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Good Christian Man,
Christopher Williams Celebrates His 44TH BIRTHDAY with Publisher
Carolyn Herring-Moore
Premiere Issue
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Rogue Police
“OH, OH, OH!!!!!”
Shemar MOORE On Life, Love and Lies
Montage MAN
WHIP MY HAIR FASHIONS U.S. $4.99 Canada $5.99
Good Christian Man,
Christopher Williams Celebrates His 44TH BIRTHDAY with Publisher
Carolyn Herring-Moore
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The magazine of Fashion, Arts, Entertainment, Gospel, Health, Military/News, Relationships and Life After abuse.
CAROLYN HERRING-MOORE Founder and Editor-In-Chief WENDY JOHNSON Chief Executive Director Executive Marketing Director Events/Gospel Editor Montage Man Editor
PAM FOSTON Contributing Editor and Account Rep
BRANDY BAZINET CEO Executive Assistant / Military News Editor
LANCE ROBINSON Assistant Marketing Director
TRAVERRO HARDEN Features and Relationships Editor
NIKKOLE BALLEW Outside Editor and Account Rep
ORDER YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS INCLUDE CHECK OR M.O TO: OASIS Montage MAGAZINE P.O. BOX 48496 TAMPA, FL 33646-8496 910-224-6633 OasisMontage@aol.com Carolyn Herring-Moore CEO/Founder and Editor-In-Chief
Wendy Johnson C.O.O. / Chief Executive Director OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
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I can remember as far back as 1968 when I was 4 years old. Every year the family gathers to string tobacco and farm the Herring land. When I had to use the bathroom, I use to take a candle to the outhouse and watch for frogs and snakes. It was scary, but my grandmamma use to go with me. Those were the good old days of cracking the watermelon on the ground, tin baths with my cousin, getting whippings with the peach tree limbs, scrub board washings, and hanging the clothes on the line. I remember the sore fingers from shelling peas on the back porch with my aunts, cousins and grandmamma as we listened to, “The Days of our Lives. We had a pot belly stove for the cold nights and we shared the beds, floor and one couch to lay our heads. Those late nights were encountered with loud laughing and yelling when my daddy and his brothers would come in from the juke house a little late and lit. My mama was one voice I recall yelling at my daddy for being a bit tipsy. My cousin and I use to stand on the bed to watch my parents fight threw the holes in the wood of the bedroom walls. The next day all the women would get together and start cooking those shelled peas, boiling the wildness out of the rabbit my grandmamma shot, peeling the yams for candying, scraping the scales off of the fish my brothers caught in the lake, and pulling all the feathers off of the Turkey after wringing the neck off. It was fun to milk the cows and grab the eggs from under the chickens. I use to feed the hogs with granddaddy, and I hated the smell, it was terrible. The hog was a good tasting ham on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day was the most memorable because all the women had their section in the kitchen as they cooked and prepared the food. We all worked as a team for the best meal of the year. Although I was young, those memories are fresh in my mind. When I watch the movie, “Soul Food,” all I think about is giving thanks and being with the Herring family in Live Oak, Florida.” This is the first issue of Oasis Montage Magazine’s anniversary. We hope to take you on a journey of our celebration from the beginning with actor, Shemar Moore, to gospel singer, Fred Hammond, to President Barrack Obama, to this occasion with Christopher Williams. Our theme is, “The Fall, and how to get back up again celebrating?” We are going to share our ups and downs, historical moments of racism, Fall fashions with my cousin and model, Barbara Herring, the beautiful hairstyles of Marcus Doss, how to deal with Multiple Sclerosis, to staying fit with Doug and Judy; after eating the cuisine foods by Audrey. The Feature article will enlighten you on, “We’ve come this far by faith.” to our children, “Keeping it Real,” youth corner. My staff and I have come a long way from a bright idea and no money, to a wealth of
This is the first issue of Oasis Montage Magazine’s anniversary. We hope to take you on a journey of our celebration from the beginning with actor, Shemar Moore, to gospel singer, Fred Hammond, to President Barrack Obama, to this occasion with Christopher Williams. dreams becoming a reality. One of the most interesting and informative articles I chose in this issue is, “Just swinging it.” I chose that topic because I was once approached and had no idea the world was caught up into a lost love of couple lust. That article is a bit risqué, but we as a people need to have knowledge and wisdom about how to put on the whole armor of God when invited into a whole new world. Let me know your feedback about that article. It is important that we as a nation become well informed before we choose the joy of sex with the wrong partners. Let’s keep our President in prayer. He is on the attack, but who else gave the poor medial benefits, employers a grant to stay in business, and domestic violence victims a new identity and safe haven? And finally, who found Osama Bin Ladin? It was Barrack Hussein Obama. “I hope in this issue you enjoy our great graphics designs, the journalistic hand of our writers, and I hope you sit back to read while celebrating the Riches of God with Oasis Montage’.
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
WENDY’S PAGE Hello Oasis Montage’ Readers, This is your favorite C.O.O., Wendy Sheppard; Yes I know you knew me as Wendy Johnson, but that was a part of the past, a life changing journey I traveled on. This is the anniversary issue of Oasis Montage’ Magazine and this C.O.O. has been through quite a few changes. Join me as I take you on journey from swinging to getting your praise on. Firstly. I want to say thank you to all the loyal Oasis Montage’. Now, I’d like to share a letter I received from a Facebook friend. This letter is to give you an idea of the journey I’ve been on for the past year. No, my journey is not exactly like the letter, I didn’t have a sister. but it was a journey. Enjoy the letter. By Deneen Upshaw THE BEST DIVORCE LETTER EVER! Dear Wife, I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for seven years and I have nothing to show for it. These last two weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today and that was the last straw. Last week, you came home and didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal and even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in two minutes and went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband and wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone.
Dear Ex-Husband, Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you and I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining and griping too bad that doesn’t work. I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was, “You look just like a girl!” Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have
stopped eating pork seven years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, and I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, I still loved you and felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job and bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica but when I got home you were gone.. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope you
lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take care. Signed, Your
moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!
P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that’s not a problem… — Wendy Sheppard
4 OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
Your EX-Husband
july l august l september
Dear Publisher,
I have been purchasing all of the issues of your magazine. I truly enjoyed the first magazine with Shemar Moore on the cover and the article on Police Brutality is sad but a great article because this stuff is still going on. The issue with Fred Hammond was so intriguing, I couldn’t put it down. It is sad that he did not find out about why he was treated differently until his mother told him on her deathbed. In the Obama issue, I smiled when I saw Bin Ladin’s picture because thanks to our President, Bin Ladin is dead. Your magazine has come a long way from the first issue. The pictures are nice and colorful and the articles are very good and interesting topics. One of my favorites was Crack in the House. I think that was in the Fred Hammond issue. I heard they are passing a law that you have to pull your pants up or get fined. I hope it passes because seeing grown men with their pants down is disgusting. No one wants to see the crack of their behind and dirty underwear. I can’t wait to see your next issue. This is a great magazine. Keep up the good work Kiara Jasper Fayetteville, NC
People; I am excited about the future of Montage Oasis Magazine. I enjoyed the diversity of the articles included in the magazine. I wish much blessings and success to everyone involved in this magazines progress. Sincerely,
Audrey DiNardo Fayetteville, NC Dear Editor, I was reading about the event the magazine hosted for children of abuse. Those children looked great and happy. They were some beautiful models and a few of them I can tell should make modeling a career. They had the smile and the pose. I noticed that you had an article about the baby Bless being abused. She is gorgeous and that was such a sad story about her being thrown out of a car window. This world is a cruel place and our children don’t deserve to be mistreated. I am just glad to see that the baby Bless has grown up to be a beautiful young lady. That was a great article, it made me a lot more cautious of what my children see and hear. I do not allow strangers or boyfriends discipline my children. I take that very seriously. Thank you for the insight. You’re not alone Our History, I truly felt the article on The African Presence in America was a very well written story. It gave me a lot of historical knowledge I was not aware of. It was very thorough and concise with a lot of wisdom people need to have. The quote “History should tell a people who they are, where they came from, is a true fact. Our today’s child has no idea why their skin color is dark, nor do they care. They don’t question anything until a racial comment is made to them, then they
want to fight. Our jails are full of our black young men because they choose to make foolish decisions. They need to get an education while their minds can learn how to become successful in a bias world. I truly enjoyed the historical article. Great job
Joann Thompson, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Dear Ms.CEO and Publisher Carolyn Moore, You and I went to college together and I am so proud of you and what you’ve accomplished since graduation. Wow the magazine is great and the work you do in the community is awesome. You are always so busy trying to help people that I know you are going to be the next Oprah Winfrey. Congratulations Carolyn
Matthew Troy, Fayetteville, NC Dear Montage’ Man, I have had both articles on the Montage Man, and they are all so good. These men are loving, caring and gentlemen. I loved all of their comments. This is going to be a tough vote. You need to have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner. In this last issue with Obama on the cover, I love the comments Norman Ricks made about being a spiritual man. If more men thought about their relationship with God than them, today’s man would be a lot farther in life than they are. Most men want a baby mama to take care of them instead of the man being the head. It was cool to read that you put God first in your life and that your wife Tina is your queen. I can’t wait to see what the next man is going to say. Sincerely,
Can’t wait.
