Architectural Portfolio

Page 1


Selected Works

Obinna Ekezie

Engaged in promoting the agency of architecture and design by challenging and advancing building typologies... Inspired by the transformative capacity of architecture through the democratization of design, construction, and material culture to improve the lives of individuals and the vibrancy of communities... Influenced by ecology, people, cities, and the infrastructures that form that urban glue...


Product Design + Research

Professional Works

Competition Entries

Academic Projects



Downtown Kunsthalle Uniting Dualities - Synthesizing Ecologies.

Comprehensive Design Studio IV : Winter 2021 | University Of Calgary | Supervisor: Keir Stuhmiller Given the nature of the Kunstalle as an active and dynamic disseminator of culture in its environment, this project acts on the site as a pulling force for the existing surrounding conditions, to present a different perspective on the dual relationship between what exists and the potential of what could exist, Past and future, Day and Night, Inside and Outside, Calm and Dynamic, Large and Small. Individual and Collective. We identified the physical environment elements around the site bounded by Bow River, as well as the existing travel paths and connections that lead into the site. Given the proximity to Bow River, the massing strategy takes into consideration a flooding mitigation strategy, detaching the exhibition program from the ground. This strategy allows for freedom of passage between the three surrounding streets as it pulls the visitor in. Once on the site, they are detached from their context, and the relationships attached to it are presented with new possibilities. The massing of the building is shaped by the site conditions, views, solar exposure, and wind conditions. The ground floor is also shaped, unveiling an open valley that hosts a multifunctional space for expression and engagement. To set in motion the uniting of a community, the program allows for all kinds of diversity to embrace the dualities generated, not as means of segregation but as means of creating something new, a possibility for uniting dualities to create stronger communities.

Academic 7


We identified the needs the project can serve the community, and the way dual experiences can interact to create new ones and rearrange them to take the visitors from the exterior and involve them into the program spaces. The relationship between the urban fabric and the environment is realized in this project to showcase the sense of belonging and allow for visitors to embrace the site and become part of the community. This experience begins while approaching the site. The open plaza creates an opportunity for engagement with the community and the natural conditions of the site. While The reception of the building acts as a filter that detaches the visitor from the urban environment. Changing Glimpses of visuals, sounds, lights, and shadows join visitors as they move toward the program spaces acting as filters to set the pace for the next space. The project presents to the visitor an experience of dualities of the space, environment, the city, and the community. The finalization of the process is a release moment through the ramps experienced as the uniting of dualities where the final experience in the building becomes a beginning.

Freedom of passage + Flooding mitigation strategy

Connection to the Ground

Site Circulation Diagram

Dual Space

Program Flow

Interaction of dualities

Uniting Dualities

Program Logic Academic 11


2.90 Rooftop 17.40 m Ƙ ɝ ]ÂÐÚ



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A A6.1




Exhibition Area

Level 2 9.00 m



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.



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on Area

Custom fabricated Kaju wood cladding @400 mm Cladding metal frame 50 mm Air space 50 mm Type 4 Rigid board insulation 150 mm Water / Vapour Barrier Exterior sheathing 12.5 mm Z Girder Metal frame support Thermal Break Main Steel Structure 400 mm Interior Cladding 150 mm Poured in place concrete 50 mm Wire Mesh 75 mm Metal deck and shear studs 200 mm Steel beam 400 mm Steel Girder 450 mm Gypsum board Drop Ceiling Hvac duct Sliding Window wall

A A6.2 ƗƖ ƛ






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Detail Envelope Assembly Uniting Dualities


Level 1 3.60 m

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1.50 Ƙ ɝ ]ÂÐÚ

6.39 3.37 A A6.5 Ground Level -1.50 m


0.83 0.60

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Envelope Assembly Steel column 400 mm Metal flashing 3 mm Aluminium angle Timber cladding 150 x 150 mm Aluminium Angle Skirting Concrete finish cast in place 50 mm Rigid Insulation Type 4 75 mm

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.


