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Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project, Meeting Minutes June 17, 2015

Mission: Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project seeks to improve the quality of life for residents, employees and visitors by enforcing codes on negligent property owners, housing violations, parking violations, disruptive behavior, excessive noise, and underage drinking in the Oakland neighborhood.


In Attendance: Maria Bethel, Rachel Bethel, Alicia Carberry, Steve Cetra, Patrick Corelli, Stephanie Fulton, Robert Harper, Nasreen Harun, Sharnay Hearn, Daniel Herrmann, Guy Johnson, Hanson Kappelman, Kevin Kerr, Bob Kollar, Sophia Koss, Blair Kossis, Shannon Leshen, Janice Lorenz , Neil Manganaro, David Manthei , Michael Medwed, Mark Oleniacz, Patrick Paul, Tom Pauley, Brian Ralston, Kannu Sahni, Gloria Sciulli, Kathleen Sestili, Kevin Stiles, Lara Sullivan, Michael Thompson, Steve Welles, John Wilds, Kevin Wilson, Wanda Wilson.


Oakland Police Partner Crime Reports a. Pittsburgh Police, Zone 4 Community Resource Officer Shannon Leshen: -Officer Pauley spoke to the residents of 3746 Dawson residents twice as follow-ups to calls to 911 reporting disruptive activity. He also spoke directly to the owners. Zone 4 sent a letter, too, warning of repercussions. -The Ward Street homicide investigation still ongoing. -The Bureau is seeking volunteers for the Police Officer Oral Board Review: http://www.opdc.org/oakwatch/pittsburgh-police-seeking-volunteers-to-interview-police-candidates/ 20 incidents resulting in arrest since last meeting: 4 DUI’s Simple assault +reckless endangerment Theft from auto + public intoxication Drug paraphernalia Disorderly conduct + public intoxication Obstruction of justice + disorderly conduct Arson Bank robbery (at the Citizen’s Bank on Fifth Avenue) Reckless endangerment + simple assault + terroristic threats Drug sales (cocaine) Burglary (Atwood Street) Drug use (marijuana) Simple assault + reckless endangerment Aggravated assault Disorderly conduct + criminal trespass Drug use (heroin) Theft from business (Rite Aid) -Zone 4 Commander Herrmann acknowledged that it was University of Pittsburgh police who captured the bank robber; the group applauded. Zone 4 non-traffic citation report:

b. University of Pittsburgh Police, Officer Guy Johnson: 82 incidents in May: 25 of these resulted in physical arrests, and 42 resulted in citations. (of these arrests and citations, 6 were affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh, and 61 were not) 2 aggravated assaults 1 bribery 2 burglary arrests 2 criminal mischief citations 1 defiant trespass arrest 2 disorderly conduct citations 5 marijuana citations 3 drug violations (heroin) arrests 8 DUI arrests 1 furnishing alcohol to minors citation 1 violation of PFA 1 open container citation 5 panhandling citations 9 public intoxication citations 1 scattering rubbish 1 terroristic threat 13 underage 4 public urinations 6 warrant arrests Other: 1 judicial board hearing independent of this list, and 2 Knock-and-Talk visits.


News from the Mayor’s Office (Community Affairs Liaison Sharnay Hearn) -Concerns from May’s meeting surrounding lack of follow up for 311 submissions will be addressed by Wendy Urbanic, who will be speaking at July 15’s Oakwatch meeting (12pm at the Jewish Federation at 234 McKee Place). -Sharnay encouraged the group to participate in the Capital Budget deliberative forum in person at the South Side Market House on June 22 (6-8:30pm) or online at pittsburghpa.mindmixer.com (until July 1st). -Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority offering green infrastructure grants: pgh2o.com/GI-Grant


News from City Council (District 8 Representative Lara Sullivan, District 3 Representative Kevin Kerr) a. Lara Sullivan shared news of an upcoming public meeting to discuss major Baum Boulevard paving and reconstruction. The meeting is June 23 from 7-9pm, at the Courtyard Marriott (5308 Liberty Ave) and is hosted by Councilperson Gross and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. b. Re: Permit Parking concerns: Lara Sullivan underlined that the Permit Parking resolution is a resolution and not an ordinance. No timeline is in place yet, but the ability to purchase permits online should be available by fall 2015. Other parts of the resolution will require legislation not yet written. Council is meeting with Parking Authority Director David Onorato and City Planning Director Ray Gastil to examine other ways to make the system more effective and less susceptible to fraud. This discussion will include an issue brought up at May’s Oakwatch meeting: the misuse and difficulty to enforce visitor passes. Contact Lara Sullivan with specific questions at lara.sullivan@pittsburghpa.gov Concern was raised for ensuring an effective transition paper to electronic systems, and affected residents would like to participate in a public meeting on the issue. Is it possible to get the data on how many parking permits are issued per permit letter area in order to provide a better sense of what’s happening, and help to inform the forward-moving conversation. City Planning does a lot of work with data on the availability of parking spots per property. c. Inclusion was noted as the difference between allowing community input and reporting to the community what has already happened. d. Kevin Kerr shared a noise ordinance update: Council President Kraus has met with the Law Department and Police Chief McLay to add ideas to this work in progress. This conversation began in 2009, and there could be a piece of legislation as early as next month. Would Noise Ordinance citations count toward the Disruptive Properties Ordinance? Maria Bethel answered, “Yes, if made by city police.” (University of Pittsburgh Police citations do not yet apply to the Disruptive Properties Ordinance) e. Rental registry will be on Council’s table next week and could go up for a vote then. Has the $65 per unit fee been amended? Unsure. Council is still working through legalities of the inspections the cost covers. Feel free to call Kraus’ office at (412) 255-2130 or use the public input time before Council meetings. Call the City Council clerk to sign up: (412) 255-2138 or go online: pittsburghpa.gov/cityclerk/schedule