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
—President Barack Obama 6
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
Sometimes you’ve got to make choices in order to do what’s best for the country at that particular moment, and that’s what I’ve tried to do.
ith new a Texan Republican candidate Rick Perry on board, America is being warned. With his slick comments and sharp humor he’s sure to upset some folks but he still keeps others admired and amused. While Perry joins the race we said goodbye to Tim Pawlenty who finished third in the straw poll. The 2012 battle was declared a three-way between Perry, Mitt Romney, and Michele Bachmann. Republican Michelle Bachmann hails victory with the Ames Straw Poll holding the title as the first woman to win. Shortly after her moment of achievement diminishes, she is being considered a US “Diva.” She had a sour attitude after refusing to get off the bus when Perry was on stage at the Black Hawk County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day dinner. She also demanded that the lighting be changed upon her entering the stage and denied any Q & A from the audience. Bachmann claims that she arrived at the dinner late coming from a family reunion but according to the family, she didn’t even make an appearance. Well of course there was an explanation for her absence and she saved face and mentioned that she attended a different family reunion-right. In a time of high stress and long
hours of speaking we can all make mistakes but be sure to know the history and the exact current event of you present location. In June, 2011, Bachmann kicked off her presidential campaign in Waterloo, Iowa, calling it the home of American actor, John Wayne. The town was actually home for a time to serial killer, John Wayne Gacy. In Spartanburg, SC, Bachman in her speech mentioned the celebration of Elvis’s birthday when in fact it was the anniversary of Elvis’s death. But again she comes in to woe the audience to make up for her mistakes replying, “The media will report what the media wants to report…people really care about what we will do for the economy…I want to give hope and encouragement to those who are unemployed, I understand the economy and I understand how to turn it around…we can do so much better than what is going on now.” With many concerns about the economy, America steadily becomes impatient waiting on a resolution from our leader President Barack Obama. President Obama faces scrutiny with people who are with him and still, of course, those that oppose his decision making. With liberals disappointed with the decision to compromise with the GOP, now are calling on him to hold firm against Republicans. While still wanting him to push a bold jobs agenda and draw a strong line on taxes America still wants him to protect Medicare and Social Security. Princeton Professor Cornel West, who campaigned for Obama in 2008, has now become a fierce critic. West has stated, “We find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. He’s going to need high levels of enthusiasm among his base, and it’s going to be hard to do that with speeches and no real serious actions or policies…They [liberals] want to love him, but he’s given them little evidence and his rhetoric is running out of steam.” Blacks also are complaining about high joblessness. Many are expected to turn out in huge numbers next year to help re-elect the nation’s first black president, President Obama. Obama’s overall approval rating has trendled slowly downward this summer in Gallup’s daily tracking polls, hitting about 39 % in is presidency in the week of August 15, 2011. The polls are averaging 83 percent approval among liberal Democrats compared with 86 percent earlier this year. Obama has barely lost ground among his strongest supporters and among moderate Democrats, 74 % approve, down from the high 70% in the winter and spring. Obama claims progress on the economy, health care and two wars offering his backers a bit of tough love. Obama states, “Sometimes you’ve got to make choices in order to do what’s best for the country at that particular moment, and that’s what I’ve tried to do.”
WOMEN IN BUSINESS By Brandy Bazinet A time of the women staying home and being a house wife has totally changed. The new woman balances home and work at the same time. The Woman that is making their presence known in the workplace, knows she has to bring home the bacon by working in the business world. Some are single moms and they have to work, come home and cook, while raising their children. It’s a juggling act, but they keep catching the balls simultaneously. An article in 2010 US Today, stated that young women, single, and childless at ages 20-30, are making 8% more than comparable men in the top 366 metropolitan areas. It’s stated that the reason for this difference is because of education. Research shows that three quarters of girls graduate from high school and head to college verses two thirds of young men. This shows that young women are 1.5 times more likely to graduate from college and earn advanced degrees. So as a result, we have more young women with degrees in the workforce commanding higher salaries. Young women are now putting their careers on the front burner and holding off on having a family until later in life when they are more established in their careers. Lynette, a 20 year old college student in her last year of college says, “I chose my career path years ago. My parents mandated ROTC in high school, graduating from high school, leaving home at eighteen, and going to college. I grew up with 10 siblings, we went to church every Sunday and we did not struggle for anything. My dad is a military soldier and he gave us morals and values. He checked our homework daily so we’d have good grades, and he rewarded us if for the good grades. My parents would say, “I don’t take care of grown folks. You better go somewhere and do something with your life because I’m done.” Lynette went on to say, “It was my parents that gave me the ambition and drive to be something in life. I am a political science major, and when I graduate, I am off to law school. My dad has always told me, you need to be a judge. And today, I know being a woman, I have to work harder, but I’m going to strive to be the best judge I can be. I’m going to succeed as a woman in business.” The economy has also played a big role in the establishment of women in the work force. Most families in America need working adults to survive, forcing women back into the work force. With so many of the blue collar jobs, as we would call them, are disappearing. Women of all ages are furthering their education to get better careers. Also with the change of women making more than man, some homes now have stay at home fathers. Due to the fact that their wives can make more working then them, they are staying home taking care of the children. “ When my husband’s factory closed last year, we looked at our finances and figured out that him staying home and taking care of our 3 kids, meaning no cost for daycare, that I could step up in my job and do more traveling. This became more cost effective for us,” states Jill Nichols a 35 year old Administrator. Of course some people would say that its women’s “assets” or sexuality that gets them ahead in today’s business world, not saying that in certain circumstance and that certain women don’t use these things to get what they want, but the majority of women have worked hard and faced all their challenges head on achieving their desired success. According to Robert M Groves, Director of US Census Bureau, “The number of women starting their own businesses are growing, women own one third of all businesses. Women owned businesses tend to be smaller than ones owned by men. Women have fewer employees and lower sales on average, but the growth of women owned business, appears to exceed those of men in the last ten years”. Women with a secondary education, determination, desire, vision and persistence can do anything they want in business today. The economy today forces society to have working women. A woman can and has done an excellent job in the world of business today, and like Lynette says, “I know being a woman, I have to work harder, but I’m going to strive to be the best judge I can be. I’m going to succeed as a woman in business.”
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
Fort Bragg Troops
Words and Photos by Brandy Bazinet
very year community organizations and stores create a toy drive. Toy drives for the military receive over 7,000 gifts for their military families through organizations such as the Army’s Operation Toy Drop and the Marines Toy For Tots they receive donations from Toys-R-us, Wal-Mart, grocery stores and several merchants. This is a national toy drive, and you will find helicopters flying in over military bases making a drop of toys. December, 2010 the Oasis Montage’ magazine staff Wendy Johnson, Brandy Bazinet, and Carolyn Moore, volunteer Fort Braggs Operation Toy Drop to organize and distribute toys to military families, shelters, foster homes, and non-profit organizations. Brandy says, “I truly enjoyed helping the soldiers sort toys by ages and make deliveries to families and neighbors on the military base. I am a military spouse, and my husband is deployed, so I realize how tough it is on the family not to have mommy or daddy home for the holidays. It was so
endearing to watch the faces of the children light up when they saw us deliver gifts. The tears in the parent’s eye gave me joy to know that I helped to brighten someone’s holiday. The staff and I were truly blessed by volunteering. We all felt this was the best Gift we could give. Look for us to help again this December, 2011.” For information of the military helping hands with food, finance, clothes and Christmas Gifts, contact: Operation Homefront 8930 Fourwinds Drive, Suite 340 San Antonio, Texas 78239 Phone: 210-659-7756 Fax: 210-566-7544 Toll Free: 800-722-6098 Email Operation Homefront
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
0UN[TR V` 0\ZV[T 0\ZV[T By Wendy Sheppard
Barbara Herring and Carolyn Moore
“Mama, we have been standing in line for over an hour. We were next and that white woman just walked in front of us.” Mama responded, “Shoosh honey, don’t let them hear you. This is how it is, and you have to accept it or you will never get waited on.” “Mama is that what happened to grand-daddy?” “Is it true the hospital would not wait on him and that’s why he died?” Mama then said, “Baby girl what happened to daddy is the way man in their mind views a black man. They think we don’t deserve the same services or hospital care. One day baby girl, change is coming.”
