KICO Report for March 22nd – April 17th Keep it Clean, Oakland, (KICO) is OPDC’s collaborative effort with students, residents and local businesses to clean and green Oakland. •
15 KICO events (small street cleanups, neighborhood wide cleanups, Adopt-ABlock/Redd Up, Service Events) o CMU 1000 Plus event o Pitt Project Oakland o Student Advising Center Volunteer Day
85 Court Mandated Volunteers (CMV) o 242 hours total
3 Adopt-A-Block (AAB)/ Redd Up events: 3/24/12, 3/31/12, 4/14/12 o 210 AAB Volunteers o 315 hours of service o 163 bags of trash, 15-20 lbs per bag o Total 2445-3260 lbs = 1.22-1.63 tons
For more information please contact Samuel K. Su at 412-621-7863 ext. 24 or