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List of acronyms and abbreviations
from Reviving agricultural advisory and extension services in sub-Saharan Africa: for new policies in lin
3N Initiative Nigeriens Nourishing Nigeriens [French: Les nigériens nourrissent les nigériens ] ACEFA Programme for the Improvement of Competitiveness of Family Agro-pastoral Farms (Cameroon) ADB African Development Bank AFAAS African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services AFD French Agency for Development [French: Agence française de développement] AFDI Agriculteurs français et développement international AFOP Support program for the renovation and development of vocational training in the agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors (Cameroon) AFVA Agricultural Extension and Training Agency (Tunisia) [French: Agence de la vulgarisation et de la formation agricoles] ANADER National Agency for Rural Development Support (Ivory Coast) [French: Agence nationale d’appui au développement rural] ANCAR National Agency for Agricultural and Rural Consulting (Senegal) [French: Agence nationale de conseil agricole et rural] APCA Agence de promotion du conseil agricole Agency for the promotion of advisory services in agricultural (Niger) [French: Agence de promotion du conseil agricole] APCAM Permanent Assembly of the Chambers of Agriculture of Mali [French: Assemblée permanente des Chambres d’agriculture du Mali] APIA Agency for the promotion of agricultural investments (Tunisia) [French: Agence de promotion des investissements agricoles] APROSSA Association pour la promotion de la sécurité et de la souveraineté alimentaires (Afrique Verte Burkina) AVSF Agronomes et vétérinaires sans frontières C2D Debt Reduction and Development Contract (AFD) [French: Contrat de désendettement et de développement] CAGEF Family Farm Management Support Center (Burkina Faso) [French: Centre d'appui à la gestion des exploitations familiales] CEF Advisory services for family farms [French: Conseil à l’exploitation familiale] CEP Farmer's field school [French : Champ école paysans] CFSI Comité français pour la solidarité internationale CGER Center for Management and Rural Economy (Senegal) [French: Centre de gestion et d’économie rurale] CIRAD The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development [French: Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le Développement] CMDT Malian Company for the development of textiles [French: Compagnie malienne pour le développement des textiles] CNOP-G National Confederation of Peasant Organizations of Guinea [French: Confédération nationale des organisations paysannes de Guinée]
CPF Peasant Confederation of Faso (Burkina Faso) [French: Confédération paysanne du Faso] C-SCPC Confederation of cooperative societies of cotton producers (Mali) [French: Confédération des sociétés coopératives de producteurs de coton] EU European Union FADCI Sustainable agricultural value chains in Ivory Cost (programme) [French: Filières agricoles durables de Côte d’Ivoire] FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations CFA franc Franc of the Financial Community of Africa [French: Franc de la Communauté financière d’Afrique] FEPAB Federation of Agricultural Professionals of Burkina Faso [French: Fédération des professionnels agricoles du Burkina] FIFATA Fikambanana Fampivoarana ny Tansaha (Madagascar) National umbrella organisation for FOs [French: Association pour le progrès des paysans] FIRCA Interprofessional Fund for Agricultural Research and Development (Côte d’Ivoire) [French: Fonds interprofessionnel pour la recherche et le conseil agricoles] FISAN Investment Fund for Food and Nutrition Security (Niger) [French: Fonds d’investissement pour la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle] FNGN National Federation of Naam Groups (Burkina Faso) [French: Fédération nationale des groupements Naam] FPFD Federation of Peasants of Fouta Djallon (Guinée) [French: Fédération des paysans du Fouta Djallon] FUPRO Federation of Producer Unions (Bénin) [French: Fédération des unions de producteurs] GFRAS Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services ICT Information and Communications Technologies IRAM Institute for research and application of development methods [French: Institut de recherches et d’applications des méthodes de développement] IRRI International Rice Research Institute ISAAS integrated system for agricultural advisory services [French: système intégré de conseil agricole] MOOC Massive Open Online Course NAADS National Agricultural Advisory Services (Ouganda) NAAS National Agriculture Advisory Services NAREP National Agricultural Research and Extension Programme NGO Non Governmental Organisation NICT New Information and Communications Nechnologies ONCA Public advisory office (Maroc) [French: Office national du conseil agricole] R&D Research and development SAED Company for the Development and Exploitation of the Lands of the Senegal River Delta [French: Société nationale d’aménagement et d’exploitation des terres (Sénégal)] SASAE South African Society for Agricultural Extension (Afrique du Sud) SOA (Réseau) Union of Agricultural Organisations (Madagascar) [French: Syndicat des organisations agricoles] SODECOTON Cameroon Cotton Production Company
SOFITEX Textile Fibre Company of Burkina Faso [French: Société burkinabè des fibres textiles] T&V Training and visit UGCPA/BM Union of groups for the marketing of agricultural products in the Mouhoun loop (Burkina Faso) [French: Union des groupements pour la commercialisation de produits agricoles de la boucle du Mouhoun] UNPCB National Union of Cotton Producers in Burkina Faso [French: Union Nationale des sociétés coopératives de Producteurs de Coton du Burkina Faso] WECARD West and Central AfricanCouncil for Agricultural Research and Development