Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project Meeting Minutes May 15th, 2013 Mission: Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project seeks to improve the quality of life for residents, employees and visitors by enforcing codes on negligent property owners, housing violations, parking violations, disruptive behavior, excessive noise and underage drinking in the Oakland neighborhood. I.
In attendance: Russell Ottalini, Inspector Robert McPherson, Josh Litvik, Brian Hill, Ben Carlise, Kannu Sahni, Nathan Hart, Hanson Kappelman, Maria Bethel, Geof Becker, Wanda Wilson, Marian Vanek, Brandon Forbes, Matt Stidle, Judy Feldman, David Manthei, Kathy Boykowycz, Matt Barron, Mark Oleniacz, Bernelle Wood, Councilman Daniel Lavellle, Alex Coyne, Officer Heather Camp, Officer Michelle McDaniel, Officer Matt White, Tara Sherry-Torres, Rebekkah Ranallo Introductions; Brief new members (Geof Becker, 5 minutes) Guest Speaker: Department of Public Works Q&A on special events in parks, park maintenance and graffiti removal. (Ben Carlise, Dept. of Public Works, 15 minutes) Park Permits/Events: Ben Carlise distributed facilities schedule and copy of permit. Wanda: request to reposition speakers at park events. Kathy: Race for Cure was much less intrusive this year. Judy Feldman: request for stronger language in permit itself regarding noise ordinance, lay out time guidelines for noise, etc. Ben: will follow up with Judy on revising language in permit. Street Cleaning: Community request: install new signage for street cleaning and establish regular schedule for park cleaning. Ben: lack of manpower but keep telling 311 or email him directly and he will try to prioritize. Graffiti: Graffiti Busters program does not tackle anything above 10 feet tall. 311 has a line into Post Office to remove graffiti from public mailboxes. Community request: invite them to an Oakwatch meeting. Ben can help connect us. DPW prioritizes profanity, gang-related or threats. They go on private property on request basis. There is a request form private property owners can use but 311 is also good system. Kathy: $600 a gallon for special coating you can apply to wall that makes graffiti removal easy. Is there possibility city can make this more available to residents at lower cost? Ben: Good idea, will take some work.
Introduction to Councilman Kraus’s Social Host Ordinance and RHI Update, Brief explanation of the proposed ordinance and updates on the Responsible Hospitality Initiative followed by Q&A (Brandon Forbes, Policy Director, Office of Councilman Bruce A. Kraus, 15 minutes) Ordinance is modeled after successful model in Minneapolis. Social Host Liability makes it summary offense for host who knowingly provides alcohol to under-agers, fine is $500 and 72 hours in prison. Positive impact in Minneapolis is highly dependent on increased communications between university and law enforcement.
Marian: University of Pittsburgh is working to develop more comprehensive enforcement of Good Neighbor policy throughout Pitt. Kannu: Pitt Start program next week will use new materials. Pitt Police and Zone 4 work together to notify J-board of student infractions off-campus. Rebekkah: University of Pittsburgh’s Campus Crime Reports show that almost all arrests are for on-campus issues, not off-campus. Last report showed only one arrest all year off-campus. Nate: Better communications between university and landlords could also help. Wanda: How to fix breakdown in Disruptive Properties Ordinance system—is Social Host Ordinance reinventing that wheel? How can we better hold disruptive property owner accountable. Officer White: Laws on books already do what proposed ordinance would do, issue is manpower to enforce them. Geof: request to Councilman Kraus staff to work more closely with Police to refine legislation and come back to Oakwatch in a couple months. Brandon agreed to come back in September.
Pittsburgh Police Oakland crime update / Incident breakdown / Parking update, Q&A (Officer White, 10 minutes) Craig/Centre update: Narcotics arrests continue at Craig/Centre which continues to be hotspot for department. They have good observation points and just took down serial burglar in the area. Dunseith Street report: No arrests but several narcotics arrests in 200 block of Dunseith. Department is waiting to see if these arrests will slow down general issues in area. Lawn Street parking: Officer White asked if residents have seen improvements. Geof: enforcement seemed to have tailed off at end of April, he made calls about several issues but didn’t see tickets. Officer White: as weather improves, their problems increase and calls are triaged. Geof: can Parking Authority enforce this too? Officer White: yes Geof: request to council to take this into account when budgeting time comes.
University of Pittsburgh Police Oakland crime update / Incident breakdown, Q&A. (Pitt Police representative, 5 minutes) Pitt Police: It’s been quiet since students left. Residents agree party issues have decreased since students left.
Oakland Property Progress Report (10 minutes) 3320 Juliet: BBI sent a notice about illegal dumping. Owner’s deadline to comply is end of May. 210 Ophelia: BBI sent notice about garbage on this property and about issues at 212 Ophelia (same owner). Owner’s deadline to comply is May 25. 235/241 Dunseith: BBI sent notices regarding over occupancy with deadline for May 18th. Owner called BBI about 241 and said tenants were moving out. Landlord gave BBI impression that she’s active in her property. 235 Dunseith cited for over-occupancy and lot next to it cited. People are parking in vacant lot. 53 Lawn: Attorney not responding. Brian Hill: can’t sue since new owners haven’t probated estate. Judy asked at what point it becomes dead end property so City Source can clean it. Brian: City Source only cleans once a year. 3738 Dawson: Majority of debris was removed.
3109 Forbes: Still under appeal. 253 N Dithridge: Fire chief sent notice and their issues go to Municipal Court on 1st Street. 3101 Niagara: Brief is due, CJ Liss said she submitted hers and didn’t know if Slomnicki has submitted his. 3421 Parkview: His brief was not due yet. To follow up on fines, would have to call Judge Gallo’s office or maybe CJ. 3124 Blvd of Allies/Fagnelli lot: Inspector Sanders is on this case. Next hearing should be in June. Inspector was not optimistic about compliance. Screening for commercial property (more than a fence) could cost upwards of $30,000 and owner doesn’t want to pay. 301 Meyran—New renovation open for residents to see. Oakwatch will work to schedule this and invite community members. New business: Brian Hill reported that BBI shuffled inspectors in City to let Bob McPherson focus on Oakland. 4512 Centre back door is wide open again for squatters. 422 Semple door is broken open and it is covered in graffiti and for sale. Bob said to call it in directly to him. Maria Bethel: Wants to work more closely with Kraus’s office, knows there is a disconnect with the police, citations are not being written and are not being sent to University of Pittsburgh. Wanda and residents agreed and asked council to address this to get more citations written. VIII.
Keep It Clean Oakland Report on trash pick-up by court-mandated and student group volunteers; (Rebekkah Ranallo, 5 minutes)
Community Announcements & Events (Rebekkah Ranallo, 5 minutes) • •
Oakland Green Team monthly meeting tomorrow, May 16 , 6pm, Oakland Career Center th Final meeting to present design plans for Louisa Street improvements on May 30 , 7pm, Oakland Career Center
Next meeting- June 19th, 12pm, Oakland Career Center
Meeting Adjournment
Remember to keep flooding 311 with calls about the nuisance properties in your neighborhood, and let Oakwatch know when you do! You can submit reports to our email account at oakwatch@opdc.org or call us at 412.621.7863 ext. 27. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!