Our actions for SDGs in 2021
SUPPORTING JOBS The private sector’s capacity to create jobs makes it an essential contributor to SDGs. Guaranteeing the development of quality jobs to the whole working-age population while facilitating gender equality is a major challenge that Proparco contributes to via each of its financings. With the projects signed in 2021, 1,423,800 jobs should be supported within a 5 years, i.e. a 77% progression vs 2020. Excluding multi-country projects, 67% of supported jobs in the next 5 years will come from client projects located in low-income countries (378,000 jobs) and lower-middle-income countries (360,000 jobs). 117,600 direct jobs should be created and/or maintained within 5 years, including 44% jobs held by women; the percentage is as much as 60% in low-income and lower-middle-income countries.
Proparco’s Sustainable Development Report 2021