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Events and activities of Gisborne genies

The March meeting of the Gisborne Genealogical Group will be our AGM. It will be held in the Uniting Church, Gisborne, at 7.30pm on Thursday 23 March. We hope for a good attendance of members, and visitors are always welcome. Annual reports will be read, office bearers elected and a number of awards presented. There is always a degree of excitement when the Member of the Year is announced who will it be this year? Following the AGM, we invite those present to talk about their grandmothers. For me, it was hearing their stories that created my interest in family history. As always, there are bound to be some interesting stories shared.

The first Saturday Workshop for 2023 will be held in the Family History Room, adjoining the Gisborne Lyn



Library, on 4 March at 10am12 noon. The topic will be ‘Using Newspapers.com’. This subscription internet site covers newspapers worldwide. I have found a lot of wonderful family information using this site. Please book through Lorna: details are on our website, www.ggg.org.au.

Our first outing for the year will be a visit to the State Library of Victoria on Saturday 25 March. We will travel to Melbourne by train. A tour of the SLV has been organised at 10.15am. There will then be time for individual research.

It has been some years since we visited the library as a group, and there have been many changes. If you would like to join us, please contact Mary Ritchie by calling 5428 3887.

Lyn Hall, president

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