Good News - February 2014

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Good News: February 2014. 60p

Jesus said: "I give you a new commandment that you love one another"

United Benefice of Oakham. Ministry is carried out by teams of clergy and laity working within, and on behalf of, the Christian communities in each of the Parishes. Team Rector: Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani 722108 Rev. Hildred Crowther Asst. Priest: 767779 723154 Rev. Audrey Atkinson Team Vicars: 474096 Rev. Janet Tebby 01664 Rev. Dominic Coad 770024 Curate: Mr Vyvyan Wainwright. 759157 Readers: 723844 Mr David Pattinson 755570 Mr Alan Rudge 720064 Jenni Duffy Parish Evangelists: 755570 Mrs Gail Rudge 868418 Madeleine Morris Lay Pastoral Minister 724007 Mrs Janine Weaver Team Administrator: Rev. Alexander Aldous Oakham School: We are delighted to share sacramental ministry with retired Priests who serve our Parishes, the Deanery and the Diocese in many ways. Benefice Magazine Editor: David Dyer, Culm House, 22,Nene Cres Oakham. Tel. 771564 email Reps. MrsMEDyer Hambleton: Louise Everett Braunston: Mrs Anne Grimmer Langham: Mrs S. Holford Brooke: MrN Ashton. Mrs A Austen Egleton: Oakham: Material to the Editor please by the 15th of each month except July. There is a pigeonhole for contributions in the Benefice office or you can email to the Editor. Contributors who word process are asked to use Times New Roman and font 16. This will save us preparation time. Thanks for your Co-operation.

Lay members of the Team in each Parish Oakham All Saints Churchwardens: Mrs M Pattinson Mrs Alison Long PCC Secretary: D Ufton PCC Treasurer: MrP Hill Vergers Brenda Weatherhogg (Team leader) Langham St Peter and St Paul Churchwardens: Mrs Hilary Knight Mrs D Sowter PCC Secretary: Mrs Susan Holford PCC Treasurer: Mrs JMorris Ashwell St Mary Churchwardens: Mrs S. Farr Mrs JHarvey PCC Secretary: Louise Keeley PCC Treasurer: Mrs Susan Smith Braunston All Saints Churchwardens DH Dyer GA Rudge PCC Secretary: MrsMEDyer PCC Treasurer: Mrs P Anderson Brooke St Peter


723884 771338 720237 724529 722482 757435 723533 723532 724032 723743 759204 722713 757093 771564 755570 771564 774388


P.CC. Secretary: Miss M Brooks PCC Treasurer: MrT Greer Egleton St Edmund. Churchwardens: Mrs S Boulton PCC Secretary: Mrs J Starling PCC Treasurer: Mr K Starling Hambleton St Andrew Churchwardens: Mrs MHall Mrs G Griffin PCC Secretary: Mrs MHall PCC Treasurer: Mr J Price Market Overton Churchwardens: Mrs J. Fisher-Robins Mrs S. Morris PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer MrsF. Lamb

723047 770574 723505 720004 720004 723576 723576 723266 767212 767996

Teil!h Churchwardens:

PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Whissendine Churchwardens: PCC Secretary: PCC Treasurer

Mrs A. MrsV. Mrs A. Mr A.

Morley Owen Morley Peel

787497 787681 787497 01664 474424

Mr P. Mr J. MrsL. Mr A

Raymond Townsend Arnold Peel.

01664 01664 01664 Olp64

474605 474392 474645 474424

Please would PCC secretaries let the Editor (771564) know as soon as changes in any part of the above information are necessarv.

