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Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project Meeting Minutes April 17th, 2013 Mission: Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project seeks to improve the quality of life for residents, employees and visitors by enforcing codes on negligent property owners, housing violations, parking violations, disruptive behavior, excessive noise and underage drinking in the Oakland neighborhood. I.

In attendance: Maria Bethel, Lawrence Robinson, Officer Daniel Cox, David Manthei, Bob Kollar, Mark Oleniacz, Carol Mitchell, Blithe Runsdorf, Janice Lorenz, Alicia Lakomski, Lizabeth Gray, David Zwier, Kannu Sanni, Ron Jardini, Gloria Sciulli, Marjory Lake, Commander Kathy Degler, Officer Matt White, Barbie Arroyo, Celeste Compomizzi, Holly Dick, Rebekkah Ranallo, Blair Kossis, Jim Peters, Liz Style, Nathan Hart, Candice Gonzalez, Hanson Kappelman


Introductions; Brief new members (Hanson Kappelman, 5 minutes)


Pittsburgh Sociable City Plan Update from RHI consultant on how the plan will directly affect Oakland, Q&A (Jim Peters, Executive Director of the Responsible Hospitality Institute, 30 minutes) a. Early RHI work: training service industry workers b. 2009 Largest graduating high school class in US history. Population that wants to be urban and responsible c. History of nightlife: Oakland >> Strip >> South Side >> Lawrenceville d. Four areas of applicability for Oakland: i. Policing: better coordination and communication between city and university police. ii. Common code of conduct for off campus housing, across universities iii. Save the party: how to communicate to students the need to live cohesively in the neighborhood iv. Working with student groups and organizations (convened in June): examples of ways social hosts have organized responsible party planning… create guidelines that will encourage responsible parties. e. Blair: is there any way the Pitt police can have more “teeth” i. Commander Degler: working to establish stronger partnerships with other universities police departments including those outside of Oakland (Point Park, Duquesne) f. Gloria Sciulli: how many citations are given to students on a given weekend i. Degler: There are constraints due to court rulings, citations are issued routinely, and university police also cite students. Citations are often processed in the station rather than on scene. ii. Gloria: are landlords notified? iii. Degler: not usually, only when they’re “nuisance properties” g. Jim Peters: have the block parties contributed to an improvement this year? i. David Manthei: has seen improvement on N Dithridge St, the street is quieter this year

h. Jim Peters: Two focus areas: enforcement and intergenerational relationships i. Nate Hart: problem party houses are often the same ones year after year. We’ve experienced some success through contacting landlords. ii. Kannu: recognize revolving door of students, issues: 1. Currently working to address this through education (new language in student code of conduct) and, 2. relationships (block parties, continuing process) i. Hanson: how can people get engaged i. Jim Peters: By June, colleges in Sociable City committee will outline a universal code of conduct, then RHI consultants will loop back in with Oakwatch at June meeting for their input. Specificity to talk about what is the greatest problem for neighbors. IV.

Pittsburgh Police Oakland crime update / Incident breakdown / Parking update, Q&A (Officer White, 10 minutes) a. Officer White: quiet month in Oakland i. two burglaries, down from monthly average ii. two vehicle thefts in Oakland this month iii. Western Psych incident: district attorney decision is that university police are responsible for UPMC properties iv. Liz Gray: parking enforcement? Lawn street still an issue 1. Officer White: operations dictate enforcement, targeted enforcement and proactive patrols generally diminish as weather becomes warmer 2. If something needs to be tagged/towed right away: call 911, if cars/trucks are blocking street it becomes a public safety issue 3. Commander Degler: talked to public works to have No Parking signs installed, one was recently stolen


University of Pittsburgh Police Oakland crime update / Incident breakdown, Q&A. (Officer Cox, Pitt Police, 10 minutes) a. Officer: We can use full enforcement within five hundred yards of Pitt property, can’t cite outside of this area. b. Citations since January 1st : There have been 68 alcohol citations for underage drinking sinc January 1st, this is a rough number and majority if not all citations were issued on campus. i. Gloria Sciulli: what behavior produces a citation 1. Officer: majority of citations issued when students are taken to hospital because of lack of response—extreme cases.


Oakland Property Progress Report (20 minutes) a. Blair: 241 Dunseith St, is this on the radar of City Police i. Officer White: has not come up on his Friday night shfits ii. Commander Degler: drug arrest just made on Dunseith St b. Centre/Craig i. David Manthei: two non residents still involved in illicit activities in back of Centre Ave property ii. Officer White: area of continual enforcement, no arrests made since last month c. 3738 Dawson St i. Nate Hart: Most illegally dumped material were removed ii. Blair: case continued with magistrate d. 3109 Forbes Ave: case waiting on zoning board

e. 253 N Dithridge i. BBI spoke with Chief Jones (fire dpt) who cited emergency stairwell as issue, sent to owner of property. Arrest warrant out for owner of property, constable has been unable to find owner so far. f. 3101 Niagara & 3421 Parkview i. Owners appealed court decision: city solicitor currently writing brief on the issue g. 3124 Blvd of Allies i. Willing to work with community on property landscaping h. Commander Degler: 3247 Ward St, reported by Mayor’s office. Illegal activity by property owner. Blair reported that South Oakland Neighborhood Group is on this and in touch with property owner. VII.

Keep It Clean Oakland Report on trash pick-up by court-mandated and student group volunteers; (Blair Kossis, 5 minutes)


Community Announcements & Events (Rebekkah Ranallo, 5 minutes)

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April 21 , 6pm, Oakland Green Team, Oakland Career Center, for more info contact dzwier@opdc.org rd April 23 , 6pm, Pittsburgh Youth Summer Safety Forum, East Liberty Presbyterian Church, 116 S. Highland Ave, for more info contact melanieb.1@verizon.net th April 27 , 4-6pm, OPDC Community Shopping Night, Ten Thousand Villages, 5824 Forbes Ave, Squirrel Hill, for more info contact rranallo@opdc.org nd May 2 , 7pm, Louisa Steps Project public meeting, Oakland Career Center, for more info contact dzwier@opdc.org. th th May 8 and 9 , Bates Street Work Days, contact kico@opdc.org or 412.621.7863 ext. 24 to sign up. o Kanue: 34 Pitt volunteers signed up th May 8 , 6pm, Pittsburgh Public School Board Candidates Forum: Hillman Auditorium, Kaufmann Center 1825 Centre Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15219, Contact 412-697-1298 or info@aplusschools.org to RSVP

Candice Gonzalez: Parking Authority hesitant to put up more No Parking signs until the permit parking is implemented Question: Graffiti task force being disbanded • Commander Degler: opposed decision by Acting Police Chief • Call 911 if you see activity IX.

Next meeting- May 15th, 12pm, Parkview Manor, 3250 Parkview Avenue.


Meeting Adjournment

Remember to keep flooding 311 with calls about the nuisance properties in your neighborhood, and let Oakwatch know when you do! You can submit reports to our email account at oakwatch@opdc.org or call us at 412.621.7863 ext. 27. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!

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