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Film society gets reel rolling for the year
The Macedon Ranges Film Society opening screening for this year was held in our ‘home’ at the Norma Richardson Hall, Woodend. Members were treated to new and improved cinema-standard projection. The Hall administration has installed a new drop-down wide screen and this is complemented by the state of the art 4K blu-ray projection equipment.
The members were delighted with the February screening of The Full Monty. The film provoked much discussion over supper and a glass or two of wine.
Our screening in March is the 2023 Irish film The Quiet Girl. This delightful film is set in the Irish countryside in 1981, has been well received by reviewers and promotes the power of love for a child. In April, the scene is set in rural Italy with the acclaimed film My House in Umbria starring Maggie Smith.

The committee has chosen a full program of curated monthly screenings. The program may be found on the MRFS website. The film nights are held at 7pm on the second Friday of the month in the Norma Richardson Hall, Woodend. The society has fixed members' subscriptions for 2023 at the same fee as last year: $70. New members are most welcome.
Contact can be made by emailing mrfilmsociety@gmail.com or by visiting our website, www. mrfilmsociety.org. Neil Aplin
Probus Club has day out at sculpture park
Our first outing this year was on 16 February and 36 members and friends went by bus to the lovely Mica Grange Garden and Sculpture Park. We all thoroughly enjoyed our time there.
On arrival we were met by the owner, Bede Gibson, in front of a magnificent 300-year-old Yellow Box gum tree and given a brief history of the park and our itinerary for the day. It started with a delicious morning tea on the deck overlooking the pastures and rolling landscape. Next, we enjoyed exploring the gardens and sculptures displayed in various parts of the grounds. This was followed by a lovely light lunch in the Studio after which it was unfortunately time to return to home.
If you want to learn more about the Probus Club of Gisborne you are very welcome to join us, on the first Thursday of the month in the Gisborne Community Hall (old Senior Citizens Room) at the Gisborne Community
Centre at 10am. Our next meeting will be on 2 March followed by the AGM for the 2023-24 Probus year. For further information you can contact our president, George Peart, on 0419 610 811. Dianne Egan