rom the grass roots, abolishing slavery, civil rights to a never ending story of racism, we wonder will the past ever be erased from the minds of our nation? The historical museums of the Alabama church bombing, The Market House, The King Center, plantation houses, and several other tourist sites, remind us that slavery and racism may not be allowed by law, but it will never be erased from the minds of man. Those days of The Greensboro, The Massacre, lynchings, whippings, and beatings of slaves will be a lifetime of scar tissue. Racism is a learned behavior that today’s parents still teach their children. In the mind of man, blacks were called the slave word N, and today, it is a casual word with the young generation of blacks and whites. The real-life events of the past, is what inspired the stage play, “Greensboro.” On February 1, 1960, when four black students from the Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina took their seats at a whites-only Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro. The students stayed seated, even after they were refused service. The protest grew as more African-Americans joined the students in solidarity. In the weeks and months that followed, the sit-in movement spread throughout the South. Blacks were finally served at the Greensboro Woolworth’s on July 25, 1960, and the following day the entire department store chain was desegregated. As the protest draws more and more attention, the city is divided
Scene from Greensboro
about how to respond. Downtown merchants put pressure on the newspaper’s publisher to downplay the event, but some of the paper’s editors and reporters realize a huge story is unfolding in their backyard. The Market House, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, is “one of the few structures in America which employs the town hall-market scheme found in England. Meat and produce were sold under the open first-floor arcade while the second floor served as the town hall and general meeting place. The cupola bell still rings breakfast, dinner, sundown, and curfew.” Completed in 1832, it was built on the ruins of the old State House and served as a town market until 1906. Slaves were sold there before abolition. It served as Fayetteville Town Hall until 1907. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1973. The City Council is considering turning the Market House into a local history museum. Racism is still alive and kicking, and it is the historical sites that keep us abreast and mindful of the way things use to be. Society has come a long way, but it has so much farther to go. In the minds of man, the past will always be a scar tissue that should never be forgotten, but a reminder that the mind of a man has to change. For more information about North Carolina racism and historical sites, visit website: http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/ onlinessays/JC28folder/PinskyRacism.html
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
J & D Bring Viva to Vegas
n 2003 certified personal trainer and ex-competitive bodybuilder Doug Sheppard and his wife of 10yrs Judy Paris, decided to make a change and move from Long Island, New York and head to another city that never sleeps, Las Vegas. They purchased a home approximately 15 miles from the famed strip and started to construct the Viva of their fitness business to Vegas. Together, Doug and Judy have over 40 yrs of experience in the fitness industry, and they carry multiple certifications. They are certified with American College of Sports Medicine, American Council of Exercise, and The National Strength and Conditioning Association. They have worked with members of the NFL, NBA, USTA, and PGA. They’ve also been featured on TV, radio, and in national publications. They would have to rely heavily on their years of experience, professionalism, and Viva for fitness to make an impact in a city that not necessarily known for “Health and Fitness”. Where do they start?. First, they decided to veer away from opening a brick & mortar store front gym. “I knew that waiting for customers to come through our doors is not the way to get clients”, stated Doug. In our model we would bring the fitness to people. Train people in their homes and offices. We would bring the gym to them. We trained visitors at the hotels, which typically has great facilities, but don’t provide quality instructors. We would also create outdoor boot-camps at the local parks. Las Vegas boasts of having only 2 inches of rainfall annually, and warm weather all year, so the weather isn’t the obstacle that many northwest locations experience. Judy created a Mommy and me workout class titled, “Stroller Strength.” The moms are encouraged to bring their infants & toddlers with them. They go through a workout using their strollers, resistance tubing, and additional exercise equipment. Judy and Doug also partnered up with the University of Nevada in Las Vegas and became instructors for their Personal Training outreach program. This weekly class scheduled 3 hrs of weekly lecture followed by 3 hours of hands on training on the campus. Finally, they knew that by living in the community and being a part of the community, you have to have a contribution to the community. So they created “The J & D Fitness Pump N Run.” Participants were encouraged to perform as many push-ups as possible and then receive time off of a 5k (3.1 mile) run time. Doug was able to persuade local vendors to become sponsors. The proceeds from the event were donated to “Candle lighters”, a local non-profit support group for the families of kids with cancer. Mayor Oscar Goodman honored both Doug & Judy and Proclaimed
Doug & Judy Sheppard with trainers
June 4th as J & D Fitness Pump N Run Day! In there last year of the event they had over 300 registrants. “I think our success as personal trainers has come from not being afraid to evolve and try new things as the industry has changed. The days of Field of Dreams is coming to an end in the fitness industry. The large gym chains are seeing consistent declines in memberships. Building a big box gym of 20,000- 100,000 sq. ft., is not the answer anymore. Our country is becoming more and more obese, and there is a gym on every corner. Just watch an episode of “The Biggest Loser” and you will see that the world of fitness is losing their battle on obesity. Judy and I have the desire to create quality, well-rounded, personalized fitness, and go to them. It’s very challenging when clients blow off your workout appointment with them at 6am when they see me knocking at their door,” says Doug. He goes on to say, “There was a time when I was working with a famed NBA star. He was in his contract year, and I had to literally pull him out of bed each day to train. If I was waiting for him at a gym, he would have never made it. What I observed with him isn’t any different from the regular Joe. Only difference is that he is 6’10 and can shoot a great jump-shot.” Although Las Vegas is still suffering from the economic downturn, Doug goes on to say, “We’re no different from anywhere else. But we’ve been able to weather the storm because we’re going to our clients and we’ve been able to consistently show the value of what we provide. When you’re looking to save money and cutting expenses, eliminating the gym membership is first on our list. This is especially true, if we haven’t been using it.” Because many of the gyms have had to downsize their staff, Doug and Judy have been able to come to their facilities as independent contractors. It cost the club nothing, and provides Doug & Judy a place to use for those that wish to use a health club. “It’s a win-win! They couldn’t afford to have a staff as credentialed as my wife and I, but they need to provide services for their member,” says Doug. Doug and Judy have recently gotten heavily involved in the social media world. They have put an exercise workout daily on Facebook and Twitter under their business name, J and D Fitness. Their business YouTube channel, J and D Fitness group, has currently over 100 videos and 3,200 subscribers! The internet has allowed them to reach people in other states, and countries. It’s a growing community, and we knew that we had to get on the bus. As opposed to producing a DVD, the turnaround time is so fast that they can address the most current trends. It also allows them to interact with their followers by showing the exercises the public wants to see. An example of this says Dough is, “I recently had a gal who asked for a 5-10 minute routine that she could do at work. I was able to record a quick 3 exercise routine and put it up within a few days.” Dough and Judy have not ruled out opening a small gym in the distant future, but for now, this internet, concept and personal home fitness, has put the Viva back into Las Vegas! Dough says, “If you’re ever in Las Vegas and need to get a great work-out, please contact me at (702) 892-0400 or Doug@janddfitness.com.”
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
By Doug Sheppard
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
What Is a
Good Man?
