OAKLAND GREEN TEAM Mission The Oakland Green Team seeks to put the oak back in Oakland, improving trail connections and creating attractive open spaces. The team will identify, guide and implement greening activities throughout Oakland.
AGENDA February 21, 2013 A.
In attendance: Pam Sisco, Patricia Richards, Russell Ottalini, Matt Ferrer, Mark Oleniacz, John Berkman, Liz Gray, Barbara Brewton, Ginny Giles, David Zwier 1/24/2013 minutes approved Circulation of green team contact list: to be sent out with minutes, continue to BCC on invitations Meeting times: Ginny proposes sending out email asking about meeting time preferences Scout and Evaluate i.
Trail Projects: Matt: will create a trail/steps inventory of Oakland for next OGT meeting ii. Blvd of the Allies Liz: will analyze for actionable items iii. Volunteer Projects Organize Tree Care day: to be scheduled with Tree PGH through Jake Milofsky Tentative: Friendship Community Church: fence removal, beautification iv. Public art/Greening: local businesses (mini marts, etc) Frazier St: Patricia Dawson: Patricia Amarante: Pam/Russell
Vet and Prioritize i.
Shape and Coordinate i. ii.
TreeVitalize: Fall 2013 Planting Please contact David Zwier (dzwier@opdc.org) if interested/have questions th March 8 applications turned in to David th March 15 deadline Greenway designation: South Oakland hillside Presentation (David): postponed until March 21 meeting Louisa St. Steps Project
Implement and Mobilize i. ii.
Bates St hillside restoration (David): update at end of minutes Volunteer days will be scheduled with WPC to happen before Pitt final exams Black and Gold City goes Green
West Oakland as a target area: Penn Future to be contacted, potentially using The Corner to stage the blitz th iii. Adopt a Block: February 9 report (Ginny) Feb 23: Barbara Brewton Mar 2: Barbara Brewton Mar 23: Pam Sisco
Apr 6: Patricia Richards Apr 13: Liz Gray
Bates Street Corridor: work to date and upcoming plans -
First segment of work started with a contractor in late December/early January o Removed 147 invasive trees (all ailanthus) ranging in size from .5” to 24” in size. Some vines were cut as well. o The stumps were treated to kill the tree roots (herbicide is painted right on the stumps, not sprayed). The stumps require 2 to 3 more treatments, which is why they were left at a 12” height. o Once the trees are dead, the stumps will be cut to ground level. Due to starting the work in the snow, there is some debris that needs to be removed in preparation for our first round of planting. o WPC’s forester and ecologist have sited 95 new trees (you may notice the small flags) to begin restoring the tree cover along the corridor and we expect to be able to plant these this spring. To prepare for planting, we also hope to have two clean up days with volunteers to help remove some ground level invasive plants (honeysuckle and garlic mustard) by hand, and to help remove branches and fallen logs that were revealed by the take down of the trees.
We will also work to put ups some small signs explaining what is happening so that people understand this is a multi-phased effort and will take a bit of time to bring the site to full attractive planted state. I met with City Planning this week to discuss getting some small signs in place. If you would like to have your participation noted on the sign, please let me know. We will keep everyone posted as plans move forward. We are weather dependent on next steps, but anticipate being able to do a cleanup and hopefully the tree planting before students are into exams.