Prayers and Readings

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All Saints Church Oakham

Prayers and Readings 10th July to 12th Nov 2016


2 Sunday 10th July Trinity 7 Monday 11th July

Gen 32:9-30

All leading worship today School Road

Ezekiel 14:12-end

Bible translators Willow Crescent

Tuesday 12th July

Ezekiel 18:1-20

Christians in Canada Woodland View

Wednesday 13th July

Ezekiel 18:21-32

Social workers Lodge Gardens

Thursday 14th July

Ezekiel 20:1-20

The lonely Peterborough Avenue

Friday 15th July

Ezekiel 20:21-38

Thanksgiving for our health St Albans Close

Saturday 16th July

Ezekiel 24:15-end

For church cleaners St Peters Close

Generous God, you give us gifts and make them grow: though our faith is small as mustard seed, make it grow to your glory and the flourishing of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- For people relying on hand-outs in the winter

3 Sunday 17th July Trinity 8 Monday 18th July

1 Cor 4:8-13

For the preparing for ordination Vicarage Road

Ezekiel 28:1-9

For those living alone Banff Close

Tuesday 19th July

Ezekiel 33:1-2

For farmers Catmose Park Road

Wednesday 20th July

Ezekiel 33:21-end

Thanksgiving for the gift of hearing Claresholm Close

Thursday 21st July

Ezekiel 34:1-16

For our schools Edmunton Way

Friday 22nd July

Mary Magdalene Mark 15:40-16:7

For the Salvation Army Fairview

Saturday 23rd July

Ezekiel 36:16-36

For transport workers Jasper Close

Lord God, your Son left the riches of heaven and became poor for our sake: when we prosper save us from pride, when we are needy save us from despair that we may trust in you alone; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Lesotho- For sick people walking to the Hospital in cold weather

4 Sunday 24th July Trinity 9

Gen 42:1-25

Monday 25th July

James Mark1 :14-20

For those leaving school at this time

Tuesday 26th July

Ezekiel 37:15-end

Thanksgiving for the beauty of creation

For those preaching today Lethbridge Close

Stamford Road

Wednesday 27th July


For Christians in Scandinavia Cricket Lawns

Thursday 28th July

Mark 1:29-end

For probation officers Bowling Green Close

Friday 29th July


For Audiologists Mount Pleasant

Saturday 30th July

Mark 2:13-32

For those on holiday at this time The Dell

Gracious Father, revive your Church in our day, and make her holy, strong and faithful, for your glory's sake in Jesus Christ our Lord. Lesotho- For St James Hospital, staff and patients

Sunday 31st July Trinity 10 Monday 1st August

Gen 50:4-end

5 For churches with small congregations The Vale

Mark 2:23-3:6

For the work of the Bible Society Uppingham Road

Tuesday 2nd August

Mark 3:7-19a

For Christians suffering persecution Avon Close

Wednesday 3rd August

Mark 3:9b-end

For the worlds hungry Brooke Road

Thursday 4th August

Mark 4:1-20

For our local doctors Chater Road

Friday 5th August

Mark 4:21-34

For the dying Dee Close

Saturday 6th August

Transfiguration 2Cor 3

For church synods Derwent Drive

Lord of heaven and earth, as Jesus taught his disciples to be persistent in prayer, give us patience and courage never to lose hope, but always to bring our prayers before you; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- For the St James Hospital ambulance taking people on icy roads to the lowland hospital, 80 miles away

6 Sunday 7 August Trinity 11 th

Monday 8th August

2Cor 1:1-22

For our Archbishops Justin and John Don Close

Mark 5:1-20

For recent ordinands Dove Close

Tuesday 9th August

Mark 5:21-34

For the work of the United Nations Forth Close

Wednesday 10th August

Mark 5:35-end

Thanksgiving for good health Glen Drive

Thursday 11th August

Mark 6:1-13

For Christians in Chile Irwell Close

Friday 12th August

Mark 6:14-29

For church treasurers Nene Crescent

Saturday 13th August

Mark 6:30-44

For tomorrow's readers Ribble Walk

God of glory, the end of our searching, help us to lay aside all that prevents us from seeking your kingdom, and to give all that we have to gain the pearl beyond all price, through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Lesotho- For subsistence farmers keeping some chickens for income after the failure of their crops due to drought

7 Sunday 14th August Trinity 12

2Cor 8:1-9

Monday 15th August

Mary Acts 1:6-14

For the recently baptised Severn Close

For all preparing for marriage Shannon Way

Tuesday 16th August

Mark 7:1-13

For all who are on holiday Spey Drive

Wednesday 17th August

Mark 7:14-23

For the work of undertakers Tay Close

Thursday 18th August

Mark 7:24-30

For Christians in Portugal Tees Close

Friday 19th August

Mark 7:31-end

For the lonely Trent Road

Saturday 20th August

Mark 8:1-10

For all preparing to read in church tomorrow Tyne Road

God of constant mercy, who sent your Son to save us: remind us of your goodness, increase your grace within us, that our thankfulness may grow, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Lesotho- For parish clergy as they visit very poor congregations