Words by Carolyn Herring Moore Photos by Dark Red Photography
oday’s man has changed tremendously from the old days of when “men were wearing the pants in the house.” This was considered a good man because he was the bread winner. Those were the days of Wallace Cleaver of the 1960’s show, “Leave it to Beaver.” Today’s man is now the 1980’s-1990’s Bill Cosby man of “The Cosby Show.” The Cosby show portrays the economical changes of the working man and the working woman living in a 2 parent household. “Today’s man is no longer the traditional Dick Van Dyke and the I Love Lucy shows, it is now a man and woman that work together to provide stability for their family. The economy and society has changed the traditional man by pulling him in so many directions, that he loses his role as the head winner and sole provider. It is somewhat unfortunate because a lot of women still desire a man to be the provider and head of the house. They still seek and desire a good old fashion man of God. The old fashion man use to be considered, “A Good Man.” Author, Flannery O’Connor wrote the book, “A Good Man Is Hard To Find.” There were a few responses to the book. One comment from a man says, “I have no idea if I am a good man, but I do know that I’m superior today compared to who I was yesterday.” A man’s point of view is important, but what’s most important is what a woman considers “A Good Man.” In all actuality, it important to understand that the woman was put on earth for the man so he would not be alone. She was created from the rib of a man, and what they need from one another is important for a successful relationship. What is a good man? Since man and woman were placed on earth to please God, they are to not please God, but to be pleasing to one another. What is “A Good Man?” Now that the economy has changed, our traditional man finds himself balancing a juggling act to keep his title as a strong man. He loses the concept of being “A Good Man.” I asked my single, married and divorced facebook friends what they consider A Good Man. This is their response: Vicky Vaughn of Omaha, Nebraska is a single woman in her 40’s. After her divorce, Vicky raised her children with the help of her mother, Hazel Kellogg. Vicky says, “A good man is one that will love and bless the lord at ALL TIMES, to hold the household down at ALL TIMES, to put wife and children first at ALL TIMES, and last but not least, respect, communicate and, love your family at ALL TIMES. If a man can do that at ALL TIMES.... YOU THE MAN!” Vicky, who is now divorced, who raised her children alone. Vicky’s comments are clear and concise about needing a spiritual man with biblical standards before she makes him her Real Man. Evelyn Morrison, of Daytona, Florida says, “In my opinion, a REAL man loves Jesus. If a man can love you through the eyes of t h e Lord and not his own, then you have a blessing. The love of God will allow him to be loving and compassionate. He will be a man that discerns with a genuine concern. A real man is a man that will look at his wife and say within his heart, “You are the ONLY woman I see.” A real man is one who thirsts for his steps to be ordered by the Lord! Amen sister Morrison. Military spouse, mother and teacher, Shari Floyd of Hattiesburg, MS, says, “A Good Man puts God first and you second. A Good Man is a helpmate yet when he senses you are tired, he will carry you. He is secure enough in his manhood that when he is tired, he will allow you to carry him until he can get back up again on his feet. A Good Man is with a woman because he loves her and not because he needs a
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maid or a Mama. “A Good Man” is hard to find so when you do find one, do what you must to keep that good man.” As a woman that grew up with the morals and values of the 1970’s, Shari knows the importance of male leadership and the need for a strong helpmate when it comes to raising children. Bernadette Niter, a single, career-minded woman in her 40’s of Alexandria, VA says, “A Good man is a man of his word, and one you can depend on. He is compassionate, faithful and loves the lord. This man is my strength when I’m weak and my supporter when I am strong. He makes me feel beautiful without the need for words. He is happy when you are happy and together you are one in the same. A real man doesn’t have to brag or boast about his manhood, his actions speak louder than words, he represents what a real man should be.” It is unfortunate that women today judge whether a man is good or not by his bedroom capabilities. How well he does in the bedroom should not determine whether he is a good man. In Flannery’s she says, “A good man, to me, is someone who is considerate, caring, has a good sense of humor, knows himself, realizes that REAL men do cry on occasion and is not ashamed of it. He is someone who knows that real strength comes from within and is not dependent
upon his “muscles” or his physical size. He is not afraid to show affection to his wife, chilchil dren, grandchildren, animals and friends. If they’re married, they’re good to their wives. Flannery’s book had some great guidelines for “A Good Man,” she says, • If they have children, they play with them, care for them, and are those kids’ heroes. • They are honest. • Their work results in progress. • Their progress seems to be associated with their happiness. • They can be gentle when gentleness is called for. • They don’t make others feel small. • They abhor bullies. • They admit their mistakes. • They know their flaws. • They are always working towards the correction of the same. • They protect those who cannot protect themselves. • The expectations of others do not intrude on the principles they live their lives by. • They know how to adapt when necessary. • They don’t seem to spend much time thinking about how to be a good man. They just do what needs to be done. Can celebrities be a good man? 1980’s and 90’s R&B celebrity balladeer, Troy Christopher Williams, is “A Good Man.” I met Christopher in 2010 after he performed in J.D. Williams stage play, “The Clean up Woman.” Christopher has a son, Austin, by former girlfriend, actress Stacy Dash. Music runs in his family with heart throb sensation, R&B singer and DJ, Al B. Sure. Christopher was born in the Bronx, of New York on August 22nd. He celebrated his 44th birthday in Fayetteville, NC with at a show hosted by 106.9 radio air personality, Vic Jackson and comedian Sheryl Underwood. The show was promoted by prominent man, Harry Southerland of the Southern Group. Christopher opened his birthday celebration with a thank you song of praise to God singing, “Never would have Made it.” Christopher took off his shirt saying, “This is what I look like at
Evelyn Morrison
age 44,” as the women shouted, “You still look real good man.” In closing of the show, Christopher humbly asked the audience support his new Christmas CD release. On September 17th, Christopher and Robin Givens aired on the Gospel Station in the stage play, “The Love you Save.” Stage plays and television shows has kept Christopher busy and when not acting and singing, you will find him home spending time with his son and his mother. Christopher is what I call a real man. He is the first R&B singer I have ever met that opened a concert show giving honor to God with a gospel song. He is also the first celebrity that stopped taking pictures with a line of women just to pray for me. The tears in his eyes spoke louder than words. His healing words of prayer were meek, humble, caring and sincere. Christopher genuinely cared about me and he remembered me from the stage play, Clean up Woman. As he kissed me again, I watched he and the promoter Harry Southerland walk away alone without groupies. Flannery’s book views were great guidelines, and the women comments were true from the heart. What was interesting was that all of the women desired a man of God. When I watched Christopher Williams walk away, I understood what looks good to you may not be good for you. God will guide a man like Christopher to his true woman of God because he is a Real Man of God. We must remember that Gods word is the only true word that gives clarity to what “A Good Man is.” Firstly, we should not be looking for a good man with appearance it’s a discernment that we get when we look to the hills which cometh our help and our help cometh from the Lord. Jesus is the Lover of our Soul and He will love all the hurt away. God is the one that sends “A Good Man.” If we don’t wait on God, our eyes can be deceiving and we could end up with a real loser, cheater, and a low-down dirty shame. God says, “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him ” (Matthew 12:35)
Bernadette Niter
Vicky Vaughn
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
The Biology of Belief
Anniversary Story Words by Trevaro Harden Photos by Wendy Sheppard
Oasis Staff
Ronald and Wendy At Comcast; Rodney Williams, Bless Moore, Carolyn Moore, Doug, and Wendy Sheppard
t’s August 22, 2011 2011 and it’s been approximately one year since the launch of Oasis Montage Magazine. With the rain beating the windows of the new second floor office space of Oasis Entertainment located on Hay Street in Fayetteville, North Carolina, I meet with Wendy Johnson, Chief Executive Director and Carolyn Herring-Moore, Founder and Editorin-Chief of Oasis Montage magazine. Although it’s been one year since the launch of Oasis Montage Magazine, it has been two years in the making for Oasis Entertainment for Carolyn and Wendy. Already there are major life changes for both women as well as a major shift in direction of the magazine and Oasis Entertainment. A quarter ways into the two hour interview, it is obvious that neither woman expected to be this far so soon with the magazine and had no idea the amount of personal change and growth that would come from a simple meeting in 2009 in a Fayetteville, North Carolina bowling alley. Visits at Carolyn’s home with her and her family became the catalyst for a total life change. Wendy says, “I remember sitting in Carolyn’s living room one day and she began talking to me about a magazine she had started while in Colorado. She had actually been going over in her mind the idea of starting up the magazine again.” Sending out an e-mail invite to some of the members of the cast of her play, “Women Shop Talk while Real Men Wait”, Carolyn called an initial interest meeting to see how many people would show up. She smiles, “I told Wendy, ‘If no one shows up we’ll just continue with the recreation center idea and take it from there.’ However, that was not the case- everyone who she e-mailed showed up that night with enthusiasm and zeal for the idea. Speaking of how their initial idea for the youth recreation center snowballed into Oasis Montage magazine, “Somehow, planning for this endeavor, the magazine just developed and it took off from there,” says Carolyn. However, in a different dimension with Wendy’s life, these new changes on the horizon signaled a new season in what would later become the old life she knew and lived. As her newfound skills and abilities were blossoming, Wendy was experiencing personal turbulence in her life- her husband did not support her newfound ambition for things out side of the auto body and repair shop and was totally opposed to the venture of her starting up a magazine. She recalls the response her excitement about the advancement of the magazine would elicit from her husband, “You’re not making any money and it’s never going to work.” Dismayed by her husband’s lack of support, she sought solace in continuing to work with Carolyn. “Carolyn brought so much out of me that was buried deep inside. It wowed me and I thought, ‘Man, I can do all of this? There was no way I would give up all that we had begun and turn my back on my own personal growth and development.” Wendy’s days became hectic and she had to make a choice. Wendy sighs, “I let the auto body and repair shop go.” Supporting Wendy’s decisions as well as her new goals and moves within the company, Carolyn smiles, “There’s no amount of money that can be put on a person’s purpose. The richness of discovering that passion and purpose is the untouchable value and substance that can’t be taken from you.” It is this support for and faith in each other that has watered the seed that was planted two years ago for the two sister-friends.
