Good News:
June 2015
Jesus said to Peter: "Simon, son of John, do you truly love me"? "Yes Lord" Peter said, "You know that I love you" Again Jesus said: Simon, son of John," do you truly love me"'? Peter said: "Yes Lord you know that I love you. The third time Jesus said: "Simon, son of John, do you truly love me"? Peter said:路 "Lord you know all things, you know that I love you. Jesus said:路 "Feed my sheep." (From John 21)
United Benefice of Oakham. Ministry is carried out by teams of clergy and laity working within, the Christian communities in each of the Parishes. Team Rector: Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani 722108 Asst. Priest: Rev. Hildred Crowther 767779 01664 474096 Team Vicars: Rev. Janet Tebby Curate: Rev. Dominic Coad 770024 Readers: Mr Vyvyan Wainwright. 759157 723884 Mr David Pattinson 755570 Mr Alan Rudge Parish Evangelists: Jenni Duffy 720064 Mrs Gail Rudge 755570 Lay Pastoral Minister Madeleine Morris 868418 724007 Team Administrator: Mrs Janine Weaver Oakham School: Rev. Alexander Aldous We are delighted to share sacramental ministry with retired Priests who serve our Parishes, the Deanery and the Diocese in many ways. Benefice Magazine Editor: David Dyer, Culm House, 22,Nene Cres Oakham. Tel. 771564 email Reps. Hambleton: Louise Everett Braunston: Langham: Mrs Margaret Foot Brooke: Mrs Anne Grimmer Egleton: Mr N Ashton. Oakham: Mrs A Austen Material to the Editor please by the 15th of each month except July. There is a pigeonhole for contributions in the Benefice office or you can email the Editor. Contributors who word process are asked to use Times New Roman and font 16. This will save us preparation time. Lay members of the Team in each Parish Oakham All Saints: Mrs Alison Long Churchwardens: D Ufton PCC Secretary: MrP Hill PCC Treasurer: Vergers Brenda Weatherhogg (Team Leader) Langham St Peter and St Paul Churchwardens: Mrs Hilary Knight MrsD Sowter Mrs Susan Holford PCC Secretary: Mrs JMorris PCC Treasurer:
771338 720237 724529 722482 757435 723533 723532 724032
Ashwell St Mary Churchwardens:
Mrs S. Farr Mrs JHarvey Louise Keeley Mrs Susan Smith
723743 759204 722713 757093
PCC Secretary: PCC Treasurer: Braunston All Saints 774388 Churchwardens R Anderson 722150 S Willetts Not yet filled PCC Secretary: 774388 Mrs P Anderson PCC Treasurer: Brooke St Peter Churchwarden: Mary Brooks P.CC. Secretary: Mrs S Tyers 770574 PCC Treasurer: Mr T Greer Egleton St Edmund. 723505 Churchwardens: Mrs S Boulton 720004 PCC Secretary: Mrs J Starling 720004 PCC Treasurer: Mr K Starling Hambleton St Andrew 723576 Churchwardens: Mrs M Hall Mrs G Griffin MrsMHall 723576 PCC Secretary: PCC Treasurer: Mr J Price Market Overton 723266 Mrs J. Fisher-Robins Churchwardens: 767212 Mrs S. Morris 768318 Antonia Profitt PCC Treasurer Teigh 787497 Mrs A. Morley Churchwardens: Mrs V. Owen 787681 Mrs A. Morley 787497 PCC Secretary 01664 474424 PCC Treasurer Mr A. Peel Whissendine 01664 Churchwardens: Mr P. Raymond 474605 Mr J. Townsend 474392 01664 PCC Secretary: MrsL. Arnold 01664 474645 PCC Treasurer 01664 Mr A Peel. 474424 Please would PCC secretaries let the Editor (771564) know as soon as changes in any part of the above information are necessary.
