The 19th Edition, April 2019 - Romanian IT&C Directory
Romania Ready for the Cutting Edge IT Services >>> pag. 3
Ministry of Communications and Information Society
Romania is currently going through a phase of intense digital growth >>> pag. 4
The transformation of the IT industry in Romania >>> pag. 6-7
IT Consulting in Romania
The necessary link for business efficiency >>> pag. 11
A Project of
Mademoiselle Pogany
French, born Romania. Passion inspires: every year Romania scores great results with the Informatics Olympics, and the redundancy proves this is not an accident. >>> pag. 13
ROMANIAN ITC COMPANIES: >>> pag. 14-15 1
The 19th Edition, April 2019 - Romanian IT&C Directory
Ready for the Cutting Edge IT Services The IT industry is, without any doubt, the most successful story of the last decades in Romania. And this success comes from some significant directions. One of them is the high quality of the IT Universities all around the country providing the companies with good and skillful programmers and IT specialists. And this is a very important factor! Besides the computer sciences graduations all the students speak at least one foreign language perfectly fact that makes them suitable for Mihaela Gorodcov General Manager iBusiness Romania any company working in programing, outsourcing, near sourcing, IT services etc no matter the field of expertise. We can talk now about tens of thousands of programmers (most probably more than one hundred thousand) working for the most prestigious companies (Oracle, Accenture, Amazon, DB, to give just 4 examples from many I can share) in support centers, in services, in developing applications for a lot of economic sectors, developing solutions in the most cutting edge technologies like AI, ML, IoT. There are clusters of companies in some of the most important cities in Romania: Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi, but there are important IT companies in many other cities spread around the country. Big or small companies, young entrepreneurs developing brilliant ideas in some businesses incubators, brand names IT companies or just startups all of these are the most dynamic actors in a market that moves fast, with opportunities coming from the global markets or from the local ones. In the telecommunications era, with fast networks, with data moving instantaneously all around the world, the Romanian programmers, project managers and IT specialists learn to be were the need is, to provide high quality software, to earn trust and to be audacious. And, of course, to deliver up to the expectations! Another important fact that contributed to the success story we have written and we continue to write in Romania is the of course represented by the fiscal facilities for the programmers and the companies having as main activity the software and applications development. These fiscal incentives are very important when we discuss about a company employing some 2000 programmers for example! So, the success of the IT industry in Romania is a due to a lot of factors each of them being very important. And after a decade we can see the fruits of this strategy in the figures and the dynamic of this market. All the above mentioned facts are just an invitation: please come to Romania! Work with the Romanian specialists! Partner with us and you will have the guarantee of a very successful and profitable business! Romania is ready for the cutting edge services. 3
Romanian IT&C Directory - The 19th Edition, April 2019
Romania is currently going through a phase of intense digital growth
“Now is the best time to intensify public consultations and cross-border experience exchanges, to create new consortia for access to European funds and to set forth a pragmatic vision for the medium and long term regarding adequate public policies in digitalization.”
Alexandru PETRESCU
Minister, Ministry of Communications and Information Society
„The internet has nowadays become more than, perhaps, even its visionary inventors could foresee. It is entangled with our daily lives and brings incredible benefits to it. It serves as a second ‘home’ to billions of people, who make use of it to communicate, inform themselves and others, build their professional expertise and even share moments of their lives. Consequently, problems of the internet increasingly become problems of the world. We have a complex task ahead of us, but we remain committed to grow this ecosystem and ensure that it stays in line with our democratic values – neutral, safe and considerate of human rights. We must, however, both as citizens and as public authorities, look beyond what we would consider “traditional” internet and acknowledge that national progress is simply unthinkable without ensuring digital pervasiveness in our society – especially through new, advanced and cyber- safe technologies. As public authorities, we must deliver what citizens and businesses expect from us – best connectivity, best digital infrastructure, best innovation services, better inclusion, better digital literacy, more openness and seamless digital interoperability between public and private bodies. As such, we will strive to increase public investment in key areas, such as cloud computing, high performance computing, cyber security, AI, deep learning, virtual assistants, block chain or 5G. Our current position as the country holding the Presidency of the European Council is both an opportunity as well as a challenge to shape the digital future of Europe, to bring together EU members alongside private and public stakeholders in this major effort of transforming our economies and societies by means of one of the most effective transformation instruments: digitalization.
