Oakland Code Enforcement Task Force Meeting Agenda March 21st, 2012 Mission: The Oakland Code Enforcement Task Force seeks to improve the quality of life for
residents, employees and visitors by enforcing codes on negligent property owners, housing violations, parking violations, disruptive behavior, excessive noise and underage drinking in the Oakland neighborhood.
Introductions; Brief new members; New name announcement (5 minutes, Blair Kossis)
Allegheny County District Court: 05-2-27, Judge Eugene Ricciardi: Types of violations; How to prepare for a hearing; Penalties and fines (35 minutes, Judge Ricciardi)
Oakland Planning & Development Corporation’s Keep It Clean Oakland Program Manager, Samuel Su: Report on trash pick-up by court-mandated and student group volunteers; Other cleaning and greening projects in Oakland (15 minutes, Samuel Su)
Track, Add, Reposition, and Remove Oakland’s 10 Most Wanted properties (20 minutes, Liz Style & Hanson Kappelman)
Announcements, (Rebekkah Ranallo, 5 minutes)
Next meeting- April 18, 12:00pm, 11th Floor Board Room, Forbes Tower, 3600 Meyran Avenue. Lunch included.
Meeting Adjournment
Remember to keep flooding 311 with calls about the nuisance properties in your neighborhood, and let the Oakland Code Enforcement Task Force know when you do! You can submit reports to our email account at oakwatch@opdc.org or call us at 412.621.7863 ext. 27. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!