A Reader writes! Just recently at a dinner party I had a combination of Tiramisu, a fine cheese board and a glass of port and then discovered the consequences of such a combination. As soon as I went to sleep I had a weird dream of the world floating in space but the planet surface was covered by what looked like a giant octopus. The suckers which held it on the planet surface switched on and off like small light bulbs. In my dream I asked, "What does all this mean?" Luckily Sir Bradley Wiggins was on hand to reply, having just completed the Tour de Yorkshire. 'This is the internet." Bradley explained that the giant structure covers the earth and each time people log on a sucker lights up. But then he warned me that folk are being sucked into the internet. Each time a light comes on it's another person being sucked up. Oh dear! Then I woke up in alarm and panic. Luckily darling Ali muttered that the Rennies were in the kitchen cupboard. Thank goodness for that and off I toddled to sort out my indigestion and regain my composure. But somehow what Bradley was saying seems true. Just think about the last time you were on a railway station or a cafe. What are people doing more and more? Look around you and you'll see them checking their smart phones for texts, emails, and social media. So it seems as if more and more of us are being sucked into the internet. I'm sure some of us are addicted. The internet is of course a really useful and interesting tool. The fact that you can look up what the Archbishop of York preached on last Sunday is all there at your finger tips. Yet it feels sapping. Sapping our desire to speak to one another we simply text instead of speak; we email rather than sit down and write a letter. Why - because we can. We can do it all on-line. But there's something missing.
Think about the coming of the Holy Spirit, that great moment when God went global with his message, the moment when the Christians were enabled to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ across the earth. There is a fundamental difference. The Holy Spirit is God. God over the face of the entire planet, God being omnipotent, everywhere at once and empowering us to . love one another, forgive one another and to bring good news to our world. The internet can help us reach out to far-flung parts of the world but too many of us we are missing out on the here and now by living our lives on-line. We forget the joy of the being with our neighbours and our loved ones. So rather than sending your text or email why not just switch off the computer or smart phone and do a really smart thing and go and see someone and have a real chat or write a letter and bring a little light and love to our world for a change. Go on give it a try and see what happens. Let us pray that we too can, like those early disciples, be empowered by the Holy Spirit to share that love which is life giving to our world today. God bless. Vyv
Editors Note Please note that the July issue of the magazine also covers August and that the date for submission of material is June 15th. Meg and I will be away on holiday at the end of August so we need the material for September by the 12th of August please. Thank you for your help David.
Oakham and Braunston Mothers' Union Ascension Day 14th May Our monthly meeting was held in the Church, and we started with a short service with a hymn, prayers and a reading. There was a good attendance of 21 members and guests. Gordon then gave us an interesting talk about the job of a Churchwarden. Mishaps and funny situations were well described. This was followed by Pamela Woods asking us numerous questions about our Church building. We all learned a lot and will look at our Church with new understanding. Afterwards everyone enjoyed the usual cup of tea and chat. As for next month (June) our meeting is replaced by a shared visit with the Friends to Birmingham. July will be back in the Church Hall where we will welcome Tom Lott talking about the African Inland Mission .... meeting is at 2.15 on Thursday 9th July. All welcome, including guests.