8 Sunday 21st August Trinity 13 Monday 22nd August

2Cor 9

For Readers leading worship Buckingham Road

Mark 8:11-21

For Farmers Balmoral Road

Tuesday 23rd August

Mark 8:22- 26

Members of parliament Holyrood Close

Wednesday 24th August

Acts 5:12-16

Christians in Uganda Sandringham Close

Thursday 25th August

Mark 9:2-13

For all getting married

Friday 26th August

Mark 9:14-29

Thanksgiving for clean water

Windsor Drive

Harrington Way

Saturday 27th August

Mark 9:30-37

Thanksgiving for summertime Noel Avenue

God of glory, the end of our searching, help us to lay aside all that prevents us from seeking your kingdom, and to give all that we have to gain the pearl beyond all price, through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Lesotho- For parishes in interregnum

9 Sunday 28th August Trinity 14 Monday 29th August

Is33 :13-22

For ministry teams Braunston Road

Mark 9:38-end

For our libraries Alexander Crescent

Tuesday 30th August

Mark 10:1-16

For all who work in local government Browning Road

Wednesday 31st August

Mark 10:17-31

For those soon to be starting school Churchill Road

Thursday 1st September

Mark 10:32-34

For foster parents Digby Drive

Friday 2nd September

Mark 10:35-45

Thanksgiving for having enough to eat Finch Avenue

Saturday 3 September rd

Mark 10:46-end

For the freedom we all enjoy Hanbury Close

Merciful God, your Son came to save us and bore our sins on the cross: may we trust in your mercy and know your love, rejoicing in the righteousness that is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- Give thanks for the completion of the 3 year training for lay ministers, leaders of congregations

10 Sunday 4 September Trinity 15 th

Monday 5th September

Is 43:14- 44:5

For those preaching today Hudson Close

Mark 11:1-11

For newcomers to our church Kennedy Close

Tuesday 6th September

Mark 11:12-26

For Christians in Sri Lanka Lonsdale Way

Wednesday 7th September

Mark 11:27-end

For the sick Mountbatten Road

Thursday 8th September

Mark 12:1-12

Thanksgiving for the kindness of neighbours Warn Crescent

Friday 9th September

Mark 12:13-17

For school governors Glebe Way

Saturday 10 September th

Mark 12:18-27

For our homes Alpine Close

Lord God, defend your Church from all false teaching and give to your people knowledge of your truth, that we may enjoy eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Lesotho- For lay ministers in their work of leading the congregation

Sunday 11 September Trinity 16 th

Monday 12th September

Is 60

11 For those who lead worship today Cheviot Close

Mark 12:28-34

For those working in the Media Chiltern Close

Tuesday 13th September

Mark 12:35-end

For civil servants Cotswold Walk

Wednesday 14th September

Holy Cross Day Is 63:1-16

For those working on our railways Grampian Way

Thursday 15th September

Mark 13:14-23

Thanksgiving for the press Malvern Walk

Friday 16th September

Mark 13:24-31

For District Nurses Mendip Road

Saturday 17 September th

Mark 13:32-end

For Christians in Argentina Pentland Court

Lord of creation,whose glory is around and within us: open our eyes to your wonders, that we may serve you with reverence and know your peace at our lives' end, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- For the Chaplaincy at the state university, in the challenges they meet

12 Sunday 18 September Trinity 17 th

Monday 19th September

John 7:14-36

For our Bishops Snowden Avenue

Mark 14:1-11

For Christians in the Caribbean Ferrers Close

Tuesday 20th September

Mark 14:12-25

For all recently confirmed Hectors Way

Wednesday 21st September

Matthew Matt 19:16-end

For who suffer various forms of addictions Hill Road

Thursday 22nd September

Mark 14:43-52

For HM Forces Hilltop Drive

Friday 23rd September

Mark 14:53-65

For all who work at sea Parkfield Road

Saturday 24 September th

Mark 14:66-end

For all rough sleepers Princess Avenue

Gracious God, you call us to fullness of life: deliver us from unbelief and banish our anxieties with the liberating love of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- For all students writing final year exams

13 Sunday 25 September Trinity 18 th

Monday 26th September

Psalm 134

For today's preachers Redland Road

Mark 15;1-15

For all road users Westfield Avenue

Tuesday 27th September

Mark 15:16-32

For the homeless Alwyne Close

Wednesday 28th September

Mark 15:33-41

For Christians in Greece Barleythorpe Road

Thursday 29th September Friday 30th September

Michael & All Angels Rev 5

For Christian Aid , Tear Fund and CafĂŠs

Mark 16:1-8

For agricultural workers

Barlow Road

Bull Lane

Saturday 1st October

Mark 6:9-end

For overseas students Catmos Street

God, our Judge and Saviour, teach us to be open to your truth and to trust in your love, that we may live each day with confidence in the salvation which is given through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- For the mohair weaving centre run by C.H.N. Sisters, housing and employing disabled women