OASIS/Montage October s November s December 2011
Carolyn Moore and Wendy Sheppard
Carolyn and African woman
“The sky is the limit if you tap into what you believe and step out on faith.” —Carolyn Herring-Moore During the turbulence, the first issue of the magazine was launched in June 2010. As the initial investor, Carolyn invested her own money for the distribution of the first issue. The ads that were sold sent the magazine to print. Wendy played a major part in this by selling almost 80% of the first ads featured in the initial issue. “The first issue forced me to come up with a plan now. How many issues are you going to do a year? How often will it be distributed? Where is the revenue coming from to do all of this? I thought to myself, ‘Find the revenue now. Find the investors now. Get the revenue down now. Have a plan period,” Carolyn recollects after digesting the success of the first issue. The partnership went from fashion shows, & benefiting child abuse agencies to the national tour of the play, “Women Shop Talk while Real Men Wait,” national distribution has forced Oasis Entertainment and Oasis Montage magazine to get bigger. Carolyn explains, “We’re moving from selling ads that cost hundreds of dollars to ads that cost thousands of dollars.” With a newsgroup that distributes to all the military bases, grocery stores, and Wal-Mart chains the expansion of Oasis Montage is inevitable. Carolyn and Mr. William McNeill, Sr (now an investor and advisor) expound, “The purpose and mission of Oasis Montage magazine is to take its readers on a visionary, peaceful journey through the arts, culture, military life, health, sports, fashion, and entertainment,“ says Carolyn. “I initially invested in Oasis Montage and continue to invest in it because I believe in its purpose. It’s putting a local spotlight on national issues. Wherever we cover a story, people need to know about the issues such as domestic violence, and political changes,” shares Mr. McNeill. Dr. Wayne Dyer, an author, and lecturer says, “Once we want more for others than we want for ourselves, we develop a space for miracles to happen in our lives daily.” Just in a span of two years, two sister-friends venturing out to help the children of their local community transformed their creative energies into an expanding vehicle that seeks to provide inspiration and encouragement in the lives of all they come into contact with, either through readership or direct business. When asked where she sees Oasis Entertainment in five years, Wendy instantly states, “I see the business and the play- nationally known.” Carolyn signs off, “There is no limit to what we can do. I believe in the vision and I believe in people. It can only grow from here.” So, with the personal journey of growth and development of a partner and a friend, the belief in their ability to produce a body of work that is inspirational and life-giving. Carolyn Herring -Moore and Wendy Johnson have demonstrated American development. Biologist, Bruce Lipton has coined as “the biology of belief.” Which is, whatever your mind thinks about expands and takes physical form in your life. The old cliché is true, “if you believe it, you can achieve it.” Wendy is now living in Florida to begin another endeavor for Oasis Entertainment—working on the music side managing and promoting artists. Though she has a pending divorce, she is not looking backwards, “I feel like I’m just blessed. I have joy in my life. I’m helping other people and I’m enjoying what I’m doing. The sky’s the limit.” From the national play, to a magazine, to entertainment managing—Oasis Entertainment has only just begun.”
Wendy, Williams McNeil & Carolyn
Lance Robinson
Brandy Bazinet
Angela Weis
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
.S_VPN[ 9\cR
Words by Trevaro Harden Photo by Michael Angelo Chester
“ Black Love is Black Wealth…” —Nikki Giovanni rom Ausar and Auset to King Solomon and Queen Makeda of Sheba to Barrack and Michelle Obama, time has proven that beside every great and powerful Nubian man is a great and powerful Nubian woman. Taking it back to the foundation of Nubian or African heritage, let us journey into the world of ancient Khemet to trace the origins of original “Mr.” or love relationships (sacred unions) of African men and women. From the world’s beginning, the purpose of Nubian sacred unions between man and woman was to establish and maintain “Ma’at” or universal balance on earth. As the couple supports one another and grow together in their shared vision, the balance of their union allowed them to be productive members of their village helping to establish, maintain, and increase a healthy balance and prosperity within their nation. Unlike the focus on “equality” of many relationships within western civilization which inevitably produces competition between mates, successful Nubian sacred unions focus on both parties submitting to one another in an effort to balance the masculine and feminine “principles.” The masculine principle represents the man as leader, protector/warrior, and provider while the feminine principle represents the woman as supporter, nurturer, mother, healer, and educator. Consciously aware of and effectively carrying out their respective roles, both man and woman fertilize the soil of their union with devotion to “The Most High,” prayer, love, understanding, nurturing, patience, and the sharing of knowledge and wisdom. The fruit of their harvest were (1) growth of their “Mr.” or love, (2) the collective achievement of their life goals, (3) a strong and healthy family, and (4) the witnessing of the establishment and growth of a healthy and prosperous community. Ultimately, the united couple works together looking through the eyes of Afro centricity- realizing their responsibilities to and the impact of their collective works on one another, their family, local community, and eventually the world. One of the first biblical accounts of a sacred Nubian union/marriage was that of the prophet Moses and his Ethiopian wife (Numbers 12:1 KJV). Being commissioned to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land and speaking to God “face to face” was Moses’ life’s purpose. The support of his wife or “consort” (as known in ancient Khemet) was no doubt a major factor throughout Moses’ journey and had a profound impact on the success of his life’s work. King Solomon, recognized still today as one of the wisest rulers and men who ever lived, found solace and foundational support in Queen Makeda of Sheba in Ethiopia. During the civil rights era of the United States of America, the effects of the works carried out by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Minister El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz were magnified due to the support (education, nurturing, patience, encouragement, listening ear, sharing and embracing of a shared vision) of their female consorts Coretta Scott King and Betty Shabazz respectively. Though these great leaders have passed on into the essence, the impact of their life’s works continues to reverberate worldwide. Starting out as a legal teacher and mentor to her husband in his early career, Michelle Obama was pivotal in helping her mate forge a solid foundation for a successful political campaign making Barrack Obama the first officially recognized African president of the United States of America. Through all the obstacles and trials that test relationships of this magnitude, these Nubian sacred unions were able to maintain a shared vision and unified front by balancing their collective masculine and feminine energy with “Mr.”/love and cultivation. These Nubian love relationships remain vital to the continued success of not only the African community, but to all peoples worldwide.