Exterior sheathing 12.5 mm Rigid Insulation Type 4 150 mm Water Vapour Retarder Drainage mat 6 mm Concrete Transfer Slab 600 mm Concrete tile 60 mm (600 x 600 mm) Raised Floor Pedestal 47 mm Concrete Transfer Slab 300 mm

Exhibition Area

Level 2 9.00 m



Underground Level -6.25 m 0.40

Detail at Ground Level

Envelope Assembly

Detail at ground level Uniting Dualities

A A6.4


A A6.3

Rooftop 17.40 m Ƙ ɝ ]ÂÐÚ



A A6.1 6.39


A A6.10


Open Exhibition Area Ƙ ɝ ]ÂÐÚ

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Level 2 9.00 m

1.50 Exhibition Area

Level 2 9.00 m

A A6.2


A A6.11 Ƙ ɝ ]ÂÐÚ






A A6.9


Level 1 3.60 m



Level 1 3.60 m




Ground Level -1.50 m


Multi purpose Plaza

A A6.5

Ground Level -1.50 m

0.60 0.60

0.83 0.60

3.55 3.55


Underground Level -6.25 m 0.40

Wall Section 1 Uniting Dualities

A6.3 A6.3

Underground Level -6.25 m


Wall Sections






A6.4 A6.4

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A A6.1


A A6.2








Custom fabricated Kaju wood cladding @400 mm Cladding metal frame 50 mm Air space 50 mm Type 4 Rigid board insulation 150 mm Water / Vapour Barrier Exterior sheathing 12.5 mm Ƙ ɝ ]ÂÐÚ Z Girder Ƙ ɝ ]ÂÐÚ support Metal frame Ƙ ɝ ]ÂÐÚ Thermal Break Main Steel Structure 400 mm Interior Cladding 150 mm Poured in place concrete 50 mm Wire Mesh 75 mm Metal deck and shear studs 200 mm Steel beam 400 mm Steel Girder 450 mm Gypsum board Drop Ceiling duct 1.Hvac Metal Flashing 3 mm 12. 1.Metal Metal Flashing mm 12. Flashing 3 3mm Window 2.SlidingKaju woodwall cladding system @ 400 mm 13.



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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.1.






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Continuous Metal Continuous Metalangle angle 12. Continuous Metal angle Perimeter Gravel Perimeter Gravel Gravel 13. Perimeter Galvanized metal curb Galvanized metal curb ruler ruler 14. Galvanized metal curb ruler Planting Layer Planting Layer450 450mm mm Filter Fabric 6 mm 15.Filter Fabric Planting 6 mmLayer 450 mm Drainage mat Drainage mat6Fabric 6mm mm 6 mm 16. Filter Steel Slab 35 Steelcomposite composite Slab 35 mm 17. Drainage mat 6mm mm Concrete Concretetile tile600 600xx600 600 mm mm 18. Steel composite Clip gasket Clipon onfree freestanding standing gasketSlab 35 mm 19. Concrete tilesystem 600 x 600 mm Raised RaisedFloor FloorPedestal Pedestal system

Kaju wood claddingsystem system @@ 400 mmmm 13. 2. 3. 2.Kaju wood cladding 400 metal frame 5050 mm 14. 3. Cladding Cladding metal frame mm 14. 3. 4. 4.Cladding metal frame 50 mm Air Air space 50 50 mm 15. space mm 15. 5. Type 4 Rigid board insulation 150 mm 16. 4. mm 5.Air space Type 450 Rigid board insulation 150 mm 16. Water / Vapour Barrier 17.17. Water / Vapour Barrier 5. 6. 6.Type 4 Rigid board insulation 150 mm Exterior sheathing 12.5 mm 18. 7.Water Exterior sheathing 12.5 mm 18. 6. 7. / Vapour Barrier 8. 8. Z Girder 19. Z Girder 19. 7. 9. 9.Exterior sheathing 12.5 mm Metal frame support 20. Metal frame support 20. 8. 10. 10. Z Girder Thermal Break 21. Thermal Break 21. Wood Cladding 150 mm Wood Cladding 150 mm 9. 11. 11. Metal frame support 20. Detail Envelope 10. Thermal Break Assembly 21. Uniting Dualities 11. Wood Cladding 150 mm

