Six strategies for acquisition planning Acquisitions can present an excellent way to grow your business practice quickly, gain valuable market share, and improve revenue and profitability. You’ll dramatically increase the chances that your acquisition will be a success by incorporating these considerations into your strategic acquisition planning. 1. Know what to expect
2. Know what you want
An acquisition will have profound changes on your business and the way you operate. Developing a solid understanding of your strategic objectives before you begin your acquisition and planning strategy will reduce the potential for surprises and unhappy outcomes. A carefully planned acquisition can help your business achieve a variety of strategic objectives, among them:
Effective acquisition planning is a complex process that demands making the right moves at every step. Preparation is critical, and the most important element is self-knowledge. A buyer with a well-prepared acquisition strategy is able to:
• Economies of scale • Greater staff efficiencies • Stronger business reputation • Broader scope of services • Greater client base
• Describe what an ideal acquisition looks like. • Show how that acquisition will fit into the business. • Deliver a clear, compelling message about why they want to purchase a seller’s business. • Explain how they’ll on-board and service a seller’s customers. • Detail how they’ll scale up services to match the demand of the added client base.
• More depth of staff • Higher return on investment 4 | 844.395.8241