OAKLAND GREEN TEAM Mission The Oakland Green Team seeks to put the oak back in Oakland, improving trail connections and creating attractive open spaces. The team will identify, guide and implement greening activities throughout Oakland.
AGENDA March 21, 2013: In Attendance: Leah McGhee, Jen Pavone, Will Broughton, Russell Ottalini, Jonathan Shakespreare, Christina Schimdlapp, Ginny Giles, Elly Fisher, David Panasiuk, Robert Harper, Judy Scheintz, Mark Oleniacz, Patricia Richards, Barbara Brewton, David Zwier -
Introductions (5 minutes) Approve 2/21/2013 minutes Bike share community meeting in Oakland: o Tuesday, April 2 6 p.m. CMU, McKenna-Peter-Wright Rooms 2nd Floor, University Center
Scout and Evaluate (15 minutes) i.
Trail Projects (Matt) Absent ii. Blvd of the Allies (Liz) Absent iii. Volunteer Projects Organize Tree Care day for Oakland in conjunction with Tree Pittsburgh: potential dates April 8-13; David will confirm the date iv. Public art: (Patricia, Pam, Russell) Patricia: Dawson St building owner interested in follow up Russell: Groceria Amarante interested Proposed: create toolbox that outlines resources for property/business owners interested in public art
Vet and Prioritize (15 minutes) i.
Greenway designation: South Oakland hillside (David) The Green Team enthusiastically supports this project. Next steps: Information to be presented at South Oakland Neighborhood Group meeting Dave Panasiuk recommends approaching the process as an addition to the OakCliffe greenway Conversation to be continued with Bill Wadell (City real estate) and Justin Miller (City Planner, Oakland)
Shape and Coordinate (10 minutes) i.
Harris Parklet (David) Love Your Block Grant: $1,000 awarded
Establish working group for project: Patricia to be Green Team representative ii. TreeVitalize: Fall 2013 Planting (Barbara, Pam, Patricia, Russell, David) Report presented. This year’s application represented 28 properties and 60-80 trees (the highest number of applications to date from OPDC) iii. Louisa St. Steps Project (David) April 12 meeting - community input will be solicited in June
Implement and Mobilize (15 minutes) i.
Bates St Hillside Restoration Project (David) Dates: May 8th and 9th of May, from 4:00 – 7:00 pm (Wednesday and Thursday) Stop by for as long as you can RSVP with Ginny kiko@opdc.org or 412-621-7863 ext. 24 in order to get an update if there is a rain delay ii. Adopt a Block: (Ginny) Green Team members signed up to greet students the following Saturdays: Mar 23: Pam Sisco Apr 6: Patricia Richards
iii. Black and Gold City goes Green West Oakland neighborhood focus Target Date for blitz: late August/early September Details to be coordinated with Virginia at PennFuture
Apr 13: Liz Gray