Our approach to promote sustainable development in our operations
Accelerator of impacts
Engaging clients towards more positive impacts Along with its financing operations (debt, guarantee or equity stake), Proparco offers its clients capacity-building services in order to strengthen their expertise and know-how and to develop their practices. Thus, they adapt to an increasingly competitive local and international environment and take on or deepen a responsible approach from both a social and an environmental perspective. Technical assistance services are of particular relevance in environments characterized by a lack of training, information and expertise. PROPULSE thereby supports its clients in achieving lasting and sustainable growth and thus contributing further to economic and social development.
Our mission
“We engage our clients towards more positive impacts by providing them with expertise and know-how tailored to their needs. We help them develop their strategies and practices and support their commitment to innovation.”
PROPULSE may be delivered directly to Proparco’s clients or delegated to the investment funds that Proparco invests in. Various forms of assistance may be cofinanced by Proparco: • Consultancy services; • I mplementation of internal projects carried out by one or several experts; •T raining (thematic workshops, university courses, external training, etc.); • E xchange visits between companies and practitioners; •S tudies (feasibility studies, market studies, product and diversification studies, audits, etc.); • Seminars and crosscutting events. Often cofinanced by the beneficiary enterprise, these activities may be financed from Proparco’s operating budget, from the French State resources, from those of the European Union or Green Climate Fund (as Proparco is an accredited entity able to mobilize delegated funds).
Proparco's Sustainable Development Report 2020
As PROPULSE is generally combined with financial support provided by Proparco to its clients,Technical Assistance (TA) programs must meet the general impact objectives of Proparco, but also those of the various financing/investment programs/tools they are associated with. PROPULSE is essential for companies that: • Develop less common products or are at a very recent stage of development (venture capital/digital or start-up); • Offer high social impact products or services (social or inclusive enterprises); • Operate in countries where the assistance ecosystem is particularly weak (priority poor countries or fragile States). There are three types of TA: Responsibility TA, Performance TA and Impact TA. They are classified by sector of operation and/or by type of player: financial institutions, agriculture/agribusiness, manufacturing sector, investment funds, infrastructure (energy, water, transport, sustainable cities), health, education, start-ups.