4 minute read
Engaging clients toward more positive impacts
Samia Ragued, head of partnership management at Enda Tamweel
“Proparco has contributed to the development of our activity by financing loans, through equity investment (€ 8 million contribution), and also by financing technical support in the scope of a Gender program.”
Along with its financing operations (debt, guarantee or equity stake), Proparco offers its clients capacity-building services in order to strenghten their expertise and know-how and to develop their practices. Thus, they adapt to a more and more competitive local and international environment and take on or deepen a responsible approach from both a social and an environmental perspective.
A strengthened technical assistance offer
Technical assistance (TA) projects consist of providing external expertise to Proparco clients and are complementary to the support proposed more globally by Proparco experts as part of their relations with these clients. This assistance proves essential for enterprises which: develop less common products or are at a very recent stage of development (venture capital/ digital or start-up); offer high social impact products or services (social or inclusive enterprises); operate in countries where the assistance ecosystem is particularly weak (priority poor countries or fragile countries). The Proparco TA offer is classified by sector and by type of actor. It acts as a catalyst to make clients more competitive, responsible, green and inclusive, and thus generate more positive impacts.
Support from Proparco experts
Proparco network Financing/Investment Divisions
Understanding of need based on partner’s nature and their stage of development Research and proposal of solutions adapted to partner’s needs Mobilization of expertise to design the project
Governance - Identification of strengths and weaknesses
- Design of action plan - Capacity building
Financing/Investment - Financial and sectoral expertise - Coordination of all Proparco’s internal expertise
Environmental and social - Identification of project’s E&S risks - Coordination of required specialized external expertise - Design of an action plan Mobilization of expertise in project’s execution phase
Advice/coordination - Advice to client
- Participation in governing bodies
- Coordination of internal expertise
Governance - Support for setup of governance action plan Environmental and Social - Support for setup of E&S action plan
External competence and expertise Project identification
Cofinancing of feasibility studies to better define market needs and adapted tools, prior to project
Due diligence Formalization Implementation
Potential mobilization of technical assistance to accelerate positive impacts of client activities
Support for the development of client strategies and practices Assistance for their commitment to innovation
Determining client’s need during appraisal or monitoring of financial operations
Clarification of the content of the technical assistance and of the most appropriate expertise to meet the need
Approval of the content of technical assistance and of the maximum amount covered by Proparco
Support in recruiting service provider, monitoring the quality of the service and of the impact the technical assistance has in the company
Technical assistance: multifaceted support
Technical assistance is either provided directly to Proparco clients or it is delegated to investment funds which Proparco finances. The assistance mechanism may take the form of: consultancy services; implementation of internal projects carried out by one or more experts; training (thematic workshops, university degree program, external training, etc.); exchange visits between companies and practitioners; studies (feasibility, market, products and diversification, audits, etc.); seminars and crosscutting events. Often cofinanced by the beneficiary enterprise, these activities may be financed from Proparco’s operating budget or from French State resources or those of the European Union. Proparco has been accredited to mobilize European funds since 2015.
Propulse: a brand dedicated to Proparco’s technical assistance offer
In 2019, after a decade of providing assistance, and following its capitalization exercise carried out in 2018, Proparco worked on promoting the technical assistance offer available to clients. This offer is taking shape in the form of the dedicated brand “Propulse”, which will be launched in 2020.By showcasing its results and impacts, Propulse will bring greater visibility to Proparco’s technical assistance offer.
ENDA TAMWEEL: assisting a microfinance institute with its gender approach in Tunisia
Since 2016, Proparco has been supporting the Enda Tamweel microfinance institute in the improvement of its gender approach. This assistance aims to develop a strategy on gender and to adapt the institutional offering of financial and non-financial services. Furthermore, it focuses on capacity building for its personnel, notably in its network, to contribute to defending women’s economic and social rights, thanks to the implementation of good practices and specific tools.
Enda Tamweel proposes academic support programs for children. Enda is a pioneer of microfinance in Tunisia. For 30 years, it has been showing that microcredit is a powerful tool for poverty reduction and economic development. Boosting female entrepreneurship is also at the heart of its mission.