1 minute read

Leading the way at Gisborne Primary

Hi, my name is Ryder and I’m really looking forward to being one of four school captains at Gisborne Primary School. One of my passions is sport and my favourite sport is football. I play footy for the Gisborne Giants and play basketball for the Gisborne Bulldogs.

This year, I hope that all students at GPS have their voices heard and also, I would love to see this school grow and improve. I hope that everyone at GPS has an amazing year.


Hi, my name is Felicity. I enjoy reading and writing stories. I also do gymnastics and scouts. I am really excited about being one of the school captains at GPS this year. I know I am a good role model and someone that students and teachers can rely on.

Hi, I’m Adele and I am one of the four school captains for Gisborne Primary School. When I was younger it was my dream for kids to look up to me as a leader, so when I was awarded this role, I was absolutely thrilled. I’m friendly, kind, confident and here if you need me. I hope everyone enjoys 2023.

Hi, my name is Zach and I am privileged to be a leader

Art competition

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is inviting all school-aged and preschool-aged children to help raise awareness of the impact of single-use plastics on the environment by entering a new competition. The competition closes on 6 April. For information, please visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/ singleuseplasticscomp.

Gisborne Primary School's captains for this year: Ryder, Zach, Felicity and Adele.

at this school. I hope that this year will be a great year for us all to spend time with others and learn lots. I will be caring, kind, responsible, respectful, resilient and always strive to do my personal best. I’ll show respect to everyone’s ideas and opinions and treat everyone equally. I hope I can support all the students and teachers here at GPS and promise to work hard to be an effective leader that you will be proud of.

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