To support Africa’s transition, PROPARCO invests in the private sector in all business sectors. Its financing specifically targets the development of essential infrastructure for opening up territories, economic activity and improving living conditions for people (conventional and renewable energies, roads, ports, rail networks, airports…). Africa is a top priority for PROPARCO and its parent company, Agence Française de Développement. In this respect, the new Choose Africa initiative implemented by AFD Group is mobilizing EUR 2.5bn by 2022 to contribute to private sector development. The acceleration of the growth of African start-ups and SMEs is central to this large-scale program.
This program comprises a range of financial tools and technical assistance tailored to the needs of start-ups and SMEs depending on their stage of development. Through its local partners, PROPARCO provides financing solutions in equity and quasi-equity, financial intermediation, guarantees and strategic & technical assistance for start-ups and SMEs in Ghana.
Find out about our partners for Ghana below and access all our updated solutions on our dedicated website:
VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Through the local partner funds in which we invest, start-ups and SMEs in a growth phase can have access to capital and benefit from expertise, local knowledge and training to continue their development. Some partner funds covering Ghana
Tide Africa http://www.tlcomcapital.com/about-us/tide_africa_ fund/ Partech https://partechpartners.com I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 http://www.ietp.com/ Accion Venture Labs https://www.accion.org/how-we-work/invest/ accion-venture-lab Quona Capital https://quona.com/
GROWTH CAPITAL FUNDS PROPARCO invests in mature growth companies, directly or via partner investment funds. By investing in these companies, we support SMEs with a strong development impact and provide the capital required for the long-term growth of companies.
SUPPORT FOR START-UPS Support for digital innovation ecosystems in Africa https://digital-africa.co Acceleration program for African entrepreneurs https://www.socialbusinesscamp.com Competition for digital start-ups in Africa https://www.afddigitalchallenge.afd.fr Capacity building and networking for incubators https://www.africinnov.com Incubation / Acceleration Innohub Limited - http://www.innohub.com.gh/ AfriLabs - https://www.afrilabs.com/
SEED FUNDING FOR DIGITAL START-UPS With its new seed funding program, AFD assists the most vulnerable digital start-ups which are setting out on their entrepreneurial adventure. Some partners covering Ghana
ABAN https://abanangels.org/ Greentec Capital Africa Foundation https://greentec-foundation.org/ Association Entrepreneurs & Développement http://www.ietp.com/ Mercy Corps Europe – Suguba consortium https://www.mercycorps.org/ventures
Some partner funds covering Ghana
Africinvest http://www.africinvest.com Adenia Capital IV http://www.adenia.com/funds-and-investment Enko Africa Private Equity funds https://enkocapital.com/ Injaro Agricultural Holdings http://www.iachl.com Moringa Investment Funds https://www.moringapartnership.com/ Oasis Africa VC Funds http://oasiscapitalghana.com/v2/oasis-africa-fund/ VEROD III http://www.verod.com Amethis Funds II https://amethis.com I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 http://www.ietp.com/ Partech https://partechpartners.com
INTERMEDIATED LOANS, FINANCIAL SERVICES Access Bank Ghana https://www.ghana.accessbankplc.com/ CalBank Ghana https://calbank.net/ Ecobank Ghana https://ecobank.com/gh/personal-banking/ countries Fidelity Bank https://www.fidelitybank.com.gh/ GHL Bank https://www.ghlbank.com Republic Bank Ghana https://www.republicghana.com/ Société Générale Ghana https://societegenerale.com.gh/
MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS Choose Africa initiative is led by the Agence Française de Développement Group (AFD and PROPARCO).
Advans Ghana https://www.advansghana.com/
November 2019 - Photos copyright: iStock