Oasis Magazine - Apr|May 2017

Page 10

Cairns Community Driving Change

As the Queensland government prepare to ban single use plastic bags from July 2018, the establishment of community driven initiative, B oomerang B ags, will help that transition. Boomerang Bags are designed to be borrowed and brought back, helping shoppers to stay plastic bag free if you forget your bags. T he initiative began in B urleigh H eads, Qld and has since spread to 52 Australian communities. T he bags are sewn by the community for the community and once made are left in shopping centres in dedicated stands. Shoppers can avoid a plastic bag by freely taking a reusable bag, with the idea that the bag will be returned net time they shop, hence ‘Boomerang Bag’. B ess Murphy, CAFNE C’s Community Engagement Coordinator, says that even if people forget to return a bag, that’s okay.

“The aim of Boomerang Bags is to start conversations, make friends, up-cycle materials and work towards shifting society’s throw away mentality to a more sustainable revolution of re-use - one community at a time.” Bess says they’re aiming to have 1000 bags complete before they start the actual implementation. That means there’s a lot of sewing to do, so come and get involved. Everybody is welcome, and if sewing’s not your thing there are plenty of other tasks to help with. Fabric, thread and sewing accessories are needed. If you have some that aren’t being used, bring them along to a meetup, or drop off at the donation box on the CAFNE C verandah. W hen: First T hursday of every month from 4.30 – 7.30 pm. W here: D ownstairs of Cominos H ouse, 27-27 Greenslopes Street, N orth Cairns.

F ood Is F ree - another global initiative that’s helping transform communities through ultra local food production and repurposing salvaged materials. Get to know your neighbours and grow food on your front lawn! If you’re keen to get on board, join the Food is Free - Cairns Facebook page, for the locations of fi e drop off boxes around Cairns where you can leave, take or swap produce. Guaranteed more smiles all round!


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