3738 Dawson St
Kennett Square
53 Lawn St
Peter Terris
Date of Entry
It's been abandoned for many years, the lawn hasn't been mowed for nearly a year, it recently had all of its windows broken out, the front facade is covered with graffiti, people keep breaking into it
Zoning board hearing on 3/22/2012.
Apartment building was demolished, weeds mostly removed. Owner dumped significant additional fill on the top of a unstable hillside to level the lot and attempted to pave the entire lot without an occupancy permit. He has been ordered by the city to file for a variance if he wants to install a surface parking lot at this location. Housing Court issued a 90 continuance.Visited several times. Marked in system as duplicate. occupancy permit reported in August; in September to environmental services (SR#260410); November for occupancy permit; referred to senior inspector; Reported to BBI again on 12/13: at all times: no BBI violations. SR#266478 BBI is taking Legal Action on this address. It has not yet been listed on the magistrate's docket. As of 2/15, occupancy permit has been revoked. Zoning board hearing on 3/22/2012.
Owner cited, and Brian Hill reported the house condemned (3/22/2012) 10/1/2011 Extension for compliance granted to elderly inhabitants per Brian Hill report at meeting (3/21/2012).
Appears abandoned, overgrown, collected debris or not properly secured 7/20/2011
319 Lawn St
3109 Forbes Ave.
KLIMOVICH ANTHONY Appears abandoned, overgrown, collected debris or COSSACK MARY not properly secured ELLEN & PHILLIP (H)
MRL Associates LLC
Abated/ Resolved
Put on Top 10
Moved off Top 10
Property Maintenance notice sent (12/15/11)
Frances Chambers Appears abandoned, overgrown, collected debris or and Doris V not properly secured Chambers
David M Sell and Sandra A Sell
Most Recent Activity
Owner cited, and Brian Hill reported the house condemned (3/22/2012)
Property Maintenance notice sent, SR#269389 (12/28/11) Oct. Extension for compliance granted to elderly inhabitants per Brian Hill report at meeting (3/21/2012).
Property Maintenance notice sent 12/28/11. SR#269390; cited; 84-year old owner needs help rehabilitating the property (3/21/2012)
CHS and Tara Sherry-Torres (OPDC) currently creating action plan for providing social services. Per TST emails week of 4/2/12.
Owners cited, court date filed. Will go through Zoning Board, then to the Planning board, where Lisa Ceoffe is a member (3/21/2012).
Owners cited, court date filed. Will go through Zoning Board, then to the Planning board, where Lisa Ceoffe is a member (3/21/2012).
Owner removed stones on PennDOT owned land. Paved it and is using as a parking lot. 1/18/2011
3101 Niagara St
Joseph M Slomnicki
Joe Hammer Fern & Judith Sq. Moscov
MISC: West VA Hospital Oakland Construction
Appears abandoned, overgrown, collected debris or not properly secured
Owner met with Elly Fisher and did not express desire to sell house, or to bring up to code using volunteers. Expressed interest in faรงade grant program. (4/3/2012)
Submitted to 311, ref# 25117; Submitted to 311, ref# 24945; Submitted to 311, ref# 24944
5 BBI violations submitted for court complaint. SR#269396; 30-day continuance issued (3/21/2012) Owner met with Elly Fisher and did not express desire to sell house, or to bring up to code using volunteers. Expressed interest in faรงade grant program. (4/3/2012)
Refuse/ excessive garbage in front of yard; disregard for garbage collection schedule
Brian Hill reported at 3/21/12 meeting that address was not in system. (3/21/2012)
VA Hospital construction causes undue traffic because of mass number of tractor trailers travelling to and from the site.
Waiting on VA VP of Facilities Susan McCaffrey to Waiting on VA VP of Facilities Susan McCaffrey to be 3/26/2012 be contacted, and for Oakland's planner to be contacted, and for Oakland's planner to be brought into brought into the conversation (3/26/2012) the conversation (3/26/2012)
Submitted to 311, ref # 24729 (2/27/2012)
Mackey (417 n/a Lawn Street)
The address shows signs of a break-in. The property has been vacant for years.
BBI is aware of Occupy Pittsburgh Squatters and is navigating legal terrain to evict (3/12/2012)
311 returned SRI#276270 with no clarification of steps taken. (2/28/2012) BBI is aware of Occupy Pittsburgh Squatters and is navigating legal terrain to evict (3/12/2012)
MISC: 100 Block
Oakland Ave (100 n/a BLOCK)
Most if not all of businesses do not comply with garbage codes. Place garbage bags without cans and recyclable cardboard out far before pickup, diminishing aesthetic appeal of block and a potential rodent magnet. PICTURES ATTACHED
OBID has made multiple 311 reports, awaiting updates. (3/13/2012)
OBID has made multiple 311 reports, awaiting updates. (3/13/2012)
311 stated the issue was April resolved as of 2/28/201 2, SRI# 276270
Centre Ave
259/ 261
Michael and Dithridge St Pamela King
Disruptive property
Parkview Ave
Poorly maintained / Property damage
Cited, hearing on 2/23/12, 10am, Judge Ricciardi. Owner cited over $700,000 in code violations. Waiting on city council to provide date of appeal in Court of Common Pleas.
Disruptive property
not enough information
3113 Hamlet St
David and Sandra Poorly maintained property. Trees from property Sell overgrowing neighboring property at 3107 Hamlet St.
There is no city code governing trees in a case like this. The owner of 3107, however, can prune the parts of the tree overgrowing his yard.
3407 Bates St
Elizabeth Zembower, Michele Rice, Barbara Rotz
case closed at January hearing
cited for maintenance
landlord complied, partying has stopped according to
Reinspection 10/21/11: Oct. violations were abated. SR#259801
violations abated; owner Nov fined for late compliance
Cited by BBI; OPDC and community member attended hearing
2/6/12: Alex Murdoch is a resident and leader of the fraternity that lives here. He is aware they are on the list and would like to work with