Supernatural hero and the zombies

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Supernatural Hero and the Zombies (Book 3): (action and adventure) Translated by Gilah Kahn - H offmann Illustrated by Salit Krac Book 3 in the Supernatural Hero Series

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Chapter One Curse of the Zombies ‘So how do you spot a zombie, when it only takes a second for it to rip off the top of your head?” I ask Tom, who’s got his eye on the plate of cookies. 1f a zombie decides to eat you!’ brain he’ll be chomping away foi’ days, since it’s so huge. Tom gets all puffed up with my compliments and starts spilling out everything he’s discovered about the zombies. And I have to admit, I learn a ton. Foi’ example, zombies especially like to eat your internal organs, so you had really better watch out, because if you’re not careful they’ll eat you alive. Toms all set to meet a zombie during summer vacation. He has such weird ideas. He tells me that his parents always make sure theyre prepared before any conversation with him, because he can always out—talk them, and win any argument with his superior knowledge. He knows so much that he can solve the most complex parabola puzzles. Just one look at that stuff makes mv head spin. I plan to enjoy every minute of this summer vacation. It’s the last one before junior high, and I’m going to niake it the best one I’ve ever had in mv life. That’s how I want to remember it. I have all kinds of great ideas about how Zoe and I can have fun. Lymin, thinks we should spend lots of time at the beach. ‘You should definitely take your girlfriend to the beach! A summer without the beach is no vacation at a11, she says.

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