Clip on free standing gasket Raised Floor Pedestal system





Rooftop andand Parapet Details Rooftop Parapet RooftopDetails and Parapet Details Uniting Dualities Uniting Dualities Details Roofto

Academic 15 Uniting D


A.d A.f A.a

A.b A.a

A.b A.c






Structural System Main structure connections

Uniting Dualities


Second Floor Exhibition Room 19

Dubai Heart Recreation Centre

Competition Entry | Dubai ( 2017 ) Collaborators : Y. Helal, F. Najizadeb,Q.Sorunke The brief was to create a highly flexible complex that provides an amazing leisure atmosphere with respect to the site,creating an icon for tourism and recreation. The response is an architectural gesture designed to catalyze urban life .The challenge of the design was to create an architecture that complements the iconic Burj Al Arab nearby rather than compete with it. This proposal does just that, fusing a heart shaped island around a central tower to symbolize strength, vibrancy and growth,reflecting the spirit of Dubai.

Competition Entry 21


Site Strategy Shaped like a heart, the island site takes off from the urban community, inviting millions of tourists of all ages yearly to a unique experience.

Programmatic Association Buildings A and B wrap around the central tower (Dubai lighthouse) as they form a programme for ancillary services.

Spatial Zoning

The observation tower, guest charlets and science park are arranged to ease circulation and provide clear ambient views.

Site Plan





Building B ( Ice City, Under Water Zoo and Museum )

Walk Bridge ( Observatory, Visitors services facilities, Ticketing Information)

Dubai LightHouse (Water Slide, Observation Tower)

Science Park , Yatch Club (Marine Research Centre)

Water Villas ( 56 Luxury Villas )

Building A ( Botanical Garden, Artificial Waterfall, Open Sea Aquarium, Restaurant, Cafes, Gift Shops )


Cross Section







Towers Of Sound - Restoring History through Oral Tradition

Design Studio I : Fall 2019 | University Of Calgary | Supervisor: Catherine Hamel A culmination of several stages of design explorations and considerations, studying site context, border transgressions and possible design interventions towards producing a ‘House of Scarcity.’ Passageway recognizes the history of the indigenous community and pays homage to such a rich heritage and missing history. It symbolizes a candle light that lights pathways from the past to the future, memorabilia that recognizes, reunites, revives and restores culture through story telling of oral tradition. Since the end of the Ice age, Aboriginal people have occupied and walked the foothills and Prairies of Alberta. Travel was mostly on foot which creates a network of trails. Passageway as a programme responds to its site context as mixed-use towers for living, recreation and reflection. As a piece of architecture, it recognizes the land and its history as it emerges and floats above the surface as three interconnected unrestrained towers that lay claim to the land they sit on, enacting a strong presence for many years to come. Several design considerations were made in response to its strategic position: movement, fluidity, privacy, openness etc . Perhaps the most important part of the building is the network of ramps and walkways that connects the three towers to its site context. The ramps speed up and slow down motion while gently meandering the towers. This is a deliberate attempt to create pause and moments of reflection for the visitors. Two of the three towers- “Towers of Sound” house spaces for story telling while the larger tower is a residence.

Academic 33

Design Considerations

Cultural Context


Totem Pole

Indigenous Vase

Pedestrian Trails

Sketch Studies

Public Towers

Residential Tower

Formal Strategy


Suspending the towers on stilts elevates the programme above surrounding buildings, claming the skyscape and securing longetivity in an ever growing city.

3 Towers emerge from the landscape to provide residential and community spaces

Spatial Order

Circulation Diagram

The 3 towers assemble to form a crater below, providing community spaces for recreation and story telling.