Romania is currently going through a phase of intense digital growth and is in the process of positioning itself as an emerging digital hub in Central and Eastern Europe. Now is the best time to intensify public consultations and cross-border experience exchanges, to create new consortia for access to European funds and to set forth a pragmatic vision for the medium and long term regarding adequate public policies in digitalization.” 4
Romanian The 19th Edition, IT&C Directory April 2019 - The - Romanian 19th Edition, IT&CApril Directory 2019
Competitivi împreună
Financial Operations Made Easy
Allevo provides software solutions that help banks, companies, microfinance and public administration process financial transactions and achieve compliance.
Instant Payments
FinTP is a software application that offers financial institutions management of real-time payments, liquidity and assets. Its core enables technical integration between various proprietary formats and applications, performs message routing and format conversion, while also ensuring data persistence, protection and archive with advanced reporting capabilities. FinTP consists of a variety of functional features that make up the core of the application, and additional business and operational features are available, allowing the setup of an environment suited for every customer’s need.
Process credit transfer instructions
FinTP-Instant connects back-office applications of a bank to the Instant Payments service offered by TransFonD, retrieving payment messages in any format provided by these applications (tables, queues, etc), ensuring their conversion to the ISO 20022 standard and routing them to the Instant Payments System (IPS). Target audience: banks, public administration. FinTP-Connect is a solution for centralized management of requests initiated by PISP/AISP on behalf of the final customer. It retrieves and processes these requests, transfers them to the Core Banking system, and then returns the responses back to the PISP/AISP. Target audience: banks. FinOps Suite* is an open source solution for SMEs and corporate treasuries that centralizes financial and treasury operations, consolidates payments, and includes a shortterm prediction component for liquidity flows. Target audience: big manufacturers, service providers, small and medium enterprises, payment processors, financial infrastructures, microfinance.
Straight-through processing Connection to TransFonD Interface via web services Timestamp Monitoring
FinTP-Connect PSD2 compliance Centralized request management Back-office integration TPP identification & validation API management integration Data analytics Access for PISP & AISP
FinOps Suite Corporate treasuries Payment management Reporting Reconciliation Operational features Message routing Automation and integration
*FinOps Suite is the business name of the software solution being developed as part of the Treasure Open Source Software (TOSS) project. This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy”. 5
Romanian IT&C Directory - The 19th Edition, April 2019
The transformation of the IT industry in Romania The Romanian market is trying to detach itself from the traditional infrastructure related services and on-premise solutions, but this is not an easy transition nor a short term one. There are still many important public institutions and large accounts from the commercial sector which delay their decisions of moving forwards to cutting edge cloud-based infrastructures. On the vendor side, there is a clear concentration of digital services being delivered outside the country’s borders, primarily towards the Western Europe and the US; with a market size, exclusively composed of pure IT services and software solutions of around 4 Bn EUR, Romania exports around 80% and generate just about 20% from the local market. This aspect shows a clear underperformance of the domestic spending and a scarce level of local technologic upgrade. As a close observer and analyst of the IT domain, PAC (part of teknowlogy Group) is constantly profiling the main disruptor factors as well as the main inhibitors and challenges which are placing a firm print on verticals sectors and also on the main horizontal technology topics. At the core of the digital transformation journey we may, without any doubt, place the element of customer centricity; the old IT back-end systems and infrastructure components which used to operate in the background and be isolated from the end-user’s sight and interaction are now gradually integrated with and around digital platforms and front-end portals that are leveraging structured and unstructured sets of data, which are continuously calibrated and modelled as prime raw material for artificial intelligence (AI) driven processes or robotic automation orchestrated workflows. All key players from the SITS (Software & IT Services) space, are investing heavily towards broadening and developing their offering portfolio in the direction of modern and digital-driven practices, shaped around the main business imperatives of the digital age: customer centricity, data-driven processes, agility and innovation. We are starting to observe Romanian start-ups and young companies that develop their own digital-based solutions, the fintech area is evolving, SaaS electronic invoicing, CRM and accounting modules are also following similar trends and are migrating towards web-based technologies. The RPA field is also expanding its reach, fueled especially by dynamic evolution of UiPath with strong reverberations especially in the banking area, but not only. Also, the financial sector is starting to consume chatbot related customer support solutions. There are good synergies between RPA and virtual assistant driven customer support technologies, as the market is starting to gain awareness and even to adopt such elements. Having a look over the sector from a horizontal point of view, we can identify strong synergies in the business application segment. The main vendors of ERP and CRM solutions are optimizing and modernizing their solutions by adapting them to Cloud environments. An important component of the migration to SaaS typologies is the redesign of the user interface (UI) towards a service-oriented architecture (SOA) with a more dynamic set of features and interactive dashboard capabilities which can display sets of data in a much more compelling and exhaustive manner. Moreover, the integration with mobile terminals is another argument which offers business agility and flexibility in day to day operations which are becoming much more natural and less time consuming based on the mobile driven reshaped workflows. Other two layers derived from the digitalization framework, responsible for process streamlining and optimization, are RPA (robotic process automation) and machine learning.
