Evaluation of gender mainstreaming in AFD projects (2014-2018)
2. The evaluation approach 2.1 Objectives and evaluation questions Five years after the adoption of the Gender CIF, AFD wished to conduct an evaluation on gender integration in AFD projects between 2014 and 2018. Table 3 – Key elements of the evaluation approach 1 scope of the evaluation
Based on the Gender CIF, it covers both the portfolio of projects financed by AFD and the internal organization set up by AFD to address gender issues between 2014 and 2018
2 goals
Nourish AFD’s learning process in terms of gender integration and contribute to the improvement of teams’ practices Report to AFD supervisory bodies, counterparties, and civil society organizations on the effects of the Gender CIF on the evolution of the portfolio of projects financed; changes in practices within and outside of AFD; the results of projects financed, particularly with regard to gender integration
5 evaluation questions
Q1: To what extent has the adoption of the Gender CIF contributed to strengthening gender integration in the practices of AFD teams? Q2: How has the adoption of the Gender CIF contributed to better integration of gender in the practices of counterparties? Q3: To what extent has the adoption of the Gender CIF contributed to a better integration of gender in the support and work carried out by consultants at different stages of the projects? Q4: To what extent do the gender objectives of the projects and their operational modalities correspond to the needs of the beneficiaries? Q5: To what extent are the projects financed likely to have an impact on the dynamics of gender relations and gender equality in AFD’s countries of intervention?
2.2 Governance A steering committee, chaired by Elisabeth Hofmann (professor and researcher at Bordeaux Montaigne University) and bringing together some forty people at AFD [4] –and PROPARCO, but also from other institutions (Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, CARE France), followed the evaluation and met several times to validate the key stages of the work.
[4] Sustainable Development Advice (SDA), Environmental and Social Sustainable Development Support Division (ESS), Social Link Unit (SLU),
The operational management of the evaluation was carried out by AFD’s Evaluation and Learning Department, in close collaboration with Environmental and Social Sustainable Development Support and Social Link Divisions.
2.3 Intervention logic The formulation of the evaluation questions was based on a collective effort to clarify the intervention logic of the Gender CIF: what has been done in the context of the implementation of the Gender CIF? Who has been reached directly? And indirectly? With what expected results? The following table summarizes the answers to these different questions.
gender focal points from the Operations Division (OD) and the Civil Society Organizations Division (CSO)
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