicated two beautiful church kneel~rs - one in memory ofMadge Armitage (worked by her daughter, Shirley), and the other in memory ofMadge's brother, Cyril Rate (worked by his daughter-in-law). The occasion brought back many happy memories ofMadge and Cyril- may they rest in peace and rise in glory.
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Diary Dates January Date
Re!!". Mon. Tues Wed
Fri Tues Sun Thur Sat Sun Wed
1st 6th 10th 12th 13th 16th
Thur Sun Fri
17th 20th 25th
Body Control Pilates®
~ ~
2.00pm Pram and Toddler Service All Saints Oakham 10,00am Holy Communion All Saints Oakham 12 00 Service of Healing: Trinity Chapel All Saints. (1st Wed. only) 1.30pm Lunchtime Concert. All Saints Oakham. 10.00am Tiny Tots. All Saints Oakham 12. 15pm CTO Prayer Meeting Trinity Chapel All Saints 10.00am Holy Communion All Saints Oakham A Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone. Epiphanv 1.00pm Mothers Union Annual General Meetin~ Church Hall 1.00pm Table Top Sale: Lan!!"ham Village Hall Epiphany 1 10.30am "Beat the January Blues" Bridge Village Hall Hambleton Coffee and Hot Lunch or 6.30pm Evening Start with Dinner. To Book: 722192 or 723576 10.00am Open House 25 Willow Crescent Oakham Epiphany 2 The Conversion of St Paul 10.00am Women's World Day of Prayer: Discovery Day Oakham Methodist Church Lunch and Drinks. Entry £5. To Book: Christine Carlin. 722698. Epiphany 3 Church cm4 Braunston. Candlemas Christinele
House Services
Grouo Classes & One-To-One j
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Improve your sense of well-being Individtr.1l asse!!ment· Small group ~. Highly qualified &; regulattd InstnlctOr
Katnryn Fieer BA(Hons) Dance
Decorating Gardening Cleaning
Member oflhe. Body Control PIIates Association ........ ... ;rt.l."v
orThe Register of ecerdse Professionals
!:::7':'::!"~ 01572 723871 . 07730 486600 kLl:tief:-ao:=:;Pijat~©btintemet.ccm
01572 756051 or 07891 208954 10% discount to new customers
Benefice Service Patterns and Times Church
Note Week
Oakham Ashwell
1 2
Braunston 3 Brooke
Egleton Hamb1eton Langham
4 3
1,2,4 3 1 2 3 4 1 &3 2 4 1 &3 2 4 1&3 2&4 1 2&4 3
9.30 10.30
11.00 4.00
HC FS HC EP HC MP Church at 4 EP HC(B) HC(T) HC(T) HC(T) EW HC Church at 4
1 EP HC(T) 2&4 FS 3 Teigh 1 HC(B) 5 HC(B) 2&3 4 Matins Whissendine 1,3 &4 HC 2 FS Notes: HC Holy Communion Contemporary Language HC(B) Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer HC(T) Holy Communion Traditional Language FC Family Communion FS Family Service: Not a communion service MW Morning Worship: Sometimes traditional matins. Numerical Notes: 1. Alternate months will be a Family Service with or without Communion. On odd months there may be baptism(s) within service 2. Odd months only 3. At Braunston and Langham these are activities of varying kinds an act of worship and afternoon tea. 4. Modern evening worship 5. Even months only Fifth Sundays These are benefice occasions and a team service is held in one of the churches in the Benefice. See church notices for details of these occasions. Market Overton