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News from Community Bank Gisborne

The Community Bank Gisborne team was excited to see the electronic scoreboard go up at Tony Clarke Reserve in February, to which it contributed $35,000 to support Macedon Football Club, Macedon Junior Football Club and Macedon Cricket Club.
Does your group have a project in mind but not enough money to make it a reality? The autumn grant round is open from 1 to 31 March and community groups are invited to apply for funding for projects that will make Gisborne, Macedon or Riddells Creek even better places to live. Eligibility criteria and the application form can be downloaded from bendigobank. com.au/Gisborne.
Funding for projects of all types and sizes will be considered. Email mrcepublicrelations@gmail.com with any grant-related questions.
The bank will soon be inviting applications for scholarships for local 14-to17-year-olds to attend the 2023 Magic Moments Youth Leadership & Business Summit in Sydney from 1 to 5 July. The five-day residential program has received rave reviews from students sent in the past. Interested students should contact their school or email mrcepublicrelations@gmail.com for an application form. Interviews will be conducted at local secondary schools before the end of Term 1 or early in Term 2.
We look forward to announcing the bank's 2023 tertiary scholarship recipients next month.
Until then, have a marvellous March from the team at Community Bank Gisborne, your locally owned the operated branch of Bendigo Bank.