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Dear Friends, Sometime last year, a friend asked me how long it was before we went on holiday. At the time my mind was full of all sorts of other stuff and I hadn't yet begun to think about the holiday, let alone to think in terms of how long it was before we went. Off the top of my head I said it was about 5 or 6 weeks. However, when I put the phone down & looked at the calendar, I realised that it was exactly 40 days until our departure. 40 days! What a co-incidence! 40 days is used over and over again in the Bible to define significant periods of time. You'll recall that the flood, which Noah and his family survived by living in the ark that he'd constructed under God's instruction, lasted 40 days & 40 nights. Moses stayed on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights when he received the 10 commandments from God. Elijah, fortified by the bread and water that the angel had provided, journeyed on for another 40 days and 40 nights until he reached Mount Horeb, where he had an encounter with God. Jonah initially tried to evade God by fleeing elsewhere but eventually made it to Nineveh, to rescue it, just 40 days before it would have been overthrown. After his baptism, and before his ministry started, Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days. I'm sure you'll remember many other biblical instances where 40 is a significant measure of time. In the Church, as well as in the Bible, 40 is a significant number. As we know, the season of Lent lasts for 40 days ( 6 weeks and 4 days less the 6 Sundays Sundays are always feast days in the church) to remind us of the time Jesus spent in the desert with no-one for company but the devil. Perhaps less well widely known is the fact that there is another important festival which we celebrate in the Christian Church 40 days after Christmas. For many people Christmas ends on lih night and this signals the time to take down the tree and the cards and to put away all the decorations until it's time to bring them out again next December. Of course, in the Church, lih night is another very significant feast when the arrival of the Magi is commemorated at the Feast of Epiphany. However, we haven't finished yet. I know it's February and Christmas was weeks back in December, but we have one more important festival to celebrate before this season is over.

Candlemas, or the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, is celebrated 40 days after Christmas Day, to celebrate and commemorate the time when Mary and Joseph travelled, with the infant Jesus, the six miles from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, to take him to the Temple as was required by the law. Levitical law required that, as his mother, Mary presented herself there to be "cleansed". This represented the completion of her "purification" after having given birth to a male child. Until she had undergone this ritual, she would not have been allowed to touch anything holy. In addition, during this visit, Jesus, as the firstborn male child, would also have been presented at the Temple. Mary and Joseph would have offered a sacrifice of two turtle doves or a pair of young pigeons. By this process, the first born male child, in this case the infant Jesus, would have been designated holy. Yet before any of this could happen, and as soon as he clapped eyes on the Holy Family as they came walking into the Temple, Simeon recognized the Holy Child for who he was. Simeon had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would see the promised Messiah before he died. Not surprisingly, Simeon was overcome with joy as he realised that this promise had just been fulfilled. He cried out from the bottom of his heart, joyously praising God and proclaiming that this child would grow up to be a light to the Gentiles and would bring glory to the people Israel. That is why we celebrate this event with a procession of candles that we carry around the Church and also why this celebration has come to be known as Candlemas. So, if you can, why not join us as we celebrate this Holy Day on Sunday 2nd February. As you hold the lighted candle that you'll be given, it's a chance to take stock for a moment, to reflect and to give thanks for all that God did for us in sending Jesus into the world. With my Love and prayers for you all, Hildred

Editor's Note Meg and I are away on holiday from Feb 22 to Mar 10. We want to produce and deliver the Magazine before we go. For that reason the last date for copy is Feb,


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MOTHERS' UNION NEWS Januarrv Meeting In spite of the unavoidable absence of some members due to illness or former engagements, the lunch followed by the AGM, was a successful and sociable occasion. 16 members and 6 guests enjoyed a splendid first course provided by Meg Dyer and a generous selection of puddings provided by other members. We are most grateful to all those who supplied food, particularly Meg for her Marathon effort. At the AGM which followed, Barrie James acted as my proxy as Minuting Secretary and I am grateful for his help. David Dyer kindly presented Gordon Woods' Accounts which reflected a healthy financial position. Gordon has now retired on health grounds as Treasurer and we do thank him warmly for his past work and wish him a speedy return to good health. Pamela Woods is now our Treasurer and Meg Dyer is continuing as Branch Leader.We have been very grateful for her competent and cheerful leadership this past year. I have now retired as Secretary, but there being no other candidate at present I will fill in while I can. Help on our Committee would be greatly appreciated and if "on mature reflection" any members feel they can contribute in any way, be it ever so small, this offer will be gratefully taken up. We have had such a happy and successful run in recent times and we do want this to continue. February Meeting This will be on Thursday 13th February at 2.15pm in the Church Hall. We are very pleased to welcome Jenni Duffy who will be coming to speak to us on The Work of the Parish Evangelist and I encourage members to support "one of our own" as we learn more about the important outreach work Barbara James carried out in the Benefice.