Fig1 – Business Imperatives of the Digital Age In terms of RPA and machine learning algorithms infused in business applications solutions, we do not yet see a clear, oriented focus among Romanian end-users, towards integrating the two technology areas, for the moment. Nevertheless, there is an active tendency of modernizing and aligning the ERP and CRM platforms with SaaS deployment models and integrating modern analytics solutions, primarily among the large and upper mid-sized customers.
The 19th Edition, April 2019 - Romanian IT&C Directory
The Public Sector is probably the most sensitive area in terms of service virtualization and process digitalization; the entire plethora of regulations and legislative constrains generates a difficult context for the digitalization initiatives. Both the local and central government institutions are undergoing complex transformations and try to use digitalized instruments such as web platforms, mobile solutions and big data processing in order to add transparency and control across all the operation area.
In terms of fleet management solutions Romania has a pretty good technologic level, with several key providers of GPS tracking solutions; it fails though to convince when it comes to critical infrastructure, where there is a basic level of road monitoring and disaster prevention systems, with no automated alert framework based on real-time video analytics or road sensors.
Romania has started to upgrade its institutional platforms and systems, there is progress made in this area but still the status of the projects is at early stages of development. The government must identify the proper resources for speeding up the digital driven technology adoption within the next years. The smart-city initiatives are starting to gain traction, especially in smaller cities, where the level of infrastructure complexity can be easily integrated with IoT enabled solutions. The larger cities though, are lagging behind, proving to be yet unable to solve the critical traffic issues and improve the public transportation operations. The retail and the financial sector are consolidating their digital presence by developing and scaling their web presence through digital platforms and omnichannel modules, infusing e-commerce and marketing mechanisms driven by machine learning algorithms and real-time analytics. The customer service level is also impacted by AI technologies, chatbots and virtual assistants are more and more present in the customer interaction strategies of large retailers and digital oriented financial institutions. In Romania for example the top three banks are rolling out wide scale digital services, including automated customer assistance and mobility interfaces for a superior service provision; the same argument is valid also for retail where the shopping experience is continuously optimized and augmented through digital channels and mobile applications which combine logistic elements with individualized customer experience. Not all of the large retailers have developed compelling digital agendas in Romania, but judging by the rates of development in e-commerce volumes, in the absence of strong digital marketing investments and omnichannel management solutions, it will be very hard to maintain a good competitive level. Perhaps one of the most vital sectors for economic activity development is transport. This sector is also heavily impacted by harsh environment regulations and infrastructure limitations. Turning towards digital solutions like advanced fleet-management systems, driven by IoT technology and predictive maintenance monitoring features, the overall safety and business performance are being efficiently optimized. Using cloud-based applications and connectivity equipment, the transporters are leveraging two of the most important technologies which reshape the transportation domain and streamline the logistic flows across all the operational levels.
Maturity of Major Trend Topics in the Romanian Market In Romania telecom providers like Vodafone, Telekom and Orange are starting to develop their operations and to invest in programs and partnerships meant to bring them closer to the IT sector sometimes as facilitators for smart city projects, sometimes as direct technology providers or integrators. Healthcare is probably a sector in which the digital transformation is facing the slowest adoption rates, in Eastern Europe compared with Western Europe, mostly due to budget constrains and lack of perspective; telemedicine services, advanced screening methods based on complex computer vision assisted methodologies, clinical analytics with cognitive abilities are just general concepts, with no actual practical use-cases. Although it is without any doubt that digital solutions and especially AI-driven technologies are developing the medical sector, we are yet to experience this type of technology infusion in the public health networks and neither in the private ones, in countries like Romania and its neighbors. teknowlogy Group is the leading independent European research and consulting firm in the fields of digital transformation, software, and IT services. It brings together the expertise of four research and advisory firms, each with a strong history and local presence in the fragmented markets of Europe: Ardour Consulting Group, BARC (Business Application Research Center), CXP and PAC (Pierre Audoin Consultants).