16 OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
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Words by .IKKOLE "ALLEW s Photos by Michael Angelo Chester
t’s a 24-hour city with a lot of sites to see, great places to eat, amusement parks, and historical spots to tour. This is a place that some visit once and don’t want to leave. They say, “What you do in Atlanta stays in Atlanta.” This city is not only a lifetime of fun; it leaves a lasting impression for some. There is a night life full of people that enjoy going to clubs for couple members only. At this club, for first timers, couples experience a lifestyle of change. When you get involved in it you are like most, enjoying the swing of it. According to a 1960’s research, swinging has been around for a long time. Author and Journalist, Terry Gould says,” Swinging began among American Air Force pilots and their wives during World War II. The mortality rate of pilots was high, so, as Gould reports, a close bond arose between pilots that implied that pilot husbands would care for all the wives as their own- emotionally and sexually— if the husbands were away or lost. This is debatable, however, since it would have been unusual for wives to accompany their husbands on foreign tours. Though the origins of swinging are contested, it is assumed American swinging was practiced in some American military communities in the 1950s. By the time the Korean War ended, swinging had spread from the military to the suburbs. The media dubbed the phenomenon wife-swapping.” Gould’s statistical report of a 70% male, 60% of the men say swinging has improved their relationship; 1.7% said swinging made their relationship less happy. Approximately 50% of swinging couples who rated their relationship say they are “very happy.” ABC News reporter John Stossel produced an investigative report into the swinging lifestyle. Stossel reported that at that time, more than four million people were swingers, according to estimates by the Kinsey Institute and other researchers. He also cited Terry Gould’s research, which concluded that “couples swing in order to not cheat on their partners.” When Stossel asked swinging couples whether they worry their spouse will “find they like someone else better”, one male replied, “People in the swinging community swing for a reason. They don’t swing to go out and find a new wife;” a woman asserted, “It makes women more confident - that they are the ones in charge.” Stossel interviewed 12 marriage counselors. According to Stossel, “Not one of them said don’t do though some said, “Getting
sexual thrills outside of marriage can threaten a marriage.” Nevertheless, swingers whom Stossel interviewed claimed, their marriages are stronger because they don’t have affairs and they don’t lie to each other. This lifestyle is for open minded people with uca-eurotic style of life. Atlanta is the city of seductive pleasure, bi-sexual bowling, picnics, dating, dancing, and a love for having fun. Atlanta, also known as hot Atlanta, has an eccentric art and your realize sky is the limits. In Atlanta if you want to walk around naked you can and no one judges you. A lot of clubs for swingers have a membership and you must be at least 21 years old. Single females are free, couples pay $30, and single men pay $60. Men who are liabilities pay more and they are not guaranteed sex. To keep the single men coming back to the club, they pay $60 for particular females they choose to keep them satisfied. Janet, a married Christian woman was introduced to the swinging lifestyle through a meet and greets swinger’s party. Janet had never been involved in being a swinger until she moved to Atlanta. She started off being a voyeur by watching couples having sexual activity. Janet attended the meet and greets parties monthly until she felt comfortable enough to try it. Being a Voyeur watching activity is how most people get involved before deciding to be a swinger. Atlanta is not the only swinging city, celebrity couples in Hollywood like Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith are swinging it too. According to MSN, the Prince of Bellaire says, “I can get fresh with whomever I want, so long as I don’t rub it in Jada’s face later. And Jada can do who she wants too. These are comments he allegedly told Reveal Magazine. Although being a swinger is not a new trend and it has been around since the 1960’s, it is not a permissive act in the eyes of God. If God gave you a helpmate, man should not have the desire to yearn for temptation of another mate. Could it be that God did not give you the mate you are with and you struggle to stay with your mate? Could that be the reason you have sought the need for someone else to make you feel satisfied? God gave us a free-will to choose right or wrong. You can choose to do what thus says the Lord, or you can choose to just swing it.
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
MONTAGE Dennis Royal
Listen up ladies as this issue’s Montage man takes us on a journey through his thoughts on Life, loyalty, and love.
hat are the characteristics of a good man? One is that he is loving and trustworthy. He loves his wife as Christ loves the church. He loves his family and friends unconditionally. You can trust him with your deepest secrets. He is a confidant. A good man is honest at all costs. He knows when to be subtle with his honesty and when to be direct and not sugar-coat the truth. A good man is a protector and provider. It is in his nature to protect his family and to provide for them. A man is a natural leader and therefore a good man is an effective and responsible leader. He knows when to take charge and when to delegate the responsibilities to others when needed. A good man is hard-working, focused and driven by his vision and passion. He knows that a man who does not work, does not eat. He works hard to accomplish the task at hand and he stays focused until he achieves it. He then focuses on his next task. A good man is driven by what he needs and/or wants to do or become. It is very easy to be a good man when you have such a good wife like Gina Royal A good man… he is he and he is I and I am Dennis Royal.
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
IIkan Ali
Alvin Williamson
Norman Ricks
Dr. Dennis Royal
Oasis Montagé Magazine Readers,
It is now time to cast your vote for the 2011 Montagé Man. Please take a final look and read about all 4 men and cast your vote by December 1, 2011. _____IIkan Ali - Shemar Moore issue _____Alvin Willliamson - Fred Hammond issue _____Norman Ricks - Barack Obama issue _____Dr. Dennis Royal - Christopher Williams issue Please send your vote to: Oasis Montagé Magazine P.O. Box 15410 Tampa, FL For questions, call 910-224-6633 OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
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OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012 23
22 OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
Photographer: Reginald Tripp Model: Barbara Herring Brown dress Cache: Jersey draped brown & tan dress Macy’s: Jewerly Red dress Nicole Miller: Red knit dress with black triangle sides Michael Antonio: Brown Snake print stiletto’s Macy’s: Black floppy hat Bebe: Gray & Black jersey knit corset dress Xoxo: Cuff & necklace
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012 23
MARCUS DOSS Hair Stylist Extraordinair 350 North Eastern Blvd. Fayetteville, NC 28301
Soups On Words and photo by Audrey DiNardo The dog days of summer are gone, and fall is here. This hearty lentil soup is sure to soothe the soul. Lentils are a good source of iron and fiber, and are very easy to prepare, you don’t have to soak these legumes. Just rinse and cook. This version is kicked up a notch with curry and an unlikely addition of pancetta. Top it off with a warm slice of Naan ( Indian bread) for dipping and you will be ready for a cozy seat in your comfortable spot at home. Soups On! Curry Lentil Soup with Warm Naan 1 1/2 Tablespoons Olive Oil 11/3 cup onion, finely diced 1 /3 cup celery, finely diced 1 cup carrot, finely diced 2 Tbs fresh cilantro, chopped 2 Tbs tomato paste 2 cloves garlic, minced 1Tbs curry powder 1 tsp ground pepper 1 cup of diced pancetta, sautéed before adding 4 cups vegetable Broth 2 cups water 1 cup dried lentils, washed and debris removed 1. Heat a large pot over medium heat. Add onion, celery, carrot, and cilantro, sauté for 10 minutes. 2. Sautee pancetta in a separate frying pan until browned, about 5 to 6 minutes, set aside. 3. Add tomato paste, garlic, curry and sauté one minute. Add cooked pancetta and pepper. 4. Add vegetable broth, water and lentils, bring to a boil. 5. Reduce heat and simmer for about 25 minutes or so. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place Nann on baking sheet, and sprinkle a lightly with water. Place in middle of rack and heat 2-3 minutes. Serve immediately with Soup. Yields about 6 servings
This layered dip is a cool addition to your summer time soiree. Packed with protein from the refried beans, and good cholesterol from the avocado. The individual servings in martini glasses, or even plastic water cups with pedestals, purchased at a discount store makes the dip fan friendly. Serve alongside your favorite dishes and you’ll be sure to wow the crowd. —A.D.
Summer Soiree
Letra Davis
etra Davis is the Founder and CEO of Breaking Point Productions which is multi faceted company that provides an umbrella for music ministry consulting, music artist, commercials, CD recordings, Screen Plays, & a Radio Show Many Members Music. Letra has always had a knack for going for it even after failure. “Failures are only teaching tools and are not meant to cause a person to throw in the towel but provides information and cause growth”. Letra prayerfully went into business for herself when after working in the corporate arena for 17 years, the demand as a guest soloist and actress became a constant conflict. During a vacation, she & relative prayed. “Lord, if it is your will for Letra to minister full time please bring clarity so clear that there is no doubt”. Upon the return to her job the first day she was asked to come into the conference room where three executives and the HR manager awaited to inform her that her job was terminated and was handed her severance pay and a box to pack her things. As she left the building, she was run down by the site manager who in tears expressed that “I tried to save your job & I’m sorry”. Letra simply turned around and said with a smile “My prayer was answered and don’t worry, I’ll be ok”. That day she went home and God gave her the jazz love ballet Sweet & Strong which is the title track on her debut CD. With an anointing, humility, and a spirit of excellence, she has been positioned to do mighty exploit for the Lord. She was the Choir Director @ Calvary Worship Center of Colorado Springs, CO with Pastor Al & Mrs. Norma Pittman for three years. The choir was a rare gem in the city as an ethnic/ multi-generational unified body of singers who lifted the Lord from a place of daily walking with the Lord. They were so unique and well loved that they were asked to record a song on a Christian Entertainment DVD as well ministered at nursing home. Letra’s infectious enthusiasm for her Lord and love for people has opened doors to those in the secular arenas as well. She is not one to drop names but there is a calling on her life to minister to well known entertainers. She has been on stage as the narrator for Joseph the Dream Coat, as Sophie in Annie, & as Destiny in Shoptalk. She hopes to hit the big screen next year. She loves what she does and is constantly before the Lord to guide her next step so that His name is exalted. You can contact her @ LetraDavisMusic.com for any production or ministry needs. She resides with her handsome husband Eric Davis of 19 years who is a truck driving preacher and their three beautiful children in Lakeland, Fl.