By S~f;J\AANTH.A. 07701040797 A.Rl!LlAilLE Ii.:. l'Rlill'iDLY SERYlC:E lN

THE C::Oi\U'OR.T O!! YOUR 0\YN H0-""11:

LENT STUDY GROUPS BUILD ON THE ROCK (Matthew 7.24) starts by looking at faith and doubt. Is it wrong or is it normal and healthy-for a Christian to have doubts? Is there any evidence for a God who loves us? We hear from many witnesses . At the heart of a Christian answer stands Jesus himself. We consider his 'strange and beautiful story' and reflect upon his teaching, his death, his resurrection and his continuing significance .

"The York Courses are a good brand. They help remind church members of their faith, serve useful sharing on Christian basics and engage with big issues facing humanity." Revd John Twisleton, Jan


A course in five sessions comprising course booklet, CD and transcript: Session (1) Believing and doubting Session (2) Jesus - our teacher Session (3) Jesus - our saviour Session (4) Jesus - conqueror of death Session (5) Jesus - Lord and brother If you would like to participate in this year's Lent Study Groups, please sign on the list in your church on or before Sunday 16th February. The groups will meet from the week beginning Monday 10th March. We endeavour to make the groups as ecumenical as possible so that there is opportunity for good discussion. If you would like any more information, please contact: Gail Rudge: 01572 755570,

'Living and Active -the Word of God powerful today' An invitation to the

Bishop's Bible. Day Saturday


March 2014

A day for anyone who uses the Bible in their ministry, in church, in school, at work, in the community, at home 9.30am - 4pm at Northampton High School for Girls, Newport Pagnell Road, Northampton, NN4 6UU You MUST book for this event. To do so please e-mail: or Ring: 01604 887049 Thank you -LO The Diocese of (V,- Peterborough

Thr: t~~rxc::{: 1if Pe1mlJ!;ruugt1

Bishop's Bible Day Saturday 1st March 2014 Programme: 9.30am

Arrivals and Coffee


Welcome and Opening Worship


Address from Bishop Donald




LUNCH Please bring a packed lunch with you Hot drinks will be provided



Workshop 2




Address from Bishop Donald


Ask the Bishops


Closing Worship



The Bible Day is free of charge but donations are very much appreciated from those who feel able to contribute towards the costs. These are estimated to be about ÂŁ1000 (ÂŁ5 per person) N.B. Tax payers may Gift Aid their contribution, forms will be available on the day and are also available to download from the Diocese of Peterborough's website.

Workshops You will have the opportunity to attend two workshops during the Bible Day. When you make your booking please make three choices and prioritise them by numbering your first choice 1, second choice 2 etc. Workshops are allocated on a first come first served basis and while we will do our very best to fit you into your first choice, numbers are limited by room space so your other workshop may be your third choice. If you wish to attend just one workshop there will be a small quiet place made available for you for quiet reflection. Please also note that some of the workshops take place in upstairs rooms so if you have any mobility problems do please let us know so we can make sure you are accommodated appropriately. Let it be me according to your word -Reflections and guided meditation exploring how we bring the word of God to Birth Sister Rachel Overton Talking 'bout Y Generation -Understanding teens and 20s How to reach & keep the next 'great generation' Pete White Speak to me Lord, your servant is listening-How to know God's guidance Steve Benoy The Heartbeat of God-African Drumming Circle with a Bible Beat Paul Downing Living with the two edged sword-What to do when the Bible is challenging or difficult Quentin Chandler Recreating our Image of God as father-How the Bible can help Hannah Jeffery 'O give me that Book! - Wesleyan engagement with Scripture Tim Woolley God's dynamite-the power of the Good News Bishop John Holbrook Powerful Today, even in difficult places-Following Christ to the edge of society Robert Hill Mission : Jesus Style-Luke 10 -What has this early mission got to teach us today Miles Baker Following Jesus for today. From the biblical teachings of Pope Francis Bishop John Flack Using the Bible at Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals" Richard Ormston All ages together powerfully growing as Disciples . Rona Orme Blogging for God Sewing seeds in new places Deborah Hicks Working by Faith-Biblical perspectives for the Workplace Faith at Work Group Quiet Space - for people to read, reflect and pray. Come and go as you wish

Northampton High School, Hardingstone, Northampton NN4 6UU 4~-.-_ ~,,, )1&

T'\i:".g f'ef ~'