The 3 towers are interconnected with a contextual floor/ ramp network that creates a homogenous podium and ensures circulation ease. Main Public Pathway Private/Residential Pathway

Academic 35


Site 2 1 : 1000

Context Plan


Site 1 : 500






Site Plan




Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Academic 37

Front View

Side View

Section A

Section B

Academic 39


Symbiocity An Urban Ecopolis

Competition Entry | ULI Hines, 2022 Designed in Collaboration with Deepali Dang, Garima Chaudhary, Diba Mohebzadeh and Nahr Gill. Symbiocity is a transformational, mixed -use development in Southwest Downtown Oakland,USA, that fosters diversity, neighbourhood cohesion, and economic opportunities. Symbiocity embraces the concept of regenerative urban development to achieve equity, resiliency and community. The proposal aims to enhance a restorative relationship between an urbanizing humanity and the ecosystems from which we draw resources for our sustenance. Weaving nature through the built environment amplifies the cooperative relationship between them, the necessary symbiosis between humans and the Earth. Symbiocity provides a social environment that fosters bonds and relationships within the community. It’s a human nest - where most of us live.

Competition Entry 43

Master Plan

Competition Entry 45

Competition Entry 47

External connections

dditional Parcels Jo h




Jo hny Fw B.W

Fw B.W hn y Jo

Fw y




y Fw hn



y Fw

External connections

Proposed BoundaryBoundary and Changes and Changes dary and ChangesProposed



Sunken Plaza

Jo h



Jo h


Fw y


Jo hny Fw B.W

Fw B.W hn y Jo

Fw y




y Fw Jo



Jo h


y Fw


Jo h

Lafayette Square Lafayette Square Additional Proposed Parcels AdditionalAdditional ProposedProposed Parcels Parcels

Lafayette Square

Lafayette Square Lafayette Square ProposedProposed Proposed Parcels Parcels Parcels

External Connection

Internal Connection Internal Connection External Connection Internal Connection External Connection

hn Jo


y Fw hn Jo


y Fw

Jo hny Fw B.W

Fw B.W hn y Jo


Fw y

B hn


y Fw


B hn

y Fw


Farmer’s Market Jo hn B.W

Solar Path and Noise

Prop Existing Parcels Jefferson Square ParkProposed Existing Jefferson Parcels Square Park JeffersonProposed Square Park Plaza Existi Proposed Proposed Parcels Parcels Sunken Multipurpose Plaza Sunken Multipurpose Plaza Sunken Multipurpose Plaza Entra

Proposed Parcels

The Experience Central Loop of the plaza creates an year round neighbourhood and attractions for the entire residential community. The plaza complements the mixed use programming of the development with outdoor activities such as play areas, roller skating, performance areas and Circulation Wind Circulation other attractions targeted to lure residents and visitors.Wind TheCirculation pedestrian loopWind establishes a conRaised Raised View PointsPodium +View Mixed Points UsePodium + Mixed Use necting link between the adjacent neighbourhoods and features an expansive urban plaza with flexible recreational green spaces.

Jo hny nB .W Fw B.W Fw B.W Fw y hn y Jo


Activity Nodes - The Plaza Activity Nodes - The Plaza Activity Nodes - The Plaza

Existing Parcels Existing Parcels Square Park Ramp Existing Parcels Jefferson Square Park JeffersonConnecting Jefferson Square Ramp ParkConnecting Connecting Ramp

Jo h


Fw y

Existing Jefferson Parcels Existing Square Parcels Park Jefferson Acquired Jefferson Square Parcels Park Square Park Acquired Acquired ParcelsExisting Parcels Parcels

Raised View PointsPodium + Mixed Use

Sunken Plaza Sunken Plaza

External connections External connections

Pedestrian ConnectivityPedestrian Pedestrian Connectivity Connectivity

cels for better Connected circulation Connected Parcels for Parcels betterfor circulation better circulation


External connections External connections

AdditionalAdditional Parcels Parcels

Solar Path and Solar Noise Path and Noise

Fw y

Sunken JPlazza oh n ny

Jo h


Fw B.W hn y Jo

Fw B.W

Fw y



h Jo

y Fw



h Jo

y Fw

Senior Living Commune Urban Farm

wers - Residential Proposed and Proposed Towers Mixed-Use Residential Towers - Residential and Mixedand UseMixed Use

