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Date : 22/02/2021 TECHNIQUE ÉCHELLE 1/1
Key Points
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Key points
75 NEW PROJECTS CONTRIBUTING EFFICIENTLY TO ACHIEVING SDGs In 2021, Proparco signed the financing of 75 new projects for which ex-ante impacts have been analysed and recorded. These new projects amount to 1.7 billion euros and include 11 projects located in fragile countries. Expected contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are set out here.
698,000 expected micro-credit beneficiaries Social protection for employees and their families for 100% of direct jobs in fragile and/or low income countries
In Sub-Saharan Africa,
beneficiaries of a healthcare service within 5 years
24 projects qualified (368 M€) for
2.8 million beneficiaries
of a telecommunication service within 5 years, 1.3 million of whom in Sub-Saharan Africa
151,000 beneficiaries
of a public transport service and 3,600 beneficiaries of affordable housing within 5 years
282 environmental and social action plans & 20 governance action plans deployed through our portfolio
50% jobs held by women in 39%
8 new projects
of our clients within 5 years
(2.3 M€) benefitting our clients
In Sub-Saharan Africa,
1,952,000 tCO2eq
3.1 million beneficiaries
will access renewable energy within 5 years, 2 million of whom from fragile countries
1,424,000 jobs
supported within 5 years, 460,000 of which through projects in fragile countries
668 M€
avoided per year
of projects with climate co-benefits, including 64 M€ with adaptation co-benefits (commitments)
1,742 M€
private finance mobilized
(commitments), i.e. a mobilization ratio of 0.91
Key points
SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA, THE REGION CONCENTRATING OUR CLIENTS’ EXPECTED IMPACTS The priority intervention region for the AFD group is Sub-Saharan Africa. This year again, it is the main beneficiary of supported jobs, new or improved access to essential goods or services and tCO2eq avoided per year thanks to the projects led by our clients for which the financing was signed in 2021.
Number of jobs supported within 5 years by projects signed in 2021 in the geographic zone
Jobs Access tCO2eq avoided per year
More than 500,000 Between 200,000 and 500,000 Between 100,000 and 200,000 Less than 100,000 Outside scope of intervention
SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS IN EXPECTED IMPACTS VS 2020 Despite the still sizable consequences to the health crisis, the volume of signed operations with ex-ante forecasts has seen a turnaround in 2021, increasing to reach 1.7 billion euros (+47% vs 2020), corresponding to 75 projects (+15 projects). The charts below indicate expected impact results vs objectives as defined within our 2020-2022 strategy and vs adjusted targets integrating effects of the crisis on volume and sectoral distribution of financing.*
Number of supported jobs within 5 years
Gender equity: % of signed amounts qualifying for
1,616,000 1,424,000 (167% of adjusted target)
20% (100% of objective)
852,000 Achieved Objective
Achieved Objective
Adjusted target 2020
hese graphics show the impact results expected from the projects of our clients financed in 2021 in relation to the objectives defined in the strategy for 2020-2022. T An adjustment exercise has been conducted to take the impact of the health crisis into account: adjusted targets have been calculated with respect to the volume and sectoral breakdown of projects actually signed in 2021. The percentages of the achievements are calculated in relation to the adjusted targets.
Europe and Central Asia
MENA region*
98,400 187,100 577,100
40,300 1,422,600 36,000
East Asia and Pacific South Asia
134,200 46,100 66,300
86,600 324,800 0
Sub-Saharan Africa 578,900 5,000,000 1,040,600 Latin America and Caribbean 245,900 1,707,600 231,700 + Multi-country 100,400 projects in Africa 0 0 (including Sub-Sahara)
+ Multi-country 139,100 projects (including 179,400 0 Africa)
MENA region: Middle East and North Africa
8,902,000 (160% of adjusted target)
Number of people gaining access to new or improved essential goods or services within 5 years
5,886,000 5,572,000
Objective Adjusted target 2020
Tons of CO2eq avoided per year
Amounts mobilized from the private sector for sustainable development investments (SDIs), in M€
1,952,000 (128% of adjusted forecast) 1,965,000 2,932
1,524,000 1,767 719,000
2,242 1,742 (78% of adjusted target)
Adjusted forecast 2020
Adjusted target 2020
Key points
EFFECTIVE IMPACTS OF PROPARCO CLIENT PROJECTS IN LINE WITH EX-ANTE FORECASTS This year’s monitoring exercise focused on tracking impacts achieved end 2020 by all 273 projects signed between 2015 and 2019 representing a total investment of 4.9 billion euros. Despite the lasting and considerable Covid-19 effect, real impacts of these projects at end 2020 are quasi in line with our ex-ante forecasts. Key results are mapped out below.
Significant impacts on economies, notably in Africa
1,916 657 22,425 191,588
Africa 7,038,850 3,231,150 7,049,072 537,800
Latin America 627,897 247,574 719,505 1 441,880
Number of jobs supported at end 2020 for projects signed between 2015 and 2019 within the geographic zone More than 2,000,000 Between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 Between 500,000 and 1,000,000 Less than 500,000 Outside scope of intervention
Asia 1,540,810 679,713 5,805,023 1,227,900
Multi-country 474,793 202,474 15,575
Jobs Jobs held by women Access tCO2eq avoided
Almost 10 million jobs created or maintained
519,328 direct jobs
9.2 M indirect jobs
158,955 Jobs held by women
4.2 M Jobs held by women
82% of ex-ante forecasts reached for jobs maintained or created Goal : 635,000 jobs
227 Bn€ in added value recorded in 2020 and generated by the global activity of clients financed by Proparco between 2015 and 2019 (sum of salaries, tax and profits)
Almost 14 million people have benefited from improved access to an essential service
Energy 7,402,161
Health 3,155,531
Financial inclusion 1,753,155
Water and sanitation 805,600
Education 481,567
Telecommunications 90,000
Fight against climate change: 3.4 million tCO2eq avoided In 2020, renewable energy infrastructure projects (28 operational projects) have avoided a volume of CO2e emissions reaching 88% of ex-ante forecasts. This small gap is mainly attributed to setbacks encountered by two clients in deploying projected capacities at appraisal.
3.40 M tCO2eq avoided (Total/year) 3.87 M
88% of ex-ante forecast
Wind 827,868 tCO2eq avoided
Solar 2,571,300 tCO2eq avoided
0-34 Rue du Chemin Vert 75011 Paris
AFD Logo PROPARCO CMJN YD Date : 22/02/2021
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PROPARCO 151, rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris, France Tel.: +33 1 53 44 31 08