14 Sunday 2 October Trinity 19 nd

Monday 3rd October

John 9

For those leading worship today Choir Close

John 13:1-11

For Christians in South Africa Church Passage

Tuesday 4th October

John 13:12-20

For carers of the elderly Church Street

Wednesday 5th October

John 13:21-30

All working in scientific research College Close

Thursday 6th October

John 13:31-end

Thanksgiving for our sight Dawson Court

Friday 7th October

John 14:1-14

For mothers and young families Deans Street

Saturday 8th October

John 14:15-end

For all preparing to preach tomorrow Edwards Way

Faithful Lord, whose steadfast love never ceases and whose mercies never come to an end: grant us the grace to trust you and to receive the gifts of your love, new every morning, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- For good spring rains for ploughing and sowing

15 Sunday 9 October Trinity 20 th

Monday 10th October


For our archdeacons Ellingworth Close

John 15:1-11

For the ministry of the cathedral Finkey Street

Tuesday 11th October

John 15:12-17

For our ministry team Furley Court

Wednesday 12th October

John 15:18-end

For all starting further education High Street

Thursday 13th October

John 16:1-15

For all working in medical research Huntsmans Drive

Friday 14th October


For our families and friends Jubilee Court

Saturday 15th October

John 16 :23-end

Thanksgiving for the ability to hear Kilburn End

God, our light and our salvation: illuminate our lives, that we may see your goodness in the land of the living, and looking on your beauty may be changed into the likeness of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- For Bp Adam and all the Diocesan staff

16 Sunday 16th October Trinity 21 Monday 17th October

John 16:1-11

For our Bishops Kilburn Road

John 17:1-5

For midwives Lands End Way

Tuesday 18th October

Luke Col 4:7-end

For all who work in the NHS Market Place

Wednesday 19th October

John 17:20-end

For Christians in Japan Market Street

Thursday 20th October

John 18:1-11

For all working with food banks Melton Road

Friday 21st October

John 18:12-27

For all living in care homes Mallard Court

Saturday 22nd October

John 18 :28-end

Thanksgiving for our mobility Northgate

Almighty God, in whose service lies perfect freedom: teach us to obey you with loving hearts and steadfast wills; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- Give thanks for new diocesan offices, including a computer room for use by clergy visiting

Sunday 23rd October Bible Sunday Monday 24th October

Rom 10:5-17

17 Thanksgiving for the many Bible translations Prince George Avenue

John 19:1-16

For those studying at theological colleges Pillings Road

Tuesday 25th October

John 19:17-30

For Christians in Russia Purdy Court

Wednesday 26th October

John 19:31-end

For Surgeons Station Approach

Thursday 27th October

John 20:1-10

For refugees Station Road

Friday 28th October

Simon & Jude Jude 1-4,17-end

For mentally sick young people Clifton Court

Saturday 29th October

John 20:19-end

For the homeless Cold Overton Road

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning:help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Lesotho- For the King, the chiefs, and the government

18 Sunday 30th October All Saints' Day Monday 31st October


For children in our church Crown Gardens

Is 1:1-20

For the gift of music Crown Street

Tuesday 1st November


For Christians in the Philippines Crown Walk

Wednesday 2nd November

Is 2:1-11

For the frail and infirm Cunnington Close

Thursday 3rd November


Thanksgiving for our families Gaol Street

Friday 4th November


For health workers John Street

Saturday 5 November th

Is 4:2-5:7

For the NSPCC Graffham Drive

God of holiness, your glory is proclaimed in every age: as we rejoice in the faith of your saints,inspire us to follow their example with boldness and joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Lesotho- For co-operation between all political parties for the good of all the people

Sunday 6th November Rom 8:31-end 3 before Advent Monday 7 November th


19 All those reading lessons in church Kings Close

For pharmacists Kings Road

Tuesday 8th November


Shop workers Long Row

Wednesday 9th November


Christians in India Mill Street

Thursday 10th November


Churches in interregnum New Street

Friday 11th November

Is 8:1-15

The sick and suffering South Street

Saturday 12th November

Ps 84

Thanksgiving for our sight Park Lane

God, our refuge and strength, bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end, that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lesotho- For responsibility over water and diamonds mined in Lesotho, being sold out of the country

For the beauty of the earth; For the beauty of the skies, For the love which from our birth over and around us lies: Lord of all, to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise. For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, Hill and vale and tree and flower, Sun and moon and stars of light: Lord of all, to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise. For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child, friends of earth, and friends above, For all gentle thoughts and mild: Lord of all to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise. For each perfect gift of thine to our race so freely given, Graces human and divine, Flow'rs of earth and buds of heav'n:Lord of all to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.

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