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SEATON OPEN GARDENS & DISPLAY OF QUILTS Sunday 14th June 2015. 2pm - 6pm All proceeds to All Hallows' Church Seaton & All Saints Church Oakham
Admission ÂŁ4.00 (includes entrance to all gardens), accompanied children under 15 free Homemade refreshments, Cake Stall & Plant Stall
For further information contact Christine on: 01572747202
Location Postcode for Sat Nav: LE15 9HU
SPECIAL CEREMONY TO REDEDICATE WAR MEMORIAL BRAUNSTON IN RUTLAND Saturday 4th April dawned and looked rather grey but there were smiles路 all round because the rain had stopped and the wind had eased. The whole atmosphere in the village was charged with excitement and anticipation for the place was a hive of activity. The organiser and the inspiration behind it all - Connie Beadman began the day with a live broadcast on Radio Leicester at 8.40 am and then learnt that East Midlands today would be in the churchyard at 10.30. The quiet peaceful village was the epicentre of great attention. Connie has been a great researcher into historical data of the village and its inhabitants. Her work had led her to discover that the war memorial in the Churchyard of All Saints Church was incomplete. On the final day of the first world war a young woman named Gladys Walter of the WRAF died in Braunston of pneumonia. At the time she was working as a rigger on fighter planes. She has a war grave in the churchyard but her name was not recorded on the splendid stone memorial in the churchyard. So Connie set to work. The name was engraved on the stone and relatives were traced and contacted. It was decided by the Parish Council to hold a rededication ceremony. A group formed and Mrs Carole Brown-clerk to the Parish Council began inviting dignitaries to the occasion. She designed and produced a service sheet. Her friend, Major Chris Doyle, organised a military presence consisting of army and air cadets. Relatives of Gladys were delighted to meet The Lord Lieutenant of Rutland Dr Laurence Howard, the High Sherriff Air Commodore
Miles Williamson-Noble and the Deputy Lord Lieutenant Mr Bart Hellyer. The rededication was to be done by the Rural Dean, the Reverend Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani and the prayers were led by Rev Brian Nichols. Trumpeters were contacted and standard bearers came with their colourful standards and a drummer came to accompany the marching. The bells rang half muffled lending a sombre note to the proceedings. Connie herself accompanied some parts of the ceremony with music of the first world war played on a keyboard which was both haunting and atmospheric. The young people of the village came in procession to lay red roses - one for each of the fallen. The introduction was given by Chris Bichard and Richard Beadman - Parish Chairman and Deputy chairman. A poem was read by Georgina Beadman and after the Last Post the traditional 2 minutes silence happened before the National Anthem. With typical Braunston hospitality, everyone was invited to the village hall for light refreshments organised by Sue Willetts and a chance to see some photographs from the past. The television cameras were efficient and unobtrusive and it was thrilling to see the results of their work in the evening programme. It was a credit to the folk of Braunston for their loving and painstaking work to redress an ancient wrong. r-:a,v-~~~'l.,.~~~~~T~~~A"fr~~,.~::.'!6"~~·-~$.t,~~~~<"'t-""='
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BROOKE NEWS A happy band of cleaners arrived early at St Peter on Wednesday 13th May armed with an array of cleaning gear for a busy morning of spring cleaning. The sun shone and conveniently showed up any cobwebs which were soon removed, floors and carpets were swept, woodwork polished, flaking paint removed and recoated, a minor repair was done to a heater, the vestry and broom cupboard cleaned and tidied and the porch given a thorough clean. Although the parishioners normally keep St Peter looking smart it now looks especially good after all the hard work of that morning. Thanks to all who helped and to Cath and Ian for coffee and chocolate biscuits. Since there is not too much to report this month here a little history of Valentine Baines Esq the occupant of the chest tomb to the left of the grassy pathway through the graveyard. He was most likely a son of Valentine and DorothyBaines of Whitwell and baptised there on 5th April 1778. He married Elizabeth Gibson of Oakham on 24th October 1804 and they lived, farmed and raised their family at Brooke Priory; William Edward 1805-1867, John 1806 - 1808, Elizabeth/Eliza 18081861,another John 1811-1869, Sarah Anne 1814-1830 and Thomas 