Environmental Factors Environmental Environmental Factors Factors

SW Perspective

SW Perspective SW Perspective

Underground Parking

dSquare Multipurpose PodiumdPropose Multipurpose d Multipurpose Podium Podium Existing Parcels Existing Jefferson Parcels Existing Square Parcels Park JeffersonJefferson Square Sun Pattern Park Square Park Sun Pattern Sun Pattern mse Existing Parcels Park Propose ls Podium Existing Jefferson Parcels Square Park JeffersonJefferson Square Propose Park

d Sheds ViewProposed Points View and Points Sheds and Sheds Circulation Circulation Wind Circulation and Extended Proposed GreeneryProposed and Extended and Extended Greenery Greenery Road Blocked Highway by Taller Road Towers Highway Blocked Roadby Blocked Taller Towers by Taller Towers Proposed Water Body ProposedWind Proposed Water Body Water Body WindHighway

The proposal strengthens the relationship of the urban edge to the existing Jefferson Park and extending the experience to the Western part of the Oakland through the newly developed recreational green space under the pass. The development boasts a Ferris Wheel that serves a major highly visible landmark and the eyes on the street lending the area a much-needed sense of safety. The Farmer’s Market, food truck pavilion and retail square provides an ecomomic attraction and a community amenity in one



JoJo hn hn BB .W.W Fw Fw yy

JoJo hn hn BB .W.W Fw Fw yy

yy Fw Fw .W.W n nBB h h JoJo

ances and rances andExists Exists

yy Fw Fw .W.W n nBB h h JoJo

Solar SolarPath Pathand andNoise Noise

Proposed ProposedTowers Towers--Residential Residentialand andMixed MixedUse Use

posed Podium oposed Podium--Mall Mall

ing tingParcels Parcels

Wind WindCirculation Circulation

Raised Raised Podium View View Points Points +Podium +Mixed MixedUse Use

Raised RaisedPodium Podium

Environmental EnvironmentalFactors Factors ProposeddMultipurpose MultipurposePodium Podium Propose

Jefferson JeffersonSquare SquarePark Park

Propose ProposeMultipurpose MultipurposePodium Podium

Existing ExistingParcels Parcels

Jefferson JeffersonSquare SquarePark Park

Raised RaisedPodiums Podiums

Suggested SuggestedParcels Parcels

View ViewPoints Pointsand andSheds Sheds

Proposed Proposedand andExtended ExtendedGreenery Greenery

Proposed ProposedWater WaterBody Body

Existing ExistingParcels Parcels

Jefferson JeffersonSquare SquarePark Park

Sun SunPattern Pattern

Wind WindCirculation Circulation

Highway HighwayRoad RoadBlocked Blockedby byTaller TallerTowers Towers

The Cultural Centre in the Arena hosts arts and performance events activating the cultural placemaking for the community. Artist living suites on the last floor or the Arena create live-work opportunities for the existing and emerging artist community and allowing them to bring their creations into the public art area of the plaza.

Retail Square

Mixed-Use Complex

Cultural Centre

Community Library Artist Living Suites

Life Science Learning & Training Centre

Competition Entry 49

Aqueous Monolith Wellness, Creativity, and Urban Architecture Design Studio III : Fall 2020 | University Of Calgary | Supervisor: Graham Livesey

Aqueous Monolith culminates my research on wellness, the therapeutic qualities of water and how water can influence architecture. It intersects water and design to provide a phenomenological experience by exploring the idea of water and the garden. The formal qualities of the architecture was partly driven by the idea of the ‘Chora’. It poses the question- how can a piece of architecture in serving as a host and receptacle for water allow itself get deformed willingly? The site strategically borders 11th street, 16th and 17th avenue Calgary. I responded with what I believe is a unique piece of architecture that offers spaces for play, renewal and relaxation. The floor plans were designed to ease vertical circulation between dry and wet areas providing the ultimate urban water park experience in a tower.

