OAKLAND GREEN TEAM: Safe streets. Public art. Street trees. The Oakland Green Team works to improve trail connections and create attractive public spaces. The team will identify, advocate, and implement greening and cyclist/pedestrian activities throughout Oakland.
AGENDA March 17, 2016 – 6:00pm A.
Oakland Livable Streets i. Neville Street working group update – design ideas for bike/ped route on Neville Street below 5th Avenue. ii. Increased Pittsburgh Police enforcement in Oakland iii. Cyclist and Pedestrian infrastructure projects in Oakland – project updates Bus Rapid Transit Alignment selection timeline Bigelow Blvd bike lane connection between Fifth Ave and Forbes Ave. OPDC summarizes neighborhood projects: http://www.opdc.org/safeoaklandstreets/
Oakland Greening i. Grass Roots Green Homes: Sign up to receive energy efficiency resources
Announcements -
Traffic21/BikePGH DIY Speed Monitoring workshop at CMU, Tuesday, March 22 6-9pm – Location: First floor of the College of Fine Arts Building, room 111 (First floor of the College of Fine Arts Building, room 111) (http://bikepgh.org/2016/02/25/diyspeed-monitoring-hacknight/ | http://www.meetup.com/Open-Pittsburgh-our-Regions-Codefor-America-Brigade/events/229488347/) OPDC’s JobLinks program is now offering free tax preparation assistance by appointments on Wednesdays. See flyer for details. OPDC is currently accepting applicants from West Oakland residents for Residential Façade Improvement Matching Grants.
Next meeting: Thursday, April 21
SAVE ENERGY SAVE MONEY This spring 500 Households in Uptown and Oakland will receive free energy-saving tools and tips through participation in a one-year energy saving challenge Participate in the Energy Efficiency Challenge Sign up to receive 12 free DIY energy efficiency tools for participation in a 12-month energy efficiency challenge. You will get information and guidance from your own neighbors on ways to lower your energy bills. Apply for Home Weatherization Plus Services 30 single-family, owner-occupied homes will be selected to receive an initial energy audit, weatherization services (like air sealing and insulation), and any repairs determined necessary by the audit team. Get Involved: Be an Energy Coach Energy Coaches will attend free training and planning sessions to help roll out the program to these neighborhoods, organize distribution of tips and tools, and gather feedback from participants. ‌But we can’t do it without you! For more information on how to sign up, get in touch with GRASSROOTS GREEN HOMES Website: http://www.ccicenter.org/Programs/GrassrootsGreenHomes.aspx Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrassrootsGreenHomes/ Contact: 412-773-7160 | AlisonS@GetEnergySmarter.org A program of the
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