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Parking is available at the School. Participants are asked to bring a packed lunch. Hot drinks will be provided . Booking for workshop places is essential and they are allocated on a first come first served basis. Use the form below to book or contact Sally Crossley on 01604 887049 or e-mail: sa I ly.crossley@peterborou gll-d iocese. org. u k

Church: Postal Address:

Phone: e-mail address: Wheelchair User: Yes

I No

Do you have mobility problems: Yes/ No

Please number 3 choices below in order of preference. Thank you Let it be me according to your word

Powerful today, even in Difficult Places

Talking 'bout Y Generation

Mission : Jesus Style

Speak to me Lord, your servant is listening

Following Jesus for Today

The Heartbeat of God

Using the Bible at Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.

Living with the two Edged Sword

All Ages together powerfully growing as disciples

Recreating our Image of God as Father

Blogging for God

'O give me that Book!

Working by Faith

God's Dynamite -the power of the Good News


SEND TO: Sally Crossley, Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Rd, Northampton, 1'1N4 ?YD PDBF. Registered Charity No. 250569. Company No. 186179.

Found by an unknown parishioner in an unknown Parish. "If, after Church, you wait awhile Someone may greet you with a smile. But if you quickly rise and flee We'll all seem cold and stiff, maybe. The one beside you in the pew Is perhaps a stranger too. All here, like you, have fears and cares, All of us need each other's prayers. In fellowship we bid you meet With us, around God's mercy seat."


A SMILE A welcoming smile is a precious thing Which we all take so much for granted. And yet it can make our hearts take wing While the seeds of friendship are planted. How often, when we've walked down the street, Feeling the tiniest bit blue, And the smile of a friend we' ve chanced to meet, Says, how nice it is to meet "you". Our outlook is changed and we go on our way Our journey seems much more worthwhile, Unhurried, at peace, we can face the day And all because someone has given "the warmth of a smile" .

P. Thompson

Please ccill oL~veY -01572 7sGos1 MobUe-OJ-50b~4_32b

The Dean of Peterborough writes The Feast of the Presentation of Christ The Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Cand/emas) on Sunday 2nd February marks the end of the Church's forty-day celebration of Christmas and Epiphany. It's a bitter-sweet day. We share with Simeon and Anna the joy of Christ's birth. With them we acclaim him as the light of the nations. Yet we also hear Simeon's prophecy that this child is "a sign that will be opposed so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed:' (Luke 2:22-40) In the words of the Introduction to the Eucharist of the day, "We celebrate both the joy of his coming and his searching judgement, looking back to the day of his birth and forward to the coming days of his passion:' Lent and Easter fall comparatively late this year, and we find ourselves in a sort of liturgical limbo for a month or so between Candlemas and Ash Wednesday. Let's use thi s time in our personal prayers as well as our corporate worship to spot the link - to reconnect the child of Bethlehem and the man of Galilee with the man on the cross. At the head of the nave of your Cathedral hangs the Rood Cross designed in 1975 by George Pace with a figure of the crucified Christ sculpted by Frank Roper. For some people it is like Marmite - they either love

it or hate it. Personally, I would now find it difficult to envisage the Cathedral without it and the enigmatic Latin motto at its base: Stat crux dum volvitur orbis . This may be taken literally to mean "The Cross stands while the earth turns" - though it's slightly puz-

zling given the mediaeval monastic origins of the phrase at a time when the earth was thought to stand still while heavenly bodies revolved around it. I prefer a looser interpretation to the effect, "The cross stands firm while the rest of the world runs round in circles!" So I suggest that, as individuals and Christian communities, we use thi s month to stop frantically chasing th e world round in circles, calm our busyness, draw breath and focus on that steadfast cross; so that when Lent begins we are ready to follow our Lord on his pilgrimage to Good Friday and Easter. Yours in Hi s name,

Diocese of Peterborough- Magazine Resource - February 2014 Produced by the Diocesan Office, The Palace, Peterborough PE11 YB 01733 877000