Academic 51

The formal explorations considered transparency, void spaces, deformations on the building skin as inspired by water and the various water activities. The circulation plan recognizes the traffic incidence on 17th avenue. The problem was solved by routing vehicular pathways to the 16th avenue facing side of the building while maintaining pedestrian access through all sides of the building.

Roof Terrace/Garden/Observatory Sky Gardens Water Slides

Lazy River Underwater Restaurant/Rain Room/Aquarium Service Floor On Level 13 Botanical Garden Water Playground Swimming Pool Baths and Changing Rooms Restaurant and Cafe Exit Podium

Entrance and Ticketing

Exploded Axo. Showing Program Composition

Academic 53

The Oculus Mixed-Use Development

48 Glover Place | Lagos, Nigeria (2016) Collaborators : PM+CDC ASSOCIATES- C. Iroegbunam , K. Oduekun, S.Quadri

The mixed-use building is conceived as two concentric towers united by a contextual base fabric to provide about 96 apartments and 6000m2 of office suites. The Oculus is respectful of its location in the heart of Glover Road Ikoyi, one of the most affluent neighborhoods of Lagos. The challenge for its design therefore, was to create a new building that harmonizes with its surroundings, yet has it’s own integrity and presence. Offering all the advantages of a distinctive life,work and recreation style in superb surroundings that echo the glory of its location, the Oculus emerges from it’s landscape as a contemporary hybrid of work, residential and recreation spaces fully integrated to provide the ultimate residential address. Filled with natural light, the living spaces lead to large wrap-around terraces that blur the boundary between inside and outside, creating ‘verandas in the sky’ that take advantage of the climate, capture cooling sea breezes and encourage an outdoor lifestyle.

Professional Work 55


UCS Sharjar

Shopping Mall | Competition Entry | U.A E (2017) Collaborators : Archdome Consulting Engineers | Y. Helal, F. Najizadeb


Desert Stars

Shopping Mall | Competition Entry | U.A.E (2017) Collaborators : Archdome Consulting Engineers | Y. Helal, F. Najizadeb


Babylon Gardens

Residential Building G+8 | U.A.E (2017)

Collaborators : Archdome Consulting Engineers | Y. Helal, F. Najizadeb


La Cascade

Residential Building G+2P+8 | U.A.E (2018) Collaborators : Archdome Consulting Engineers | Y. Helal, F. Najizadeb


Terrace View

Residential Building G+29 | U.A.E (2017) Collaborators : Archdome Consulting Engineers | Y. Helal, F. Najizadeb



Chair. Table. Bench. Sculpture

Design Studio II : Winter 2020 | Supervisor: Alison Maclachlan

Tooba is an exploration in architectural intentionality, and the human body mapping. It is a multifaceted object purposed for a chair, table, bench and a sculpture. Beyond an Aesthetic agenda, it’s performative qualities furthers my interests in product design.

Product Design 69

Structural Pressure Points Body Arc articulated in sinuos curves to reduce object weight and to create utility space




Product Design 71


Amara Illumina - Series 1.0

Making a Luminaire Design Studio III : Fall 2020 | University Of Calgary | Supervisor: Graham Livesey Amara, as an object seeks to reimagine existing and readapt existing conditions to read new meanings. Built from recycled materials, Amara was designed as a first of a series of luminaires designed to be easily installed and disassembled with two hanging modes- up or down, to double as a floor lamp and ceiling lamp.

Product Design 75

Vellum Wrapper Foam core Stiffeners

+ Bottom Horizontal Stiffener to be removed after form setting IKEA E26 600 Lumen 5W LED Bulb


Void Geometry to create functional space for lamp holder and for bulb fixing

Structure + Elexctrical Components

Proposed Object

Design Logic

Design Logic


Design Considerations

Design Considerations


• • • • • •

• Ease of Assembly Ease of Assembly • Lightness Weight • Ease of installation • Scalability Ease of Installation • Interoperability Scalability • Translucency Interoperability Translucency


Product Design 77

Hanging in a Space

HangingHanging in a space in a space


Travel and Photography A brief travel story.

