Social Safety Nets and Food Insecurity in the Time of COVID-19: Selected MENA Countries

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1. Introduction and Background

The COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the

context, formal and informal social safety nets

number of individuals facing acute food

(SSNs) can play a key role in protecting against

insecurity worldwide in 2020, which stood at

falling into poverty and food insecurity while

about 135 million individuals pre COVID-19 (WFP,

trying to cope with the effect of different

2020). A total of 52 million individuals in the

shocks (Parker & Todd, 2017).

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) were

In this study, we estimate if and to what extent

chronically undernourished in 2019 (WHO,

SSNs affect the incidence of food insecurity in

2020). A total of eight million more individuals

MENA in the time of COVID-19. We endeavor to

are expected to fall into the poverty trap and

answer four research questions. First, what are

be food insecure in the Arab region by the end

the effects of SSN benefits on the food

of 2021 owing to COVID-19 (UN-ESCWA, 2020).

insecurity incidence during COVID-19 in MENA?

As many governments in MENA are able to

Second, what are the differential effects of

secure the adequate supply of food, it appears

support received from the government and

that this food insecurity situation is demand

that from other non-governmental sources on

rather than supply driven, at least in the short-

the food insecurity incidence during COVID-19

term (Erokhin & Gao, 2020). COVID-19 has made

in MENA? Third, have SSNs mitigated the

people vulnerable to food insecurity as they

vulnerability of some subpopulations to food

lost their jobs and income (Egger et al., 2021). As

insecurity as the COVID-19 situation continues?

indicated by the COVID-19 MENA Monitor

Fourth, have SSNs mitigated the effect of food

Household (CMMHH) surveys, about 49% of

insecurity on COVID-19 coping strategies in

Moroccans and 36% of Tunisians reported that

MENA through preventing individuals from

their household’s monthly income decreased


by more than 25% in November 2020 compared

depleting their assets?

to February 2020. About 20% of Egyptians and



sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets

more than 25% in February 2021 compared to a Households


times, have physical and economic access to

household’s monthly income decreased by earlier.


Food security is fulfilled when “all people, at all

28% of Jordanians as well reported that their



their dietary needs and food preferences for an


active and healthy life” (World Food Summit,

income loss typically resort to adverse coping

1996). This definition is at the essence of Sen’s

strategies that can hinder their development

entitlement approach, which emphasizes that

and wipe out efforts made to alleviate poverty.

food security is not just a supply-side issue, but

About 9% of Moroccans, 15% of Tunisians, 18% of

rather a question of distribution of resources

Egyptians, and 9% of Jordanians reported in

and wealth (Sen, 2007). Eliminating food

2020 that they needed to resort to selling

insecurity thus depends on fulfilling four main

assets in the past month as a coping strategy,

pillars: availability, accessibility, utilization, and

according to the CMMHH surveys. In this


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