Bogdan Cotovelea
Consultant – IT Market Analyst Central & Eastern Europe Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC) a teknowlogy Group Company Phone: +40 (0)799 919 090 Email: 7
Romanian IT&C Directory - The 18th 19th Edition, Edition, April April 2019 2018
Info World: International Impact and European Union Recognition Info World has been a force of excellence and innovation in the Romanian IT&C market, specifically in eHealth, by meeting the requests and requirements put forth by a variety of healthcare providers. In its almost 20 years as a leader in both the private and public sector, Info World has impacted and improved the medical fields’ processes from every stakeholders’ perspective. Due to the accrued experience Info World has established itself as market leader in Romania due to the ability to provide essential tools and solutions for the medical professional through multiple specialized interfaces and excellent data security, regarding both ERP and CRM software. Info World remains an active frontrunner in its chosen field by conducting research and taking part in conferences showcasing scientific advancements alongside our partners from top academic institutions and corporate environments. The medical field only benefits from innovative solutions that satisfy its need for communication, interoperability, and sustainable solutions that help all humanity. With this in mind, Info World has positioned itself as a pioneer when it comes to standardization and interoperability, as well as a promoter of their benefits, in the Romanian market. Info World remains the ONLY company in Romania to be certified by the Empowerment IHE Connectathon in interoperability, as well as Meaningful Use Stage 1 and 2 certified. Alongside the stated accreditations, IW is a founding member of both the National Association HL7 Romania, and of the European Software Association. These accolades prove that we prioritize fruitful collaborations with our clients, as well as our international partners.
Info World remains the ONLY company in Romania to be certified by the Empowerment IHE Connectathon in interoperability, as well as Meaningful Use Stage 1 and 2 certified.
Info World has been a force of excellence and innovation in the Romanian IT&C market, specifically in eHealth.
The 19th Edition, April 2019 - Romanian IT&C Directory
In December, Info World was a proud collaborator in the award winning Sound of Vision research project, which created a smart wearable device to help the blind and visually impaired navigate indoor and outdoor environments without assistance. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program between 2015 and 2018, the project resulted in a fruitful collaboration between partners from Iceland, Poland, Italy, Hungary and Romania. Sound of Vision received the Tech for Society award during the ICT 2018: Imagine Digital, a research and innovation event focused on the European Union’s priorities in the digital transformation of society and industry. The project created a smart device consisting of headgear, a haptic vest and a wearable control unit. The headgear includes a number of advanced cameras that scan the environment then relay visual information to the processing unit, which uses software developed as part of the project to identify surrounding objects, as well as any dangers such as stairs, potholes or obstacles at eye-level. This information is transformed into audio and haptic queues, which are conveyed to the visually impaired person using small speakers mounted onto the headgear and vibrations in the haptic vest; all conveyed in real-time. The system was tested extensively using visually impaired participants and works both indoors and outdoors in a variety of weather conditions.
As a key project partner, Info World used its experience in the fields of software development, eHealth, as well as expertise gained by coordinating and participating to previous European research projects for key contributions to Sound of Vision’s success. Over the course of the three years covered by EU funding, Info World contributed to establishing the device’s software architecture and fail-safe mechanisms, development and testing of its core software modules, elaborating and improving the end-user experience, as well as ensuring that the hardware and software employed are in accordance with EU regulations regarding product safety and data privacy. The vision behind the project is one where technology can be leveraged to vastly improve the quality of life for the 30 million blind and visually impaired individuals living in Europe, and help them attain and maintain the desired level of autonomy. In addition to its main goal, the project also resulted in an important new body of theoretical knowledge via over 40 scientific publications in prestigious academic journals and conferences. Info World is extremely proud of the achievements, certifications, and accolades received for its exhaustive dedication to humanity by improving eHealth solutions on a global scale. Almost 20 years down, and a bright future to look forward to.
Romanian IT&C Directory - The 19th Edition, April 2019
“ Alexandru Borcea President ARIES
Two decades ago, we started to internationalize our member companies all over the world. The total IT export of Romania mounted to 30 million $ at that time. After more than 150 events, trade fairs, trade missions, and brokerage events, organized in the frame of the Export Promotion Program, of the Ministry of Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship, over 50 events, matchmaking, and best practice and know how sharing, organized in the frame of European projects and more than 20, organized by ourselves, only the software development export grew to over 2.6 billion EURO, and other half a billion EURO of software service export last year. Perhaps the figures are not so impressive compared to a nation of about 20 million inhabitants, but the outcomes for sure. Based on the chip labor cost business model at the beginning, the Romanian IT sector evolved to competitive IT innovation hubs, build on competences, related mainly to the big university cities like Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj Napoca and Iasi.