Celebrating the Riches of
Words by #AROLYN (ERRING -OORE s Photos courtesy T.D. Jakes
s a child at age twelve, I started a journal and kept my daily life trials and tribulations from twelve until I was twenty. Through my writings, God spoke to me. He told me to write it and make it plain. In obedience to what God told to me, I accomplished so much in my life. I have owned a full service beauty salon, owned a truck wash, owned a network wiring company, written and produced two soldout stage plays, “The Gift of Giving” and “Women Shoptalk while Real Men Wait,” own a national publication, been a national Presenter, produces a mime ministry, “The Chosen Ones” and publish my book, “When Enough is Enough.” There
is nothing in life I’ve wanted to do that I have not done. I have a college degree in Radio and Television Broadcasting and a degree in Communications. I have worked in all industries from medical, social work, publishing to broadcasting and yet my work is still not done. The riches of God are real. It is amazing how He operates. One minute you can be down and deep in depression because no one believes in your dreams. You are laughed at, shunned and judged as though you have a mental condition. For people that do not have the faith of a mustard seed, riches are not realistic. If I kept the company of negativity, there would be no magazine. I went from an editor of
28 OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
national publication Upscale Magazine to the production manager in one year working for Upscale. I didn’t know what I was getting into and I hated reading. All I really wanted to do was be a writer. When I sought a job in Atlanta, I told God I wanted to work for a black Christian company and my path was directed to Upscale. My dream was to meet actor and model Shemar Moore, Casanova-Billy Dee Williams, and Tyler Perry. That dream came true. Along that path, I helped promote the new releases of India Ire, Musiq, Avante, Little Bow Wow, Monica, Kelly Price, Boys 2 Men, Glenn Jones, SOS Band, Glady’s Knight and Teena Marie. Working at Upscale was an experience of a lifetime.
I helped promote several events such as: Steve Harvey’s, Kings and Queens of Comedy starring Monique, Adelle, Simone, Bernie Mack, and Cedric the entertainer. I promoted The Black Circus, Jamie Fox’sLaffapalooza, Bishop T.D. Jakes, “Woman Thou Art Loose,” and David Talbots, “Fabric of a Man.” Promoting stage plays, was a major facet, so I made sure my media pass was a front row seat at Tyler Perry’s, “Diary of a Mad Black Woman,” and my favorite, “Real Men Cry.” I had a fascinating interview with the owners of The MBC Network of Atlanta. The owners consisted of celebrities, Iverson, Holy Field, and Marlon Jackson. They took me on a tour through their new television studio. Aside from Shemar Moore and Christopher Williams, those men were the most honorable men I have ever met in the industry. They gave me a new outlook on celebrities. In the past, I had a negative experience with a few celebrity men, and they treated me like a groupie. They were mad when I turned their invitation to the bedroom down.
Johnson. My help not only comes from the Lord, but He sent me support from investors, my eleven children: Sparkle, Promise, Paradise, Marquis, Blessona, Malik, Princess Moore, my siblings: Hafiz, Lillian, Anita, Pam and Curtis. My Herring and Goodwin family and my parents: Joe, Ethel and Virginia Herring. My praying partners: Franki Wilson, Paula Williams, Pam Foston, Rev. Lonnie Rouser, Lucile McKenzie, Zenobia Smith, Christopher Williams and Michael Chester. Wendy, my husband-Marcus and I have had very little public support. There were a lot of haters that made us stronger by being our motivators. In the beginning, we were not welcomed by promoters to events. It is wonderful to have community respect. We are not the average media; we do not harass or treat people different because they are celebrities. We are recognized for being a good clean publication, not vicious paparazzi. Because of our kindred spirit, we now receive invitations by phone and the mail. It feels good to know that when we ask to attend events, we have never been
Carolyn with Brian McKnight
Vivica A. Fox
I am excited to announce Oasis Montage’ Magazine can be found in WalMart’s, Grocery stores and drug stores. God has blessed us to produce a soap opera called, The Love Café, and to manage new gospel artist. My partner, Wendy Johnson has relocated to her previous home, Florida and it is there she will manage the new artist as well as start a new location for Oasis Montage’ Magazine. In the past, I have never told anyone about my accomplishments because I didn’t want people to treat me differently or bring negativity to His “Good Works.” I have maintained two mottos, the first one is, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and the second one is, “You are the company you keep.” We only keep positive progressive company and we strive to be pleasing to God in all things. The staff and I worked hard as a team and we stay close to Christ. What’s next for Oasis Montage’ Magazine? We’d like to start a magazine talk show. This has been a rough and a challenging year, but we beat the odds and the enemy with very little
Carolyn, Fred Hammond and Wendy
One of the most memorable moments for me at Upscale was when the staff and I took our models to a Bahamas’ trip hosted by Frank Skee of V-103 Radio. Frank’s slogan was, “What you do in the Bahamas stays in the Bahamas.” We were treated like royalty in the 5-star Hotel of Paradise Island and took photos at the Blue Lagoon for the magazine. My penthouse time was spent with Mayor Bill Campbell, Frank Skee and comedians, Wanda and Griff. Even though it was work and we weren’t supposed to play, we had a fabulous time. Celebrating my first anniversary in this October issue is a dream come true. God blessed me to have wonderful business partners: Marcus Moore and Wendy
told no. We have received media passes to Sinbad concerts, Bishop T.D. Jakes Conferences, Stellar Awards, national stage plays, NBA and NFL games, and gospel festivals. We have had the honor to interview celebrities: Brian McKnight, Tamika Scott, Vivica Foxx, Fred Hammond, Tyler Perry, Michael Jordan, Sunday’s Best-LeAnndria, Earth, Wind and Fire, the cast of Meet the Browns, Shoptalk cast, Zenobia Smith, Kirk Franklin, Crissy Collins, Artist of Praise, Jamal Bryant, Marshetta Parker, Donald Lawrence, Donald Gray, BET comedians: Nema Williams, Jay Lamont, Sheryl Underwood, George Wilborn, Lenny Williams, Christopher Williams and President Barrack Obama.
money. “I think a talk show would be fabulous!” This is the first time in my life that I have decided to go public about where I’ve been, what I’ve done, aspirations and goals. I am no longer afraid share with the world that I have learned and earned, “To Celebrate the Riches of God.” I want to give a special thank you to God, our subscribers, sponsors, and investors, supporters, praying warriors, church folks, family and friends. Happy Anniversary Oasis Montage Magazine Staff and thank you for your hard work to make this a great anniversary issue. Blessings to all of you, Carolyn Herring Moore
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012 29
Get Your =_NV`R On!
Words and Photos by Wendy Johnson
Kirk Franklin
30 OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
ospel music and the word are just a few things that feed the soul on a Christian journey. Christians attend concerts, revivals, and festivals just to get their praise on. Celebrity artist at these events can include local artist like D-Lo and Anna who are gospel comedians of North Carolina, Marshetta Parker and Sundays Best winner, LeAnndria. A day of joy at Carrowinds in south Carolina is a fabulous time to ride rides, laugh and enjoy the food festivities, but when artist were announced over the park, people started running to get there in time. Sinbad brings good clean laughter, while Marvin Sapp brings on the praise and worship. When group 2103 takes the stage, they can rock the whole amusement park. This gospel event tours several southern states to give God glory. More than 20,000 people show up to get there praise on. Whether the weather is good or bad, the crowd from churches travel for a yearly event called, Joy Fest. As the show got ready to open, the people yelled, “Hallelujah!� The screaming got louder and the crowd started clapping as Kirk Franklin hit the stage, it was time to get your praise on!
Devoted Praise Ministry Mimers
Kim Burrell
Anna Douglas, D-Lo, Wendy
Sinbad Marshetta Parker
OASIS/Montage November s $ECEMBER s *ANuary 2012
A True Friend
Words by 0RINCESS 3TAR -OORE s Photo by Carolyn Herring Moore
friend is someone who you count on you when you need them. A friend isn’t someone who talks about you behind your back and laughs at you when others do. Associates are not considered friends, they are people that you see and speak to in passing. They are not expected to be true and honest to you. Friends are not bossy or spread malicious gossip. When they hear it and it is about you, they let the gossiper know they do not appreciate that type of conversation about their friend. That friend walks away from those kind of people and no longer associate with them if they are your true loyal friend. That true friend does not devulge secrets you confided in them about. A true friend is someone who can make a promises and keep them. A true friend has a since of hummer that can make you laugh when you want to cry. Friends don’t stay mad at each other they talk about problems and remain loyal to one another. Friends give each other gifts that mean a lot. A true friend is not a crowd pleaser or a want to be person when in front of others. True friends are people you love, and respect. They will be by your side until the very end. They are a person you can walk with, talk to, pray with when you are going through something. Friends are true friends for life.
