How i overcame my binge eating disorder

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INTRODUCTION This book is my personal story about my binge eating disorder. I’m not a professional psychologist or anything of that sort but I believe that my story can help you overcome your binge eating disorder. It will get better. I Promise. I know that right now it seems like it won’t but it will. If I could do it, so can you.

START LOVING YOURSELF It won’t happen overnight. The first thing you need to do is start loving yourself, if you can’t love yourself even just a little bit you won’t make any progress. I know it’s hard, it’s the hardest part of it all, but it’s also the most important part. Unfortunately you cannot decide to you love yourself overnight, it takes time. Start looking at qualities that you love about yourself Instead of judging yourself about your physical appearance. Maybe you’re good at your job, or maybe you have an amazing talent of some sort or maybe you’re just good with people. If you look deep enough you will find endless things that you love about yourself. And just one of these qualities are much more important than your physical appearance. I know that you might not see it this way for now but sometimes we can’t see what really matters. Before you can ever lose weight and change your physical appearance you have to accept this. Guess what? I’m not as fit as I would like to be today, I’m actually far away from my desired body shape and I’m still overweight but I’m happy, I’m losing weight really slowly and I love myself for it and no one can take that away from me. I never thought I could be this happy without having my ideal body shape. But the truth is that the main reason you want to have your ideal body shape and lose weight isn’t because you want to look great, it’s because it will bring you all the emotions that you want to feel like happiness, selfworth, success etc. Maybe you think you will feel like you’re worth more if you lose weight, that’s how I use to feel. While losing weight will bring some of those great qualities to your life, it will not make everything better. You take your first real step when you decide to start loving yourself, and only then will you be able to change other aspects in your life I’m not saying that losing weight isn’t important because it is. But you have to reset your mind and start looking at everything from another perspective. When I started to love myself, I started being less angry at myself when I see my reflection in the mirror, and it also improved my quality of life, It improved the way I look at myself and the way I look at others.

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