1819-18 79. William Edward married Jane and farmed at Braunston but in later life moved to Uppingham and became a commercial traveller in wines and spirits. Eliza married local farmer William Syson and lived at Gunthorpe, the second John remained a bachelor and farmed with his father at Brooke carrying on there with his widowed mother until he died. Thomas married Mary Ann and farmed at Knossington but moved back to the Priory to take over the farm when John died. Valentine Baines Esq. became a well known, prosperous gentleman farmer of Brooke his name being frequently mentioned in the local press in connection with such things as the Rutland Agricultural Society, the Cottesmore Ploughing Match, his prize winning stock
and being on the jury of the Rutland Assize court. He and his sons farmed several hundred acres and the family must have been good employers as four of their employees won prizes at a Rutland Agricutural Show for their length of service with the same master. The Leicester Chronicle reported Valentine's sudden death age 63years at Brooke on )fd November 1840; he was buried at Brooke on 7th November 1840 aged 63years. By the time his youngest son Thomas died in 1879 the Priory farm amounted to 350acres employing 6 men and 2 boys and with 3 living- in servants to run the household. The name of Valentine Baines lived on with a son of William Edward's born in Braunston in 1842. SPONSORS
We are grateful to all who assist the publication of this Magazine by sponsoring us. M the same time, they provide valuable information on possible sources of goods and )ervices within the area. We always welcome new sponsors. If you would like to )ponsor, or can suggest someone who might, please ring the Editor on 01572 771564. Berridge Taxis Culm Printers Fords ofOakham J.A. Gwyther, BDS Palmers of Oakham Ltd. Pam Plant, C.Ed. The Old Wisteria Westmoreland
Oakham and Uppingham Copying Service: 22 Nene Cres. Oakham House Furnishers, Funeral Directors Dental Surgeon: 74 High Street Building Contractors: Burley View, Hambleton Road, Egleton. LE15 8AE Day Nursery. Good OFSTED report. Small Groups: Keeper's Cottage, N. Luffenham Hotel & Restaurant: 4 Catmose Street Windows & Conservatories: 99 Station Road
Decorating? Want a Good job at competitive prices?
Ring: Tel:
D&MNorth 755502 or 723635
01572 756088 771564 722654 755260 722096 01780721880 722844 722880
EGLETON NEWS With pleasure we learn how SUE, our Churchwarden, has received encouraging GOOD NEWS of progress in her convalescence from recent health problems. Right thankfully, Sue can hoist bright hopes for a rewarding recovery!
David Millhouse was gratefully remembered by his cherished family and a host of friends when his Memorial Service was held in St. Edmund's Church. His mourners included a large muster of colleagues, drawn from the eminent legal career which David pursued in and around Leicester and Rutland. In the course of recent years David, together with his devoted wife Olwen, has staked a claim to St. Edmund's parish, church and people, as his strength and stay! He will be readily remembered for sharing his faith and his talents among us! Christian Aid Week is in progress whilst this report is compiled. There are sure signs in Egleton of an alert and compassionate response to Christian Aid's annual, plaintive plea [maintained through consecutive May-times, ever after 1945, i.e. 70 years accomplished!] on behalf of the world's ever-present legion of poor, hungry, homeless and despairing peoples. The sequence of unspeakable disasters from earthquakes which has engulfed Nepal, one of the poorest of nations, bedevilled by poverty and all its attendant woes, lends a fresh urgency to the overwhelming need for Christian Aid and all its partner charities. It so happens that I have enjoyed a personal acquaintance with the Nepalese people, particularly during far distant days of National Service which pitched me into the midst of the Gurkha soldiers, a highly esteemed corps of the British Army for 200 years past.
The Gurkhas, of course, have always been recruited in their province of Nepal: I became involved in the necessary transition from their homeland, by train to Calcutta and onward by troopship to Singapore. There they were destined to learn the arts of soldiering with the British Army though never without a resolve to maintain the proud, exemplary standards of The Gurkhas. By tradition, renowned as admirable, brave and dependable servants 'of our Queen, our Country', they and their families, together with their whole nation, deserve our deep respect, plus a generous measure of our help in response to their own stricken country's calamitous, crucial and lingering need.