University of Pittsburgh Student Government Board Update (President Nasreen Harun and Patrick Corelli) -The SGB is finishing a year focused on sustainability with a Farmers’ Market in front of the William Pitt Union on Thursday, June 25th, 11:30a-2:30pm. -Student Tenants’ Association is settled structurally. There will be an application process for students to become (capable and committed) neighborhood chairs. Neighborhood chairs will be able to work with community members on neighborhood-level, for each city-recognized neighborhood (North, South, Central, West). Neighborhood chairs will act not only as student-resident conduits, but also as liaisons for students to the administration, and help with Block Parties. SGB is working with Community and Governmental Relations to formulate education measures on alcohol-related disruptions and general property maintenance.

-Coalition of Oakland Residents defined as the umbrella organization for centrality of citizens’ groups. VI.

Oakland Property Progress Report, Q&A (Permits, Licenses, and Inspections’ Brian Ralston) -3101 Niagara: In appeals still. -3616 Parkview: Continued to October 20. -343 Lawn- In second appeal. -3421 Parkview: No progress on property; re-started court process. -244 Dunseith: Permit to abate in process; Inspector spoke to owner April 17th. -3380 Dawson has permit to do the repairs; Inspector Motznik will ensure that work scope stays within permit. -2843 Blvd of Allies: Notice sent May 28 for violations found by Inspector Malle. -3224 Blvd of Allies: Sent to Demolition for condemnation.


Disruptive Property Statistics (Maria Bethel, 5 minutes): Oakland submission breakdown Properties of note for next year in Oakland: 5170 Beeler, #2— unreasonable noise, disorderly conduct 3227 Dawson—unreasonable noise, disorderly conduct 322 McKee—unreasonable noise, disorderly conduct 3410 Ward declared disruptive for unreasonable noise, disorderly conduct, and marijuana violations. -Continue to submit complaints directly to 311, they will forward concerns to the Public Safety Department. -On June 3rd, Council passed legislation to allow for parenting workshops through the Keystone STARS Early Childhood Development programs. A pilot program in the East hills included topics like rating childcare centers, encouraging Kindergarten registration, and keeping children safe-- they are, after all, the foundation of the future of Pittsburgh! If you know of an organization that could benefit or partner for programming, connect to Maria Bethel: maria.bethel@pittsburghpa.gov



Miscellaneous Notes: The Oakland Business Improvement District (OBID) has been reporting the explosion of graffiti at the top of buildings all along Forbes Avenue and coordinating with owners to clean it up. Community Announcements & Events: -Thursday, June 18, 6pm: Zone 4 Public Safety Council meeting at the Jewish Community Center (5738 Forbes Avenue in Squirrel Hill, Rm 307) -Thursday, June 18, 5:30pm at the Corner of Bates Street and the Blvd of the Allies: Oakland Green Team partners with the Western PA Conservancy on the Bates Street hillside restoration project to do seasonal care and some additional plantings. -Monday, June 22 6-8:30pm: Capital Budget Deliberative Forum at the South Side Market House, 1 Bedford Square, 15203. Add your voice to the Capital Budget conversation online at pittsburghpa.mindmixer.com -Thursday, June 25th, 11:30a-2:30pm: Farmers’ Market outside the William Pitt Union as collaboration among Pitt’s Student Government Board Environmental Committee, PittServes, Sodexo, and others. -National Night Out is planned for Tuesday, August 4. Visit pittsburghpa.gov/publicsafety/nno/


Meeting Adjournment. Next meeting: Wednesday, July 15, 12pm at the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh (234 McKee). RSVP’s appreciated so we know how many we will be. Our guest speaker will be 311 Manager Wendy Urbanic. Contact Oakwatch: oakwatch@opdc.org or 412.621.7863 ext. 27. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!

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