Around the diocese Our new Archdeacon The Revd Richard Ormston, the new Archdeacon of Northampton begins his new role on 1st February. Richard fills us in on his career to date. Becoming Archdeacon of Northampton will be a total change of track for me because I have been rooted in parish ministry since I was ordained in 1987 at the age of 25. A year later Jackie and I married (and in time Tom and Jo arrived). I served my four year curacy in Swindon, living in Moredon - a large and sprawling post war council estate. Lots of vividly memorable experiences, a growing church and great community opportunities. My vicar left after I had been in post only 4 months. He said it was nothing personal! After over a year of interregnum, 90 weddings and a bucket load of variety, a new vicar arrived. My first incumbency began in 1991: Collingtree, Courteenhall, Milton Malsor and later Grange Park. Totally different to Swindon. But the priorities remained the same: establishing good community connections and growing the church. The real positives came through creative links with the two primary schools which led to a pre-school group, a Sunday Club, Family Services and a Holiday Club. In 2001, we moved on to Oundle. Full on variety. A seven days a week ministry. Again the priorities were to build good community links into every part ofthe town: this has recently led to a West Porch Cafe for those teenagers who (according to the graffiti) have inhabited the church porch since the 17th century; a Munch Club providing lunch, company and entertainment for 100 senior citizens; and a church building that is flexi-


God is well ahead of us in mission and invites us to catch up

ble and welcoming enough to be a resource for the whole town. We have been encouraged by growth and occasionally exhausted by the relentless pace! Every church needs to ask the question, "How specifically are we being good news to our community?" Being good news gives us permission to speak good news. One leads to another. It is a wonderful challenge to have mission and growth as one of the main focuses of my Archdeacon's role. God's love is not just focused on the few who are ploughing their way through weekly worship. He is well ahead of us in mission and invites us to catch up with what he is doing beyond the safety of the church walls. Excellent! .. . and, of course, a move back to Northampton takes us nearer to Frankl ins Gardens!

Around the diocese Bishop Donald's Roadshows Bishop Donald will be presenting three 'Roadshows' examining our vision for the future and the necessary supporting financial planning.

In September 2013, the Diocesan Synod agreed to accept proposals for a five year plan relating to Diocesan finances. This was closely linked to Bishop Donald's strong desire to grow our diocese, numerically and in spiritual maturity. "It is important that our vision and plans are well communicated and understood. Please join me as I explain the thinking behind them and my hopes for the future;' he said.

Sats March All Saints School Northampton Brixworth, Wellingborough &

Greater Northampton deaneries

Sat is March Brackley Junior School, Brackley

Daventry and Towcester deaneries

路Say 29 March Bishop Stopford School, Kettering

The the presentations run from 1oam 12.3opm and are designed primarily for parish and PCC officers.

Kettering, Corby and Higham deaneries Contact Alex Lowe if you plan to come

February Events Saturday 31 Jan The Big Sleepout, Christ Church Northampton is hosting the Hope Centre sponsored sleepout. The Big Sleepout takes place during Poverty and Homelessness Action Week. 18.00-06.00. bigsleepout2014 Sunday 2 Lanterns for Loved Ones, buy a candle for a loved one. St Andrew's Broughton. 5pm. Pam Richardson 01536 790897.

Sunday 23 Organ Recital Peterborough Cathedral, David Humphreys plays Elgar's Organ Sonata. 5pm. Retiring collection. Wednesday 26 Peterborough Theological Society, conversations with Wilfred Owen. Speaker Canon Dr Adrian Chatfield. nopm The Friends Meeting House, Peteborough PE3 6AB . For more news and events have a look at .. .

Saturday 15 Exploring Supervision for Spiritual Directors, explore supervision as a God-centred "friend of the work" facilitated by Julian Maddock. Moulton Parish Centre, 10-4. To book call 01604 887049. peterboroughdiocese

Saturday 15 Feb Introduction to Myers Biggs, 10-4, Bouverie Court. To book ca ll 01604 887049.

Braunston News Lent Groups As usual in Lent we have weekly groups meeting on five occasions during Lent a.'1d following the York Course. These are open to all and you may join any of the groups and come as often as you can during Lent. The details of the York Course are in this Magazine. The course in Braunston is on Monday evenings. If you cannot make that one Alan and Gail Rudge (755570) have details of others in the Benefice. The courses are organised by Churches Together so it is an opportunity to meet with others and discuss the issues involved. If you have not already signed up for a course and wish to do so please ring Alan or Gail on the above number. It is very helpful for them to know how many are coming. First course is on Monday March 10th at 7 .30pm.