And this is not the entire picture. This remarkable development of the IT sector enabled innovation in many other fields of activities and export competitiveness, unleashing the future value chains, the trust among people and self-confidence. Of course, there are still many things to do, especially enforcing the internal value chains, the national system of innovation, and the community’s trust and recognition, to be able to face the actual and future socio economic challenges in front of us. But we are determined and self-confident that we’ll be able to surmount all this barriers, and we’ll be able to guide our companies towards new technology frontiers and socio economic paradigm.
All this reasons makes me confident to call you to join us, to give us your trust, and make business and profit with the Romanian companies, all over the world. Don’t hesitate to join our events to taste Romanian food and wine, and eventually to visit our country too, to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and nature of Romania.
The National Association for Information Systems Security (ANSSI) has been established in 2012 to become a bridge between public and private sector, in order to promote best practice and enable a cultural change towards information security. Our association is actively monitoring the IT market conditions and has pointed out potential inefficiencies to the competent administrative bodies. We have also presented opportunities for PPP’s that could support the development of integrated systems in Romania. ANSSI is a private, professional, independent and non-profit organisation. 10
It unites around 50 members, companies with around 25000 employees, representing 25% of the total number of employees in the private IT&C sector. Our members, due to the large diversity of technical and professional competencies and capabilities form a group that is representative for the entire sector, the group’s interests being the same as the overall sector’s interests. ANSSI has also organized, alone or together with other authorities, public institutions or embassies, several national and international conferences and events, in fields like: telecommunications, e-government and e-administration systems and solutions, UE funds, HR development, occupational standards, the technological and infrastructure security component being a key issue. Nationwide, ANSSI has setup
partnerships with organisations like the Ministry for Communications and Information Society, the Romanian National CSIRT -, the Bucharest Stock Exchange - BVB, the Romanian Banking Institute - IBR, the Financial Services Association ALB, the CIO Council, the Romanian Association for Security Technique ARTS, the Romanian Association for Promoting Critical Infrastructure and Services Protection - ARPIC and other, in order to ensure coherence with other fields that use IT&C infrastructure between the beneficiaries and the services provided (such as: energy, financial, Internet services) and to enable the transfer and adoption of internationally recognized best practices. ANSSI has already setup partnerships and is preparing new ones with similar organisations from other countries – France, USA, Canada and other.
The 19th Edition, April 2019 - Romanian IT&C Directory
IT Consulting in Romania The necessary link for business efficiency Writing about IT consulting in Romania is not an easy task. You need to consider the usual factors generally present in any IT business, industry or market, however with a specific local flavor, sometimes difficult to understand even by the insiders.
Dragoș Mateescu Business Consultant
The Romanian IT industry in itself is quite respectable with a long history; starting with early ‘90s it turned from technology production (minicomputers, peripheral equipment, etc.) and quite limited SW industry, to solid system integration. The country had a poor IT&C infrastructure, so important projects were implemented, mainly with foreign aid. New technologies and equipment, most up to date, were brought in and the quality of support services improved. Nevertheless, the majority of the projects were in public. There was no real IT market or its level was very modest. Therefore, true IT business consulting was not a priority. At the time, the consulting services were mainly given to the technological part and there were enough good specialists able to take charge of and even design the new integrated systems. Shortly after, in three or four years’ time, things started to change quickly. First of all, private companies started to be more present, either through privatization or through new private investment. Some public institutions, such as banks, have realized the importance of a modern IT infrastructure and robust software applications, not only to improve business processes and performance, but also to become more attractive to potential take-overs during the privatization process. We then noticed the presence of a new type of external consultants - business consultants. Their contribution has been absolutely essential to the future development of the use of information technology by companies in Romania. During that period of time, many foreign companies entered the market and invested quite a lot in their IT systems. These systems were similar to the others used elsewhere, so regional or even broader business integration became simpler. We can’t speak about a local business consultancy given during this period of time, yet first preoccupations for developing this sector got visible. Beside the foreign investors, also the local private sector started to pay attention to IT consultancy. At the beginning this was a very timid action, focused mainly on HW equipment, but also on accounting and elementary ERP. This was actually the base on which the medium business used further IT, and the contribution of the local consultancy was important, even still at a modest level of knowledge. It’s time to remind the impact to the end of ‘90s of the high development of communications, mobile included, one of the main accelerators of further intensive IT usage. The big change happened in early 2000s. On one side the market growth was remarkable – all the above mentioned plus the retail, and later the online.
