Flyer Green Cities - Green Regions

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Project activities


√ Seminars for local decision-makers about green economy for green cities; √ Training session about the GHG (greenhouse gases) inventory for local experts; √ Study visit in Geneva and Lausanne area (Suisse Romande) – Switzerland; √ Green Cities – Booklet containing examples of success; √ Identification of the best potential Romanian green projects at local level; √ Development of some Action Plans for Sustainable energy (SEAP- Society of Excellence in Public Administration) for five municipalities; √ Thematic seminars about GHG reduction and transition from local to regional level; √ International Conference "Green Cities Green Regions";

The project benefits from the experience of Terra Mileniul III Foundation in at least two previous projects: • ORISC - Romanian Cities against Climate Change before and after Copenhagen 2009 (2009 - 2010; Partner - Romanian Municipalities Association • SEVER CO2 - Towards a Green Economy with Low CO2 Emissions (2013 - 2014; Partner - National School and Political Administrative Studies (SNSPA)

Project co-funded by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged EU.

Project implemented by TERRA Millennium III Foundation in partnership with R20 - Regions for Climate Action (Switzerland) and AMR - Romanian Municipalities Association

WHO WE ARE? "Green Cities - Green Regions" project is implemented by TERRA Mileniul III Foundation in partnership with R20 - Regions for Climate Action in Switzerland and the Romanian Municipalities Association. The project aims is to develop a sustainable partnership between Swiss and Romanian partners in order to help identify appropriate solutions for the transition to the green economy.

OUR TARGET GROUP? The target group consists of local decision makers, civil servants and employees of the public service companies owned by local government. At an early stage a group of 20 municipalities will benefit from the Romanian and Swiss experts know-how through a variety of seminars, training sessions, practical activities and a study visit to Switzerland.


Within the project the participating municipalities will be assisted to develop and implement realistic measures to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide.

√ Raising the level of information about the green economy among Romanian local authorities and increase expertise on urban development with low greenhouse gas emissions; √ Increasing the capacity of local authorities to develop and implement public policies responsible in terms of climate change;

In this way, the selected cities for the project will become the core of the green areas. “Green Cities - Green Regions” project will be developed at national level in a period of 24 months.

Materials resulting from these activities will be disseminated to the 109 members of the Romanian Municipalities Association (103 municipalities and 6 districts of Bucharest).

√ Improving the cooperation level between municipalities and green regions from Romania and Switzerland.

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