Lent Small Change Collections(The Little Red Bucket) We shall again be collecting in support of Water Aid and your help in building up a good total between the beginning of Lent and Easter Day would be much appreciated. Providing clean water has so many real advantages, among them are: • Health improvements reducing sickness and early death • Releasing the young girls from water carrying so they can go to school • Hygiene improvements • Giving time and fitness to adults so they can improve the standard of living and quality of life of their families It is easy for us to think awhile and remember the massive difference that easily available clean water makes in our lives- caring and sharing a little can be life changing. Thank you for your help.

Rutland Decorating & Garden Services All Interior and Exterior Decorating & all aspects of Garden Maintenance For Free Friendly estimates Call Oliver Whittle- 07964166060


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BROOKE NEWS Christmas Day saw the last service of 2013 for St Peter when a good congregation enjoyed Holy Communion at Sam taken by the Rev Brian Nicholls. Afterwards Happy Christmas greetings were exchanged between everyone and then it was home to cook the turkey and enjoy the festivities with family and friends. The recent episode of 'Tudor Monastery Farm' showed their Christmas preparations and customs and it made me wonder if one of these customs used to happen at Brooke all those years ago. A display cabinet in the church has recently been renewed and added to; one of the items is a reproduction of and information on the Brooke Reliquary which was found concealed in the cellars of Brooke Priory House. The reliquary, used to hold a relic of a saint, can be seen at the Rutland County Museum and is a small enamelled casket originating from Limoges, France in the 1200s. A small Augustinian priory had been established in Brooke by 1153 and it is thought the reliquary may have been bought new for the priory when the sale of them increased after the death of Thomas a Becket in 1170 or passed on later from the abbey of Kenilworth. It was most likely hidden in the cellars of Brooke Priory House at the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1536-1540 and there it remained until it was found during building works c 1805. So imagine the scene enacted in the episode taking place during the Twelve Days of Christmas in the fields around Brooke - black cloaked and hooded friars parading the revered reliquary through the fields, maybe containing some hair or bone of St Peter or some other such religious relic and watched by the local peasants and tenants of Brooke. All would be praying that the spiritual powers and blessing of the relic would ensure that their fields produced a successful harvest and that their stock thrived the next year. Hopefully they were also all

able to partake of similar sumptuous Christmas feasts as shown in the episode. Services at St Peter have now returned to their familiar pattern of evensong at 6pm on the first and third Sundays of each month and Holy Communion at 8am on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Notice of a fifth Sunday Benefice service will be given in the magazine. We look forward to seeing you at any of these. The next PCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 26th February at 1.30pm, venue to be confirmed.


Vve are grateful to all who assist the publication of this Magazine by sponsoring us. At the same time, they provide valuable information on possible sources of goods and services within the area. We always welcome new sponsors. If you would like to sponsor, or can suggest someone who might, please ring the Editor on 01572 771564. Berridge Taxis Culm Printers Fords of Oakham J.A. Gwyther, BDS Palmers of Oakham Ltd. Pam Plant, C.Ed. The Old Wisteria 'westmoreland

Oakham and Uppingham Copying Service: 22 Nene Cres. Oakham House Furnishers, Funeral Directors Dental Surgeon: 74 High Street Building Contractors: Burley View, Hambleton Road, Egleton. LE15 8AE Day Nursery. Good OFSTED report. Small Groups: Keeper's Cottage, N. Luffenham Hotel & Restaurant: 4 Catmose Street Windows & Conservatories: 99 Station Road

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EGLETON NEWS Three weeks have flown by since St. Edmund's welcomed a full Nave of parishioners and friends; [all but standing room only!] to share the enriching tradition of the Parish Service of Lessons & Carols; it was sheer delight to claim a place among the host of carollers-cum-readers & hearers rehearsing the message of the angels and in heart and mind being transported to Bethlehem to see the "Thing which had come to pass"! It was a memorable occasion, made replete by a convivial session, for the devouring of mince pies and the imbibing of mulled wine and, not least, a mingling with the happy, madding crowd. The candles along the church path battled valiantly, though all too briefly, against the stormy night but the spirit of Christmas celebration countered all hazards, on that holy night!