This massive and complex growth impacted the suppliers and their offering too, with a much bigger share allocated to services offered to private customers mainly, but also to public to some extent. Second the local IT industry started to polarize, a phenomenon which is extremely obvious nowadays. It’s a complex situation, let me simplify a bit. Firstly, local and international vendors, based on globally known equipment and SW applications, provide systems to be used by customers in Romania. Secondly, there are the IT support services suppliers to local and international customers; in the case of local branches of large international providers we can speak about worldwide support. And finally we speak about the SW applications development, an industry which looks now as very important for the Romanian economy. However only part of this development sector is dedicated to the Romanian market, most of the production goes abroad. And like everywhere nowadays, the role of the customers changed a lot in a process which is less about sale and more about acquisition. They know their needs and they decide what to buy. Where fits the local consultancy in this picture? Due to the market and the industry polarization, the IT consulting sector took the same path. Specialized technical consultancy is more offered than the business one, due to the internal specialists that customers now hire. The conversation is again rather around the products and applications. However there are a lot of opportunities to increase the IT business consultancy offered to local companies, first of all the medium sized ones. If authorities encourage IT investment through focused policies, based also on a competent IT consulting, then the medium size business will be more effective, with a larger share in the economy. The public sector is also as usual a domain which needs more support, including consultancy. Who are the IT consultants acting at present in Romania? Again this picture is very complex, starting with the international players, either dedicated companies or specialized departments, and ending with individual consultants. Their offering is quite large, but it doesn’t cover properly all the opportunities, which are numerous. I left to the end a particular aspect of the IT business consultancy, that one given to the IT suppliers and vendors. A bigger focus is necessary to enhance the sales teams’ competency, as well as the sales operations and of course the go to market model, both for local business but also for export. It’s not enough to create value, it’s important to sell at the right value. The IT suppliers active in system integration, services, value added distribution, SW applications or similar, need to improve the knowledge of their customers’ business in order to be their real trusted advisor. 11
Romanian IT&C Directory - The 19th Edition, April 2019
ABC Telecom Distribution
Arobs Transilvania Software
ABN Systems Int'l
ASBIS Romania
Asseco See
Ager Business Tech
ASSIST Software
Agis Computer
Avnet Technology Solutions
Axel Soft IT Group
Beia Consult International
BIT Solutions
Business Information Systems
Cisco Systems Romania
Class IT
Endava Romania
Enea Services Romania
Computaris Romania
Epicor Software
Bull Romania
Concept Electronics
Euroweb Romania
Crescendo Int'l
Exe Software
DB Global Technology is Deutsche Bank’s technology excellence centre in Central and Eastern Europe. Opened in January 2014, the Bucharest office is constantly expanding. DB Global Technology develops cutting-edge software applications for Deutsche Bank’s global operations and represents a platform for highly skilled software engineers. The team members specialise in Software Application Development, IT Architecture, Quality Assurance and Testing, Functional/Business Analysis and Project Management.
Deutsche Bank is one of the leading German banks and consistently wins the #1 Bank in CEE accolade. Deutsche Bank has been present in Romania since 1998. It delivers tailor made products and solutions in Corporate and Investment Banking and Transaction Banking to its corporate and institutional clients as well as Private Wealth Management to private clients.