Traveling to experience architecture opens my mind to new horizons of culture and design. The opportunity to observe the human interaction with buildings, cities and the infrastructures that form that urban glue helps us appreciate the integral role design plays in every society. Seeing these buildings in their context reveals so much about the minds of their designers. There are also lessons to learn on composition, materials, proportion, tectonics, juxtaposition and illumination.

Law library, University of Zurich | Santiago Calatrava

La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Gaudi Leutschenbach School, Zurich || Antoni Christian Kerez

Barcelona Cathedral, Barcelona.

VitraHaus, VitraKlee, Cam Zentrum Paul

Residential Building , Zug Schleife | Valerio Olgiati

Drone Port Protoype at the Venice Bienalle 2018 | Foster + Partners

Swiss National Mus

Am Piano Rhein | Herzog & de Meuron mpus,Weil Bern | Renzo

Volta Zentrum , Basel | Buchner Bründler

seum Extension, Zurich | Christ & Gantenbein

Fondazione Fretinelli, Milan | Herzog & De Meuron

Shelter for Roman Ruins. Chur, Switzerland | Peter Zumthor Ekezie Obinna Nnamdi - MArch. 2019 - PORTFOLIO


Travel and Photography 81

Travel and Photography A brief travel story.

Of the buildings featured in this category, La Sagrada Familia stands out as perhaps one of the greatest buildings of our time, evoking feelings of transcendency, tranquility and awe. Zumthor’s Shelter for Roman ruins is another thoughtful piece . Vitra Campus Weil am Rhein showcase good pieces of architecture with Herzog & de Meuron’s Vitahaus a personal favorite. SANAA’s Rolex Centre at the EPFL, Lausanne is a testament of how architecture can engage its community, creating a unique experience.

Hotel Porta Fira, Barcelona | Toyo Ito + Fermín Vázquez Ekezie Obinna_MArch _2019Portfolio

Leutschenbach School, Zurich | Christian Kerez

Zentrum Paul Klee, B

Under One Roof, EPFL, Lausanne | Kengo kuma

Bamboo installation

Bern | Renzo Piano

at the 2018 Venice Biennale | VTN Architects

Rolex Learning Centre, EPFL, Lausanne | SANAA

Messe Basel, Basel |Herzog & de Meuron Ekezie Obinna Nnamdi - MArch. 2019 - PORTFOLIO


Travel and Photography 83

Travel and Photography A brief travel story.

The Los Angeles field architecture trip in January 2020 represents Traveling to experience opens my mind to new a life changing me as a student of architecture and horizons ofexperience culture andfordesign. perhaps a point ofto departure in my understanding The opportunity observe the human interaction ofwithdesign, form, space,cities context, of ideas buildings, andtime, the universality infrastructures that and formhow thata building evolves over time in terms of material, usage and significance. urban glue helps us appreciate the integral role design It is true that to be able to tell the story of a building right, you plays in every society. Seeing these buildings in their must be there. Such experience cannot be reduced to mere incontext reveals so much about the minds of their formation, It is only experiential designers. There are also lessons to learn on composition, materials, proportion, tectonics, juxtaposition and illumination.

Academy Museum, Los Angeles | Renzo Piano

LawGetty, library, University of Zurich Santiago Calatrava The Rancho Palos Verdes, Los |Angeles | Richard Meier

Salt Institute of Biological Studies, Los Angeles | Louis Khan

La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Gaudi Leutschenbach School, Zurich || Antoni Christian Kerez

Barcelona Cathedral, Barcelona.

Residential Building , Zug Los Schleife Eames Foundation, Angeles| Valerio | CharlesOlgiati and Ray Eames

Drone Port Protoype at the Venice Bienalle Chapel, 2018 | Rancho Palos Verdes, SwissCANational Museum Wayfarers | Frank Lloyd Wright Ext Foster + Partners

VitraHaus, VitraKlee, Campus,Wei Zentrum Paul Bern | Re

VDL House, LA, CA | Richard Neutra

Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles | Frank Ghery

The Broad, Los Angeles | Diller Scofidio + Renfro

Travel and Photography 85 +1 (825) 365-7790

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