When one more week of Advent had run its course, Christmas morning's service of the Eucharist provided its very own, profound experience "when morning stars together proclaim the holy birth; and praises ~f sing to God the King and peace to men on earth"! ~


Sunday, January brought us to Epiphany and further cause to worship ... "Wise men, they came to look for wisdom, finding one wiser than they knew. Rich men, they met with one yet richer - King of the kings. They knelt to you; Jesus, our wisdom from above, wealth and redemption, life and love". , At the Noonday of EPIPHANY, most suitably, there came Samantha ~ [nee Hook] and her hubby Peter, bringing their daughter Libby Jane from


her home in Langford, Bedfordshire, to be baptised into the faith of Jesus, '~ the Light of the World. In the course of the Baptismal service, Dominic the Priest handed to Libby Jane's parents and godparents the Candle whichdba represents the Light of Christ, to whose Church SHE now belongs; Ct;;;. 路' , with a title like that she can boast in her own household! Samantha can claim a lengthy, cherished, family heritage in St. Edmund's domain: her CULPIN pedigree is eternally represented among the Churchyard memorials; meanwhile, her immediate "ancestry" is often evident, and welcome, in our company within Egleton's calendar of high days and holy days! We extend our warmest good wishes to Samantha and Peter [Mr. and Mrs. Ward, married in St. Edmund's during 2011] together with their- good as gold! - daughter, as well as to all her overjoyed, family circle! "Baptised in water, sealed by the Spirit, marked with the sign of Christ our King: born of one Father, we are his children - joyfully now; God's praise we sing." Neville Ashton

HAMBLETON NEWS The ~aptism took place on Sunday, 22nct December 2013 of

Archie Hug~ Bursey Faulkner son of Laura and Jason. Rev Audrey Atkinson conducted the Service and the organist was David Hill

Mrs Louise Everett


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OAKHAM NEWS OPEN HOUSE 2014 Tuesday, 25th February at the home of

Guli & Lee Francis-Dehqani The Vicarage Between 10 a.m. and 12 noon

All welcome

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MUSIC AT ALL SAINTS' OAKHAM A good start to the year with George Smith singing songs by Benjamin Britten to an appreciative audience on Wednesday, Soloists for this month are:February 5th Alice Ellman-Brown 12th




Charlotte Senescall


and at Oakham School's half-term: 19th

The Rutland Songbirds

conducted by Kevin Slingsby


Edwin Lambert


March 5th Amy Walker Flute Lunchtime Recitals are at 1.30 p.m. on Wednesdays. All welcome. Retiring collection for Church Funds. We look forward to seeing you. SATURDAY 22nd February 7.30 p.m. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH


Bridget Hardy Isaac Nakhimovsky Ralph Woodward

Mezzo Soprano Viola Piano

Handel, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and Britten Tickets ÂŁ10 Music & More 01572 460000

BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY ORGAN RECITALS On Easter Monday, 21st April, we are looking forward to hearing Roxanne Summerfield, Assistant Organist at St. James the Greater, Leicester (recommended by Hazel Carlin!) On May Day, 5th May, Shanna Hart (Organ Scholar Elect at Selwyn College, Cambridge) will play for us. We heard Shanna play at the Ketton Carol Service, with the Cantus Choir and Miranda Heldt, Soprano. If you have a recommendation, please let us know. Our Recitals are at 11.15 a.m. and are followed by a simple lunch in the Church Hall (provided new volunteers help us with these!). There is a retiring collection and lunches cost ÂŁ5. Details of all Recitals from:

Kevin Slingsby Christine Carlin Tel: 07973 215 444 Tel: 722698


!r WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER "STREAMS IN THE DESERT" prepared by Christian women of Egypt


Our Services this year will be held at All Saints' Oakham, so please either come in the morning or the evening on FRIDAY, 7th MARCH, if you can 10.45 a.m. Service 10.00 a.m. Coffee and biscuits and I or 7.30 p.m.

Service Coffee and biscuits afterwards


in the morning will-be Rev. Julia Dowding, and in the evening our Rev. Janet Tebby. Christine Carline Tel: 722698

Tania J l(ent BSc (Hons) MChS HPC Registered

Chiropodist/Podiatrist All Aspects of Foot Care

Surgery & Domiciliary Practice For an appointment Tel: 01572 759299

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All Saints' Church Oakham OAKHAM TEAM MINISTRY


l .