The 19th Edition, April 2019 - Romanian IT&C Directory
Mademoiselle Pogany French, born Romania. At MOMA, they had to catalogue Brâncuși, just like any other master or artist. You know it is just a label; small, yet willingly not discrete, placed nearby the work. The pile of books you read, the tones of films you watched should be a solid ground to understand that labels are just social, cultural or political stamps. But, sometimes, regardless of education level, exposure to technology or life experience labels do affect us. Brâncuși was born, initially educated and initiated as an artist in Romania, but he felt misplaced; it took him many steps (literally) to establish himself as mature artist in Paris, and later on to sparkle in New York and all over the world. All his life he was split between Paris, the world and Romania. But the fact is that he rests in Montparnasse, and he has a permanent collection at Centre Pompidou. Facts, same as money, do talk. And misplacement, sad as it is, may the price of his true becoming. Mademoiselle Pogany, on the other hand, tells us an incredibly beautiful story that is beyond time, space or art. Inspired by a young love of Brâncuși, the work is remarkable through its simplicity, focus on selective details, yet a surprising reflection of the truth in its essence, plus an absolutely revolutionary artistic style and approach for that period. Only by looking at Mademoiselle Pogany we learn that:
Aurelia Butolo
PR Copywriter Carousel Counsulting
1. Passion inspires. For an art work, passion acts as a source. Brâncuși was inspired by his love for Margit Pogany, and this eventually stands as the foundation for his Pogany series. In other fields, passion acts as a catalyst. As strange as it may seem, sports or IT, are equally good examples for this statement. Hunger with its various forms, including obviously the physical one, feeds passion. Thus, it is not a surprise that great men and women come from rather poor environments. Romania is not the poorest country in the word, but definitely not a wealthy one. In the last decades, Romania has produced more IT excellency than most of the Western countries. Every year Romania scores great results with the Informatics Olympics, and the redundancy proves this is not an accident. 2. Everything changes. We, as a humankind live a constant wind of change. Every and each generation complains or celebrates change as if a supernatural force; pretty much the same happens on a smaller scale in parent-child chain, where forces of resistance and change confront without exception. Yet, change is constant. When Brâncuși exposed its first modernist works, he shocked the artistic community and impressed the important ones. However, you take it, change causes a kind of reaction; indifference to change is not an acceptable response since only uncommitted, indifferent, opaque people can take this attitude. While in arts revolution in most cases is associated with reluctance, technological innovation is better digested by the large audience and this allows the high speed of change. Romania, with little or no technological legacy as compared with other western countries only few decades ago, has burnt stages and it is presently quite advanced if we look at smart-phone usage, Internet speed and general public technology appetite and absorption. 3. Roots matter. They mattered for Eliade, for Henry Coandă, and for Brâncuși as well. It is said that you never can choose your parents and the country you are born in. And regardless of the desire to associate with or to deny your roots, in some way you always relate to them. In arts, roots are essentially incapsulated as themes and myths, but always reinterpreted as such to dissociate and to differentiate from the previous works. Technology might be the most abstract form of art, and yet the most root-respectful one; so abstract that it never needs to deny the previous technology, but only to focus on improving it. In terms of IT excellency, Romanian specialist (both hardware and software) are very well appreciated worldwide. Out of the 28 EU countries, we are definitely in top 5 exporters in terms of software intelligence, along with other EastEastern European countries. IT is a culture itself, with its values, knowledge and definitely its own metalanguage. Until now, both Romanian students and professionals have proved a high level of proficiency. We can only hope that time shall prove they have they same solid passion, tremendous ability to change and good roots as Mademoiselle Pogany. As for the global Romanian IT market, this is another. 13
Romanian IT&C Directory - The 19th Edition, April 2019
Fujitsu Siemens Romania
D Link
Gecad Net
DB Global Technology
Gemini SP
DELL Romania
Dial Telecom
Freescale Semiconductor România
Fujitsu Siemens Romania
EEU Software
Gecad Net
Elkotech Romania
Gemini SP
ELO Digital Office
Elsaco Electronic
GTS Telecom
HP Romania
Metro Systems
HTC Romania
MGT Educational
Huawei Technologies Investment
Nestor Cables
IBM Romania
Net Brinel
NetSafe Solutions
Ines Group SRL
Info World
Intel Romania
iQuest Technologies
Pentalog High Tech
IT Six Global Services
Printec Group Romania
Q-east software
The 19th Edition, April 2019 - Romanian IT&C Directory
Lasting Software
Q'NET International
Legrand Romania
LG Electronics Romania
RHS Company
Rinf Tech
London Logic Bucharest
Romsym Data
Luxoft Romania
Magister Software
S&T Romania
Maguay Impex
Samsung Electronics Romania
SAP Romania
Schneider Electric
Senior Software
TechTeam Akela
UTI Systems
Siveco Romania
Sobis Solutions
Spearhead Systems
Wizrom Software
Star Storage
System Plus
Sysware Systems Integration
TechTeam Akela
TechTeam Akela 15
C=16 / M=24 / Y=34 / K=4 C=93 / M=100 / Y=9 / K=45