2 minute read
Intrepid croquet players can’t be stopped
Some members of the Macedon Ranges Croquet Club at Dixon Field are not daunted by rain, hail or icy
Although the club has a season break over winter several members continue to come and play whenever possible albeit rugged up in jackets, scarves, beanies and gloves.
The annual season finished in May with the AGM and lunch for all the members. The new season begins in September. Last winter heavy consistent rain made play impossible without damaging the courts. So far this year we have been able to have social games which will continue until such time as the courts are too wet.
The game is loved by all who play. It is full of strategies and skill. An amazing way to exercise and have fun with great people. If you would like to know more about the club, please call president Noeline on 0493 463 357.
Lyn Robinson
Petanque Club continues winning streak in Golden Boule competition
Mt Macedon Petanque Club has continued on its winning streak, being victors in all four rounds of the Golden Boule so far.

The final round of the inter-club event is scheduled for 5 August when Mt Macedon will play at to Ballarat. The competition allows participants to play in a friendly environment. Play is of a high standard and goodwill is shown between all the clubs.
Following the games, teams sometimes join for lunch at a local eatery which facilitates networking and allows players to get to know opposition club members better. Our club is happy to receive enquiries from members of the public interested in seeing what the game is all about. Petanque can be played by any age group and any playing ability. Feel free to come along to one of our playdays.
Wednesday playdays are held every week from 2-5pm at our grounds behind the Ampol Service Station in Gisborne. Saturday playdays run from 10am-1pm on the second and fourth Saturdays.
For enquiries please go to our website, mtmacedonpetanque.org and for updates visit our Facebook page.

Alison Kinghorn
Macedon Cats women make history – again
The Macedon Cats Senior Women’s team continues to make history, earning themselves a spot in the first women’s grand final in the Riddell District Football Netball League after a convincing win over Melton Bloods in the preliminary final on 29 July.

Chuffed skipper Tamara Collins (front row, far right) said, “It’s so exciting to be a part of the inaugural women’s comp, and to make the grand final has exceeded all of our expectations”.
Gisborne Rookies play with pride
On Saturday 22 July and Sunday 23 July the Gisborne Rookies girls and Gisborne senior football teams celebrated Pride Round. Competing teams wore different types of uniform to show their support and the importance of inclusion in our community.
Before the U12 girls’ game, our coach spoke to the players about the importance of diversity. These words are what resonated with us the most. “Some of us are tall and strong, others are short and fast. We all have different levels of skills, but this is what makes us a team.”
The junior girls wore blue socks with a rainbow stripe on top, other teams wore special football jumpers to show their support. It was great to see all the teams coming together and celebrating difference and inclusion as part of pride round.

By Quynn K, Maggie H and Raven G