Saturday 22 February 7:30pm Tickets ÂŁ10 Music&More 01572 460000

Good Fun Was Had By All. "Oh, yes, it was!" A Visit to the Pantomime as an end of Christmas holiday treat is a great way for all ages to enjoy a relaxed fun afternoon with lots of song and dance, laughs, and audience participation in all the expected ways. A mix of 52 children, parents and grandchildren went to The Key Theatre, Peterborough on Saturday January 4th to see Cinderella performed as a traditional family pantomime. To see a real Shetland pony drawing Cinderella's coach or to see one of the 'ugly sisters' off the stage sitting on your father's knee is the making of good childhood memories that last into adulthood. For several years now The Friends of All Saints' Church has arranged this 'inclusive of all people' outing with 'goody bags' for the children. We will be doing it all over again next year on Saturday 3rd January 2015. "Oh, yes we will."

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D'1arv Dt e a es Fb Reg. Date 2.00pm Mon. t.t.o 10,00am Tues 12 00 Wed 1.30pm Thur 10.00am t.t.o. 12.15pm 10.00am Fri Sun 2nd 9th Sun 11th Tues 12th 10.00am Wed



Fri Sun

14th 16th





7.30pm 2.15pm 2,00pm 4.00pm 7.30pm

4.00pm Tue Wed Wed

25th 26th 27th

10.00am 1.30pm 7. 30pm




Sun Wed Fri

2nd 5th 7th

Sun Mon

9th 10th

10.45 or 7.30

Pram and Toddler Service All Saints Oakham Holy Communion All Saints Oakham Service of Healing: Trinity Chapel (1st Wed. only) Lunchtime Concert. All Saints Oakham. Tiny Tots. All Saints Oakham CTO Prayer Meeting Trinity Chapel All Saints Holy Communion All Saints Oakham Presentation of Christ: Candlemas. 4th Sunday before Lent Last Day for contributions to the March Magazine Coffee Morning: The Vicarage Langham Proceeds to Sightsavers International: All welcome Communications Group: All Saints Oakham Oakham and Braunston MU. Church Hall Jenni Duffy: The work of the Parish Evangelist St Valentine. All Saints Braunston PCC Third Sunday before Lent: C(a),4 Langham. "Let's Celebrate Love" Spring Concert: All Saints Oakham Tickets ÂŁ10 from Music and More (460000) Second Sunday before Lent C@4 All Saints Braunston: Braunston Winter Olympics Village Hall Open House: Oakham Vicarage St Peter Brooke PCC Meets. (Venue: tba) Deanery Synod St Nicholas Cottesmore (Please note: This is a change of date) Bishop's Bible Day: Northampton Girls High School Essential to book: Details and application form inside Sunday Next before Lent Ash Wednesday WWDP Service: "Streams in the Desert" All Saints Oakham. Coffee 10.00am /after 7.30 service Lent 1 Lent Courses begin. Various days and times throughout the week. See notices in each church.

Benefice Service Patterns and Times Note Week

I Church




I 1:JaK.i'iam

I Ashwell

1 1 I I

I Braunston


I 3

I Ee:leton Hambleton Langham

I 4

I 3 Market Overton Teigh


4 1&3 I 2&4 1 2&4









I F.C.



1,3 &4







I Church at 4











1 2&4 3 1 2&3


11.00 4.00


Church at4


4 Whissendine





1 &3



I 1.2.4 I 3 1 1 I 3 4 1 &3 2 4


EP HC(T) FS HCIB) HC(B) Matins

HC FS Notes: RC Holy Communion Contemporary Language HC(B) Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer HC(T) Holy Communion Traditional Language FC Family Communion FS Family Service: Not a communion service MW Morning Worship: Sometimes traditional matins. Numerical Notes: 1. Alternate months will be a Family Service with or without Communion. On odd months there may be baptism( s) within service 2. Odd months only 3. At Braunston and Langham these are activities of varying kinds an act of worship and afternoon tea. 4. Modem evening worship 5. Even months only Fifth Sundays These are benefice occasions and a team service is held in one of the churches in the Benefice. See church notices for details of these occasions.


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