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Allegh A heny County C y Exec cutive e Cand didate es Foru um forr Neigh hborh hoods

Mo onday y, May 9, 2 2011, 6:30 P PM Kaufm man Cente C er – 18 Centre e Ave e. 835 C Pitttsburrgh, P PA 152 219 Get candid c ates’ answe a rs on iissues s most dire ectly im mpactin ng ourr neigh hborho oods. With h all the mounting m pressures p on our co ommunitie es from ne early everry secttor, the 20 011 Countty Executive race iss perhapss the mostt significa ant one we’ve ha ad in some e time. PC CRG wan nts our me embers an nd everyo one invo olved in co ommunity developm ment to be e as inform med as po ossible on n whe ere the can ndidates stand s rega arding ne eighborhoo ods.

Get in nformed d then vo ote May 17

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