Living a Chapter Life By Gregory Quran Herring Now let me let you a story of a 6 year old Who’s dad past away that was his hero
Couple years later gets caught with drugs I think it was weed yea that’s what it was
His mom didn’t want the 6 year old even when he was little Had him crying at night hugging on his pillow
didn’t think bout the consequences of what it would cased didn’t nothing bout being in trouble with the law
Waken up in the morning praying he was there Hoping that the hole thing was just a nightmare
Was it worth it trying to get paid Was it worth it repeating the eighth grade
So his sister took him in untie Carolyn Then met his uncle who is a good man
Now I’m trying to let yawl see I bet u didn’t know the little boy was me
He was in the army so he disciplined well Tot him how to do things not to end up in jail
Now I’m trying to change man cant you see I’m doing it for my sister and my brother little Gee
Get an education don’t go ballistic Get an education don’t be a statistic
I’m doing it for my dad he would have wanted this he don’t want me on the streets man being homeless
He’s growing up now those words are fading He’s going to start making his own dissections
He would half wanted me independent successful in life Trying to show you how I feel in side its GQH man living a chapter life.
32 OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
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Shemar MOORE On Life, Love
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X [ V aU aURf
Words by Carolyn Herring Moore Photos by Wendy Johnson
Words by Jennifer Bynum Photo by Reginald Tripp
am a 15 year old teenager with typical teenage issues. Caught up in drama, social life, family issues and etc. In my personal opinion, parents think they understand our problems by comparing our problems to theirs. Like saying what they did back in the day. I think parents try to have the perfect child that makes no mistakes and tell them everything that goes on in our lives. When you make that one mistake that is not even a big deal, they over react. They give you the same lecture over and over again because they think you don’t understand. They think we cant get out of our own situations. I am a teenager that likes to do crazy thing and take wild risks. I like to associate with a lot of people and listen to a lot of music. Parents get on you about the smallest thing like the music we listen to is bad, that we gossip to much, scents the fact I am a teenage girl, they would think I am trying to grow up too fast, or that I get fast and try to run after boys. I don’t have much of a fatherly figure because my parents are divorced and my mom is not with my step dad any more. So some what of an excuses for me is that I don’t have a father in my life so I don’t understand much when it comes to boys. I only have to listen to my mother when she says boys only want one thing. That may be true but I believe that there are some good ones out there. I think parents stereotype our friends. Especially ones that are the opposite sex. They think you shouldn’t have friends that are boys because they are only trying to get to you for sexual purposes. Also not to be around homosexuals because they have a spirit that can rub off on you. I know homosexuals are wrong and they know that, its not like they will listen to you when you tell them to change. I think its there chose how they want to live there life style. I have nothing against them and they have nothing against me and they are pretty good friends. I know because I have three and they are fun to be around.
I have two sisters ages ten and thirteen. More on me because I cant act the way I want to act around my family because I have to be a good example. I don’t have the best relationship with my sisters and I don’t really like to tell my issues to my mother because if the situation is not big they don’t need to know. My mother thinks that where I mess up at because I don’t tell them everything. I am on punishment right now because of something I did not tell her from months ago. I got into some drama at my church so now I can’t contact anyone. Apparently there is just as much drama at my church as there is in high school. I tried to pierce my ear at my friends house and it worked but the needle was too skinny so I had to let it close up. People say I pick bad friends but if I tell them my situations and they tell me theirs I do consider them my friends. I did tell my friend a situation I got into with a boy and she told my mother. Obviously my friend and my mom were concerned about me. I was so upset with her for doing that. But I guess you can say I now know what a real friend is. They don’t really have people you call friends anymore so its rare. I never understood what a friend was, I may have experienced it ones or twice. It was nice but I don’t think me and her will have the same relationship anymore. Some things I do is normal for a teenager but to my mom its terrible. I just cant be a perfect child. I took a day session at my youth conference called “parents and there nonsense” and I realized I am not the only one who feels the way I feel about my life. I cant talk to someone about my life who has been in worse situations than me. It makes me feel worse I believe there are people out there who understand but I don’t think the answer to my issue is telling my parents. They have some good solutions to problems. I should start talking to my parent whether I like what they have to say or not.
34 OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012
Photos by Wendy Johnson
he Look at God Black and White Ball was a joyous occasion for the Real Talk Youth Editorial Staff of Oasis Montage Magazine. They celebrated God’s glory with class and style. The editorial staff consists of 6 young ladies: Jennifer Bynum, Tiffany Bynum, Jaimie Bynum, Summer Herring, Blessona Moore and Princess-Star Moore (not pictured.) The ball included several youth in the Fayetteville community churches, and the objective was to be elegant ladies and gentlemen in a Godly fashion. It was their night out in luxury at county club and they conducted themselves as honorable young people. There were over 24 chaparones and one chaperone said , “These children conducted themselves with phenomenal manors and good home training.” It did not matter if they wore gold, black or white, these children looked out of sight!
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012 35
Reverend Arthur L. Roots
everend, Arthur L. Roots, also known as the Artist of Praise, was called by GOD to preach but was BORN with a gift from GOD to sing!! This multi-talented performer has been playing piano and singing professionally for more than 40 years. He has used his gift as a motivational singer in the Gospel arena throughout the Richmond, VA area and is known for his soul-stirring tenor voice as he lifts others to a new level of spiritual awareness. The Artist of praise has performed with such artist as Bubba Johnson, The Omega Singers, the Richmond Chapter of the Gospel Music Workshop of America Inc, and the voices of Cedar Street Baptist Church of God, under the direction of Minister James Johnson. This past summer, Roots was the pianist for the theatrical production, “The Amen Corner” by James Baldwin, directed by Tony Cosby. He is currently preparing to perform in the Verizon, “How Sweet The Sound” competition in Washington DC with his home church choir. Rev. Roots is a licensed and ordained minister of the gospel and has a passion to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Art of Praise. He is pursuing his doctoral degree at Infinity Bible Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. It is his ultimate goal, as an Artist of Praise, to spread the gospel around the world.
Baby Contest
Send entrance to: Oasis Montage Magazine, P.O. BOX 48496 TAMPA, FL 33646-8496
y name is Sparkle Moore, Zyon Julian Joseph Moore was born august 3rd 2010 he was 7pds even gorgeous baby boy with lots of hair :) I believe zyon should be the next montage toddler because his physical beauty is only one of the many things that makes him a beautiful child zyon is caring, kind already says thank you and can tell you yes and no. he comprehends very well and set a learning curve for other toddlers..Zyon has been hospitalized most of his short life for various long term illness. Perseverance should have been his middle name Zyon doesn’t even cry anymore he’s very strong willed and calm... Montage would be a great stepping stone for Zyon because he is destined to be known by the world . thank you Montage Magazine for this great opportunity to introduce my son Zyon Julian Joseph Moore to the world I entered my son in this contest because he is smart, handsome and adorable. Of course as a mother I am going to say that my son is wonderful because he is, but one thing I want to point out about Zyon is, he is well mannered with a discipline level of a 5 year old. He was named after his uncle Marquis because he is beautiful inside out. He loves everyone and he knows who loves him. Yes, he is a real ladies man. In his leisure, Zyon loves to read and he carries a book bag with him everywhere he goes. He knows if something is missing from it and knows where he had it last. Zyon has a natural coolness about him. He is suave like his daddy, yet he smooth and persuasive when he wants something. Zyon says, “I am a mama’s boy. My mama dresses me like her, feeds me what she eats, buys me learning toys, keeps my Cuban hair braided, and uses me to catch a good man. When people walk up to me, I smile. They tell my mom, “He’s so cute. Look at all that hair.” Cast your vote for Zyon, he’s going to be the next President Barrack Obama.
OASIS/Montage November s December s January 2012 37
2010 Stellar Award Winning Gospel Station.
General Manager, Debra Maiden
38 OASIS/Montage July s August s September 2011