#Ecofighters A Guide For School Students Into Environmental Activism

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#EcoFighters А guide for school students into environmental activism

SWOT analysis An easy, go-to method you can always apply to assess the situation is doing a socalled SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Pretty straightforward, right? Strengths are those internal factors that bring you advantages in a situation, for example characteristics of your team members, a close relationship with a policy-maker, an eco-friendly headmaster or available funding for environmental actions. Weaknesses are the internal factors that are not so favourable towards meeting your goal - which can be a lack of volunteers interested in the topic, being perceived as less relevant because of being young, etc.


Opportunities are the external opportunities and chances that you see growing out of those two factors. This can be for example a workshop you can hold in your school on the climate emergency, a project to be involved in or run, and so on. Threats are the opposite side of this spectrum - the negative scenarios you can imagine out of the identified factors. Examples could be a local decision-maker being strongly opposed to accepting facts about the climate emergency, a powerful lobby group of stakeholders from the fossil fuel industries blocking your actions or a lack of funding available to meet your objectives.

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