"in the help we give our neighbour, God's will is done: In our world-wide task of caring for the hungry and despairing, God's will is done." [Fred Pratt Green] Neville Ashton
St Andrew's Church played host to a team of visiting Bell Ringers from Leeds University on Saturday, 2nd May. On Bank Holiday Monday the 4th May, Hambleton Village held our Annual Open Gardens and Art Exhibition. We were lucky enough to have a beautiful sunny day which helped to make the event a resounding success. 475 adults and many children visited 6 gardens and a variety of stalls. Grace Price's cake stall made over £700, with many villagers donating more than one cake. The Hambleton Hall Raffle which Geoffrey Graves, Peter Hall and Tom Mulligan ran, made £447 and the bric a brae and plant stalls ran by Stuart and Sue Dexter, made £180.68. Homemade refreshments were served all day in the village hall with more than 20 villagers helping either on a rota basis or just by dropping in which included a charming young Bethany. £1557.50 was made at the village hall and the final total for the day was an amazing £5,345 for the Church and Village Hall Funds. On Tuesday, 5th May the Wedding took place of Tanith McDonnell and Alex Thomp$on. Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani conducted the Service with Kevin Slingsby playing the organ. On Saturday, 27th June there will be an Organ Recital in St Andrew's Church by Robert Gower. The Organ Recital will include a Concert of Young Musicians, namely Katie Marshall (Soprano) and Gabriel Tu/ail-Smith (Violin). At 6pm wine and canapes will be served followed by the Concert at 6.30pm. Tickets for the Concert and a buffet supper in the Village Hall are £25 and for the Concert and canapes only, £15. Tickets can be obtained from Gail Griffin All proceeds from the event will go to the Mrs Louise Everett Church and Village Hall Funds.
BRYAN HOY Domestic Plumbing and Heating &
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SATURDAY 27TH JUNE 2015 6pm wine and canapes -6.30pm concert Followed by supper in village hall, (limited pre-booked tickets only}
Concert Tickets £15.00 tel 01572722439
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Featuring BBC concert organist
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Langham News There were two splendid events in May. The concert, comprising Close Harmony in the first half and The Rutland Choral society in the second, was well attended and most enjoyable. Two very different programmes made it particularly interesting. The Viennese Cafe started slowly, but on a dry but blustery day gathered momentum and was a huge success. The live music group must have been frozen, but kept us all entertained, the cakes were delicious, there were lots of plants for sale, an interesting garden and a professional hanging basket demonstration - courtesy of Gates. Our Feast Weekend is June 27/28 when the church will be open and welcoming. An opportunity for donations to be given. 1
Open Gardens with Garage Sales is on July 12 h. A good date to put in diaries - more details next month. Further into the future is the Street Market on August 31 st and the Licensing of the Rev Canon Julie Hutchinson on September 1st.
Wayne Shaw and Paul Smith 07888648761 • • • • • • • •
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Rutland Decorating & Garden Services All Interior and Exterior Decorating & all aspects of Garden Maintenance For Free Friendly estimates Call Oliver Whittle- 07964166060
OAKHAM NEWS OPEN HOUSE 2015 Wednesday, 1?1h June at the home of RUTH & FRANK MAGUIRE 21 Glen Drive
All welcome
Between 10 a.m. and 12 noon
lih May
Torrin Isla Ann Abraham William Oscar Ainslee
"We welcome them into the fellowship of the church family" Holy Matrimony 2nd
9 hMay
Paul Raymond & Laura Hart Richard Gordon Abraham & Janet Lesley Roberts "We wish them every happiness"
Burial Office in Church
l 51 May
Andrew Williams (burial of ashes)
Colin McDavid
11 hMay
Pamela Mary Davies
15 1hMay
Malcolm Robson (Thanksgiving Service) "May they rest in peace"
MUSIC AT ALL SAINTS' OAKHAM Our thanks to Diana de Wet and her Rejuvenating Choir for the half-term Recital. Oakham School soloists return for
June 3rd
Hannah Lockington AlvaMuris
Konrad Hoppe
Emma Farmer
Chamber Choir
Our good wishes to all for a happy Summer Holiday. Recitals continue throughout the Summer:
July Yvonne Bloor
Lunchtime Recitals are at 1.30 p.m. on Wednesdays. All welcome. Retiring collection for Church Funds. We look forward to seeing you. Details of all Recitals from:-
Kevin Slingsby Tel: 07973 215 444
Christine Carlin Tel: 722698 BANK HOLIDAY ORGAN RECITALS A good month for these. Our thanks to Steven Grahl, Peterborough and Philip Underwood, Wilmslow. Excellent lunches after both. Kevin, Director of Music, showing another hidden talent and Helen Bush whose expertise is undisputed!
