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AFD French Development Agency BACoMaB Banc d'Arguin, and Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Trust Fund BIOFUND Fundação para a Conservação da Biodiversidade BioGuiné BioGuiné Foundation (BGF) C2D Debt Reduction and Development Contract CAFE African Environmental Funds Consortium CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CFA Conservation Finance Alliance COMBO COMBO Project (Conservation, Minimization of Impacts, and Offsetting for BiOdiversity in Africa) CSO/NGO Civil Society Organizations/Non-Governmental Organizations CTF Conservation Trust Fund CTIS Conservation Trust Fund Investment Survey EF Environmental fund ESG Environmental, Social and Governance EU European Union FFEM French Global Environment Facility (Fonds français pour l’Environnement Mondial) FPRCI Foundation for the parks and reserves of the Ivory Coast FTNS Tri-national Foundation of the Sangha GCF Green Climate Fund GEF Global Environment Facility GIZ Technical cooperation agency of the German government IC Investment Committee KfW Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau MAR Mesoamerican Reef ecoregion MARFund Mesoamerican Reef Foundation MAVA MAVA-Nature Foundation MedFund Environmental Fund for Mediterranean MPAs (called The MedFund) MNP Madagascar National Parks MP Development and Management Plan MPA Marine Protected Area MTE French Ministry of Ecological Transition NPAS/SNAP National Protected Areas System PA Protected Area / Protected Areas PSE Payment for Ecosystem Services REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation RedLAC Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Funds Network SER Social and Environmental Responsibility SGP Small Grants Program (PPI) TA Technical Assistance The MedFund Environmental Fund for Mediterranean MPAs (or MedFund) TNC The Nature Conservancy UNDP United Nations Development Programme WWF World Wide Fund for Nature



Operating costs

PA Management Effectiveness/Evaluation of PA Management Effectiveness

CTF / Fund

Endowment Fund

Sinking fund

Revolving fund

Project funds

Management fees

Optimal PA Management

Amount raised and placed in the CTF.

Cost of structure, operation, salaries and general expenses of the CTF.

The assessment of PA management effectiveness is based on the analysis of the adequacy and appropriateness of management systems and processes and the achievement of PA objectives and the conservation of its values.

The terms Conservation Trust Fund (CTF), Environmental Fund (EF) or Environmental Conservation Fund (ECF) are considered equivalent and it was agreed that the term "CTF" or "Fund" would be used throughout this study.

An investment fund that uses only the capital income obtained (interest) to finance its activities. It thus makes it possible to finance mechanisms or institutions over the very long term (in theory perpetually).

A fund designed to disburse all of its capital and investment income over a specified, relatively long period of time (usually 10 years).

A fund that regularly receives new contributions, such as tax revenues, that replenish or add to the fund's capital.

Based on a financial periodicity associated with the funded project (local level).

Portfolio manager's fees or bank charges.

Optimal PA management is management that is in line with international best practice as defined by the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and allows for the maximum expression of PA values and services.

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