1 minute read
Table 6: Examples of indicators of Health
Research has shown that the relationship between sports and health is particularly difficult to prove, sincetheeffectscanbeextremelyindirectattimes.Somestudieshaveneverthelessshownapotential link between sports participation and the prevention of health risks, especially in terms of preventing teen pregnancy.69 It should also be noted that while researchers have thoroughly examined the impactofincreased participationin sports onreducing healthcare costs inthe United Kingdom70 and in the United States,71 this question has rarely been addressed in low-income countries Up to now, research and evaluation studies have been more focused on measuring how sports projects have a directimpacton people's well-being by building individual and collective social capital 72
69 Solomon,N.M. (2002),Girls'ParticipationinSports:AnImportantToolinTeenPregnancyPrevention.PolicyBrief.CaliforniaWomen's LawCenter, Los Angeles, 2002.
70 Cox, S. Game of Life: Howsport and recreationcan help make us healthier, happier and richer. The Sport and Recreation Alliance.
71 Bowles, B., Lankford, J., Lankford, S., Grybovych, O., Fleming, K., Fuller, K., Lankford, J. and Printz, J., (2011), Economic & HealthBenefits ofBicycling in Iowa. Sustainable Tourism and Environment Program, University of Northern Iowa.
72 Downward, P. and Rasciute, S. (2011), Does sportmakeyou happy? An analysis ofthewell‐being derived from sports participation. International Review of Applied Economics, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp. 331-348