Ivan Linford returning for the late Summer Bank Holiday, Monday, 31 st August, - maybe with a trumpeter this time. Organ Recitals will be held on every Bank Holiday Monday, at 11.15 a.m. Lunches afterwards in the Church Hall. ÂŁ5. Everyone welcome. Please come. Details of all Recitals from:-
Kevin Slingsby Tel: 07973 215 444
Christine Carlin Tel: 722698
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D'iarv D a t es J une Reg. Date 2.00pm Mon. t.t.o Tues 10,00am 12 00 Wed 1.30pm Thur t.t.o. 10.00am 12.15pm Fri 10.00am June 2 na 3.45pm Tu Th F Su Tu
w Su Wed Sat
Sat Sun Sun
Pram and Toddler Service All Saints Oakham Holy Communion All Saints Oakham Service of Healing: Trinity Chapel (lst Wed. only) Lunchtime Concert. All Saints Oakham. Tiny Tots. All Saints Oakham CTO Prayer Meeting Trinity Chapel All Saints Holy Communion All Saints Oakham
Rutland Reminders Brambles Rutland Care Village: Singing Sessions for people with Dementia. Corpus Christi: 4tn 2.30pm Come and Chat Bereavement Group All Saints Church H 7-30pm Concert: Brass PLC All Saints Oakham 5tn Proceeds for: Hope Against Cancer in 2.00pm Trinity l:Teas in the Garden. The Croft Ashwell 9tn 9.00am Friends and MU Annual Outing: Birmingham Jewellery Quarter and Litchfield Ring: 755371 or 724103 for cost and details. llth St Barnabus tn 7.30pm 13 Choral and Orchestral Concert All Saints Oakham 14th Trinity 2 17th 10.00am Open House 21 Glen Drive 21 st Trinity 3 12.00: Ashwell Village Fete. 24th St John the Baptist 27m 4.00pm Ordination at Peterborough Cathedral James McDonald among those Priested 6.00pm St Andrew' a Hambleton. Organ Recital and Concert. Robert Gower Pre-booked tickets only: Ring 722439 27Langham Feast Week-End. 28th 28th 11.00am Trinity 4: Ordination of Deacons Debbie Marsh among those Ordained 6.00pm Patronal Festival at Brooke 29th St Peter and St Paul
Team Service Patterns and Times
Week Sam
1,2,4 3 1
/ 110:30am j 4:00pm / 6:00pm
j 'HC
1,3 2
------r I
1,3 2
-tHc --f----1--. ___j__ _ _--1------
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i '9:00am
i 29:15am !211:00am I
! C@4
i"HC 1-2MA
I ,
I 1
i C@4
HC(BLL -----,-----1--1 HC 2,4 "HC(T) , I I Hambleton 1,3 . "HC(T) L I I E2leton Whissendine 1,3,4 I l"'HC I I _I___ HC(B) I 2Fs 1 1 I 1MA I i I Teigh 2 IHC(B)**
3 4 Ashwell
1 2 3
4 Market Overton
1,4 2
I -~1 HC(B)
I I 'HC(B)**
-1 ES
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II 1Fs
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---r----+-1--,~ l I __
jES --,r-----___,
HC-Holy Communion (Co$on Worship Contemporary Language) HC(T)-Holy Communion (Common Worship Traditional Language) HC(B)- Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) FS/FSB - Family Service/Family Service with Baptism (not Communion} C@4 - Church@4 (For all ages, with activities, simple worship & food) MA/ES - Matins/Evensong WWR - Word, Worship & Response (Contemporary worship) * FSB even months I FC odd months with Baptism at 12:15pm **at Teigh in neven months I at Ashwell in odd months Fifth Sundays - usually Team Communion at one of the Churches (see the weekly pewsheet or website for details -