Millions upon millions of years of evolution has gone by. Yet we continue to pee ourselves laughing about farts. Someone would have thought that it would have become boring by now. A belch is just a gust of wind, that cometh from thy heart, but should it take a dowmvard trend it turns into a fart. One human fart can be louder than a trombone. I unfortunately found that out at mv girlfriend’s concert. Sometimes what I do does take some persistence. People I knowattempt to keep their distance. Truth is I love to fart and therefore some people depart. That is the price I must pay for my gaseous existence.
You absolutely know it was a really powerful fart when your dog wakes up, gives you an utterly disgusted look and then leaves the room. Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Fait and the world stops laughing.
After a burp Bernie said, “Excuse nie, excuse me from the bottom of mv heart-had it come from the other end it would have been a fart. I’ll never say mv girlfriend lias a loud fart. She however will never be hit by a ship. My girlfriend said that when she broke wind at lier yoga class she became so embarrassed that she didn’t know where to look. I said, “Of course you didn’t know where to look because farts are invisible”.
You should never hold your farts in because they may travel all the wayback up into your spine. This is where all of the bad ideas come from.James made a plan to fart. His girlfriend said it’s the only plan he had ever followed through with.
My girlfriend indicated she would like me to spice up things and heat it up in the bedroom. I decided to fart. She ran out of the room and veiled that is not what she meant.
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