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Council programs for secondary students
Fitness for teenagers
Gisborne Fitness Centre offers a teen gym program to all secondary school teenagers, in which young people can learn to use gym equipment correctly with personalised programs and instruction from qualified trainers. Exercise is not only important for physical fitness but is also beneficial to mental health.
Teen Gym can be accessed at Gisborne Fitness Centre from Monday to Thursday, from 4 to 5pm, or at Kyneton Sports and Aquatic Centre on weekdays from 4 to 5pm and Saturdays from 10 to 11am. For information, call Gisborne on 5428 3318 or Kyneton on 5421 1477.
School immunisations
Consent cards have recently been distributed to secondary schools for the free school-based immunis- ation program. If you have a child in Year 7 or 10, look out for immunisation information and a consent form coming home with your child. Students who are eligible for vaccination must return the form to school completed and signed by their parent or guardian. Take time to talk with your child about vaccination why it’s important and how you both feel about it.
If you wish to decline the immunisation, you can return the consent section of the form to the school, marked as ‘declined’.
If you have any questions not answered by the information provided, please contact your GP or the council’s immunisation service on 5422 0333.
Year 12s started the year heading to Lake Dewar for the inaugural ‘Apollo23 Camp’. The three days were jam-packed with lectures and workshops, team-building activities and even an impromptu ‘Just Dance’ extravaganza… the teachers excelled, outshining the students. By the end of the trip, we had united, built up momentum and were ready to face the demanding, but memorable and rewarding year ahead.
Back at school we welcomed the Year 7s, who have been allocated their first locker and are slowly learning their way around what seems to them an endless maze of corridors.
Despite the wintry snap they had an awesome day at Funfields connecting with their new peers and teachers.
Meanwhile a group of Year 8 and 9s have had the exciting opportunity to be involved in the Blue EDGE program. In partnership with Victoria Police, the program combines physical training, mentoring and life skills for an empowering journey of personal development.
In other news, our very own Broadway stars have started preparing for this year’s school production, Freaky Friday, which should be a smash hit.
The energy around school has been palpable; I can’t wait to see what we achieve this year.